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- Dre Julie Milot

32- Debigaré R, Milot J, Côté CH, Michaud A, Leblanc P, Maltais F. Blood and peripheral muscle pro-inflamatory cytokines in patients with COPD.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002; 163(5):A287.
- Milot J, Meshi B, Utokapack S, Rad T, Hayashi S, Hogg JC. Molecular response to steroid in cigarette smoke-induced emphysema model with latent adenoviral infection.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003; 167(7):A77.
- Boulet LP, Boulet V, Milot J. How should we quantify asthma control? A proposal. Chest 2002; 122(6):2217-23.
- Bernstein DI, Cartier A, Côté J, Malo JL, Boulet LP, Wanner M, Milot J, L'Archevèque J, Trudeau C, Lummus Z. Diisocyanate antigen-stimulated monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 synthesis has greater test efficiency than specific antibodies for identification of diisocyanate asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2002; 166(4):445-50.
- Pepin V, Brodeur J, Lacasse Y, Milot J, Leblanc P, Whittom F, Maltais F. Six-minute walking versus shuttle walking: responsiveness to bronchodilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.. Thorax 2007; 62(4):291-8.
- Semlali A, Jacques E, Plante S, Biardel S, Milot J, Laviolette M, Boulet LP, Chakir J. TGF-beta1 alters MAPK activation and bronchial epithelial cell proliferation in asthma.. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2008; 38(2):202-8.
- Brouillard C, Pepin V, Milot J, Lacasse Y, Maltais F. Endurance shuttle walking test: responsiveness to salmeterol in COPD.. Eur Respir J 2008; 31(3):579-84.
- Morissette MC, Parent J, Milot J. Perforin, granzyme B, and FasL expression by peripheral blood T lymphocytes in emphysema.. Respir Res 2007; 8(0):62.
- Milot J, Meshi B, Taher Shabani Rad M, Holding G, Mortazavi N, Hayashi S, Hogg JC. The effect of smoking cessation and steroid treatment on emphysema in guinea pigs.. Respir Med 2007; 101(11):2327-35.
- Morissette MC, Vachon-Beaudoin G, Parent J, Chakir J, Milot J. Increased p53 level, Bax/Bcl-x(L) ratio, and TRAIL receptor expression in human emphysema.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2008; 178(3):240-7.
- Morissette MC, Parent J, Milot J. Alveolar epithelial and endothelial cell apoptosis in emphysema: what we know and what we need to know.. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2009; 4(0):19-31.
- Gagnon P, Saey D, Vivodtzev I, Laviolette L, Mainguy V, Milot J, Provencher S, Maltais F. Impact of preinduced quadriceps fatigue on exercise response in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and healthy subjects.. J Appl Physiol 2009; 107(3):832-40.
- Laviolette L, Lands LC, Dauletbaev N, Saey D, Milot J, Provencher S, LeBlanc P, Maltais F. Combined effect of dietary supplementation with pressurized whey and exercise training in COPD: a randomized controlled double-blind pilot study.. J Med Food 2010; 13(3):589-98.
- Semlali A, Jacques E, Rouabhia M, Milot J, Laviolette M, Chakir J. Regulation of epithelial cell proliferation by bronchial fibroblasts obtained from mild asthmatic subjects.. Allergy 2010; 65(11):1438-45.
- Shah PL, Slebos DJ, Cardoso PF, Cetti E, Voelker K, Levine B, Russell ME, Goldin J, Brown M, Cooper JD, Sybrecht GW; EASE trial study group (Shah PL, Alexander D, Cuerden E, Dusmet M, Hind M, Hopkinson NS, Kemp S, Kon OM, Polkey MI, Slebos DJ, Douma R, Kerstjens H, Vennik P, Klooster K, Smidt A, Snijders S, Cardoso PF, Rubin A, Berto P, Cavalcanti M, Spilimbergo FB, Frosi F, Schmitt M, Soares PR, Voelker K, Ferreira G, Horiuchi T, Morgan K, Bradley M, Clapp N, Gormley K, Miller A, Pope-Nix K, Levine B, Baratz D, Comp R, Gotfried M, Ross B, DeLaCruz V, Fu L, Harker S, Sybrecht G, Franzen K, Gröschel A, Rentz K, Wilkens H, Schaeck I, Sollgan M, Weingard B, Leeds W, Ludlow L, Malik O, Nicklin S, Griggs D, Maxfield R, Bulman W, DiMango A, Lederer D, Brogan F, Jellen P, Burghuber O, Koller H, Valipour A, Firlinger I, Ruis M, Hazelrigg S, Boley T, Christy J, Leslie C, Ernst A, Michaud G, DeCamp M, Dea A, Carbone C, Kopman D, Mulkern P, Lima M, Cardoso AP, Silva JR, Szlko A, Luduvice M, Rodrigues L, Simoff M, McCann-Swiderek J, Ray C, Tatem G, Almario R, Bibbs W, Dempsey K, Gay S, Bauman K, Chan K, Chang A, Martinez F, Majors C, Musani A, Make B, McPeak K, Rhodes D, McLennan G, Baker K, Ferguson S, Thomas K, Chapman A, Keating J, Pirotte P, Sprenger K, Losso L, Gasques S, Vieira TF, Chan A, Avdalovic M, Albertson T, Allen R, Harper R, Morrissey B, Stollenwerk N, Algaze S, Chaldekas K, Juarez M, Kelly M, Snell G, Keating D, Westall G, Whitford H, Williams T, Dunn T, Fowler S, Holsworth L, Levvey B, Manterfield C, Wahidi M, D'Amico T, Kraft M, Lugogo N, Shofer S, Willis C, Beaver D, Beyea M, Foss C, Hathcock C, Stiles J, Parmar J, Davies M, Wat D, Millington-Parrish H, Mitchell A, Kucharczuk J, Gillepsie C, Haas A, Sterman D, McConville H, Kromplewski M, Riggs J, Thompson S, Tillis W, Whitten PE, Dorrington M, Hartwig KL, Scott AL, Egan J, Adamali H, Bartosik W, Judge E, Tuohy M, Vapra Y, Bolger C, Lawrie I, Murphy L, Winward S, Mosenifar Z, Balfe D, Chaux G, Falk J, Lewis M, Geaga C, Freiler L, Sellman R, Bekemeyer WB, Holle R, Lemire S, Hoffman K, Krininger B, Van Gundy K, Bilello K, Evans T, Joseph J, Peterson M, Blaauw J, Garcia R, Newton J, Brisland C, Fleischer K, Fruci C, Inayat N, Collier M, Connolly M, Holladay M, Pine L, McCormack D, Farquhar D, Halko S, Licskai C, MacBean L, Strapp R, Bechara R, Berkowitz D, Miller D, Parks C, Perez R, Wolfenden L, Guidot J, Perez T, Ross C, Laviolette M, Maltais F, Martel S, Milot J, Belanger M, Breton MJ, Trepanier L, Gildea T, Machuzak M, Mann B, Mason D, Mehta A, Minai O, Murthy S, Krizmanich G, Meli Y, Parambil J, Rice R, Herth F, Eberhardt R, Kappes J, Rump B, Stanzel F, Littersk P, Shen KR, Cassivi S, Edell E, Kaira S, Mithun D, Utz J, Wigle D, Mieras K, Flandes J, Fernandez-Navamuel I, Heili S, Nieto MJ). Bronchoscopic lung-volume reduction with Exhale airway stents for emphysema (EASE trial): randomised, sham-controlled, multicentre trial.. Lancet 2011; 378(9795):997-1005.
- Morissette MC, Parent J, Milot J. The emphysematous lung is abnormally sensitive to TRAIL-mediated apoptosis.. Respir Res 2011; 12(0):105.
- Bédard ME, Brouillard C, Pepin V, Provencher S, Milot J, Lacasse Y, Leblanc P, Maltais F. Tiotropium improves walking endurance in COPD.. Eur Respir J 2012; 39(2):265-71.
- Mainguy V, Girard D, Maltais F, Saey D, Milot J, Sénéchal M, Poirier P, Provencher S. Effect of Bisoprolol on Respiratory Function and Exercise Capacity in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.. Am J Cardiol 2012; 110(2):258-63.
- Maltais F, Milot J. The potential for aclidinium bromide, a new anticholinergic, in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.. Ther Adv Respir Dis 2012; 6(6):345-61.
- Gagnon P, Saey D, Provencher S, Milot J, Bourbeau J, Tan WC, Martel S, Maltais F. Walking exercise response to bronchodilation in mild COPD: a randomized trial.. Respir Med 2012; 106(12):1695-705.
- Gagnon P, Casaburi R, Saey D, Porszasz J, Provencher S, Milot J, Bourbeau J, O'Donnell DE, Maltais F.. Cluster Analysis in Patients with GOLD 1 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.. PLoS One 2015; 10(4):e0123626.
- Morissette MC, Murray N, Turmel J, Milot J, Boulet LP, Bougault V. Increased exhaled breath condensate 8-isoprostane after a swimming session in competitive swimmers.. Eur J Sport Sci 2015; 0(0):1-8.
- Freschi L, Jeukens J, Kukavica-Ibrulj I, Boyle B, Dupont MJ, Laroche J, Larose S, Maaroufi H, Fothergill JL, Moore M, Winsor GL, Aaron SD, Barbeau J, Bell SC, Burns JL, Camara M, Cantin A, Charette SJ, Dewar K, Déziel É, Grimwood K, Hancock RE, Harrison JJ, Heeb S, Jelsbak L, Jia B, Kenna DT, Kidd TJ, Klockgether J, Lam JS, Lamont IL, Lewenza S, Loman N, Malouin F, Manos J, McArthur AG, McKeown J, Milot J, Naghra H, Nguyen D, Pereira SK, Perron GG, Pirnay JP, Rainey PB, Rousseau S, Santos PM, Stephenson A, Taylor V, Turton JF, Waglechner N, Williams P, Thrane SW, Wright GD, Brinkman FS, Tucker NP, Tümmler B, Winstanley C, Levesque RC. Clinical utilization of genomics data produced by the international Pseudomonas aeruginosa consortium.. Front Microbiol 2015; 6(0):1036.
- Sciurba FC, Criner GJ, Strange C, Shah PL, Michaud G, Connolly TA, Deslée G, Tillis WP, Delage A, Marquette CH, Krishna G, Kalhan R, Ferguson JS, Jantz M, Maldonado F, McKenna R, Majid A, Rai N, Gay S, Dransfield MT, Angel L, Maxfield R, Herth FJ, Wahidi MM, Mehta A, Slebos DJ; RENEW Study Research Group (Herth F, Gompelmann D, Schuhmann M, Eberhardt R, Harzheim D, Rump B, Slebos DJ, ten Hacken N, Klooster K, Shah P, Singh S, McNulty W, Garner J, Deslée G, Vallerand H, Dury S, Gras D, Verdier M, Marquette CH, Sanfiorenzo C, Clary C, Leheron C, Pradelli J, Korzeniewski S, Wolter P, Arfi T, Macone F, Poudenx M, Leroy S, Guillemart A, Griffonnet J, Strange C, Argula R, Silvestri G, Huggins J, Pastis N, Woodford D, Schwarz L, Walker D, Criner G, Mamary A, Marchetti N, Desai P, Shenoy K, Garfield J, Travaline J, Criner H, Srivastava-Malhotra S, Tauch V, Maxfield R, Brenner K, Bulman W, Whippo B, Jellen P, Kalhan R, Gillespie C, Rosenberg S, DeCamp M, Rogowski A, Hixon J, Angel L, Dib O, Sciurba F, Chandra D, Crespo M, Field J, Tedrow J, Ledezma C, Consolaro P, Beckner M, Majid A, Cheng G, Cardenas-Garcia J, Beach D, Folch E, Agnew A, Hori W, Nathanson A, Wahidi M, Shofer S, Hartwig M, Mahmood K, Smathers E, Tillis W, Verma K, Taneja D, Peil M, Chittivelu S, Doloszycki P, Whitten P, Aulakh B, Ikadios O, Michel J, Crabb J, McVay B, Scott A, Pautler E, Connolly T, Santacruz J, Kopas L, Parham R, Solis B, Krimsky W, Gregoire F, King S, Mehta A, Almeida F, Gildea T, Cicenia J, Machuzak M, Sethi S, Meli Y, Baran J, Rice R, Faile D, Rai N, Jensen K, Kahlstrom R, Haroon A, Ionita R, White F, Watkins D, Moore B, Soukiasian H, Merry H, Mosenifar Z, Ghandehari S, Balfe D, Park J, Mardirosian R, Ferguson J, Kanne J, Sonetti D, Modi D, Regan M, Maloney J, Hackbarth M, Gilles M, Harris A, Maser A, Puchalski J, Rochester C, Possick J, Johnson K, Dabre Z, Kovitz K, Joo M, DeLisa J, Villalan S, Krishna G, Canfield J, Marfatia A, Seeley E, Villalan S, Utz J, Midthun D, Kern R, Edell E, Boras L, Gay S, Bauman K, Han M, Sagana R, Nelson K, Meldrum C, Jantz M, Mehta H, Eagan C, West J, Delage A, Martel S, LeBlanc P, Maltais F, Lacasse Y, Lampron N, Laberge F, Milot J, Picard J, Breton MJ, Dransfield M, Wells J, Bhatt S, Smith P, Seabron-Harris E, Hammond K, Egidio C). Effect of Endobronchial Coils vs Usual Care on Exercise Tolerance in Patients With Severe Emphysema: The RENEW Randomized Clinical Trial.. JAMA 2016; 315(20):2178-89.
- Turcotte K, Grenier J, Amin-Hashem M, Milot J, Joubert P. Tracheobronchitis with dense plasma infiltration several years after colectomy for ulcerative colitis.. Am J Surg Pathol 2017; 22(3):178-80.
- Jubinville E, Veillette M, Milot J, Maltais F, Comeau AM, Levesque RC, Duchaine C. Exacerbation induces a microbiota shift in sputa of COPD patients.. PLoS One 2018; 13(3):e0194355.
- Jeukens J, Freschi L, Kukavica-Ibrulj I, Emond-Rheault JG, Allard C, Barbeau J, Cantin A, Charette S, Déziel E, Malouin F, Milot J, Nguyen D, Popa C, Boyle B, Levesque R.. The Pseudomonas aeruginosa Population among Cystic Fibrosis Patients in Quebec, Canada: a Disease Hot Spot without Known Epidemic Isolates.. J Clin Microbiol 2019; 57(6):e02019-18.
- Lemay S, Massot M, Philippon F, Belzile D, Turgeon PY, Beaudoin J, Laliberté C, Fortin S, Dion G, Milot J, Trottier M, Gosselin J, Charbonneau É, Birnie DH, Sénéchal M. Ten Questions Cardiologists Should Be Able to Answer About Cardiac Sarcoidosis: Case-Based Approach and Contemporary Review.. CJC Open 2021; 3(4):532-548.
- Soumagne T, Levesque F, Milot J, Godbout K, Lacasse Y, Maltais F. Significance of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia When Detected in Sputum of Ambulatory Patients with COPD.. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 2021; 16(0):2895-2900.
- Millaire É, Ouellet É, Fortin M, Martel S, Milot J, Bilodeau L, Conti M, Provencher S, Dion G. Outcomes Following Surgical Lung Biopsy for Interstitial Lung Diseases: A Monocenter Experience.. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2022; 70(7):583-588.
- Gaudreault N, Blouin C, Haillot A, Milot J, Maltais F, Bossé Y. The Null Q0Ourém Variant within a Copy-Neutral Loss-of-Heterozygosity Event Causing Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency.. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2022; 66(6):700-702.
- Pelletier É, Desmeules P, Lacasse Y, Tanguay S, Milot J, Morissette MC, Maltais F. Antibody Response to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 Vaccination in COPD: A Cohort Study.. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis 2022; 9(4):591-595.