- Accueil
- Chercheurs
- Dr Michel Laviolette

Domaine de recherche
Physiopathologie de l'asthme chez l'humain, une maladie inflammatoire qui se chronicise avec les changements structuraux.
Description des travaux
Diverses approches sont utilisées pour mieux définir la physiopathologie de l'asthme et, éventuellement, identifier de nouvelles avenues thérapeutiques. Les éosinophiles, leucocytes tissulaires impliqués dans l'inflammation, les cellules structurales de la bronche et les médiateurs et cytokines jouent un rôle crucial dans l'inflammation bronchique asthmatique. Nous étudions 1) les mécanismes de recrutement des éosinophiles dans la muqueuse avec une attention particulière à l'expression et l'activation des protéases par les médiateurs et cytokines, 2) le métabolisme des leucotriènes, puissants bronchoconstricteurs, par les éosinophiles de sujets asthmatiques et normaux, 3) les interactions entre les cellules épithéliales bronchiques obtenues de biopsies bronchiques et les éosinophiles et 4) l'expression de gènes dans la muqueuse bronchique asthmatique en comparaison avec celle de sujets normaux afin d'identifier des voies biologiques encore insoupçonnées dans la cascade inflammatoire de l'asthme.
Prix et distinctions
1- Parker B Francis Foundation Fellowship (Johns Hopkins University) 1989. Conférence Peter Macklem, Association pulmonaire du Québec 2000.
136- Dallaire MJ, Ferland C, Lavigne S, Chakir J, Laviolette M. Migration through basement membrane modulates eosinophil expression of CD44.. Clin Exp Allergy 2002; 32(6):898-905.
- Davoine F, Lavigne S, Chakir J, Ferland C, Boulay ME, Laviolette M. Expression of FcgammaRIII (CD16) on human peripheral blood eosinophils increases in allergic conditions.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2002; 109(3):463-9.
- Ma X, Cheng Z, Kong H, Wang Y, Unruh H, Stephens NL, Laviolette M. Changes in biophysical and biochemical properties of single bronchial smooth muscle cells from asthmatic subjects.. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2002; 283(6):L1181-9.
- Chakir J, Hamid Q, Bossé M, Boulet LP, Laviolette M. Bronchial inflammation in corticosteroid-sensitive and corticosteroid-resistant asthma at baseline and on oral corticosteroid treatment. Clin Exp Allergy 2002; 32(4):578-82.
- Paquette JS, Tremblay P, Bernier V, Auger FA, Laviolette M, Germain L, Boutet M, Boulet LP, Goulet F. Production of tissue-engineered three-dimensional human bronchial models.. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim 2003; 39(5):213-20.
- Turcotte H, Laviolette M, Boutet M, Boulet LP. Variability of inflammatory cell counts on bronchial biopsies of normal subjects. Lung 2003; 181(1):9-21.
- Chakir J, Shannon J, Molet S, Fukakusa M, Elias J, Laviolette M, Boulet LP, Hamid Q. Airway remodeling-associated mediators in moderate to severe asthma: effect of steroids on TGF-beta, IL-11, IL-17, and type I and type III collagen expression.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2003; 111(6):1293-8.
- Gauthier MC, Racine C, Ferland C, Flamand N, Chakir J, Tremblay GM, Laviolette M. Expression of membrane type-4 matrix metalloproteinase (metalloproteinase-17) by human eosinophils. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2003; 35(12):1667-73.
- Dallaire MJ, Ferland C, Pagé N, Lavigne S, Davoine F, Laviolette M. Endothelial cells modulate eosinophil surface markers and mediator release.. Eur Respir J 2003; 21(6):918-24.
- Boulet LP, Cartier A, Ernst P, Larivée P, Laviolette M. Safety and efficacy of HFA-134a beclomethasone dipropionate extra-fine aerosol over six months.. Can Respir J 2004; 11(2):123-30.
- Ferland C, Flamand N, Davoine F, Chakir J, Laviolette M. IL-16 activates plasminogen-plasmin system and promotes human eosinophil migration into extracellular matrix via CCR3-chemokine-mediated signaling and by modulating CD4 eosinophil expression.. J Immunol 2004; 173(7):4417-24.
- Davoine F, Labonté I, Ferland C, Mazer B, Chakir J, Laviolette M. Role and modulation of CD16 expression on eosinophils by cytokines and immune complexes.. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2004; 134(2):165-72.
- Laprise C, Sladek R, Ponton A, Bernier MC, Hudson TJ, Laviolette M. Functional classes of bronchial mucosa genes that are differentially expressed in asthma.. BMC Genomics 2004; 5(1):21.
- Flamand N, Plante H, Picard S, Laviolette M, Borgeat P. Histamine-induced inhibition of leukotriene biosynthesis in human neutrophils: involvement of the H2 receptor and cAMP.. Br J Pharmacol 2004; 141(4):552-61.
- Xuefei MA, Cheng Z, Wang Y, Unruh H, Newman L, Laviolette M. Changes in biophysical and biochemical properties of single bronchial smooth muscle cells from asthmatic subjects. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2002; 283(0):L1181-9.
- Flamand N, Plante H, Picard S, Laviolette M, Borgeat P. Histamine-induced inhibition of leukotriene biosynthesis in human neutrophilis: involvement of the H2 receptor and cAMP.. Br J Pharmacol 2003; 0(0):1-10.
- Lacasse Y, Israël Assayag E, Laviolette M, Cormier Y. Clinical and immunopathological aspects of hypersensitivity pneumonitis.. Rev Mal Respir 2004; 21(4):769-81.
- Paquette JS, Moulin V, Tremblay P, Bernier V, Boutet M, Laviolette M, Auger FA, Boulet LP, Goulet F. Tissue-engineered human asthmatic bronchial equivalents.. Eur Cell Mater 2004; 7(0):1-11; disc.
- Fukakusa M, Bergeron C, Tulic MK, Fiset PO, Al Dewachi O, Laviolette M, Hamid Q, Chakir J. Oral corticosteroids decrease eosinophil and CC chemokine expression but increase neutrophil, IL-8, and IFN-gamma-inducible protein 10 expression in asthmatic airway mucosa.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2005; 115(2):280-6.
- Jayaram L, Pizzichini MM, Cook RJ, Boulet LP, Lemière C, Pizzichini E, Cartier A, Hussack P, Goldsmith CH, Laviolette M, Parameswaran K, Hargreave FE. Determining asthma treatment by monitoring sputum cell counts: effect on exacerbations.. Eur Respir J 2006; 27(3):483-94.
- Guay C, Laviolette M, Tremblay GM. Targeting serine proteases in asthma.. Curr Top Med Chem 2006; 6(4):393-402.
- Pouliot P, Turmel V, Gélinas E, Laviolette M, Bissonnette EY. Interleukin-4 production by human alveolar macrophages.. Clin Exp Allergy 2005; 35(6):804-10.
- Joubert P, Lajoie-Kadoch S, Labonté I, Gounni AS, Maghni K, Wellemans V, Chakir J, Laviolette M, Hamid Q, Lamkhioued B. CCR3 expression and function in asthmatic airway smooth muscle cells.. J Immunol 2005; 175(4):2702-8.
- Boulet LP, Prince P, Turcotte H, Lemière C, Olivenstein R, Laprise C, Larivée P, Bégin P, Laviolette M. Clinical features and airway inflammation in mild asthma versus asymptomatic airway hyperresponsiveness.. Respir Med 2006; 100(3):292-9.
- Davoine F, Ferland C, Chakir J, Lee Joo Eun, Adamko DJ, Moqbel R, Laviolette M. Interleukin-12 inhibits eosinophil degranulation and migration but does not promote eosinophil apoptosis.. Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol 2006; 140(4):277-84.
- Langlois A, Ferland C, Tremblay GM, Laviolette M. Montelukast regulates eosinophil protease activity by a leukotriene-independent mechanism.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2006; 118(1):113-9.
- Bergeron C, Boulet LP, Page N, Laviolette M, Zimmermann N, Rothenberg ME, Hamid Q. Influence of cigarette smoke on the arginine pathway in asthmatic airways: increased expression of arginase I.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2007; 119(2):391-7.
- Jarjour NN, Wilson SJ, Koenig SM, Laviolette M, Moore WC, Davis WB, Doherty DE, Hamid Q, Israel E, Kavuru MS, Ramsdell JW, Tashkin DP, Reilly DS, Yancey SW, Edwards LD, Stauffer JL, Dorinsky PM, Djukanovic R. Control of airway inflammation maintained at a lower steroid dose with 100/50 microg of fluticasone propionate/salmeterol.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2006; 118(1):44-52.
- Plante S, Semlali A, Joubert P, Bissonnette E, Laviolette M, Hamid Q, Chakir J. Mast cells regulate procollagen I (alpha 1) production by bronchial fibroblasts derived from subjects with asthma through IL-4/IL-4 delta 2 ratio.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2006; 117(6):1321-7.
- Tremblay K, Lemire M, Provost V, Pastinen T, Renaud Y, Sandford AJ, Laviolette M, Hudson TJ, Laprise C. Association study between the CX3CR1 gene and asthma.. Genes Immun 2006; 7(8):632-9.
- Kelly MM, Chakir J, Vethanayagam D, Boulet LP, Laviolette M, Gauldie J, O'Byrne PM. Montelukast treatment attenuates the increase in myofibroblasts following low-dose allergen challenge.. Chest 2006; 130(3):741-53.
- Mayse ML, Laviolette M, Rubin AS, Lampron N, Simoff M, Duhamel D, Musani AI, Yung RC, Mehta AC. Clinical pearls for bronchial thermoplasty.. J Bronchol 2007; 14(0):115-24.
- Barnes N, Laviolette M, Allen D, Flood-Page P, Hargreave F, Corris P, O'Connor B, Lindsay C, Parker D, Pavord I. Effects of montelukast compared to double dose budesonide on airway inflammation and asthma control.. Respir Med 2007; 101(8):1652-8.
- Cox G, Thomson NC, Rubin AS, Niven RM, Corris PA, Siersted HC, Olivenstein R, Pavord ID, McCormack D, Chaudhuri R, Miller JD, Laviolette M. Asthma control during the year after bronchial thermoplasty.. N Engl J Med 2007; 356(13):1327-37.
- Blanchet MR, Langlois A, Israël-Assayag E, Beaulieu MJ, Ferland C, Laviolette M, Cormier Y. Modulation of eosinophil activation in vitro by a nicotinic receptor agonist.. J Leukoc Biol 2007; 81(5):1245-51.
- Sears MR, Boulet LP, Laviolette M, Fitzgerald JM, Bai TR, Kaplan A, Smiljanic-Georgijev N, Lee JS. Budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy: impact on airway inflammation in asthma.. Eur Respir J 2008; 31(5):982-9.
- Martel S, Lampron N, Boulet LP, Laviolette M. La thermoplastie bronchique, une nouvelle approche dans le traitement de lasthme.. La lettre du pneumologue 2008; 11(1):6-10.
- Semlali A, Jacques E, Plante S, Biardel S, Milot J, Laviolette M, Boulet LP, Chakir J. TGF-beta1 alters MAPK activation and bronchial epithelial cell proliferation in asthma.. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2008; 38(2):202-8.
- Pavord ID, Cox G, Thomson NC, Rubin AS, Corris PA, Niven RM, Chung KF, Laviolette M. Safety and efficacy of bronchial thermoplasty in symptomatic, severe asthma.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2007; 176(12):1185-91.
- Labonté I, Laviolette M, Olivenstein R, Chakir J, Boulet LP, Hamid Q. Quality of bronchial biopsies for morphology study and cell sampling: a comparison of asthmatic and healthy subjects.. Can Respir J 2008; 15(8):431-5.
- St-Laurent J, Bergeron C, Pagé N, Couture C, Laviolette M, Boulet LP. Influence of smoking on airway inflammation and remodelling in asthma.. Clin Exp Allergy 2008; 38(10):1582-9.
- Tremblay K, Daley D, Chamberland A, Lemire M, Montpetit A, Laviolette M, Musk AW, James AL, Chan-Yeung M, Becker A, Kozyrskyj AL, Sandford AJ, Hudson TJ, Paré PD, Laprise C. Genetic variation in immune signaling genes differentially expressed in asthmatic lung tissues.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2008; 122(3):529-36.
- Léguillette R, Laviolette M, Bergeron C, Zitouni N, Kogut P, Solway J, Kachmar L, Hamid Q, Lauzon AM. Myosin, transgelin, and myosin light chain kinase: expression and function in asthma.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2009; 179(3):194-204.
- Langlois A, Chouinard F, Flamand N, Ferland C, Rola-Pleszczynski M, Laviolette M. Crucial implication of protein kinase C (PKC)-delta, PKC-zeta, ERK-1/2, and p38 MAPK in migration of human asthmatic eosinophils.. J Leukoc Biol 2009; 85(4):656-63.
- Chamberland A, Madore AM, Tremblay K, Laviolette M, Laprise C. A comparison of two sets of microarray experiments to define allergic asthma expression pattern.. Exp Lung Res 2009; 35(5):399-410.
- Labonté I, Hassan M, Risse PA, Tsuchiya K, Laviolette M, Lauzon AM, Martin JG. The effects of repeated allergen challenge on airway smooth muscle structural and molecular remodeling in a rat model of allergic asthma.. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2009; 297(4):L698-705.
- Boulet LP, Turcotte H, Prince P, Lemière C, Olivenstein R, Laprise C, Larivée P, Bégin P, Laviolette M. Benefits of low-dose inhaled fluticasone on airway response and inflammation in mild asthma.. Respir Med 2009; 103(10):1554-63.
- Castro M, Rubin AS, Laviolette M, Fiterman J, De Andrade Lima M, Shah PL, Fiss E, Olivenstein R, Thomson NC, Niven RM, Pavord ID, Simoff M, Duhamel DR, McEvoy C, Barbers R, Ten Hacken NH, Wechsler ME, Holmes M, Phillips MJ, Erzurum S, Lunn W, Israel E, Jarjour N, Kraft M, Shargill NS, Quiring J, Berry SM, Cox G, . Effectiveness and safety of bronchial thermoplasty in the treatment of severe asthma: a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled clinical trial.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2010; 181(2):116-24.
- Madore AM, Perron S, Turmel V, Laviolette M, Bissonnette EY, Laprise C. Alveolar macrophages in allergic asthma: an expression signature characterized by heat shock protein pathways.. Hum Immunol 2010; 71(2):144-50.
- Chakir J, Loubaki L, Laviolette M, Milot J, Biardel S, Jayaram L, Pizzichini M, Pizzichini E, Hargreave FE, Nair P, Boulet LP. Monitoring sputum eosinophils in mucosal inflammation and remodelling: a pilot study.. Eur Respir J 2010; 35(1):48-53.
- Semlali A, Jacques E, Rouabhia M, Milot J, Laviolette M, Chakir J. Regulation of epithelial cell proliferation by bronchial fibroblasts obtained from mild asthmatic subjects.. Allergy 2010; 65(11):1438-45.
- Djukanovic R, Wilson SJ, Moore WC, Koenig SM, Laviolette M, Bleecker ER, Davis WB, Doherty DE, Olivenstein R, Israel E, Kavuru MS, Kleerup E, Reilly DS, Yancey SW, Edwards LD, Stauffer JL, Dorinsky PM, Jarjour NN. Montelukast added to fluticasone propionate does not alter inflammation or outcomes.. Respir Med 2010; 104(10):1425-35.
- Chouinard F, Lefebvre JS, Navarro P, Bouchard L, Ferland C, Lalancette-Hébert M, Marsolais D, Laviolette M, Flamand N. The endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol activates human neutrophils: critical role of its hydrolysis and de novo leukotriene B4 biosynthesis.. J Immunol 2011; 186(5):3188-96.
- Thomson NC, Rubin AS, Niven RM, Corris PA, Siersted HC, Olivenstein R, Pavord ID, McCormack D, Laviolette M, Shargill NS, Cox G, AIR Trial Study Group: Cardoso PG, Cavalcanti M, Soares PR, Zelmanovitz S, Nair P, Goodwin S, Keogh S, Kjarsgard M, Bourbeau J, Houghton F, Mangaser R, Patterson N, Metha S, Howard J, MacBean L, Martel S, Boulet LP, Savord S, Morel L, Trepanier L, Rasmussen F, Christensen HM, Bicknell S, Chaudhuri R, Hothersall E, Lafferty J, Jarvis J, Prys-Picard C, Fletcher G, Fletcher A, Higgins B, Small T, Foggo B, Mackay L, Parker S, Berry M, Shaw D, Haldar P, Charalambou A, Hopkin M, Raj A, Yousaf N, Goodman N, Armstrong B, Quiring J, Busse W, Schellenberg R, Berry S, Slutsky AS.. Long-term (5 year) safety of bronchial thermoplasty: Asthma Intervention Research (AIR) trial.. BMC Pulm Med 2011; 11(0):8.
- Bossé Y, Sin D, Laviolette M, Sandford A, Hogg J, Daley D, Franke L, Nickle D, Hao K, Timens W, Postma D, Pare P. Hypothesis-driven research on genomic data derived from a large scale lung EQTL mapping study.. WebmedCentral LUNG 2010; 1(9):WMC00724.
- Schaafsma D, McNeill KD, Mutawe MM, Ghavami S, Unruh H, Jacques E, Laviolette M, Chakir J, Halayko AJ. Simvastatin inhibits TGF?1-induced fibronectin in human airway fibroblasts.. Respir Res 2011; 12(0):113.
- Castro M, Rubin A, Laviolette M, Hanania NA, Armstrong B, Cox G, AIR2 Trial Study Group: Holmes M, Jersmann H, Robinson P, Herewane K, Phillips M, Morey S, Rubin AS, Cavalcanti M, Soares P, Fiterman J, Tonietto V, Maraschin F, Kahan F, Cavalet Blanco D, Fiss E, Rufino C, Squassoni S, Lapa e Silva JR, De Andrade Lima M, Laviolette M, Martel S, Boulet LP, Lampron N, Trépanier L, Olivenstein R, Fugere C, Cox GT, Miller J, Travis G, Goodwin S, ten Hacken NH, Slebos DJ, Klooster K, Niven R, Pickering T, Fletcher G, Thomson N, Bicknell S, Spears M, Chaudhuri R, Lafferty J, Pavord I, Luck J, Goodman N, Shah PL, Singh S, Lai D, Davies G, Caneja C, Mansur AH, Webber L, Sterman D, Sims M, Russell B, Simoff M, Zoratti E, Ray C, Bibbs W, Rolando-Almario R, Noth I, Hogarth K, Strek M, Brown C, Sardin L, Kraft M, Beaver D, Hanania N, Atik M, Wechsler M, Israel E, Marigowda G, Duhamel D, Hales J, Zimmet S, Obeid M, Yung R, Hansel N, Castro M, Tarsi J, Koch T, Erzurum S, Mehta A, Gildea T, Dweik R, Laskowski D, Baaklini M, Barbers R, Kline J, Sprenger K, Louie B, Vallieres E, Aye R, Anderson L, Gorden J, Reese J, McEvoy C, Graven K, Adams A, Woodruff N, Leeds W, Ludlow L, Nicklin S, Quiring J, Armstrong B.. Persistence of effectiveness of bronchial thermoplasty in patients with severe asthma.. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2011; 107(1):65-70.
- Bougault V, Loubaki L, Joubert P, Turmel J, Couture C, Laviolette M, Chakir J, Boulet LP. Airway remodeling and inflammation in competitive swimmers training in indoor chlorinated swimming pools.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2012; 129(2):351-8, 358.e1.
- Shah PL, Slebos DJ, Cardoso PF, Cetti E, Voelker K, Levine B, Russell ME, Goldin J, Brown M, Cooper JD, Sybrecht GW; EASE trial study group (Shah PL, Alexander D, Cuerden E, Dusmet M, Hind M, Hopkinson NS, Kemp S, Kon OM, Polkey MI, Slebos DJ, Douma R, Kerstjens H, Vennik P, Klooster K, Smidt A, Snijders S, Cardoso PF, Rubin A, Berto P, Cavalcanti M, Spilimbergo FB, Frosi F, Schmitt M, Soares PR, Voelker K, Ferreira G, Horiuchi T, Morgan K, Bradley M, Clapp N, Gormley K, Miller A, Pope-Nix K, Levine B, Baratz D, Comp R, Gotfried M, Ross B, DeLaCruz V, Fu L, Harker S, Sybrecht G, Franzen K, Gröschel A, Rentz K, Wilkens H, Schaeck I, Sollgan M, Weingard B, Leeds W, Ludlow L, Malik O, Nicklin S, Griggs D, Maxfield R, Bulman W, DiMango A, Lederer D, Brogan F, Jellen P, Burghuber O, Koller H, Valipour A, Firlinger I, Ruis M, Hazelrigg S, Boley T, Christy J, Leslie C, Ernst A, Michaud G, DeCamp M, Dea A, Carbone C, Kopman D, Mulkern P, Lima M, Cardoso AP, Silva JR, Szlko A, Luduvice M, Rodrigues L, Simoff M, McCann-Swiderek J, Ray C, Tatem G, Almario R, Bibbs W, Dempsey K, Gay S, Bauman K, Chan K, Chang A, Martinez F, Majors C, Musani A, Make B, McPeak K, Rhodes D, McLennan G, Baker K, Ferguson S, Thomas K, Chapman A, Keating J, Pirotte P, Sprenger K, Losso L, Gasques S, Vieira TF, Chan A, Avdalovic M, Albertson T, Allen R, Harper R, Morrissey B, Stollenwerk N, Algaze S, Chaldekas K, Juarez M, Kelly M, Snell G, Keating D, Westall G, Whitford H, Williams T, Dunn T, Fowler S, Holsworth L, Levvey B, Manterfield C, Wahidi M, D'Amico T, Kraft M, Lugogo N, Shofer S, Willis C, Beaver D, Beyea M, Foss C, Hathcock C, Stiles J, Parmar J, Davies M, Wat D, Millington-Parrish H, Mitchell A, Kucharczuk J, Gillepsie C, Haas A, Sterman D, McConville H, Kromplewski M, Riggs J, Thompson S, Tillis W, Whitten PE, Dorrington M, Hartwig KL, Scott AL, Egan J, Adamali H, Bartosik W, Judge E, Tuohy M, Vapra Y, Bolger C, Lawrie I, Murphy L, Winward S, Mosenifar Z, Balfe D, Chaux G, Falk J, Lewis M, Geaga C, Freiler L, Sellman R, Bekemeyer WB, Holle R, Lemire S, Hoffman K, Krininger B, Van Gundy K, Bilello K, Evans T, Joseph J, Peterson M, Blaauw J, Garcia R, Newton J, Brisland C, Fleischer K, Fruci C, Inayat N, Collier M, Connolly M, Holladay M, Pine L, McCormack D, Farquhar D, Halko S, Licskai C, MacBean L, Strapp R, Bechara R, Berkowitz D, Miller D, Parks C, Perez R, Wolfenden L, Guidot J, Perez T, Ross C, Laviolette M, Maltais F, Martel S, Milot J, Belanger M, Breton MJ, Trepanier L, Gildea T, Machuzak M, Mann B, Mason D, Mehta A, Minai O, Murthy S, Krizmanich G, Meli Y, Parambil J, Rice R, Herth F, Eberhardt R, Kappes J, Rump B, Stanzel F, Littersk P, Shen KR, Cassivi S, Edell E, Kaira S, Mithun D, Utz J, Wigle D, Mieras K, Flandes J, Fernandez-Navamuel I, Heili S, Nieto MJ). Bronchoscopic lung-volume reduction with Exhale airway stents for emphysema (EASE trial): randomised, sham-controlled, multicentre trial.. Lancet 2011; 378(9795):997-1005.
- Hao K, Bossé Y, Nickle DC, Paré PD, Postma DS, Laviolette M, Sandford A, Hackett TL, Daley D, Hogg JC, Elliott WM, Couture C, Lamontagne M, Brandsma CA, van den Berge M, Koppelman G, Reicin AS, Nicholson DW, Malkov V, Derry JM, Suver C, Tsou JA, Kulkarni A, Zhang C, Vessey R, Opiteck GJ, Curtis SP, Timens W, Sin DD. Lung eQTLs to help reveal the molecular underpinnings of asthma.. PLoS Genet 2012; 8(11):e1003029.
- Bossé Y, Postma DS, Sin DD, Lamontagne M, Couture C, Gaudreault N, Joubert P, Wong V, Elliott M, van den Berge M, Brandsma CA, Tribouley C, Malkov V, Tsou JA, Opiteck GJ, Hogg JC, Sandford AJ, Timens W, Paré PD, Laviolette M. Molecular signature of smoking in human lung tissues.. Cancer Res 2012; 72(15):3753-63.
- Boulet LP, Laviolette M. Is there a role for bronchial thermoplasty in the treatment of asthma?. Can Respir J 2012; 19(3):191-2.
- Provost V, Langlois A, Chouinard F, Rola-Pleszczynski M, Chakir J, Flamand N, Laviolette M. Leukotriene D4 and interleukin-13 cooperate to increase the release of eotaxin-3 by airway epithelial cells.. PLoS One 2012; 7(8):e43544.
- Vaillancourt VT, Bordeleau M, Laviolette M, Laprise C. From expression pattern to genetic association in asthma and asthma-related phenotypes.. BMC Res Notes 2012; 5(0):630.
- Provost V, Larose MC, Langlois A, Rola-Pleszczynski M, Flamand N, Laviolette M. CCL26/eotaxin-3 is more effective to induce the migration of eosinophils of asthmatics than CCL11/eotaxin-1 and CCL24/eotaxin-2.. J Leukoc Biol 2013; 94(2):213-22.
- Laviolette M, Gossage DL, Gauvreau G, Leigh R, Olivenstein R, Katial R, Busse WW, Wenzel S, Wu Y, Datta V, Kolbeck R, Molfino NA.. Effects of benralizumab on airway eosinophils in asthmatic patients with sputum eosinophilia.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2013; 132(5):1086-96.e5.
- Wechsler ME, Laviolette M, Rubin AS, Fiterman J, Lapa E Silva JR, Shah PL, Fiss E, Olivenstein R, Thomson NC, Niven RM, Pavord ID, Simoff M, Hales JB, McEvoy C, Slebos DJ, Holmes M, Phillips MJ, Erzurum SC, Hanania NA, Sumino K, Kraft M, Cox G, Sterman DH, Hogarth K, Kline JN, Mansur AH, Louie BE, Leeds WM, Barbers RG, Austin JH, Shargill NS, Quiring J, Armstrong B, Castro M; for the Asthma Intervention Research 2 Trial Study Group.. Bronchial thermoplasty: Long-term safety and effectiveness in patients with severe persistent asthma.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2013; 132(6):1295-302.
- Pavord ID, Thomson NC, Niven RM, Corris PA, Chung KF, Cox G, Armstrong B, Shargill NS, Laviolette M; Research in Severe Asthma Trial Study Group [Boulet LP parmi les 29 collaborateurs).. Safety of bronchial thermoplasty in patients with severe refractory asthma.. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2013; 111(5):402-7.
- Lamontagne M, Couture C, Postma DS, Timens W, Sin DD, Paré PD, Hogg JC, Nickle D, Laviolette M, Bossé Y.. Refining Susceptibility Loci of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with Lung eqtls.. PLoS One 2013; 8(7):e70220.
- Bérubé JC, Lamontagne M, Couture C, Nickle D, Timens W, Postma DS, Sin DD, Paré PD, Laviolette M, Bossé Y.. Genome-wide genetic ancestry measurements to predict lung function in European populations.. Eur Respir J 2013; 42(4):1144-7.
- Arron JR, Choy DF, Laviolette M, Kelsen SG, Hatab A, Leigh R, Thomson NC, Bleecker ER, Olivenstein R, Avila PC, Jarjour NN, Castro M, Gauvreau GM, Good JT, Kline JN, Mansur A, Mayers I, Heaney LG, Hamid Q, Harris JM.. Disconnect between sputum neutrophils and other measures of airway inflammation in asthma.. Eur Respir J 2014; 43(2):627-9.
- Bissonnette EY, Madore AM, Chakir J, Laviolette M, Boulet LP, Hamid Q, Bergeron C, Maghni K, Laprise C.. Fibroblast growth factor-2 is a sputum remodeling biomarker of severe asthma.. J Asthma 2014; 51(2):119-26.
- Wilson SJ, Rigden HM, Ward JA, Laviolette M, Jarjour NN, Djukanovi? R. The relationship between eosinophilia and airway remodelling in mild asthma.. Clin Exp Allergy 2013; 43(12):1342-50.
- Larose MC, Turcotte C, Chouinard F, Ferland C, Martin C, Provost V, Laviolette M, Flamand N.. Mechanisms of human eosinophil migration induced by the combination of IL-5 and the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014; 133(5):1480-2.
- Akhabir L, Bérubé JC, Bossé Y, Laviolette M, Hao K, Nickle DC, Timens W, Sin DD, Paré PD, Postma DS, Sandford AJ. Lung expression quantitative trait loci data set identifies important functional polymorphisms in the asthma-associated IL1RL1 region.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014; 134(3):729-31.
- Morissette MC, Lamontagne M, Bérubé JC, Gaschler G, Williams A, Yauk C, Couture C, Laviolette M, Hogg JC, Timens W, Halappanavar S, Stampfli MR, Bossé Y. Impact of cigarette smoke on the human and mouse lungs: a gene-expression comparison study.. PLoS One 2014; 9(3):e92498.
- Gauvreau GM, Boulet LP, Cockcroft DW, FitzGerald JM, Mayers I, Carlsten C, Laviolette M, Killian KJ, Davis BE, Larché M, Kipling C, Dua B, Mosesova S, Putnam W, Zheng Y, Scheerens H, McClintock D, Matthews JG, O'Byrne PM. OX40L blockade and allergen-induced airway responses in subjects with mild asthma.. Clin Exp Allergy 2014; 44(1):29-37.
- Bel EH, Wenzel SE, Thompson PJ, Prazma CM, Keene ON, Yancey SW, Ortega HG, Pavord ID; SIRIUS Investigators (Collaborators: Gibson P, Sajkov D, Thompson P, Laviolette M, Lemiere C, Nair P, Bystron J, Chlumsky J, Kindlova A, Kolek V, Pauk N, Aubier M, Bourdin A, De Blay F, Donazzolo Y, Magnan A, Ballenberger S, Beck E, Hoffmann M, Korn S, Kornmann O, Ludwig-Sengpiel A, Rolke M, Schroeder-Babo W, Hernández-Colín DD, Bel EH, ten Brinke A, Mroz R, Pulka G, Howarth P, Mortimer K, Pavord I, Spencer D, Castro M, Chupp G, Katial R, Meltzer S, Wenzel S). Oral glucocorticoid-sparing effect of mepolizumab in eosinophilic asthma.. N Engl J Med 2014; 371(13):1189-97.
- Dombret MC, Alagha K, Boulet LP, Brillet YP, Joos G, Laviolette M, Louis R, Rochat T, Soccal P, Aubier M, Chanez P.. Bronchial thermoplasty: a new therapeutic option for the treatment of severe, uncontrolled asthma in adults.. Eur Respir J 2014; 23(134):510-8.
- Chanez P, Boulet LP, Brillet PY, Joos G, Laviolette M, Louis R, Rochat T, Soccal P, Aubier M.. [Bronchial thermoplasty in the treatment of severe adult asthma].. Rev Mal Respir 2015; 32(2):97-109.
- Mailhot-Larouche S, Lachance M, Bullone M, Henry C, Dandurand RJ, Boulet LP, Laviolette M, King GG, Farah CS, Bossé Y. Assessment of airway distensibility by the forced oscillation technique: Reproducible and potentially simplifiable.. Front Physiol 2017; 8(0):223.
- Ortega HG, Liu MC, Pavord ID, Brusselle GG, FitzGerald JM, Chetta A, Humbert M, Katz LE, Keene ON, Yancey SW, Chanez P; MENSA Investigators (Collaborateurs: Ardusso L, De Salvo M, Raso E, Rey L, Rodriguez A, Scherbovsky PS, Wehbe L, Bardin P, Gibson P, Robinson P, Sajkov D, Thompson P, Brusselle G, Dupont L, Louis R, Michel O, Bergeron C, Bhutani M, FitzGerald JM, Houle PA, Killian K, Killorn P, Laviolette M, Leigh R, Lemiere C, Martin J, Pek B, Sharma S, Bisbal C, Patricio M, Saavedra R, Silva Orellana R, Vargas S, Bourdin A, Chanez P, Deschildre A, Devouassoux G, Humbert M, Paganin F, Verdier S, Wallaert B, Ballenberger S, Beck E, Ehlers M, Foerster K, Hofmann S, Illies G, Keller C, Korn S, Kornmann O, Rolke M, Schroeder-Babo W, Zielen S, Baglioni S, Canonica GW, Chetta A, Foschino Barbaro M, Idotta G, Mereu C, Paggiaro P, Sofia M, Agnese SA, Fukushima Y, Haida M, Harada T, Hataji O, Hozawa S, Kaneko N, Kato M, Kikuchi K, Kinoshita M, Kishaba T, Matsumoto M, Matsuoka H, Mori M, Nakatani Y, Odajima H, Oki K, Saito T, Ekino H, Shimoda T, Tohyama K, Tsuburai T, Tsuda T, Yamazaki Y, Choi BW, Jung KS, Kim MK, Koh YI, Lee YC, Lee SP, Lee KH, Park CS, Park HS, Park JW, Yong SJ, Díaz-Castañon JJ, Garza-Ruiz JA, Gazca-Aguilar A, Ramirez-Venegas A, Goryachkina L, Ignatova G, Ilkovich Y, Shaporova N, Cisneros Serrano C, De Teresa Parreño L, Domingo Ribas C, Echave-Sustaeta JM, Picado Valles C, Ramos Barbon D, Blazhko V, Feshchenko Y, Iashyna L, Molodtsov V, Stanislavchuk M, Barnes N, Howarth P, Masoli M, Saralaya D, Shepherd M, Assa'ad A, Bernstein D, Bleecker E, Bridges T, Chupp G, Craig T, Dransfield M, Fahrenholz J 2nd, Gleich G, Hagan J, Katial R, Khatri S, Khurana S, Klein R, Liu M, Lugogo N, Patel A, Sher L, Skloot G). Mepolizumab treatment in patients with severe eosinophilic asthma.. N Engl J Med 2014; 371(13):1198-207.
- Lamontagne M, Timens W, Hao K, Bossé Y, Laviolette M, Steiling K, Campbell JD, Couture C, Conti M, Sherwood K, Hogg JC, Brandsma CA, van den Berge M, Sandford A, Lam S, Lenburg ME, Spira A, Paré PD, Nickle D, Sin DD, Postma DS.. Genetic regulation of gene expression in the lung identifies CST3 and CD22 as potential causal genes for airflow obstruction.. Thorax 2014; 69(11):997-1004.
- Nguyen JD, Lamontagne M, Couture C, Conti M, Paré PD, Sin DD, Hogg JC, Nickle D, Postma DS, Timens W, Laviolette M, Bossé Y.. Susceptibility loci for lung cancer are associated with mRNA levels of nearby genes in the lung.. Carcinogenesis 2014; 35(12):2653-9.
- Brandsma CA, van den Berge M, Postma DS, Jonker MR, Brouwer S, Paré PD, Sin DD, Bossé Y, Laviolette M, Karjalainen J, Fehrmann RS, Nickle DC, Hao K, Spanjer AI, Timens W, Franke L.. A large lung gene expression study identifying fibulin-5 as a novel player in tissue repair in COPD.. Thorax 2015; 70(1):21-32.
- Saferali A, Obeidat M, Bérubé JC, Lamontagne M, Bossé Y, Laviolette M, Hao K, Nickle DC, Timens W, Sin DD, Postma DS, Strug LJ, Gallins PJ, Paré PD, Bingle CD, Sandford AJ.. Polymorphisms Associated with Expression of BPIFA1/BPIFB1 and Lung Disease Severity in Cystic Fibrosis.. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2015; 53(5):607-14.
- Balenga NA, Klichinsky M, Xie Z, Chan EC, Zhao M, Jude J, Laviolette M, Panettieri RA Jr, Druey KM. A fungal protease allergen provokes airway hyper-responsiveness in asthma.. Nat Commun 2015; 6(0):6763.
- Vachani A, Pass HI, Rom WN, Midthun DE, Edell ES, Laviolette M, Li XJ, Fong PY, Hunsucker SW, Hayward C, Mazzone PJ, Madtes DK, Miller YE, Walker MG, Shi J, Kearney P, Fang KC, Massion PP. Validation of a multiprotein plasma classifier to identify benign lung nodules.. J Thorac Oncol 2015; 10(4):629-37.
- Larose MC, Chakir J, Archambault AS, Joubert P, Provost V, Laviolette M, Flamand N.. Correlation between CCL26 production by human bronchial epithelial cells and airway eosinophils: Involvement in patients with severe eosinophilic asthma.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2015; 136(4):904-13.
- Obeidat M, Hao K, Bossé Y, Nickle DC, Nie Y, Postma DS, Laviolette M, Sandford AJ, Daley DD, Hogg JC, Elliott WM, Fishbane N, Timens W, Hysi PG, Kaprio J, Wilson JF, Hui J, Rawal R, Schulz H, Stubbe B, Hayward C, Polasek O, Järvelin MR, Zhao JH, Jarvis D, Kähönen M, Franceschini N, North KE, Loth DW, Brusselle GG, Smith AV, Gudnason V, Bartz TM, Wilk JB, O'Connor GT, Cassano PA, Tang W, Wain LV, Artigas MS, Gharib SA, Strachan DP, Sin DD, Tobin MD, London SJ, Hall IP, Paré PD. Molecular mechanisms underlying variations in lung function: a systems genetics analysis.. Lancet Respir Med 2015; 3(10):782-95.
- Chakir J, Haj-Salem I, Gras D, Joubert P, Beaudoin ÈL, Biardel S, Lampron N, Martel S, Chanez P, Boulet LP, Laviolette M. Effects of Bronchial Thermoplasty on Airway Smooth Muscle and Collagen Deposition in Asthma.. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2015; 12(11):1612-8.
- Lane J, van Eeden SF, Obeidat M, Sin DD, Tebbutt SJ, Timens W, Postma DS, Laviolette M, Paré PD, Bossé Y. Impact of Statins on Gene Expression in Human Lung Tissues.. PLoS One 2015; 10(11):e0142037.
- Silkoff PE, Strambu I, Laviolette M, Singh D, FitzGerald JM, Lam S, Kelsen S, Eich A, Ludwig-Sengpiel A, Hupp GC, Backer V, Porsbjerg C, Girodet PO, Berger P, Leigh R, Kline JN, Dransfield M, Calhoun W, Hussaini A, Khatri S, Chanez P, Susulic VS, Barnathan ES, Curran M, Das AM, Brodmerkel C, Baribaud F, Loza MJ. Asthma characteristics and biomarkers from the Airways Disease Endotyping for Personalized Therapeutics (ADEPT) longitudinal profiling study.. Respir Res 2015; 16(0):142.
- Bérubé JC, Gaudreault N, Lavoie-Charland E, Sbarra L, Henry C, Madore AM, Paré PD, van den Berge M, Nickle D, Laviolette M, Laprise C, Boulet LP, Bossé Y. Identification of Susceptibility Genes of Adult Asthma in French Canadian Women.. Can Respir J 2016; 2016(0):3564341.
- Turcotte C, Blanchet MR, Laviolette M, Flamand N. The CB2 receptor and its role as a regulator of inflammation.. Cell Mol Life Sci 2016; 73(23):4449-4470.
- Turcotte C, Blanchet MR, Laviolette M, Flamand N. Impact of Cannabis, Cannabinoids, and Endocannabinoids in the Lungs.. Front Pharmacol 2016; 7(0):317.
- Lamontagne M, Joubert P, Timens W, Postma DS, Hao K, Nickle D, Sin DD, Pare PD, Laviolette M, Bossé Y. Susceptibility genes for lung diseases in the major histocompatibility complex revealed by lung expression quantitative trait loci analysis.. Eur Respir J 2016; 48(2):573-6.
- Salem IH, Boulet LP, Biardel S, Lampron N, Martel S, Laviolette M, Chakir J. Long-Term Effects of Bronchial Thermoplasty on Airway Smooth Muscle and Reticular Basement Membrane Thickness in Severe Asthma.. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2016; 13(8):1426-8.
- Gauvreau GM, Arm JP, Boulet LP, Leigh R, Cockcroft DW, Davis BE, Mayers I, FitzGerald JM, Dahlen B, Killian KJ, Laviolette M, Carlsten C, Lazarinis N, Watson RM, Milot J, Swystun V, Bowen M, Hui L, Lantz AS, Meiser K, Maahs S, Lowe PJ, Skerjanec A, Drollmann A, O'Byrne PM. Efficacy and safety of multiple doses of QGE031 (ligelizumab) versus omalizumab and placebo in inhibiting allergen-induced early asthmatic responses.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2016; 138(4):1051-1059.
- Nieuwenhuis MA, Vonk JM, Himes BE, Sarnowski C, Minelli C, Jarvis D, Bouzigon E, Nickle DC, Laviolette M, Sin D, Weiss ST, van den Berge M, Koppelman GH, Postma DS. PTTG1IP and MAML3, novel genomewide association study genes for severity of hyperresponsiveness in adult asthma.. Allergy 2017; 72(5):792-801.
- Silkoff PE, Laviolette M, Singh D, FitzGerald JM, Kelsen S, Backer V, Porsbjerg C, Girodet PO, Berger P, Kline JN, Khatri S, Chanez P, Susulic VS, Barnathan ES, Baribaud F, Loza MJ. Longitudinal stability of asthma characteristics and biomarkers from the Airways Disease Endotyping for Personalized Therapeutics (ADEPT) study.. Respir Res 2016; 17(0):43.
- Turcotte C, Zarini S, Jean S, Martin C, Murphy RC, Marsolais D, Laviolette M, Blanchet MR, Flamand N. The Endocannabinoid Metabolite Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)-Glycerol Inhibits Human Neutrophil Functions: Involvement of Its Hydrolysis into PGE2 and EP Receptors.. J Immunol 2017; 198(8):3255-3263.
- Boulet LP, Laviolette M. Acute effects of bronchial thermoplasty: a matter of concern or an indicator of possible benefit to small airways?. Eur Respir J 2017; 49(3):1700029.
- Archambault AS, Turcotte C, Martin C, Lefebvre JS, Provost V, Laviolette M, Flamand N. Leukotriene B? Metabolism and p70S6 Kinase 1 Inhibitors: PF-4708671 but Not LY2584702 Inhibits CYP4F3A and the ?-Oxidation of Leukotriene B? In Vitro and In Cellulo.. PLoS One 2017; 12(1):e0169804.
- Silkoff PE, Laviolette M, Singh D, FitzGerald JM, Kelsen S, Backer V, Porsbjerg CM, Girodet PO, Berger P, Kline JN, Chupp G, Susulic VS, Barnathan ES, Baribaud F, Loza MJ. Identification of airway mucosal type 2 inflammation by using clinical biomarkers in asthmatic patients.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2017; 140(3):710-9.
- Morin A, Laviolette M, Pastinen T, Boulet LP, Laprise C. Combining omics data to identify genes associated with allergic rhinitis.. Clin Epigenetics 2017; 9(0):3.
- Ferguson GT, FitzGerald JM, Bleecker ER, Laviolette M, Bernstein D, LaForce C, Mansfield L, Barker P, Wu Y, Jison M, Goldman M. Benralizumab for patients with mild to moderate, persistent asthma (BISE): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial.. Lancet Respir Med 2017; 5(7):568-576.
- Chupp G, Laviolette M, Cohn L, McEvoy C, Bansal S, Shifren A, Khatri S, Grubb GM, McMullen E, Strauven R, Kline JN. Long-term outcomes of bronchial thermoplasty in subjects with severe asthma: a comparison of 3-year follow-up results from two prospective multicentre studies.. Eur Respir J 2017; 50(2):1700017.
- Basu T, Seyedmousavi S, Sugui JA, Balenga N, Zhao M, Kwon Chung KJ, Biardel S, Laviolette M, Druey KM. Aspergillus fumigatus alkaline protease 1 (Alp1/Asp f13) in the airways correlates with asthma severity.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2018; 141(1):423-425.e7.
- Larose MC, Archambault AS, Provost V, Laviolette M, Flamand N. Regulation of Eosinophil and Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell Trafficking in Asthma.. Front Med (Lausanne) 2017; 4(0):136.
- Lamontagne M, Bérubé JC, Obeidat M, Cho MH, Hobbs BD, Sakornsakolpat P, de Jong K, Boezen HM, Nickle D, Hao K, Timens W, van den Berge M, Joubert P, Laviolette M, Sin DD, Paré PD, Bossé Y. Leveraging lung tissue transcriptome to uncover candidate causal genes in COPD genetic associations.. Hum Mol Genet 2018; 27(10):1819-29.
- Archambault AS, Turcotte C, Martin C, Provost V, Larose MC, Laprise C, Chakir J, Bissonnette É, Laviolette M, Bossé Y, Flamand N. Comparison of eight 15-lipoxygenase (LO) inhibitors on the biosynthesis of 15-LO metabolites by human neutrophils and eosinophils.. PLoS One 2018; 13(8):e0202424.
- Larouche M, Gagné-Ouellet V, Boucher-Lafleur AM, Larose MC, Plante S, Madore AM, Laviolette M, Flamand N, Chakir J, Laprise C. Methylation profiles of IL33 and CCL26 in bronchial epithelial cells are associated with asthma.. Epigenomics 2018; 10(12):1555-1568.
- Clemenceau A, Gaudreault N, Henry C, Ugalde Figueroa PA, Labbé C, Laviolette M, Joubert P, Bossé Y. Tumor-based gene expression biomarkers to predict survival following curative intent resection for stage I lung adenocarcinoma.. PLoS One 2018; 13(11):e0207513.
- Bougault V, Odashiro P, Turmel J, Orain M, Laviolette M, Joubert P, Boulet LP. Changes in airway inflammation and remodelling in swimmers after quitting sport competition.. Clin Exp Allergy 2018; 48(12):1748-1751.
- Biardel S, Racine C, Fortier Y, Mogas AK, Maillé É, Brochiero E, Maltais F, Lauzon AM, Tse SM, Laprise C, Joubert P, Rousseau É, Bissonnette É, Laviolette M, Bossé Y, Rousseau S.. The Quebec Respiratory Health Network Biobank. Open J Bioresour 2018; 5(0):53.
- Haj Salem I, Gras D, Joubert P, Boulet LP, Lampron N, Martel S, Godbout K, Chanez P, Laviolette M, Chakir J. Persistent Reduction of Mucin Production after Bronchial Thermoplasty in Severe Asthma.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2019; 199(4):536-538.
- Archambault AS, Poirier S, Lefebvre JS, Robichaud PP, Larose MC, Turcotte C, Martin C, Provost V, Boudreau LH, McDonald PP, Laviolette M, Surette ME, Flamand N. 20-Hydroxy- and 20-carboxy-leukotriene (LT) B4 downregulate LTB4 -mediated responses of human neutrophils and eosinophils.. J Leukoc Biol 2019; 105(6):1131-1142.
- Busse WW, Bleecker ER, FitzGerald JM, Ferguson GT, Barker P, Sproule S, Olsson RF, Martin UJ, Goldman M; BORA study investigators (Laviolette M parmi les 451 collaborateurs). Long-term safety and efficacy of benralizumab in patients with severe, uncontrolled asthma: 1-year results from the BORA phase 3 extension trial.. Lancet Respir Med 2019; 7(1):46-59.
- Russell RJ1, Chachi L1, FitzGerald JM2, Backer V3, Olivenstein R4, Titlestad IL5, Ulrik CS6, Harrison T7, Singh D8, Chaudhuri R9, Leaker B10, McGarvey L11, Siddiqui S1, Wang M12, Braddock M12, Nordenmark LH13, Cohen D14, Parikh H15, Colice G14, Brightling CE16; MESOS study investigators (Laviolette M parmi les 4 collaborateurs). Effect of tralokinumab, an interleukin-13 neutralising monoclonal antibody, on eosinophilic airway inflammation in uncontrolled moderate-to-severe asthma (MESOS): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled phase 2 trial.. Lancet Respir Med 2018; 6(7):499-510.
- Ichikawa T, Panariti A, Audusseau S, Mogas AK, Olivenstein R, Chakir J, Laviolette M, Allakhverdi Z, Al Heialy S, Martin JG, Hamid Q. Effect of bronchial thermoplasty on structural changes and inflammatory mediators in the airways of subjects with severe asthma.. Respir Med 2019; 150(0):165-172.
- van den Berge M, Brandsma CA, Faiz A, de Vries M, Rathnayake SNH, Paré PD, Sin DD, Bossé Y, Laviolette M, Nickle DC, Hao K, Obeidat M, Dragani TA, Colombo F, Timens W, Postma DS. Differential lung tissue gene expression in males and females: implications for the susceptibility to develop COPD.. Eur Respir J 2019; 54(1):1702567.
- Turcotte C, Dumais É, Archambault AS, Martin C, Blanchet MR, Bissonnette É, Boulet LP, Laviolette M, Di Marzo V, Flamand N. Human leukocytes differentially express endocannabinoid-glycerol lipases and hydrolyze 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol and its metabolites from the 15-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase pathways.. J Leukoc Biol 2019; 106(6):1337-1347.
- Turcotte C, Archambault AS, Dumais É, Martin C, Blanchet MR, Bissonnette E, Ohashi N, Yamamoto K, Itoh T, Laviolette M, Veilleux A, Boulet LP, Di Marzo V, Flamand N. Endocannabinoid hydrolysis inhibition unmasks that unsaturated fatty acids induce a robust biosynthesis of 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol and its congeners in human myeloid leukocytes.. FASEB J 2020; 34(3):4253-4265.
- Archambault AS, Tinto F, Dumais É, Rakotoarivelo V, Kostrzewa M, Plante PL, Martin C, Simard M, Silvestri C, Pouliot R, Laviolette M, Boulet LP, Vitale RM, Ligresti A, Di Marzo V, Flamand N.. Biosynthesis of the Novel Endogenous 15-Lipoxygenase Metabolites N-13-Hydroxy-octodecadienoyl-ethanolamine and 13-Hydroxy-octodecadienoyl-glycerol by Human Neutrophils and Eosinophils.. Cells 2021; 10(9):2322.
- Chaudhuri R, Rubin A, Sumino K, Lapa E Silva JR, Niven R, Siddiqui S, Klooster K, McEvoy C, Shah PL, Simoff M, Khatri S, Barbers R, Mark Grubb G, McMullen EA, Olson JL, Laviolette M. Safety and effectiveness of bronchial thermoplasty after 10 years in patients with persistent asthma (BT10+): a follow-up of three randomised controlled trials.. Lancet Respir Med 2021; 9(5):457-466.
- Valette K, Li Z, Bon-Baret V, Chignon A, Bérubé JC, Eslami A, Lamothe J, Gaudreault N, Joubert P, Obeidat M, van den Berge M, Timens W, Sin DD, Nickle DC, Hao K, Labbé C, Godbout K, Côté A, Laviolette M, Boulet LP, Mathieu P, Thériault S, Bossé Y. Prioritization of candidate causal genes for asthma in susceptibility loci derived from UK Biobank.. Commun Biol 2021; 4(1):700.
- Archambault AS, Zaid Y, Rakotoarivelo V, Turcotte C, Doré É, Dubuc I, Martin C, Flamand O, Amar Y, Cheikh A, Fares H, El Hassani A, Tijani Y, Côté A, Laviolette M, Boilard É, Flamand L, Flamand N. High levels of eicosanoids and docosanoids in the lungs of intubated COVID-19 patients.. FASEB J 2021; 35(6):e21666.
- Zaid Y, Doré É, Dubuc I, Archambault AS, Flamand O, Laviolette M, Flamand N, Boilard É, Flamand L. Chemokines and eicosanoids fuel the hyperinflammation within the lungs of patients with severe COVID-19.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2021; 148(2):368-380.e3.
- Chakir J, Gagnon PA, Laviolette M.. Bronchial thermoplasty: The heat that reprograms the airways?. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2021; 148(5):1167-1169.
- Chupp G, Kline JN, Khatri SB, McEvoy C, Silvestri GA, Shifren A, Castro M, Bansal S, McClelland M, Dransfield M, Trevor J, Kahlstrom N, Simoff M, Wahidi MM, Lamb CR, Ferguson JS, Haas A, Hogarth DK, Tejedor R, Toth J, Hey J, Majid A, LaCamera P, FitzGerald JM, Enfield K, Grubb GM, McMullen EA, Olson JL, Laviolette M. Bronchial Thermoplasty in Severe Asthmatics At 5 Years: The PAS2 Study.. Chest 2022; 161(3):614-628.
- Archambault AS, Brassard J, Bernatchez É, Martin C, Di Marzo V, Laviolette M, Boulet LP, Blanchet MR, Flamand N. Human and Mouse Eosinophils Differ in Their Ability to Biosynthesize Eicosanoids, Docosanoids, the Endocannabinoid 2-Arachidonoyl-glycerol and Its Congeners.. Cells 2022; 11(1):141.
- Henry C, Biardel S, Boucher M, Godbout K, Chakir J, Côté A, Laviolette M, Bossé Y. Bronchial thermoplasty attenuates bronchodilator responsiveness.. Respir Med 2023; 217(0):107340.
- Gagnon PA, Côté A, Klein M, Biardel S, Laviolette M, Godbout K, Bossé Y, Chakir J. The reduction of airway smooth muscle by bronchial thermoplasty stands the test of time.. ERJ Open Res 2023; 9(4):00024-2023.
- Gagnon PA, Klein M, De Vos J, Biardel S, Côté A, Godbout K, Laviolette M, Laprise C, Assou S, Chakir J. S100A alarmins and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) regulation in severe asthma following bronchial thermoplasty.. Respir Res 2023; 24(1):294.
- Pariès M, Bougeard S, Eslami A, Li Z, Laviolette M, Boulet LP, Vigneau E, Bossé Y. The clinical value and most informative threshold of polygenic risk score in the Quebec City Case-Control Asthma Cohort.. BMC Pulm Med 2025; 25(1):21.