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- Dre Kim O’Connor

81- O'Connor K, Lancellotti P, Donal E, Piérard LA. Exercise echocardiography in severe asymptomatic aortic stenosis.. Arch Cardiovasc Dis 2010; 103(4):262-9.
- Lancellotti P, Donal E, Magne J, Moonen M, O'Connor K, Daubert JC, Pierard LA. Risk stratification in asymptomatic moderate to severe aortic stenosis: the importance of the valvular, arterial and ventricular interplay.. Heart 2010; 96(17):1364-71.
- O'Connor K, Lancellotti P, Piérard LA. Stress Doppler echocardiography in valvular heart diseases: utility and assessment.. Future Cardiol 2010; 6(5):611-25.
- O'Connor K, Magne J, Rosca M, Piérard LA, Lancellotti P. Impact of aortic valve stenosis on left atrial phasic function.. Am J Cardiol 2010; 106(8):1157-62.
- Moonen M, O'Connor K, Magne J, Lancellotti P, Pierard LA. Stress echocardiography for selecting potential responders to cardiac resynchronisation therapy.. Heart 2010; 96(14):1142-6.
- O'Connor K, Magne J, Rosca M, Piérard LA, Lancellotti P. Left atrial function and remodelling in aortic stenosis.. Eur J Echocardiogr 2011; 12(4):299-305.
- Donal E, Thebault C, O'Connor K, Veillard D, Rosca M, Pierard L, Lancellotti P. Impact of aortic stenosis on longitudinal myocardial deformation during exercise.. Eur J Echocardiogr 2011; 12(3):235-41.
- Magne J, Mahjoub H, Pierard LA, O'Connor K, Pirlet C, Pibarot P, Lancellotti P. Prognostic importance of brain natriuretic peptide and left ventricular longitudinal function in asymptomatic degenerative mitral regurgitation.. Heart 2012; 98(7):584-91.
- Magne J, Lancellotti P, O'Connor K, Van de Heyning CM, Szymanski C, Piérard LA. Prediction of exercise pulmonary hypertension in asymptomatic degenerative mitral regurgitation.. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2011; 24(9):1004-12.
- Pons J, Leblanc MH, Bernier M, Cantin B, Bourgault C, Bergeron S, Proulx G, Morin J, Nalli C, O'Connor K, Chateauvert N, Sénéchal M. Effects of chronic sildenafil use on pulmonary hemodynamics and clinical outcomes in heart transplantation.. J Heart Lung Transplant 2012; 31(12):1281-7.
- Sénéchal M, Machaalany J, Bertrand OF, O'Connor K, Parenteau J, Dubois-Sénéchal IN, Costerousse O, Dubois M, Voisine P.. Predictors of Left Ventricular Remodeling After Surgical Repair or Replacement for Pure Severe Mitral Regurgitation Caused by Leaflet Prolapse.. Am J Cardiol 2013; 112(4):567-73.
- Lancellotti P, Magne J, Donal E, O'Connor K, Dulgheru R, Rosca M, Pierard LA.. Determinants and prognostic significance of exercise pulmonary hypertension in asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis.. Circulation 2013; 126(7):851-9.
- O'Connor K, Sénéchal M, Lancellotti P, Dubois M, Magne J, Champagne J, Philippon F, Pierard L, O'Hara G. Usefulness of cardiac resynchronisation therapy in patients with right bundle branch block: is viability an important piece of the puzzle?. Int J Cardiol 2010; 145(1):e17-20.
- Lancellotti P, Magne J, Donal E, Davin L, O'Connor K, Rosca M, Szymanski C, Cosyns B, Piérard LA.. Clinical outcome in asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis: insights from the new proposed aortic stenosis grading classification.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2012; 59(3):235-43.
- Lancellotti P, Donal E, Magne J, O'Connor K, Moonen ML, Cosyns B, Pierard LA. Impact of global left ventricular afterload on left ventricular function in asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis: a two-dimensional speckle-tracking study.. Eur J Echocardiogr 2010; 11(6):537-43.
- Bays AM, Engelberg RA, Back AL, Ford DW, Downey L, Shannon SE, Doorenbos AZ, Edlund B, Christianson P, Arnold RW, O'Connor K, Kross EK, Reinke LF, Feemster LC, Edwards K, Alexander SC, Tulsky JA, Curtis JR.. Interprofessional Communication Skills Training for Serious Illness: Evaluation of a Small-Group, Simulated Patient Intervention.. J Palliat Med 2014; 17(2):159-66.
- Berthelot-Richer M, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Trahan S, Couture C, Dubois M, Sénéchal M. When Should We Consider the Diagnosis of Giant Cell Myocarditis? Revisiting "Classic" Echocardiographic and Clinical Features of This Rare Pathology.. Exp Clin Transplant 2014; 12(6):565-8.
- MacHaalany J, Bertrand OF, Voisine P, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Dubois-Sénéchal IN, Jacques PO, Viel I, Dubois M, Sénéchal M.. Outcomes following surgical correction of pure aortic regurgitation in presence or absence of significant functional mitral regurgitation.. Echocardiography 2014; 31(6):689-98.
- MacHaalany J, Bertrand OF, O'Connor K, Abdelaal E, Voisine P, Larose É, Charbonneau É, Costerousse O, Déry JP, Sénéchal M. Predictors and prognosis of early ischemic mitral regurgitation in the era of primary percutaneous coronary revascularisation.. Cardiovasc Ultrasound 2014; 12(0):14.
- Machaalany J, Sénéchal M, O'Connor K, Abdelaal E, Plourde G, Voisine P, Rimac G, Tardif MA, Costerousse O, Bertrand OF. Early and late mortality after repair or replacement in mitral valve prolapse and functional ischemic mitral regurgitation: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies.. Int J Cardiol 2014; 173(3):499-505.
- Dahou A, Magne J, Clavel MA, Capoulade R, Bartko PE, Bergler-Klein J, Sénéchal M, Mundigler G, Burwash I, Ribeiro HB, O'Connor K, Mathieu P, Baumgartner H, Dumesnil JG, Rosenhek R, Larose É, Rodés-Cabau J, Pibarot P. Tricuspid Regurgitation Is Associated With Increased Risk of Mortality in Patients With Low-Flow Low-Gradient Aortic Stenosis and Reduced Ejection Fraction: Results of the Multicenter TOPAS Study (True or Pseudo-Severe Aortic Stenosis).. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2015; 8(4):588-96.
- Cinq-Mars A, Veilleux SP, Voisine P, Dagenais F, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Sénéchal M. The Novel Use of Heart Transplantation for the Management of a Case With Multiple Complications After Acute Myocardial Infarction.. Can J Cardiol 2015; 31(6):816-8.
- Capoulade R, Magne J, Dulgheru R, Hachicha Z, Dumesnil JG, O'Connor K, Arsenault M, Bergeron S, Pierard LA, Lancellotti P, Pibarot P.. Prognostic value of plasma B-type natriuretic peptide levels after exercise in patients with severe asymptomatic aortic stenosis.. Heart 2014; 100(20):1606-12.
- Nadeau PL, Kumar A, O'Connor K, Couture CY, Bourgault C, Dubois M, Sénéchal M. Usefulness of cardiac resonance imaging in Churg-Strauss syndrome.. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown) 2014; 0(0):.
- Dahou A, Bartko PE, Capoulade R, Clavel MA, Mundigler G, Grondin SL, Bergler-Klein J, Burwash I, Dumesnil JG, Sénéchal M, O'Connor K, Baumgartner H, Pibarot P.. Usefulness of global left ventricular longitudinal strain for risk stratification in low ejection fraction, low-gradient aortic stenosis: results from the multicenter True or Pseudo-Severe Aortic Stenosis study.. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 2015; 8(3):e002117.
- Abdul-Jawad Altisent O, Dumont E, Dagenais F, Sénéchal M, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Bilodeau S, Paradis JM, Campelo-Parada F, Puri R, Del Trigo M, Rodés-Cabau J. Initial Experience of Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement With a Novel Transcatheter Mitral Valve: Procedural and 6-Month Follow-Up Results.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2015; 66(9):1011-9.
- Abdul-Jawad Altisent O, Dumont E, Dagenais F, Sénéchal M, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Paradis JM, Bilodeau S, Pasian S, Rodés-Cabau J. Transcatheter Mitral Valve Implantation With the FORTIS Device: Insights Into the Evaluation of Device Success.. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2015; 8(7):994-5.
- Veilleux SP, O'Connor K, Couture C, Pagé S, Voisine P, Poirier P, Dubois M, Sénéchal M. What the Cardiologist Should Know About Cardiac Involvement in Behçet Disease.. Can J Cardiol 2015; 31(12):1485-8.
- Cinq-Mars A, Voisine P, Dagenais F, Charbonneau É, Jacques F, Kalavrouziotis D, Perron J, Mohammadi S, Dubois M, Le Ven F, Poirier P, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Bergeron S, Sénéchal M. Risk factors of mortality after surgical correction of ventricular septal defect following myocardial infarction: Retrospective analysis and review of the literature.. Int J Cardiol 2016; 206(0):27-36.
- Dahou A, Clavel MA, Capoulade R, Bartko PE, Magne J, Mundigler G, Bergler-Klein J, Burwash I, Mascherbauer J, Ribeiro HB, O'Connor K, Baumgartner H, Sénéchal M, Dumesnil JG, Rosenhek R, Mathieu P, Larose E, Rodés-Cabau J, Pibarot P. Right ventricular longitudinal strain for risk stratification in low-flow, low-gradient aortic stenosis with low ejection fraction.. Heart 2016; 102(7):548-54.
- Capoulade R, Le Ven F, Clavel MA, Dumesnil JG, Dahou A, Thébault C, Arsenault M, O'Connor K, Bédard É, Beaudoin J, Sénéchal M, Bernier M, Pibarot P. Echocardiographic predictors of outcomes in adults with aortic stenosis.. Heart 2016; 102(12):934-42.
- Dahou A, Clavel MA, Dumesnil JG, Capoulade R, Ribeiro HB, O'Connor K, Mathieu P, Beaudoin J, Larose É, Rodés-Cabau J, Pibarot P. Impact of AVR on LV Remodeling and Function in Paradoxical Low-Flow, Low-Gradient Aortic Stenosis With Preserved LVEF.. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2017; 10(1):88-89.
- Rodés-Cabau J, O'Hara G, Paradis JM, Bernier M, Rodriguez-Gabella T, Regueiro A, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Puri R, Côté M, Champagne J. Changes in Coagulation and Platelet Activation Markers Following Transcatheter Left Atrial Appendage Closure.. Am J Cardiol 2017; 120(1):87-91.
- Regueiro A, Bernier M, O'Hara G, O'Connor K, Paradis JM, Beaudoin J, Rodriguez-Gabella T, Champagne J, Rodés-Cabau J.. Left atrial appendage closure: Initial experience with the ultraseal device.. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2017; 90(5):817-23.
- Dahou A, Clavel MA, Capoulade R, O'Connor K, Ribeiro HB, Côté N, Le Ven F, Rodés-Cabau J, Dumesnil JG, Mathieu P, Pibarot P. B-Type Natriuretic Peptide and High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin for Risk Stratification in Low-Flow, Low-Gradient Aortic Stenosis: A Substudy of the TOPAS Study.. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2018; 11(7):939-947.
- Capoulade R, Clavel MA, Le Ven F, Dahou A, Thébault C, Tastet L, Shen M, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Beaudoin J, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Dumesnil JG, Pibarot P. Impact of left ventricular remodelling patterns on outcomes in patients with aortic stenosis.. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging 2017; 18(1):1378-87.
- Dupuis M, Mahjoub H, Clavel MA, Côté N, Toubal O, Tastet L, Dumesnil JG, O'Connor K, Dahou A, Thébault C, Bélanger C, Beaudoin J, Arsenault M, Bernier M, Pibarot P. Forward Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction: A Simple Risk Marker in Patients With Primary Mitral Regurgitation.. J Am Heart Assoc 2017; 6(11):e006309.
- Toubal O, Mahjoub H, Thébault C, Clavel MA, Dahou A, Magne J, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Bernier M, Le Ven F, Pibarot P. Increasing Pulmonary Arterial Pressure at Low Level of Exercise in Asymptomatic, Organic Mitral Regurgitation.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2018; 71(6):700-701.
- Asmarats L, Bernier M, O'Hara G, Paradis JM, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Bilodeau S, Cavalcanti R, Champagne J, Rodés-Cabau J. Hemodynamic impact of percutaneous left atrial appendage closure in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.. J Interv Card Electrophysiol 2018; 53(2):151-157.
- Asmarats L, Rodriguez-Gabella T, Chamandi C, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, O'Connor K, Dumont E, Dagenais F, Paradis JM, Rodés-Cabau J.. Infective endocarditis following transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repair: A systematic review.. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2018; 92(3):583-591.
- Paradis JM, O'Connor K, Asmarats L, Rodés-Cabau J. To Nurture a Snake in One's Bosom: Aspiration of a Giant Right Atrium Thrombus After a Mitraclip Procedure.. EuroIntervention 2018; 14(9):e1006-e1007.
- Freitas-Ferraz AB, Rodés-Cabau J, Junquera Vega L, Beaudoin J, O'Connor K, Turgeon PY, Paradis JM, Ferreira-Neto A, Asmarats L, Champagne J, O'Hara G, Bernier M. Transesophageal echocardiography complications associated with interventional cardiology procedures.. Am Heart J 2020; 221(0):19-28.
- Chauvette V, Laflamme É, Lafrenière-Bessi V, Marzouk M, Bertrand O, O'Connor K, Sénéchal M, Steinberg C, Gingras M, Voisine P, Jacques F. Caseous Calcification of the Mitral Annulus: A Role for Surgery.. Ann Thorac Surg 2020; 109(6):e441-e444.
- Del Val D, Ferreira-Neto AN, Wintzer-Wehekind J, Dagenais F, Paradis JM, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Freitas-Ferraz AB, Rodés-Cabau J. Early Experience With Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement: A Systematic Review.. J Am Heart Assoc 2019; 8(17):e013332.
- Asmarats L, O'Hara G, Champagne J, Paradis JM, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Junquera L, Del Val D, Muntané-Carol G, Côté M, Rodés-Cabau J. Short-Term Oral Anticoagulation Versus Antiplatelet Therapy Following Transcatheter Left Atrial Appendage Closure.. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2020; 13(8):e009039.
- Freitas-Ferraz AB, Bernier M, Vaillancourt R, Ugalde Figueroa PA, Nicodème F, Paradis JM, Champagne J, O'Hara G, Junquera L, Del Val D, Muntané-Carol G, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Rodés-Cabau J. Safety of Transesophageal Echocardiography to Guide Structural Cardiac Interventions.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2020; 75(25):3164-3173.
- Poulin A, Beaupré F, Gravel C, Hadjadj S, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, O'Connor K, Ferreira-Neto AN, Wintzer J, Dumont E, Dagenais F, Rodés-Cabau J, Paradis JM. Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Who Are Denied From a Percutaneous Edge-to-Edge Mitral Valve Repair After Being Referred to a Transcatheter Mitral Valve Program: Impact of a Dedicated Multidisciplinary Mitral Heart Team Approach.. J Invasive Cardiol 2020; 32(6):E151-E157.
- Guimaraes L, Del Val D, Bergeron S, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Rodés-Cabau J. Interatrial Shunting for Treating Acute and Chronic Left Heart Failure.. Eur Cardiol 2020; 15(0):e18.
- Auclair A, Harvey J, Leclerc J, Piché ME, O'Connor K, Nadreau É, Pettigrew M, Haykowsky MJ, Marceau S, Biertho L, Hould FS, Lebel S, Biron S, Julien F, Bouvet-Bouchard L, Lescelleur O, Poirier P. Determinants of Cardiorespiratory Fitness After Bariatric Surgery: Insights From a Randomised Controlled Trial of a Supervised Training Program.. Can J Cardiol 2021; 37(2):251-259.
- Madsen SD, Giler MK, Bunnell BA, O'Connor KC.. Illuminating the Regenerative Properties of Stem Cells In Vivo with Bioluminescence Imaging.. Biotechnol J 2021; 16(3):e2000248.
- Boakes EH, Fuller RA, Mace GM, Ding C, Ang TT, Auffret AG, Clark NE, Dunn J, Gilbert J, Golovnyuk V, Gupta G, Irlich U, Joachim E, O'Connor K, Potapov E, Potapov R, Schleicher J, Stebbing S, Townshend T, McGowan PJK.. GalliForm, a database of Galliformes occurrence records from the Indo-Malay and Palaearctic, 1800-2008.. Sci Data 2020; 7(1):344.
- O'Connor K. A cautionary tale about the use of colony-forming efficiency as a proxy for the survival of mesenchymal stem cells.. Stem Cell Res Ther 2020; 11(1):292.
- Lala A, Chang HL, Liu X, Charles EJ, Yerokun BA, Bowdish ME, Thourani VH, Mack MJ, Miller MA, O'Gara PT, Blackstone EH, Moskowitz AJ, Gelijns AC, Mullen JC, Stevenson LW; Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network (CTSN) Working Group (Voisine P, Sénéchal M, Dagenais F, O'Connor K parmi les collaborateurs).. Risk for non-home discharge following surgery for ischemic mitral valve disease.. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2021; 162(6):1769-1778.e7.
- Madsen SD, Jones SH, Tucker HA, Giler MK, Muller DC, Discher CT, Russell KC, Dobek GL, Sammarco MC, Bunnell BA, O'Connor KC.. Survival of aging CD264 + and CD264 - populations of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells is independent of colony-forming efficiency.. Biotechnol Bioeng 2020; 117(1):223-237.
- Ferket BA, Thourani VH, Voisine P, Hohmann SF, Chang HL, Smith PK, Michler RE, Ailawadi G, Perrault LP, Miller MA, O'Sullivan K, Mick SL, Bagiella E, Acker MA, Moquete E, Hung JW, Overbey JR, Lala A, Iraola M, Gammie JS, Gelijns AC, O'Gara PT, Moskowitz AJ; Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network Investigators (Sénéchal M, Dagenais F, O'Connor K parmi les collaborateurs). Cost-effectiveness of coronary artery bypass grafting plus mitral valve repair versus coronary artery bypass grafting alone for moderate ischemic mitral regurgitation.. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2020; 159(6):2230-2240.e15.
- Piché ME, Clavel MA, Auclair A, Rodríguez-Flores M, O'Connor K, Garceau P, Rakowski H, Poirier P. Early benefits of bariatric surgery on subclinical cardiac function: Contribution of visceral fat mobilization.. Metabolism 2021; 119(0):154773.
- Freitas-Ferraz AB, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Champagne J, Paradis JM, O'Hara G, Muntané-Carol G, Alperi A, Faroux L, Junquera L, Rodés-Cabau J. Safety and effects of volume loading during transesophageal echocardiography in the pre-procedural work-up for left atrial appendage closure.. Cardiovasc Ultrasound 2021; 19(1):3.
- Salaun E, Conde IS, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Bernier F, O'Hara G, Champagne J, Paradis JM, Dognin N, Lemyre M, Rodes-Cabau J, Bernier M. Billowing Motion of the Polyester Fabric Cover With WATCHMAN FLX Device: The Wind Sailing Effect.. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2021; 14(16):e201-e204.
- Voisine E, Beaupré F, O'Connor K, Marzouk M, Beaudoin J, Mohammadi S, Dagenais F, Voisine P, Turgeon PY, Sénéchal M. Prognosis of functional mitral regurgitation after aortic valve replacement for pure severe aortic stenosis.. J Card Surg 2021; 36(9):3100-3111.
- Dognin N, Salaun E, Champagne C, Domain G, O'Hara G, Philippon F, Paradis JM, Faroux L, Beaudoin J, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Rodés-Cabau J, Champagne J. Percutaneous left atrial appendage closure in patients with primary hemostasis disorders and atrial fibrillation.. J Interv Card Electrophysiol 2022; 64(2):497-509.
- Châteauneuf G, De Larochellière H, Clavel MA, Kalavrouziotis D, Charbonneau E, Dagenais F, Morin F, Silva I, Turgeon PY, Paradis JM, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Bergeron S, Rodés-Cabau J, Mohammadi S, Pibarot P, O'Connor K, Salaun E. Bioprosthetic Mitral Valve Thrombosis: A Multifaceted and Challenging Clinical and Imaging Spectrum.. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2022; 15(7):1339-1346.
- Bertrand PB, Overbey JR, Zeng X, Levine RA, Ailawadi G, Acker MA, Smith PK, Thourani VH, Bagiella E, Miller MA, Gupta L, Mack MJ, Gillinov AM, Giustino G, Moskowitz AJ, Gelijns AC, Bowdish ME, O'Gara PT, Gammie JS, Hung J; Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network (CTSN) (Voisine P, Sénéchal M, Dagenais F, O'Connor K parmi les collaborateurs).. Progression of Tricuspid Regurgitation After Surgery for Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation. J Am Coll Cardiol 2021; 77(6):713-724.
- Silva I, Beaudoin J, Champagne J, Paradis JM, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Dognin N, Lemyre M, Rodes-Cabau J, O'Hara G, Salaun E. Post-release shift with Watchman FLX devices during left atrial appendage closure: the "popcorn effect".. EuroIntervention 2022; 18(2):e181-e182.
- Hadjadj S, Freitas-Ferraz AB, Paquin A, Rouleau Z, Simard S, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Salaun E, Pibarot P, Clavel MA, Rodés-Cabau J, Paradis JM, Beaudoin J. Echocardiographic Variables Associated with Transvalvular Gradient After a Transcatheter Edge-To-Edge Mitral Valve Repair.. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2022; 35(1):86-95.
- Cinq-Mars A, Massot M, Belzile D, Turgeon PY, Dubois-Sénéchal SM, Laliberté C, Komlosy MÈ, Leblanc MH, Bergeron S, O'Connor K, Morin J, Bourgault C, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Radermaker S, Laflamme M, Charbonneau E, Sénéchal M. Heavy Burden of Toxic Dilated Cardiomyopathy Among Young Adults: A Retrospective Study and Review of the Literature.. Can J Cardiol 2022; 38(1):49-58.
- Domain G, Dognin N, O'Hara G, Rodès-Cabau J, Paradis JM, Strubé C, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Philippon F, Salaun E, Champagne J. Experience of Combined Procedure during Percutaneous LAA Closure.. J Clin Med 2022; 11(12):3280.
- Salaun E, Bernier M, Paradis JM, Champagne J, Silva Conde I, Beaudoin J, O'Connor K, Dognin N, Alperi A, Mesnier J, Panagides V, Lemyre M, Rodes-Cabau J, O'Hara G. Watchman 2.5TM versus Watchman FLXTM device in atypical left atrial anatomies: old fashion never dies.. Acta Cardiol 2023; 78(3):372-376.
- Altes A, Bernard J, Dumortier H, Dupuis M, Toubal O, Mahjoub H, Tartar J, Côté N, Clavel MA, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Vincentilli A, Pibarot P, Maréchaux S.. Significance of Left Ventricular Ejection Time in Primary Mitral Regurgitation.. Am J Cardiol 2022; 178(0):97-105.
- Babar A, Vallée-Marcotte B, Savin A, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Sénéchal M. Exploring Ambulatory Continuous Inotropes as a Bridge to Recovery in Advanced Heart Failure Secondary to Amphetamine-Induced Cardiomyopathy.. CJC Open 2024; 7(1):23-26.
- Bernard J, Yanamala N, Shah R, Seetharam K, Altes A, Dupuis M, Toubal O, Mahjoub H, Dumortier H, Tartar J, Salaun E, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Côté N, Vincentelli A, LeVen F, Maréchaux S, Pibarot P, Sengupta PP. Integrating Echocardiography Parameters With Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Data-Driven Clustering of Primary Mitral Regurgitation Phenotypes.. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2023; 16(10):1253-1267.
- Altes A, Bernard J, Dumortier H, Dupuis M, Toubal O, Mahjoub H, Tartar J, Côté N, Clavel MA, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Vincentelli A, Pibarot P, Maréchaux S.. Clinical significance of myocardial contraction fraction in significant primary mitral regurgitation.. Arch Cardiovasc Dis 2023; 116(3):151-158.
- Silva I, Turgeon PY, Paradis JM, Beaudoin J, O'Connor K, Ternacle J, Alperi A, Panagides V, Mesnier J, Gravel C, Clavel MA, Dagenais F, Dumont E, Mohammadi S, Pibarot P, Bernier M, Rodés-Cabau J, Salaun E. Percutaneous Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Mitral Valve Repair With MitraClip System in the Era of G4.. Struct Heart 2022; 7(2):100114.
- Hecht S, Zenses AS, Bernard Jm Tastet L, Côté N, de Freitas Campos Guimaraes L, Paradis JM, Beaudoin J, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Dumont É, Kalavrouziotis D, De Larochellière R, Mohammadi S, Clavel MA, Rodés-Cabau J, Salaun E, Pibarot P.. Hemodynamic and Clinical Outcomes in Redo-Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement vs. Transcatheter Valve-in-Valve.. Struct Heart 2022; 6(6):100106.
- Bernard J, Altes A, Dupuis M, Toubal O, Mahjoub H, Tastet L, Côté N, Clavel MA, Dumortier H, Tartar J, O'Connor K, Bernier B, Beaudoin J, Maréchaux S, Pibarot P.. Cardiac Damage Staging Classification in Asymptomatic Moderate or Severe Primary Mitral Regurgitation.. Struct Heart 2022; 6(1):100004.
- Moriarty N, Alam M, Kalus A, O'Connor K. Current Understanding and Approach to Delusional Infestation.. Am J Med 2019; 132(12):1401-1409.
- O'Connor K.. Molecular Profiles of Cell-to-Cell Variation in the Regenerative Potential of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells.. Stem Cells Int 2019; 0(0):5924878.
- DeRose JJ Jr, Mancini DM, Chang HL, Argenziano M, Dagenais F, Ailawadi G, Perrault LP, Parides MK, Taddei-Peters WC, Mack MJ, Glower DD, Yerokun BA, Atluri P, Mullen JC, Puskas JD, O'Sullivan K, Sledz NM, Tremblay H, Moquete E, Ferket BS, Moskowitz AJ, Iribarne A, Gelijns AC, O'Gara PT, Blackstone EH, Gillinov AM; CRSN Investigators (Voisine P, Sénéchal M, Dagenais F, O'Connor K parmi les collaborateurs).. Pacemaker Implantation After Mitral Valve Surgery With Atrial Fibrillation Ablation.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2019; 73(19):2427-2435.
- Blackstone EH, Chang HL, Rajeswaran J, Parides MK, Ishwaran H, Li L, Ehrlinger J, Gelijns AC, Moskowitz AJ, Argenziano M, DeRose JJ Jr, Couderc JP, Balda D, Dagenais F, Mack MJ, Ailawadi G, Smith PK, Acker MA, O'Gara PT, Gillinov AM; Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network Investigators (Voisine P, Sénéchal M, Dagenais F, O'Connor K parmi les collaborateurs).. Biatrial maze procedure versus pulmonary vein isolation for atrial fibrillation during mitral valve surgery: New analytical approaches and end points.. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2019; 157(1):234-243.e9.
- Laflamme E, Philippon F, O'Connor K, Sarrazin JF, Auffret V, Chauvette V, Dubois M, Voisine P, Bergeron S, Sénéchal M. Dynamic Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony and Severe Mitral Regurgitation Caused by Exercise: Should We Go Beyond the Guidelines?. Int Med Case Rep J 2018; 11(0):121-124.
- Hadjadj S, Pibarot P, Gravel C, Clavel MA, Marsit O, Rouabhia D, Labbé BM, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Salaun E, Farjat J, Nuche Berenguer J, Rodés-Cabau J, Paradis JM, Beaudoin J. Von Willebrand Factor Activity Association With Outcomes After Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Mitral Valve Repair.. JACC Adv 2024; 3(10):101242.
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