- Accueil
- Chercheurs
- Dr Frédéric Sériès

Domaine de recherche
Anomalies respiratoires du sommeil.
Description des travaux
Le Dr Sériès est très activement impliqué dans l'investigation et le traitement des troubles respiratoires du sommeil qui sont fréquemment associés à l'obésité et à une augmentation de la morbidité cardiovasculaire. Il est professeur agrégé au département de Médecine de l'Université Laval et chercheur boursier national du Fonds de la Santé en Recherche du Québec (FRSQ). Il bénéficie d'un support des Instituts de Recherche en Santé du Canada depuis 10 ans. Son expertise principale touche la physiologie des voies aériennes supérieures à l'éveil et au cours du sommeil. Sa haute productivité scientifique dans des revues médicales de renom (Annals Internal Medicine, Journal Clinical Investigation, FASEB Journal, Journal of Physiology) en a fait un expert international dans le domaine. Il collabore activement avec de nombreux investigateurs canadiens et européens; il est éditeur adjoint de l'European Respiratory Journal et éditeur associé de l'American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Il est responsable du regroupement stratégique sur l'apnée du sommeil adulte du réseau FRSQ en santé respiratoire. Il est largement impliqué dans des projets multicentres tels l'étude évaluant les effets du traitement par la CPAP sur la morbidité et le taux de transplantation des patients insuffisants cardiaques. En 2001, il a reçu le support des IRSC comme responsable d'un projet du programme Nouvelles Frontières dédié à l'étude des mécanismes, du traitement et des impacts sur la santé des anomalies cardiorespiratoires nocturnes. Plusieurs collaborations actives avec les chercheurs de l'axe cardiovasculaire et obésité du centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec sont en cours pour déterminer la place des facteurs inflammatoires dans la genèse du risque cardiovasculaire au cours des maladies respiratoires.
Collaborations et partenariats existants :
En dehors des collaborations actuelles établies avec les chercheurs de l'Institut de cardiologie et de l'axe de recherche en obésité et métabolisme énergétique, le Dr Sériès a établi de solides collaborations avec le Dr D Bradley (Université de Toronto), J Kimoff (Université McGill), D Morisson (Université Dalhousie) J Fleetham (Université de la Colombie-Britannique) dans l'évaluation des patients insuffisants cardiaques, et avec les membres de l'axe apnée du sommeil du réseau FRSQ en santé respiratoire (Dr P Mayer, C Lafond, et F Bellemare, Université de Montréal, Dr Côté, Université Laval, D Boivin, Université McGill). Dans le cadre de ses travaux supportés par les IRSC, des études collaboratives sont prévues avec le Dr J Remmers (Université de Calgary). Des projets collaboratifs sont en cours avec les Dr T Similowski et I Arnulf (Hôpital Pitié Salpetrière, Paris), E Vérin (CHR Rouen).
111- Lacasse Y, Godbout C, Sériès F. Independent validation of the Sleep Apnea Quality of Life Index. Thorax 2002; 57(6):483-8.
- Lacasse Y, Godbout C, Sériès F. Health-related quality of life in obstructive sleep apnea. Eur Respir J 2002; 19(3):499-503.
- Sanfaçon C, Vérin E, Marc I, Sériès F. Usefulness of phrenic nerve stimulation to measure upper airway collapsibility in normal awake subjects. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2002; 130(1):57-67.
- Sériès F. Interpretation of home oximetry tracings. Chest 2002; 121(3):1006-7.
- Sériès F, Ethier G. Site of phrenic nerve stimulation-induced upper airway collapse: influence of expiratory time. J Appl Physiol 2002; 92(2):665-71.
- Sériès F, Marc I. Influence of genioglossus tonic activity on upper airway dynamics assessed by phrenic nerve stimulation. J Appl Physiol 2002; 92(1):418-23.
- Verin E, Sériès F, Locher C, Straus C, Zelter M, Derenne JP, Similowski T. Effects of neck flexion and mouth opening on inspiratory flow dynamics in awake humans. J Appl Physiol 2002; 92(1):84-92.
- Sériès F, Ethier G. Assessment of upper airway stabilizing forces with the use of phrenic nerve stimulation in conscious humans. J Appl Physiol 2003; 94(6):2289-95.
- Lacasse Y, Sériès F. Qualité de vie liée à la santé: un guide de lecture. Rev Mal Respir 2003; 20(0):580-8.
- Vérin E, Similowski T, Teixeira A, Sériès F. Discriminative power of phrenic twich-induced dynamic response for the diagnosis of sleep apnea during wakefulness. J Appl Physiol 2003; 94(0):31-37.
- Sériès F, Marc I. Efficacy of automatic continuous positive airway pressure therapy that uses an estimated required pressure in the treatment of the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.. Ann Intern Med 1997; 127(0):588-95.
- Sériès F, Chakir J, Boivin D. Influence of weight and sleep apnea status on immunologic and structural features of the uvula.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004; 170(10):1114-9.
- Lacasse Y, Bureau MP, Sériès F. A new standardised and self-administered quality of life questionnaire specific to obstructive sleep apnea.. Thorax 2004; 59(6):494-9.
- Vérin E, Similowski T, Sériès F. Effects of continuous positive airway pressure on upper airway inspiratory dynamics in awake patients with sleep-disordered breathing. J Physiol 2003; 546(0):279-87.
- Sériès F. Upper airway muscles awake and asleep.. Sleep Med Rev 2002; 6(3):229-42.
- Lacasse Y, Godbout C, Sériès F. Health-related quality of life in obstructive sleep apnea.. Eur Respir J 2002; 19(0):499-503.
- Lacasse Y, Godbout C, Sériès F. Independent validation of the sleep apnea quality of life index.. Thorax 2002; 57(0):483-8.
- Lacasse Y, Sériès F. Health-related quality of life measurement: a readers' guide.. Rev Mal Respir 2004; 21(4):S63-70.
- Sériès F, Kimoff RJ, Morrison D, Leblanc MH, Smilovitch M, Howlett J, Logan AG, Floras JS, Bradley TD. Prospective evaluation of nocturnal oximetry for detection of sleep-related breathing disturbances in patients with chronic heart failure.. Chest 2005; 127(5):1507-14.
- Hins J, Sériès F, Alméras N, Tremblay A. Relationship between severity of nocturnal desaturation and adaptive thermogenesis: preliminary data of apneic patients tested in a whole-body indirect calorimetry chamber.. Int J Obes (Lond) 2006; 30(0):574-7.
- Bradley TD, Logan AG, Kimoff RJ, Sériès F, Morrison D, Ferguson K, Belenkie I, Pfeifer M, Fleetham J, Hanly P, Smilovitch M, Tomlinson G, Floras JS. Canadian trial of continuous positive airway pressure for central sleep apnea and heart failure.. N Engl J Med 2005; 353(19):2025-33.
- Sériès F, Vérin E, Similowski T. Impediment in upper airway stabilizing forces assessed by phrenic nerve stimulation in sleep apnea patients.. Respir Res 2005; 6(0):99.
- Sériès F, Plante J, Lacasse Y. Reliability of home CPAP titration with different automatic CPAP devices.. Respir Res 2008; 9(0):56.
- Poulain M, Doucet M, Major G, Drapeau V, Sériès F, Boulet LP, Tremblay A, Maltais F. The effect of obesity on chronic respiratory diseases: a review of the pathophysiology and therapeutic strategies.. CMAJ 2006; 174(9):1293-9.
- Sériès F, Côté C, Simoneau JA, Gélinas Y, St-Pierre S, Leclerc J, Ferland R, Marc I. Physiologic, metabolic, and muscle fiber type characteristics of musculus uvulae in sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome and in snorers.. J Clin Invest 1995; 95(1):20-5.
- Sériès F, Marc I, Cormier Y, La Forge J. Utility of nocturnal home oximetry for case finding in patients with suspected sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome.. Ann Intern Med 1993; 119(6):449-53.
- Sériès F. From oximetry to polysomnography: what should be used to diagnose sleep apnea syndrome?. Rev Mal Respir 2006; 23(0):7S20-7S23.
- Fleetham J, Ayas N, Bradley D, Ferguson K, Fitzpatrick M, George C, Hanly P, Hill F, Kimoff J, Kryger M, Morrison D, Series F, Tsai W. Canadian Thoracic Society guidelines: diagnosis and treatment of sleep disordered breathing in adults.. Can Respir J 2006; 13(7):387-92.
- Wang W, Verin E, Sériès F. Influences of the breathing route on upper airway dynamics properties in normal awake subjects with constant mouth opening.. Clin Sci (Lond) 2006; 111(5):349-55.
- Lacasse Y, Sériès F, Martin S, Maltais F. Nocturnal oxygen therapy in patients with COPD: A survey of Canadian pulmonologists.. Can Respir J 2007; 14(6):343-8.
- Lafond C, Sériès F, Lemière C. Impact of CPAP on asthmatic patients with obstructive sleep apnoea.. Eur Respir J 2007; 29(2):307-11.
- Wang W, Similowski T, Sériès F. Interaction between genioglossus and diaphragm responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation in awake humans.. Exp Physiol 2007; 92(4):739-47.
- Turmel J, Boulet LP, Sériès F, Poirier P, Tardif JC, Rodés-Cabau J, Larose É, Bertrand OF. Is there an association between coronary atherosclerosis and airway responsiveness?. Acta Cardiol 2008; 63(3):347-53.
- Sériès F, Wang W, Mélot C, Similowski T. Concomitant responses of upper airway stabilizing muscles to transcranial magnetic stimulation in normal humans.. Exp Physiol 2008; 93(4):496-502.
- Major GC, Sériès F, Tremblay A. Does the energy expenditure status in obstructive sleep apnea favour a positive energy balance?. Clin Invest Med 2007; 30(6):E262-8.
- Teixeira A, Demoule A, Verin E, Morélot-Panzini C, Sériès F, Straus C, Similowski T. Superiority of nasal mask pressure over mouth pressure, as a surrogate of diaphragm twitch-related esophageal pressure, in healthy humans.. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2007; 159(2):236-40.
- Arzt M, Floras JS, Logan AG, Kimoff RJ, Series F, Morrison D, Ferguson K, Belenkie I, Pfeifer M, Fleetham J, Hanly P, Smilovitch M, Ryan C, Tomlinson G, Bradley TD. Suppression of central sleep apnea by continuous positive airway pressure and transplant-free survival in heart failure: a post hoc analysis of the Canadian Continuous Positive Airway Pressure for Pat. Circulation 2007; 115(25):3173-80.
- Sériès F. Abbreviated or not abbreviated? Is it the right question?. Thorax 2007; 62(5):379-80.
- Fleetham J, Ayas N, Bradley D, Ferguson K, Fitzpatrick M, George C, Hanly P, Hill F, Kimoff J, Kryger M, Morrison D, Series F, Tsai W. [Practice Guidelines of the Canadian Thoracic Society on the diagnosis and treatment of sleep respiratory problems of adults]. Can Respir J 2007; 14(1):31-6.
- Ferland A, Poirier P, Sériès F. Sibutramine vs. CPAP in the treatment of obese patients with obstructive sleep apnoea.. Eur Respir J 2009; 34(3):694-701.
- Turmel J, Sériès F, Boulet LP, Poirier P, Tardif JC, Rodés-Cabeau J, Larose E, Bertrand OF. Relationship between atherosclerosis and the sleep apnea syndrome: an intravascular ultrasound study.. Int J Cardiol 2009; 132(2):203-9.
- Sériès F. Can improving sleep influence sleep-disordered breathing?. Drugs 2009; 69(0):77-91.
- Sériès F, Wang W, Similowski T. Corticomotor control of the genioglossus in awake OSAS patients: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study.. Respir Res 2009; 10(0):74.
- Ryan CM, Floras JS, Logan AG, Kimoff RJ, Series F, Morrison D, Ferguson KA, Belenkie I, Pfeifer M, Fleetham J, Hanly PJ, Smilovitch M, Arzt M, Bradley TD, . Shift in sleep apnoea type in heart failure patients in the CANPAP trial.. Eur Respir J 2010; 35(3):592-7.
- Fleetham J, Ayas N, Bradley D, Fitzpatrick M, Oliver T, Morrison D, Ryan F, Series F, Skomro R, Tsai W. Canadian Thoracic Society 2011 guideline update: Diagnosis and treatment of sleep disordered breathing.. Can Respir J 2011; 18(1):25-47.
- Bosshard V, Masse JF, Sériès F. Prediction of oral appliance efficiency in patients with apnoea using phrenic nerve stimulation while awake.. Thorax 2011; 66(3):220-5.
- Sériès F. Vingt ans de traitement par pression positive continue automatique.. Médecine du sommeil 2011; 8(1):15-20.
- Lacasse Y, Sériès F, Vujovic-Zotovic N, Goldstein R, Bourbeau J, Lecours R, Aaron SD, Maltais F.. Evaluating nocturnal oxygen desaturation in COPD--revised.. Respir Med 2011; 105(9):1331-7.
- Sériès F. Sleep apnoea syndrome: how will physiologic knowledge position personalised medicine?. Eur Respir Rev 2011; 20(121):127-9.
- Borel JC, Melo-Silva CA, Gakwaya S, Sériès F. Assessment of upper airway dynamic properties using sternal phrenic nerve magnetic stimulation in awake subjects.. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2011; 178(2):218-22.
- Borel AL, Leblanc X, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Bergeron J, Poirier P, Després JP, Series F. Sleep apnoea attenuates the effects of a lifestyle intervention programme in men with visceral obesity.. Thorax 2012; 67(8):735-41.
- Lemay J, Sériès F, Sénéchal M, Maranda B, Maltais F. Unusual respiratory manifestations in two young adults with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.. Can Respir J 2012; 19(1):37-40.
- Gakwaya S, Ethier G, Sériès F. Influence of negative airway pressure on upper airway dynamic and impact on night-time apnea worsening.. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2012; 181(1):88-94.
- Melo-Silva CA, Borel JC, Gakwaya S, Sériès F. Assessment of upper airway dynamics by anterior magnetic phrenic stimulation in conscious sleep apnea patients.. J Appl Physiol 2012; 112(8):1345-52.
- Borel JC, Melo-Silva CA, Gakwaya S, Sériès F. Influence of CO? on upper airway muscles and chest wall/diaphragm corticomotor responses assessed by transcranial magnetic stimulation in awake healthy subjects.. J Appl Physiol 2012; 112(5):798-805.
- Melo-Silva CA, Gakwaya S, Rousseau E, Sériès F.. Consecutive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Twitches Reduce Flow-Limitation During Sleep in Apneic Patients.. Exp Physiol 2013; 98(9):1366-75.
- Arzt M, Schroll S, Series F, Lewis K, Benjamin A, Escourrou P, Luigart R, Kehl V, Pfeifer M. Auto-servo ventilation in heart failure with sleep apnea - a randomized controlled trial.. Eur Respir J 2012; 0(0):Epub.
- Borel JC, Gakwaya S, Masse JF, Melo-Silva CA, Sériès F. Impact of CPAP interface and mandibular advancement device on upper airway mechanical properties assessed with phrenic nerve stimulation in sleep apnea patients.. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2012; 183(2):170-6.
- Gauthier L, Almeida F, Arcache JP, Ashton-McGregor C, Coté D, Driver HS, Ferguson KA, Lavigne GJ, Martin P, Masse JF, Morisson F, Pancer J, Samuels CH, Schachter M, Sériès F, Sullivan GE. Position paper by Canadian dental sleep medicine professionals on the role of different health care professionals in managing obstructive sleep apnea and snoring with oral appliances.. Can Respir J 2012; 19(5):307-9.
- Melo-Silva CA, Borel JC, Gakwaya S, Sériès F. Acute upper airway muscle and inspiratory flow responses to transcranial magnetic stimulation during sleep in apnoeic patients.. Exp Physiol 2013; 98(4):946-56.
- Borel JC, Tamisier R, Dias-Domingos S, Sapene M, Martin F, Stach B, Grillet Y, Muir JF, Levy P, Series F, Pepin JL; Scientific Council of The Sleep Registry of the French Federation of Pneumology (OSFP).. Type of mask may impact on continuous positive airway pressure adherence in apneic patients.. PLoS One 2013; 8(5):e64382.
- , Blackman A, McGregor C, Dales R, Driver HS, Dumov I, Fleming J, Fraser K, George C, Khullar A, Mink J, Moffat M, Sullivan GE, , Fleetham JA, Ayas N, Bradley TD, Fitzpatrick M, Kimoff J, Morrison D, Ryan F, Skomro R, Series F. Canadian Sleep Society/Canadian Thoracic Society position paper on the use of portable monitoring for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea in adults.. Can Respir J 2010; 17(5):229-32.
- Schroll S, Sériès F, Lewis K, Benjamin A, Escourrou P, Luigart R, Pfeifer M, Arzt M.. Acute haemodynamic effects of continuous positive airway pressure in awake patients with heart failure.. Respirology 2014; 19(1):47-52.
- Arzt M, Schroll S, Sériès F, Lewis K, Benjamin A, Escourrou P, Luigart R, Kehl V, Pfeifer M.. Auto-servoventilation in heart failure with sleep apnoea: a randomised controlled trial.. Eur Respir J 2013; 42(5):1244-54.
- Gakwaya S, Melo-Silva CA, Borel JC, Rousseau E, Masse JF, Sériès F. Impact of stepwise mandibular advancement on upper airway mechanics in obstructive sleep apnea using phrenic nerve magnetic stimulation.. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 2014; 190(0):131-6.
- Birner C, Series F, Lewis K, Benjamin A, Wunderlich S, Escourrou P, Zeman F, Luigart R, Pfeifer M, Arzt M. Effects of auto-servo ventilation on patients with sleep-disordered breathing, stable systolic heart failure and concomitant diastolic dysfunction: subanalysis of a randomized controlled trial.. Respiration 2014; 87(1):54-62.
- Leclerc G, Lacasse Y, Page D, Sériès F. Do obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients underestimate their daytime symptoms before continuous positive airway pressure treatment?. Can Respir J 2014; 21(4):216-20.
- Ayas N, Skomro R, Blackman A, Curren K, Fitzpatrick M, Fleetham J, George C, Hakemi T, Hanly P, Li C, Morrison D, Series F. Obstructive sleep apnea and driving: A Canadian Thoracic Society and Canadian Sleep Society position paper.. Can Respir J 2014; 21(2):114-23.
- Bisson M, Sériès F, Giguère Y, Pamidi S, Kimoff J, Weisnagel SJ, Marc I. Gestational diabetes mellitus and sleep-disordered breathing.. Obstet Gynecol 2014; 123(3):634-41.
- Rousseau E, Silva C, Gakwaya S, Sériès F.. Effects of one-week tongue task training on sleep apnea severity: A pilot study.. Can Respir J 2015; 22(3):176-8.
- Rousseau E, Gakwaya S, Melo-Silva CA, Sériès F. Mechanical effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of upper airway muscles in awake obstructive sleep apnoea subjects.. Exp Physiol 2015; 100(5):566-76.
- Borel JC, Melo-Silva CA, Gakwaya S, Rousseau E, Series F. Diaphragm and genioglossus corticomotor excitability in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea and control subjects.. J Sleep Res 2015; 0(0):Epub.
- Sériès F. Should All Congestive Heart Failure Patients Have a Routine Sleep Apnea Screening? Pro.. Can J Cardiol 2015; 31(7):935-9.
- Li W, Minville C, Wang W, Series F. How to approach sleep disordered breathing in heart failure patients.. Minerva Med 2016; 107(3):140-61.
- Hetzenecker A, Escourrou P, Kuna ST, Series F, Lewis K, Birner C, Pfeifer M, Arzt M. Treatment of sleep apnea in chronic heart failure patients with auto-servo ventilation improves sleep fragmentation: a randomized controlled trial.. Sleep Med 2016; 17(0):25-31.
- Pamidi S, Marc I, Simoneau G, Lavigne L, Olha A, Benedetti A, Sériès F, Fraser W, Audibert F, Bujold E, Gagnon R, Schwartzman K, Kimoff RJ. Maternal sleep-disordered breathing and the risk of delivering small for gestational age infants: a prospective cohort study.. Thorax 2016; 71(8):719-25.
- Rousseau E, Melo-Silva CA, Gakwaya S, Sériès F. Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of upper airway muscles during sleep in obstructive sleep apnea patients.. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2016; 121(5):1217-1225.
- Borel JC, Melo-Silva CA, Gakwaya S, Rousseau E, Series F. Diaphragm and genioglossus corticomotor excitability in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and control subjects.. J Sleep Res 2016; 25(1):23-30.
- Lacasse Y, Bernard S, Sériès F, Nguyen VH, Bourbeau J, Aaron S, Maltais F. Multi-center, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of nocturnal oxygen therapy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a study protocol for the INOX trial.. BMC Pulm Med 2017; 17(1):8.
- Lyons OD, Floras JS, Logan AG, Beanlands R, Cantolla JD, Fitzpatrick M, Fleetham J, John Kimoff R, Leung RS, Lorenzi Filho G, Mayer P, Mielniczuk L, Morrison DL, Ryan CM, Series F, Tomlinson GA, Woo A, Arzt M, Parthasarathy S, Redolfi S, Kasai T, Parati G, Delgado DH, Bradley TD. Design of the effect of adaptive servo-ventilation on survival and cardiovascular hospital admissions in patients with heart failure and sleep apnoea: the ADVENT-HF trial.. Eur J Heart Fail 2017; 19(4):579-587.
- Li WY, Gakwaya S, Saey D, Sériès F. Assessment of tongue mechanical properties using different contraction tasks.. J Appl Physiol (1985) 2017; 123(1):116-25.
- Perger E, Inami T, Lyons OD, Alshaer H, Smith S, Floras JS, Logan AG, Arzt M, Duran Cantolla J, Delgado D, Fitzpatrick M, Fleetham J, Kasai T, Kimoff RJ, Leung RST, Lorenzi Filho G, Mayer P, Mielniczuk L, Morrison DL, Parati G, Parthasarathy S, Redolfi S, Ryan CM, Series F, Tomlinson GA, Woo A, Bradley TD. Distinct Patterns of Hyperpnea During Cheyne-Stokes Respiration: Implication for Cardiac Function in Patients With Heart Failure.. J Clin Sleep Med 2017; 13(11):1235-1241.
- Léotard A, Lesgoirres M, Daabek N, Lebret M, Bailly S, Verain A, Series F, Pépin JL, Borel JC. Adherence to CPAP with a nasal mask combined with mandibular advancement device versus an oronasal mask: a randomized crossover trial.. Sleep Breath 2019; 23(3):885-888.
- Vivodtzev I, Tamisier R, Croteau M, Borel JC, Grangier A, Wuyam B, Lévy P, Minville C, Sériès F, Maltais F, Pépin JL. Ventilatory support or respiratory muscle training as adjuncts to exercise in obese CPAP-treated patients with obstructive sleep apnoea: a randomised controlled trial.. Thorax 2018; 0(0):Epub.
- Guinhouya BC, Bisson M, Dubois L, Sériès F, Kimoff JR, Fraser WD, Marc I. Body Weight Status and Sleep Disturbances During Pregnancy: Does Adherence to Gestational Weight Gain Guidelines Matter?. J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2019; 28(4):535-543.
- Perger E, Lyons OD, Inami T, Smith S, Floras JS, Logan AG, Bradley TD, ADVENT-HF Investigators; ADVENT-HF Trial Executive Committee; ADVENT-HF Steering Committee; ADVENT-HF Data and Safety Monitoring Committee; ADVENT-HF Event Adjudication Committee; ADVENT-HF Investigators (Sériès F parmi les collaborateurs). Predictors of 1-year Compliance With Adaptive Servoventilation in Patients With Heart Failure and Sleep Disordered Breathing: Preliminary Data From the ADVENT-HF Trial. Eur Respir J 2019; 53(2):1801626.
- Laveneziana P, Albuquerque A, Aliverti A, Babb T, Barreiro E, Dres M, Dubé BP, Fauroux B, Gea J, Guenette JA, Hudson AL, Kabitz HJ, Laghi F, Langer D, Luo YM, Neder JA, O'Donnell D, Polkey MI, Rabinovich RA, Rossi A, Series F, Similowski T, Spengler CM, Vogiatzis I, Verges S. ERS statement on respiratory muscle testing at rest and during exercise.. Eur Respir J 2019; 53(6):1801214.
- Lacasse Y, Sériès F, Corbeil F, Baltzan M, Paradis B, Simão P, Abad Fernández A, Esteban C, Guimarães M, Bourbeau J, Aaron SD, Bernard S, Maltais F. Randomized Trial of Nocturnal Oxygen in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.. N Engl J Med 2020; 383(12):1129-1138.
- Lajoie AC, Sériès F, Bernard S, Bernard E, Santaolalla CJE, Abad Fernández A, Maltais F, Lacasse Y. Reliability of Home Nocturnal Oximetry in the Diagnosis of Overlap Syndrome in COPD.. Respiration 2020; 99(2):132-139.
- Sériès F, Martin M, Boutin I, Marceau S, Bussières J, Minville.. Does every obese sleep apnea patients need CPAP treatment before bariatric surgery: Results of a validation study.. Can J Resp Crit Care Sleep Med 2020; 4(4):266-271.
- Lacasse Y, Sériès F, Maltais F. Randomized Trial of Nocturnal Oxygen in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Reply.. N Engl J Med 2021; 384(1):86.
- Sériès F, Genest C, Martin M, Boutin I, Marceau S, Bussières J, Minville C. CPAP Is Not Needed in Every Sleep Apnea Patient Awaiting Bariatric Surgery.. Obes Surg 2021; 31(5):2161-2167.
- Kermelly SB, Lajoie AC, Boucher ME, Sériès F. Impact of continuous positive airway pressure mode on adherence to treatment in obstructive sleep apnea patients awaiting bariatric surgery.. J Sleep Res 2021; 0(0):e13288.
- Kinkead R, Gagnon M, Joseph V, Sériès F, Ambrozio-Marques D. Stress and Loss of Ovarian Function: Novel Insights into the Origins of Sex-Based Differences in the Manifestations of Respiratory Control Disorders During Sleep.. Clin Chest Med 2021; 42(3):391-405.
- Lajoie AC, Privé A, Roy-Hallé A, Pagé D, Simard S, Séries F. Diagnosis and management of sleep apnea by a clinical nurse: a non-inferiority randomized clinical trial.. J Clin Sleep Med 2022; 18(1):89-97.
- Lacasse Y, Thériault S, St-Pierre B, Bernard S, Sériès F, Bernatchez HJ, Maltais F. Oximetry neither to prescribe long-term oxygen therapy nor to screen for severe hypoxaemia.. ERJ Open Res 2021; 7(4):00272-2021.
- Beaudin AE, Raneri JK, Ahmed SB, Hirsch Allen AJM, Nocon A, Gomes T, Gakwaya S, Series F, Kimoff J, Skomro RP, Ayas NT, Hanly PJ. Risk of chronic kidney disease in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.. Sleep 2022; 45(2):zsab267.
- Li WY, Masse JF, Gakwaya S, Zhao Z, Wang W, Sériès F. Differences in Predicted Therapeutic Outcome of Mandibular Advancement Determined by Remotely Controlled Mandibular Positioner in Canadian and Chinese Apneic Patients.. Nat Sci Sleep 2022; 14(0):1611-1622.
- Faulx MD, Mehra R, Reis Geovanini G, Ando SI, Arzt M, Drager L, Fu M, Hoyos C, Hai J, Hwang JJ, Karaoguz R, Kimoff J, Lee PL, Mediano O, Patel SR, Peker Y, Louis Pepin J, Sanchez-de-la-Torre M, Sériès F, Stadler S, Strollo P, Tahrani AA, Thunström E, Yamauchi M, Redline S, Phillips CL. Obstructive sleep apnea and its management in patients with atrial fibrillation: An International Collaboration of Sleep Apnea Cardiovascular Trialists (INCOSACT) global survey of practicing cardiologists.. Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc 2022; 42(0):101085.
- Beaudin AE, Raneri JK, Ahmed S, Hirsch Allen AJ, Nocon A, Gomes T, Gakwaya S, Sériès F, Kimoff JR, Skomro R, Ayas N, Hanly PJ. Association of insomnia and short sleep duration, alone or with comorbid obstructive sleep apnea, and the risk of chronic kidney disease.. Sleep 2022; 45(7):zsac088.
- Beaudin AE, Raneri JK, Hirsch Allen AJM, Series F, Kimoff RJ, Skomro RP, Ayas NT, Mazzotti DR, Keenan BT, Hanly PJ. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Symptoms Do Not Identify Patients at Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2023; 207(3):361-364.
- Younes M, Gerardy B, Giannouli E, Raneri J, Ayas NT, Skomro R, Kimoff RJ, Series F, Hanly PJ, Beaudin A. Contribution of Obstructive Sleep Apnea to Disrupted Sleep in a Large Clinical Cohort of Patients with Suspected OSA.. Sleep 2023; 46(7):zsac321.
- Masse JF, Bellerive A, Sériès F, St-Pierre L.. Prospective Assessment of Maximum Protrusion in Patients Wearing a Mandibular Advancement Device. J Dent Sleep Med 2018; 5(1):jdsm.6916.
- Li WY, Gakwaya S, Sériès F.. Acceptance of upper airway muscle training for treatment by obstructive sleep apnea: Results of a prospective survey.. Can J Respir Crit Care Sleep Med 2018; 2(1):19-26.
- Sériès F, Lacasse Y, Lajoie A. Identification of quality-of-life clusters by the Quebec sleep questionnaire in sleep apnea patients.. J Sleep Res 2024; 0(0):e14239.
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