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- Dr Can Manh Nguyen

29- Mangin L, Bertrand OF, De La Rochellière R, Proulx G, Lemay R, Barbeau G, Gleeton O, Rodés-Cabau J, Nguyen CM, Roy L. The transulnar approach for coronary intervention: a safe alternative to transradial approach in selected patients.. J Invasive Cardiol 2005; 17(2):77-9.
- Bertrand OF, De Larochellière R, Rodés-Cabau J, Proulx G, Gleeton O, Nguyen CM, Déry JP, Barbeau G, Noël B, Larose E, Poirier P, Roy L. A randomized study comparing same-day home discharge and abciximab bolus only to overnight hospitalization and abciximab bolus and infusion after transradial coronary stent implantation.. Circulation 2006; 114(24):2636-43.
- Potvin JM, Rodés-Cabau J, Bertrand OF, Gleeton O, Nguyen CN, Barbeau G, Proulx G, De Larochellière R, Déry JP, Batalla N, Dana A, Facta A, Roy L. Usefulness of fractional flow reserve measurements to defer revascularization in patients with stable or unstable angina pectoris, non-ST-elevation and ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction, or aty. Am J Cardiol 2006; 98(3):289-97.
- Larose E, Tizon-Marcos H, Rodés-Cabau J, Rinfret S, Déry JP, Nguyen CM, Gleeton O, Boudreault JR, Roy L, Noël B, Proulx G, Rouleau J, Barbeau G, De Larochellière R, Bertrand OF.. Improving myocardial salvage in late presentation acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction with proximal embolic protection.. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2010; 76(4):461-70.
- Bertrand OF, Larose E, Rodés-Cabau J, Rinfret S, Déry JP, Bagur R, Gleeton O, Nguyen CM, Proulx G, De Larochellière R, Poirier P, Costerousse O, Roy L.. Incidence, range, and clinical effect of hemoglobin changes within 24 hours after transradial coronary stenting.. Am J Cardiol 2010; 106(2):155-61.
- Beaudoin J, Dery JP, Lachance P, Bertrand OF, Larose E, Rodés-Cabau J, Noël B, Barbeau G, Proulx G, Nguyen C, Roy L, Gleeton O, Rinfret S, Delarochellière R. Impact of thrombus aspiration on angiographic and clinical outcomes in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction.. Cardiovasc Revasc Med 2010; 11(4):218-22.
- Larose E, Rodés-Cabau J, Pibarot P, Rinfret S, Proulx G, Nguyen CM, Déry JP, Gleeton O, Roy L, Noël B, Barbeau G, Rouleau J, Boudreault JR, Amyot M, De Larochellière R, Bertrand OF. Predicting late myocardial recovery and outcomes in the early hours of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: Traditional measures compared with microvascular obstruction, salvaged myocardium, and necrosis characteristics by cardiovascular magnetic resonance.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2010; 55(22):2459-69.
- Bertrand OF, Rodés-Cabau J, Larose E, Rinfret S, Gaudreault V, Proulx G, Barbeau G, Déry JP, Gleeton O, Manh-Nguyen C, Noël B, Roy L, Costerousse O, De Larochellière R (EArly Discharge after Transradial Stenting of CoronarY Arteries in Acute Myocardial Infarction (EASY-MI) Study Investigators). Intracoronary compared to intravenous Abciximab and high-dose bolus compared to standard dose in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing transradial primary percutaneous coronary intervention: a two-by-two factorial placebo-controlled randomized study.. Am J Cardiol 2010; 105(11):1520-7.
- Bertrand OF, Philippon F, St Pierre A, Nguyen CM, Larose E, Bilodeau S, Dagenais F, Charbonneau E, Rodés-Cabau J, Sénéchal M. Percutaneous mitral valve annuloplasty for functional mitral regurgitation: acute results of the first patient treated with the Viacor permanent device and future perspectives.. Cardiovasc Revasc Med 2010; 11(4):265.e1-8.
- Bertrand OF, Larose E, Costerousse O, Mongrain R, Rodés-Cabau J, Déry JP, Nguyen CM, Barbeau G, Gleeton O, Proulx G, De Larochellière R, Noël B, Roy L. Effects of aspiration thrombectomy on necrosis size and ejection fraction after transradial percutaneous coronary intervention in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction.. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2011; 77(4):475-82.
- Rodés-Cabau J, Gutiérrez M, Courtis J, Larose É, Déry JP, Côté M, Nguyen CM, Gleeton O, Proulx G, Roy L, Noël B, Barbeau G, De Larochellière R, Rinfret S, F Bertrand OF. Importance of Diffuse Atherosclerosis in the Functional Evaluation of Coronary Stenosis in the Proximal-Mid Segment of a Coronary Artery by Myocardial Fractional Flow Reserve Measurements.. Am J Cardiol 2011; 108(4):483-90.
- Rinfret S, Joyal D, Nguyen CM, Bagur R, Hui W, Leung R, Larose E, Love MP, Mansour S. Retrograde recanalization of chronic total occlusions from the transradial approach; early Canadian experience.. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2011; 78(3):366-74.
- Rinfret S, Rodés-Cabau J, Bagur R, Déry JP, Dorais M, Larose E, Barbeau G, Gleeton O, Nguyen CM, Noël B, Proulx G, Roy L, Taillon I, De Larochellière R, Bertrand OF. Telephone contact to improve adherence to dual antiplatelet therapy after drug-eluting stent implantation.. Heart 2013; 99(8):562-9.
- Abdelaal E, Molin P, Plourde G, Machaalany J, Bataille Y, Brousseau-Provencher C, Montminy S, Larose E, Roy L, Gleeton O, Barbeau G, Nguyen CM, Noël B, Costerousse O, Bertrand OF. Successive transradial access for coronary procedures: Experience of Quebec Heart-Lung Institute.. Am Heart J 2013; 165(3):325-31.
- Bataille Y, Déry JP, Larose É, Déry U, Costerousse O, Rodés-Cabau J, Gleeton O, Proulx G, Abdelaal E, Machaalany J, Nguyen CM, Noël B, Bertrand OF. Deadly association of cardiogenic shock and chronic total occlusion in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction.. Am Heart J 2012; 164(4):509-15.
- FREEDOM Trial Investigators (incluant Métras J, Larose É, Baillot R, Barbeau G, Bertrand OF, Déry JP, Doyle, Gleeton O, Nguyen CM, Noël B, Proulx G, Raby K, Rinfret S et Roy L du CRIUCPQ). Strategies for multivessel revascularization in patients with diabetes. N Engl J Med 2012; 367(25):2375-84.
- Rodés-Cabau J, Bertrand OF, Larose E, Déry JP, Rinfret S, Urena M, Jerez M, Nombela-Franco L, Ribeiro HB, Allende R, Proulx G, Nguyen CM, Boudreault JR, Rouleau J, Roy L, Gleeton O, Barbeau G, Noël B, Côté M, Després JP, Dagenais GR, DeLarochellière R. Five-year follow-up of the plaque sealing with paclitaxel-eluting stents vs medical therapy for the treatment of intermediate nonobstructive saphenous vein graft lesions (VELETI) trial.. Can J Cardiol 2014; 30(1):138-45.
- Abdelaal E, Plourde G, Machaalany J, Arsenault J, Rimac G, Déry JP, Barbeau G, Larose E, De Larochellière R, Nguyen CM, Allende R, Ribeiro H, Costerousse O, Mongrain R, Bertrand OF. Effectiveness of Low Rate Fluoroscopy at Reducing Operator and Patient Radiation Dose During Transradial Coronary Angiography and Interventions.. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2014; 7(5):567-74.
- Harvey A, Modak A, Déry U, Roy M, Rinfret S, Bertrand OF, Larose É, Rodés-Cabau J, Barbeau G, Gleeton O, Nguyen CM, Proulx G, Noël B, Roy L, Paradis JM, De Larochellière R, Déry JP. Changes in CYP2C19 enzyme activity evaluated by the [(13)C]-pantoprazole breath test after co-administration of clopidogrel and proton pump inhibitors following percutaneous coronary intervention and correlation to platelet reactivity.. J Breath Res 2016; 10(1):017104.
- Dautov R, Urena M, Nguyen CM, Gibrat C, Rinfret S. Safety and effectiveness of the surfing technique to cross septal collateral channels during retrograde chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention.. EuroIntervention 2017; 12(15):e1859-e1867.
- Dautov R, Ribeiro HB, Abdul-Jawad Altisent O, Nombela-Franco L, Gibrat C, Nguyen CM, Rinfret S. Effectiveness and Safety of the Transradial 8Fr Sheathless Approach for Revascularization of Chronic Total Occlusions.. Am J Cardiol 2016; 118(6):785-9.
- Dautov R, Manh Nguyen C, Altisent O, Gibrat C, Rinfret S. Recanalization of Chronic Total Occlusions in Patients With Previous Coronary Bypass Surgery and Consideration of Retrograde Access via Saphenous Vein Grafts.. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2016; 9(7):.
- Dautov R, Nguyen CM, Rinfret S. Stent luxation: Possible complication of subadventitial stenting in coronary chronic total occlusion revascularization.. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2016; 0(0):.
- Dautov R, Nguyen CM, Rinfret S. Stent luxation: Possible complication of subadventitial stenting in coronary chronic total occlusion revascularization.. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2017; 89(5):872-875.
- Dautov R, Ybarra LF, Nguyen CM, Gibrat C, Joyal D, Rinfret S. Incidence, predictors and longer-term impact of troponin elevation following hybrid chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention.. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2018; 92(5):E308-E316.
- Maes F, Costerousse O, Cieza T, Henry M, Déry JP, Barbeau G, De Larochellière R, Paradis JM, Larose E, Nguyen CM, Pirlet C, Mongrain R, Bertrand OF. Transradial experience with bioresorbable vascular scaffolds: A case-matched study with metallic drug-eluting stents.. Cardiovasc Revasc Med 2018; 19(6):700-704.
- Farjat-Pasos JI, Puri R, Altisent OA, Giannini F, Albert G, Del Portillo J, Rodés-Cabau J, Nguyen CM, Paradis JM. A-Flux: a novel self-expanding coronary sinus reducer for refractory angina.. EuroIntervention 2024; 20(15):e948-e950.
- Verreault-Julien L, Jahan I, Dendukuri N, Ybarra LF, Mansour S, Matteau A, Wijeysundera HC, Fung A, Robinson S, Paradis JM, Nguyen CM, Rinfret S. Outcomes following antegrade-only versus retrograde chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention: insights from the CCTOP registry.. J Invasive Cardiol 2024; 0(0):Epub.
- Verreault-Julien L, Jahan I, Dendukuri N, Ybarra LF, Mansour S, Matteau A, Wijeysundera HC, Fung A, Robinson S, Paradis JM, Nguyen CM, Rinfret S. Outcomes following antegrade-only versus retrograde chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention: insights from the CCTOP registry.. J Invasive Cardiol 2025; 37(1):Epub.