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- Dre Geneviève Dion

21- Valeyre D, Dion G. [Treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis].. Bull Acad Natl Med 2010; 194(2):367-81; discussion.
- Valeyre D, Freynet O, Dion G, Bouvry D, Annesi-Maesano I, Nunes H. [Epidemiology of interstitial lung diseases] / Épidémiologie des pneumopathies infiltrantes diffuses. Presse Med 2010; 39(1):53-9.
- Brauner M, Ben Romdhane H, Brillet PY, Freynet O, Dion G, Valeyre D. [Imaging findings in intersitial lung diseases] / Imagerie des pneumopathies infiltrantes diffuses. Presse Med 2010; 39(1):73-84.
- Mahévas M, Chiche L, Uzunhan Y, Khellaf M, Morin AS, Le Guenno G, Péronne V, Affo L, Lidove O, Boutboul D, Dion G, Ducroix JP, Papo T, Pacheco Y, Schleinitz N, Michel M, Godeau B, Valeyre D. Association of sarcoidosis and immune thrombocytopenia: presentation and outcome in a series of 20 patients.. Medicine (Baltimore) 2011; 90(4):269-78.
- Hopkins RB, Burke N, Fell C, Dion G, Kolb M. Epidemiology and survival of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis from national data in Canada.. Eur Respir J 2016; 48(1):187-95.
- Gendron DR, Lemay AM, Lecours PB, Perreault-Vallières V, Huppé CA, Bossé Y, Blanchet MR, Dion G, Marsolais D.. FTY720 promotes pulmonary fibrosis when administered during the remodelling phase following a bleomycin-induced lung injury.. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 2017; 44(0):50-6.
- Tarride JE, Hopkins RB, Burke N, Guertin JR, O'Reilly D, Fell CD, Dion G, Kolb M. Clinical and economic burden of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in Quebec, Canada.. Clinicoecon Outcomes Res 2018; 10(0):127-137.
- Huppé CA, Blais-Lecours P, Bernatchez E, Lauzon-Joset JF, Duchaine C, Rosen H, Dion G, McNagny KM, Blanchet MR, Morissette MC, Marsolais D. S1P1 Contributes to Endotoxin-enhanced B-Cell Functions Involved in Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis.. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2020; 63(2):209-218.
- Tremblay Labrecque PF, Harvey J, Nadreau É, Maltais F, Dion G, Saey D. Validation and Cardiorespiratory Response of the 1-Min Sit-to-Stand Test in Interstitial Lung Disease.. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2020; 52(12):2508-2514.
- Quigley N, d'Amours L, Gervais P, Dion G.. Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Prophylaxis Use for Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia in the Non-HIV Population: A Retrospective Study in Québec, Canada.. Open Forum Infect Dis 2023; 11(1):ofad639.
- Lemay S, Massot M, Philippon F, Belzile D, Turgeon PY, Beaudoin J, Laliberté C, Fortin S, Dion G, Milot J, Trottier M, Gosselin J, Charbonneau É, Birnie DH, Sénéchal M. Ten Questions Cardiologists Should Be Able to Answer About Cardiac Sarcoidosis: Case-Based Approach and Contemporary Review.. CJC Open 2021; 3(4):532-548.
- Millaire É, Ouellet É, Fortin M, Martel S, Milot J, Bilodeau L, Conti M, Provencher S, Dion G. Outcomes Following Surgical Lung Biopsy for Interstitial Lung Diseases: A Monocenter Experience.. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2022; 70(7):583-588.
- Tremblay Labrecque PF, Dion G, Saey D. Functional clinical impairments and frailty in interstitial lung disease patients.. ERJ Open Res 2022; 8(4):00144-2022.
- Fortin M, Liberman M, Delage A, Dion G, Martel S, Rolland F, Soumagne T, Trahan S, Assayagh D, Albert E, Kelly MM, Johannson KA, Guenther Z, Leduc C, Manganas H, Prenovault J, Provencher S.. Transbronchial Lung Cryobiopsy and SurgicAl LuNg Biopsy: A Prospective MultI-CEntre Agreement Study (CAN-ICE).. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2023; 207(12):1612-1619.
- Lemay S, Beaudoin J, Philippon F, Rimac G, Lalancette JS, De Larochellière H, Gleeton G, Charbonneau É, Dion G, Trottier M, Albert A, Fortin S, Laliberté C, Komlosy MÈ, Toma M, Nery P, Birnie D, Sénéchal M.. New Perspective in Cardiac Sarcoidosis: The Potential Role of a Dedicated Clinic and The Importance of Collaboration Between Different Specialties.. Can J Cardiol 2023; 39(7):981-984.
- Millaire É, Lévesque M, Lemière C, Cartier A, Provencher S, Dion G. Progression of Pulmonary Fibrosis According to Radiological Pattern in Asbestosis.. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2023; 20(2):328-330.
- Lemay S, Jeantin C, Kyomi Labelle F, Philippon F, Beaudoin J, Albert A, Dion G, Trottier M, Dubois M, Charbonneau É, Gleeton G, Massé C, Raymond C, Birnie DH, Sénéchal M. Concomitant symptomatic cardiac sarcoidosis and systemic sclerosis with cardiac involvement: a case report.. Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2023; 13(4):283-290.
- Vézina FA, Bouchard PA, Breton-Gagnon É, Dion G, Viglino D, Roy P, Bilodeau L, Provencher S, Denault MH, Saey D, Lellouche F, Maltais F. Automated O(2) Titration Alone or With High-Flow Nasal Cannula During Walking Exercise in Chronic Lung Diseases.. Respir Care 2023; 69(1):1-14.
- Villeneuve J, Tremblay É, Gaudreault N, Saavedra Armero V, Boudreau DK, Li Z, Renaut S, Dion G, Bossé Y. A Test to Comprehensively Capture the Known Genetic Component of Familial Pulmonary Fibrosis.. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2024; 70(6):437-445.
- Quigley N, d'Amours L, Gervais P, Dion G. Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Prophylaxis Use for Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia in the Non-HIV Population: A Retrospective Study in Québec, Canada.. Open Forum Infect Dis 2024; 11(1):ofad639.
- Bass A, Géphine S, Martin M, Belley M, Robic M, Fabre C, Grosbois JM, Dion G, Saey D, Chambellan A, Maltais F. Assessing Functional Capacity in Directly and Remotely Monitored Home-Based Settings in Individuals With Chronic Respiratory Diseases: Protocol for a Multinational Validation Study.. JMIR Res Protoc 2024; 13(0):e57404.