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- Dr Mathieu Bernier

104- Abdelmoneim SS, Bernier M, Dhoble A, Mankad SV, Mulvagh SL. Assessment of the vascularity of a left atrial mass using myocardial perfusion contrast echocardiography.. Echocardiography 2008; 25(5):517-20.
- Abdelmoneim SS, Bernier M, Bellavia D, Syed IS, Mankad SV, Chandrasekaran K, Pellikka PA, Mulvagh SL. Myocardial contrast echocardiography in biopsy-proven primary cardiac amyloidosis.. Eur J Echocardiogr 2008; 9(2):338-41.
- Dhoble A, Abdelmoneim SS, Bernier M, Oh JK, Mulvagh SL. Transient left ventricular apical ballooning and exercise induced hypertension during treadmill exercise testing: is there a common hypersympathetic mechanism?. Cardiovasc Ultrasound 2008; 6(0):37.
- Meng H, Lee PW, Bernier M, Chandraskaran K. Esophageal Leiomyoma Detected by Transesophageal Contrast Echocardiography.. Echocardiography 2008; 25(3):331-333.
- Abdelmoneim SS, Bernier M, Scott CG, Dhoble A, Ness SA, Hagen ME, Moir S, McCully RB, Pellikka PA, Mulvagh SL. Safety of Contrast Agent Use during Stress Echocardiography in Patients with Elevated Right Ventricular Systolic Pressure: A Cohort Study.. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 2010; 3(3):240-8.
- Abdelmoneim SS, Bernier M, Dhoble A, Moir S, Hagen ME, Ness SA, Abdel-Kader SS, Pellikka PA, Mulvagh SL. Assessment of Myocardial Perfusion during Adenosine Stress Using Real Time Three-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Myocardial Contrast Echocardiography: Comparison with Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography.. Echocardiography 2010; 27(4):421-9.
- Abdelmoneim SS, Bernier M, Dhoble A, Moir S, Hagen ME, Ness SA, Pellikka PA, Abdel-Kader SS, Mulvagh SL. Diagnostic accuracy of contrast echocardiography during adenosine stress for detection of abnormal myocardial perfusion: a prospective comparison with technetium-99 m sestamibi single-photon emission computed tomography.. Heart Vessels 2010; 25(2):121-30.
- Abdelmoneim SS, Wijdicks EF, Lee VH, Daugherty WP, Bernier M, Oh JK, Pellikka PA, Mulvagh SL. Real-time myocardial perfusion contrast echocardiography and regional wall motion abnormalities after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Clinical article.. J Neurosurg 2009; 111(5):1023-8.
- Abdelmoneim SS, Dhoble A, Bernier M, Erwin PJ, Korosoglou G, Senior R, Moir S, Kowatsch I, Xian-Hong S, Muro T, Dawson D, Vogel R, Wei K, West CP, Montori VM, Pellikka PA, Abdel-Kader SS, Mulvagh SL. Quantitative myocardial contrast echocardiography during pharmacological stress for diagnosis of coronary artery disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies.. Eur J Echocardiogr 2009; 10(7):813-25.
- Abdelmoneim SS, Bernier M, Scott CG, Dhoble A, Ness SA, Hagen ME, Moir S, McCully RB, Pellikka PA, Mulvagh SL. Safety of contrast agent use during stress echocardiography: a 4-year experience from a single-center cohort study of 26,774 patients.. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2009; 2(9):1048-56.
- Abdelmoneim SS, Mankad SV, Bernier M, Dhoble A, Hagen ME, Ness SA, Chandrasekaran K, Pellikka PA, Oh JK, Mulvagh SL. Microvascular function in Takotsubo cardiomyopathy with contrast echocardiography: prospective evaluation and review of literature.. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2009; 22(11):1249-55.
- Bernier M, Abdelmoneim SS, Moir S, McCully RB, Pellikka PA, Mulvagh SL. Pretest score for predicting microbubble contrast agent use in stress echocardiography: a method to increase efficiency in the echo laboratory.. Cardiol Res Pract 2009; 2009(0):308486.
- Bernier M, Abdelmoneim SS, Stuart Moir W, Eifert Rain SS, Chandrasekaran K, Ammash NM, Mulvagh SL.. CUTE-CV: A Prospective Study of Enhanced Left Atrial Appendage Visualization with Microbubble Contrast Agent Use during Transesophageal Echocardiography Guided Cardioversion.. Echocardiography 2013; 30(9):1091-7.
- Rodés-Cabau J, Champagne J, Bernier M. Transcatheter closure of the left atrial appendage: initial experience with the Amplatzer cardiac plug device.. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2010; 76(2):186-92.
- Sénéchal M, Bernier M, Dagenais F, Dubois M, Dubois-Sénéchal IN, Voisine P. Usefulness of preoperative stroke volume as strong predictor of left ventricular remodeling and outcomes after aortic valve replacement in patients with severe pure aortic regurgitation.. Am J Cardiol 2011; 108(7):1008-13.
- Abdelmoneim SS, Basu A, Bernier M, Dhoble A, Abdel-Kader SS, Pellikka PA, Mulvagh SL. Detection of myocardial microvascular disease using contrast echocardiography during adenosine stress in type 2 diabetes mellitus: prospective comparison with single-photon emission computed tomography.. Diab Vasc Dis Res 2011; 8(4):254-61.
- Sénéchal M, Michaud N, Machaalany J, Bernier M, Dubois M, Magne J, Couture C, Mathieu P, Bertrand OF, Voisine P. Relation of mitral valve morphology and motion to mitral regurgitation severity in patients with mitral valve prolapse.. Cardiovasc Ultrasound 2012; 10(0):3.
- Nombela-Franco L, Rodés-Cabau J, De Larochelliere R, Larose É, Doyle D, Villeneuve J, Bergeron S, Bernier M, Amat-Santos I, Mok M, Urena M, Rheault M, Dumesnil JG, Côté M, Pibarot P, Dumont É. Predictive Factors, Efficacy and Safety of Balloon Post-Dilation following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation with a Balloon-Expandable Valve.. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2012; 5(5):499-512.
- Pons J, Morin F, Bernier M, Perron J, Sénéchal M.. Diagnostic challenge of annular abscess in a patient with prosthetic aortic valve: can F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography be helpful?. Rev Esp Cardiol 2012; 65(3):296-8.
- Abdelmoneim SS, Bernier M, Hagen ME, Eifert-Rain S, Bott-Kitslaar D, Wilansky S, Castello R, Bhat G, Pellikka PA, Best PJ, Hayes SN, Mulvagh SL. A multicenter, prospective study to evaluate the use of contrast stress echocardiography in early menopausal women at risk for coronary artery disease: trial design and baseline findings.. J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2013; 22(2):173-83.
- Bagur R, Bernier M, Kandzari DE, Karmpaliotis D, Lembo NJ, Rinfret S. A novel application of contrast echocardiography to exclude active coronary perforation bleeding in patients with pericardial effusion.. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2013; 82(2):221-9.
- Pons J, Leblanc MH, Bernier M, Cantin B, Bourgault C, Bergeron S, Proulx G, Morin J, Nalli C, O'Connor K, Chateauvert N, Sénéchal M. Effects of chronic sildenafil use on pulmonary hemodynamics and clinical outcomes in heart transplantation.. J Heart Lung Transplant 2012; 31(12):1281-7.
- Paradis JM, Bernier M, Houde C, Dumont É, Doyle D, Mohammadi S, DeLarochellière R, Philippon F, Rodés-Cabau J. Jailing of a Pacemaker Lead During Tricuspid Valve-in-Valve Implantation With an Edwards SAPIEN XT Transcatheter Heart Valve.. Can J Cardiol 2015; 31(6):819.e9-11.
- Cinq-Mars A, Veilleux SP, Voisine P, Dagenais F, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Sénéchal M. The Novel Use of Heart Transplantation for the Management of a Case With Multiple Complications After Acute Myocardial Infarction.. Can J Cardiol 2015; 31(6):816-8.
- Berthelot-Richer M, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Trahan S, Couture C, Dubois M, Sénéchal M. When Should We Consider the Diagnosis of Giant Cell Myocarditis? Revisiting "Classic" Echocardiographic and Clinical Features of This Rare Pathology.. Exp Clin Transplant 2014; 12(6):565-8.
- MacHaalany J, Bertrand OF, Voisine P, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Dubois-Sénéchal IN, Jacques PO, Viel I, Dubois M, Sénéchal M.. Outcomes following surgical correction of pure aortic regurgitation in presence or absence of significant functional mitral regurgitation.. Echocardiography 2014; 31(6):689-98.
- Amat-Santos IJ, Bergeron S, Bernier M, Allende R, Barbosa Ribeiro H, Urena M, Pibarot P, Verheye S, Keren G, Yaacoby M, Nitzan Y, Abraham WT, Rodés-Cabau J. Left atrial decompression through unidirectional left-to-right interatrial shunt for the treatment of left heart failure: first-in-man experience with the V-Wave device.. EuroIntervention 2015; 10(9):1127-31.
- Abdelmoneim SS, Martinez MW, Mankad SV, Bernier M, Dhoble A, Pellikka PA, Chandrasekaran K, Oh JK, Mulvagh SL. Resting qualitative and quantitative myocardial contrast echocardiography to predict cardiac events in patients with acute myocardial infarction and percutaneous revascularization.. Heart Vessels 2015; 30(1):45-55.
- Allende R, Doyle D, Urena M, Ribeiro HB, Amat-Santos IJ, Bernier M, Pasian S, De Larochellière R, Dumont E, Rodés-Cabau J. Transcatheter Mitral "Valve-in-Ring" Implantation: A Word of Caution.. Ann Thorac Surg 2015; 99(4):1439-42.
- Abdul-Jawad Altisent O, Dumont E, Dagenais F, Sénéchal M, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Bilodeau S, Paradis JM, Campelo-Parada F, Puri R, Del Trigo M, Rodés-Cabau J. Initial Experience of Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement With a Novel Transcatheter Mitral Valve: Procedural and 6-Month Follow-Up Results.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2015; 66(9):1011-9.
- Amat-Santos IJ, Del Trigo M, Bergeron S, Pibarot P, Altisent O, Campelo-Parada F, Puri R, Verheye S, Keren G, Katzenellenbogen R, Rozenfeld E, Abraham WT, Bernier M, Rodés-Cabau J. Left Atrial Decompression Using Unidirectional Left-to-Right Interatrial Shunt: Initial Experience in Treating Symptomatic Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction With the W-Wave Device.. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2015; 8(6):870-2.
- Abdul-Jawad Altisent O, Dumont E, Dagenais F, Sénéchal M, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Paradis JM, Bilodeau S, Pasian S, Rodés-Cabau J. Transcatheter Mitral Valve Implantation With the FORTIS Device: Insights Into the Evaluation of Device Success.. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2015; 8(7):994-5.
- Cinq-Mars A, Voisine P, Dagenais F, Charbonneau É, Jacques F, Kalavrouziotis D, Perron J, Mohammadi S, Dubois M, Le Ven F, Poirier P, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Bergeron S, Sénéchal M. Risk factors of mortality after surgical correction of ventricular septal defect following myocardial infarction: Retrospective analysis and review of the literature.. Int J Cardiol 2016; 206(0):27-36.
- Capoulade R, Le Ven F, Clavel MA, Dumesnil JG, Dahou A, Thébault C, Arsenault M, O'Connor K, Bédard É, Beaudoin J, Sénéchal M, Bernier M, Pibarot P. Echocardiographic predictors of outcomes in adults with aortic stenosis.. Heart 2016; 102(12):934-42.
- Del Trigo M, Bergeron S, Bernier M, Amat-Santos IJ, Puri R, Campelo-Parada F, Altisent OA, Regueiro A, Eigler N, Rozenfeld E, Pibarot P, Abraham WT, Rodés-Cabau J. Unidirectional left-to-right interatrial shunting for treatment of patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: a safety and proof-of-principle cohort study.. Lancet 2016; 387(10025):1290-7.
- Rodriguez-Gabella T, Nombela-Franco L, Regueiro A, Jiménez-Quevedo P, Champagne J, O'Hara G, Bernier M, Macaya C, Rodés-Cabau J. Single Antiplatelet Therapy Following Left Atrial Appendage Closure in Patients With Contraindication to Anticoagulation.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2016; 68(17):1920-1921.
- Rodés-Cabau J, O'Hara G, Paradis JM, Bernier M, Rodriguez-Gabella T, Regueiro A, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Puri R, Côté M, Champagne J. Changes in Coagulation and Platelet Activation Markers Following Transcatheter Left Atrial Appendage Closure.. Am J Cardiol 2017; 120(1):87-91.
- Regueiro A, Bernier M, O'Hara G, O'Connor K, Paradis JM, Beaudoin J, Rodriguez-Gabella T, Champagne J, Rodés-Cabau J.. Left atrial appendage closure: Initial experience with the ultraseal device.. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2017; 90(5):817-23.
- Capoulade R, Clavel MA, Le Ven F, Dahou A, Thébault C, Tastet L, Shen M, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Beaudoin J, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Dumesnil JG, Pibarot P. Impact of left ventricular remodelling patterns on outcomes in patients with aortic stenosis.. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging 2017; 18(1):1378-87.
- Dupuis M, Mahjoub H, Clavel MA, Côté N, Toubal O, Tastet L, Dumesnil JG, O'Connor K, Dahou A, Thébault C, Bélanger C, Beaudoin J, Arsenault M, Bernier M, Pibarot P. Forward Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction: A Simple Risk Marker in Patients With Primary Mitral Regurgitation.. J Am Heart Assoc 2017; 6(11):e006309.
- Pibarot P, Hahn RT, Weissman MD, Arsenault MD, Beaudoin J, Bernier M, Dahou A, Khalique MD, Asch FM, Toubal O, Leipsic J, Blanke P, Zhang F, Parvataneni R, Alu M, Herrmann H, Makkar R, Mack M, Smalling R, Leon M, Vinod H, Thourani MD, Kodali S.. Association of paravalvular regurgitation with 1-year outcomes after transcatheter aortic valve replacement with the SAPIEN 3 valve.. JAMA Cardiol 2017; 2(11):1208-16.
- Tastet L, Capoulade R, Shen M, Clavel MA, Côté N, Mathieu P, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Tremblay A, Samson M, Bossé Y, Dumesnil JG, Arsenault BJ, Beaudoin J, Bernier M, Després JP, Pibarot P. ApoB/ApoA-I Ratio is Associated With Faster Hemodynamic Progression of Aortic Stenosis: Results From the PROGRESSA (Metabolic Determinants of the Progression of Aortic Stenosis) Study.. J Am Heart Assoc 2018; 7(4):e007980.
- Poulin A, Bernier M, Rodes-Cabau J, Doyle D, Paradis JM. Subacute mitral valve dysfunction after transcatheter aortic and mitral valve replacements.. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2018; 155(6):e167-2.
- Toubal O, Mahjoub H, Thébault C, Clavel MA, Dahou A, Magne J, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Bernier M, Le Ven F, Pibarot P. Increasing Pulmonary Arterial Pressure at Low Level of Exercise in Asymptomatic, Organic Mitral Regurgitation.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2018; 71(6):700-701.
- Asmarats L, Bernier M, O'Hara G, Paradis JM, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Bilodeau S, Cavalcanti R, Champagne J, Rodés-Cabau J. Hemodynamic impact of percutaneous left atrial appendage closure in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.. J Interv Card Electrophysiol 2018; 53(2):151-157.
- Laflamme É, Vachon A, Gilbert S, Boisvert J, Leclerc V, Bernier M, Voisine P, Sénéchal M, Bergeron S. Usefulness of a titration algorithm for de novo users of sacubitril/valsartan in a tertiary centre heart failure clinic.. Cardiovasc J Afr 2018; 29(0):1-5.
- Korol S, White M, O'Meara E, Tournoux F, Racine N, Ducharme A, Rouleau JL, Liszkowski M, Mansour A, Jutras M, Guertin MC, Bernier M, Lavoie J, Leclair G, Neagoe PE, Chaar D, Sirois MG, de Denus S. A comparison of the effects of selective and non-selective mineralocorticoid antagonism on glucose homeostasis of heart failure patients with glucose intolerance or type II diabetes: A randomized controlled double-blind trial.. Am Heart J 2018; 204(0):190-195.
- Asmarats L, Rodriguez-Gabella T, Chamandi C, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, O'Connor K, Dumont E, Dagenais F, Paradis JM, Rodés-Cabau J.. Infective endocarditis following transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repair: A systematic review.. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2018; 92(3):583-591.
- Rodés-Cabau J, Bernier M, Amat-Santos IJ, Ben Gal T, Nombela-Franco L, García Del Blanco B, Kerner A, Bergeron S, Del Trigo M, Pibarot P, Shkurovich S, Eigler N, Abraham WT.. Interatrial Shunting for Heart Failure: Early and Late Results From the First-in-Human Experience With the V-Wave System.. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2018; 11(22):2300-2310.
- Asmarats L, Cruz-González I, Nombela-Franco L, Arzamendi D, Peral V, Nietlispach F, Latib A, Maffeo D, González-Ferreiro R, Rodríguez-Gabella T, Agudelo V, Alamar M, Ghenzi RA, Mangieri A, Bernier M, Rodés-Cabau J.. Recurrence of Device-Related Thrombus After Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage Closure.. Circulation 2019; 140(17):1441-1443.
- Hecht S, Zenses AS, Bernard Jm Tastet L, Côté N, de Freitas Campos Guimaraes L, Paradis JM, Beaudoin J, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Dumont É, Kalavrouziotis D, De Larochellière R, Mohammadi S, Clavel MA, Rodés-Cabau J, Salaun E, Pibarot P.. Hemodynamic and Clinical Outcomes in Redo-Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement vs. Transcatheter Valve-in-Valve.. Struct Heart 2022; 6(6):100106.
- Guimaraes L, Lindenfeld J, Sandoval J, Bayés-Genis A, Bernier M, Provencher S, Rodés-Cabau J. Interatrial shunting for heart failure: current evidence and future perspectives.. EuroIntervention 2019; 15(2):164-171.
- Freitas-Ferraz AB, Rodés-Cabau J, Junquera Vega L, Beaudoin J, O'Connor K, Turgeon PY, Paradis JM, Ferreira-Neto A, Asmarats L, Champagne J, O'Hara G, Bernier M. Transesophageal echocardiography complications associated with interventional cardiology procedures.. Am Heart J 2020; 221(0):19-28.
- Fischer Q, Himbert D, Bernier M, Urena M, Nunes Ferreira-Neto A, Paradis JM, Mohammadi S, Iung B, Rodés-Cabau J.. Impact of moderate to severe mitral stenosis in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement.. Int J Cardiol 2019; 286(0):36-42.
- Del Val D, Ferreira-Neto AN, Wintzer-Wehekind J, Dagenais F, Paradis JM, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Freitas-Ferraz AB, Rodés-Cabau J. Early Experience With Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement: A Systematic Review.. J Am Heart Assoc 2019; 8(17):e013332.
- Nunes Ferreira-Neto A, Dagenais F, Bernier M, Dumont E, Freitas-Ferraz AB, Rodés-Cabau J. Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement With a New Supra-Annular Valve: First-in-Human Experience With the AltaValve System.. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2019; 12(2):208-209.
- Massicotte G, Bernier M, Piché ME, Cantin L, Couture C. Case Report of Aggressive Primary Pericardial Mesothelioma Presenting as a Constrictive Pericarditis.. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 2019; 12(3):e008621.
- Tastet L, Tribouilloy C, Maréchaux S, Vollema EM, Delgado V, Salaun E, Shen M, Capoulade R, Clavel MA, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Narula J, Lancellotti P, Bax JJ, Généreux P, Pibarot P.. Staging Cardiac Damage in Patients With Asymptomatic Aortic Valve Stenosis.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2019; 74(4):550-563.
- Freitas-Ferraz AB, Tirado-Conte G, Dagenais F, Ruel M, Al-Atassi T, Dumont E, Mohammadi S, Bernier M, Pibarot P, Rodés-Cabau J. Aortic Stenosis and Small Aortic Annulus.. Circulation 2019; 139(23):2685-2702.
- Guimarães L, Bergeron S, Bernier M, Rodriguez-Gabella T, Del Val D, Pibarot P, Eigler N, Abraham WT, Rodés-Cabau J.. Interatrial shunt with the second-generation V-Wave system for patients with advanced chronic heart failure.. EuroIntervention 2020; 15(16):1426-1428.
- Belzile D, Cinq-Mars A, Bernier M, Leblanc MH, Bourgault C, Morin J, Laflamme M, Charbonneau É, Sénéchal M. Do Energy Drinks Really Give You Wings? Left Ventricular Assist Device Therapy as a Bridge to Recovery for an Energy Drink-Induced Cardiomyopathy.. Can J Cardiol 2020; 36(2):317.e1-3.
- Ternacle J, Faroux L, Alperi A, Muntané-Carol G, Delarochellière R, Paradis JM, Kalavrouziotis D, Mohammadi S, Dumont E, Beaudoin J, Bernier M, Côté N, Côté M, Vincent F, Clavel MA, Rodés-Cabau J, Pibarot P. Impact of Left Ventricular Dysfunction in Patients with High and Low Gradient Severe Aortic Stenosis Following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement.. Can J Cardiol 2021; 37(7):1103-1111.
- Salaun E, Clavel MA, Hahn RT, Jaber WA, Asch FM, Rodriguez L, Weissman NL, Gertz ZM, Herrmann HC, Dahou A, Annabi MS, Toubal O, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Leipsic J, Blanke P, Ridard C, Ong G, Rodés-Cabau J, Webb JG, Zhang Y, Alu MC, Douglas PS, Makkar R, Miller DC, Lindman BR, Thourani VH, Leon MB, Pibarot P. Outcome of Flow-Gradient Patterns of Aortic Stenosis After Aortic Valve Replacement: An Analysis of the PARTNER 2 Trial and Registry.. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2020; 13(7):e008792.
- Pibarot P, Ternacle J, Jaber WA, Salaun E, Dahou A, Asch FM, Weissman NJ, Rodriguez L, Xu K, Annabi MS, Guzzetti E, Beaudoin J, Bernier M, Leipsic J, Blanke P, Clavel MA, Rogers E, Alu MC, Douglas PS, Makkar R, Miller DC, Kapadia SR, Mack MJ, Webb JG, Kodali SK, Smith CR, Herrmann HC, Thourani VH, Leon MB, Hahn RT; PARTNER 2 Investigators.. Structural Deterioration of Transcatheter Versus Surgical Aortic Valve Bioprostheses in the PARTNER-2 Trial.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2020; 76(16):1830-1843.
- Asmarats L, O'Hara G, Champagne J, Paradis JM, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Junquera L, Del Val D, Muntané-Carol G, Côté M, Rodés-Cabau J. Short-Term Oral Anticoagulation Versus Antiplatelet Therapy Following Transcatheter Left Atrial Appendage Closure.. Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2020; 13(8):e009039.
- Freitas-Ferraz AB, Bernier M, Vaillancourt R, Ugalde Figueroa PA, Nicodème F, Paradis JM, Champagne J, O'Hara G, Junquera L, Del Val D, Muntané-Carol G, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Rodés-Cabau J. Safety of Transesophageal Echocardiography to Guide Structural Cardiac Interventions.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2020; 75(25):3164-3173.
- Poulin A, Beaupré F, Gravel C, Hadjadj S, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, O'Connor K, Ferreira-Neto AN, Wintzer J, Dumont E, Dagenais F, Rodés-Cabau J, Paradis JM. Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Who Are Denied From a Percutaneous Edge-to-Edge Mitral Valve Repair After Being Referred to a Transcatheter Mitral Valve Program: Impact of a Dedicated Multidisciplinary Mitral Heart Team Approach.. J Invasive Cardiol 2020; 32(6):E151-E157.
- Pibarot P, Salaun E, Dahou A, Avenatti E, Guzzetti E, Annabi MS, Toubal O, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Ong G, Ternacle J, Krapf L, Thourani VH, Makkar R, Kodali SK, Russo M, Kapadia SR, Malaisrie SC, Cohen DJ, Leipsic J, Blanke P, Williams MR, McCabe JM, Brown DL, Babaliaros V, Goldman S, Szeto WY, Généreux P, Pershad A, Alu MC, Xu K, Rogers E, Webb JG, Smith CR, Mack MJ, Leon MB, Hahn RT. Echocardiographic Results of Transcatheter Versus Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement in Low-Risk Patients: The PARTNER 3 Trial.. Circulation 2020; 141(19):1527-1537.
- Guimaraes L, Del Val D, Bergeron S, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Rodés-Cabau J. Interatrial Shunting for Treating Acute and Chronic Left Heart Failure.. Eur Cardiol 2020; 15(0):e18.
- Alperi A, Dagenais F, Del Val D, Bernier M, Vahl TP, Khalique OK, Modine T, Granada JF, Rodés-Cabau J. Early Experience With a Novel Transfemoral Mitral Valve Implantation System in Complex Degenerative Mitral Regurgitation.. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2020; 13(20):2427-2437.
- Vézina FA, Milad D, Godbout K, Bernier M, Maltais F, Nadreau É, Sénéchal M. An unusual cause of exertional dyspnea in a 55 years old man.. Respir Med Case Rep 2020; 29(0):101004.
- Fudim M, Salah HM, Sathananthan J, Bernier M, Pabon-Ramos W, Schwartz RS, Rodés-Cabau J, Côté F, Khalifa A, Virani SA, Patel MR. Lymphatic Dysregulation in Patients With Heart Failure: JACC Review Topic of the Week.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2021; 78(1):66-76.
- Mancini GBJ, O'Meara E, Zieroth S, Bernier M, Cheng AYY, Cherney DZI, Connelly KA, Ezekowitz J, Goldenberg RM, Leiter LA, Nesrallah G, Paty BW, Piché ME, Senior P, Sharma A, Verma S, Woo V, Darras P, Grégoire J, Lonn E, Stone JA, Yale JF, Yeung C, Zimmerman D. 2022 Canadian Cardiovascular Society Guideline for Use of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists and SGLT2 Inhibitors for Cardiorenal Risk Reduction in Adults.. Can J Cardiol 2022; 38(8):1153-1167.
- Salaun E, Bernier M, Paradis JM, Champagne J, Silva Conde I, Beaudoin J, O'Connor K, Dognin N, Alperi A, Mesnier J, Panagides V, Lemyre M, Rodes-Cabau J, O'Hara G. Watchman 2.5TM versus Watchman FLXTM device in atypical left atrial anatomies: old fashion never dies.. Acta Cardiol 2023; 78(3):372-376.
- Domain G, Dognin N, O'Hara G, Rodès-Cabau J, Paradis JM, Strubé C, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Philippon F, Salaun E, Champagne J. Experience of Combined Procedure during Percutaneous LAA Closure.. J Clin Med 2022; 11(12):3280.
- Châteauneuf G, De Larochellière H, Clavel MA, Kalavrouziotis D, Charbonneau E, Dagenais F, Morin F, Silva I, Turgeon PY, Paradis JM, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Bergeron S, Rodés-Cabau J, Mohammadi S, Pibarot P, O'Connor K, Salaun E. Bioprosthetic Mitral Valve Thrombosis: A Multifaceted and Challenging Clinical and Imaging Spectrum.. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2022; 15(7):1339-1346.
- Bernard J, Salaun E, Padmanabhan C, Deja M, Hote M, Choudhary SK, Hlavi?ka J, Saldanha R, Brát R, Jain A, Shastri N, Bhat S, Nc C, Durairaj M, Das BR, Agarwal AK, Rao V, Talluri K, Beaudoin J, Bernier M, Côté N, Raman J, Pibarot P. Extracardiac basal annuloplasty for the treatment of secondary mitral regurgitation.. EuroIntervention 2022; 18(10):836-839.
- Alperi A, Del Val D, Ferreira-Neto AN, Bernier M, B Freitas-Ferraz A, Dagenais F, Rodés-Cabau J. Device profile of the AltaValve system for transcatheter mitral valve replacement: overview of its safety and efficacy.. Expert Rev Med Devices 2020; 17(7):627-636.
- Ferreira-Neto AN, Rodriguez-Gabella T, Guimaraes L, Freitas-Ferraz A, Bernier M, Figueiredo Guimaraes C, Pasian S, Paradis JM, Delarochellière R, Dumont E, Mohammadi S, Kalavrouziotis D, Côté M, Pibarot P, Rodés-Cabau J. Multimodality evaluation of transcatheter structural valve degeneration at long-term follow-up.. Rev Esp Cardiol (Engl Ed) 2021; 74(3):247-256.
- Altes A, Bernard J, Dumortier H, Dupuis M, Toubal O, Mahjoub H, Tartar J, Côté N, Clavel MA, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Vincentilli A, Pibarot P, Maréchaux S.. Significance of Left Ventricular Ejection Time in Primary Mitral Regurgitation.. Am J Cardiol 2022; 178(0):97-105.
- Freitas-Ferraz AB, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Champagne J, Paradis JM, O'Hara G, Muntané-Carol G, Alperi A, Faroux L, Junquera L, Rodés-Cabau J. Safety and effects of volume loading during transesophageal echocardiography in the pre-procedural work-up for left atrial appendage closure.. Cardiovasc Ultrasound 2021; 19(1):3.
- Salaun E, Conde IS, O'Connor K, Beaudoin J, Bernier F, O'Hara G, Champagne J, Paradis JM, Dognin N, Lemyre M, Rodes-Cabau J, Bernier M. Billowing Motion of the Polyester Fabric Cover With WATCHMAN FLX Device: The Wind Sailing Effect.. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2021; 14(16):e201-e204.
- Panagides V, Alperi A, Mesnier J, Philippon F, Bernier M, Rodes-Cabau J. Heart failure following transcatheter aortic valve replacement.. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther 2021; 19(8):695-709.
- Turgeon PY, Massot M, Beaupré F, Belzile D, Beaudoin J, Bernier M, Bourgault C, Germain V, Laliberté C, Morin J, Gervais P, Trahan S, Charbonneau É, Dagenais F, Sénéchal M. Effect of Acute Immunosuppression on Left Ventricular Recovery and Mortality in Fulminant Viral Myocarditis: A Case Series and Review of Literature.. CJC Open 2021; 3(3):292-302.
- Alperi A, Granada JF, Bernier M, Dagenais F, Rodés-Cabau J. Current Status and Future Prospects of Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement: JACC State-of-the-Art Review.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2021; 77(24):3058-3078.
- Ternacle J, Pibarot P, Herrmann HC, Kodali S, Leipsic J, Blanke P, Jaber W, Mack MJ, Clavel MA, Salaun E, Guzzetti E, Annabi MS, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Khalique OK, Weissman NJ, Douglas P, Bax J, Dahou A, Xu K, Alu M, Rogers E, Leon M, Thourani VH, Abbas AE, Hahn RT. Prosthesis-Patient Mismatch After Aortic Valve Replacement in the PARTNER 2 Trial and Registry.. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2021; 14(13):1466-1477.
- Dognin N, Salaun E, Champagne C, Domain G, O'Hara G, Philippon F, Paradis JM, Faroux L, Beaudoin J, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Rodés-Cabau J, Champagne J. Percutaneous left atrial appendage closure in patients with primary hemostasis disorders and atrial fibrillation.. J Interv Card Electrophysiol 2022; 64(2):497-509.
- Silva I, Beaudoin J, Champagne J, Paradis JM, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Dognin N, Lemyre M, Rodes-Cabau J, O'Hara G, Salaun E. Post-release shift with Watchman FLX devices during left atrial appendage closure: the "popcorn effect".. EuroIntervention 2022; 18(2):e181-e182.
- Gammie JS, Chu MWA, Falk V, Overbey JR, Moskowitz AJ, Gillinov M, Mack MJ, Voisine P, Krane M, Yerokun B, Bowdish ME, Conradi L, Bolling SF, Miller MA, Taddei-Peters WC, Jeffries NO, Parides MK, Weisel R, Jessup M, Rose EA, Mullen JC, Raymond S, Moquete EG, O'Sullivan K, Marks ME, Iribarne A, Beyersdorf F, Borger MA, Geirsson A, Bagiella E, Hung J, Gelijns AC, O'Gara PT, Ailawadi G; CTSN Investigators (Dagenais F, Charbonneau E, Doyle D, Dumont E, Jacques F, Kalavrouziotis D, Mohammadi S, Perron J, Beaudoin J, Laflamme M, Malas T et Bernier M parmi les collaborateurs).. Concomitant Tricuspid Repair in Patients with Degenerative Mitral Regurgitation.. N Engl J Med 2022; 386(4):327-339.
- Sengupta PP, Shrestha S, Kagiyama N, Hamirani Y, Kulkarni H, Yanamala N, Bing R, Chin CWL, Pawade TAm Messika-Zeitoun D, Tastet L, Shen M, Newby DE, Clavel MA, Pibarot P, Dweck MR; Artificial Intelligence for Aortic Stenosis at Risk International Consortium (Larose E, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Arsenault M parmis les collaborateurs). A Machine-Learning Framework to Identify Distinct Phenotypes of Aortic Stenosis Severity. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2021; 14(9):1707-1720.
- Hadjadj S, Freitas-Ferraz AB, Paquin A, Rouleau Z, Simard S, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Salaun E, Pibarot P, Clavel MA, Rodés-Cabau J, Paradis JM, Beaudoin J. Echocardiographic Variables Associated with Transvalvular Gradient After a Transcatheter Edge-To-Edge Mitral Valve Repair.. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2022; 35(1):86-95.
- Cinq-Mars A, Massot M, Belzile D, Turgeon PY, Dubois-Sénéchal SM, Laliberté C, Komlosy MÈ, Leblanc MH, Bergeron S, O'Connor K, Morin J, Bourgault C, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Radermaker S, Laflamme M, Charbonneau E, Sénéchal M. Heavy Burden of Toxic Dilated Cardiomyopathy Among Young Adults: A Retrospective Study and Review of the Literature.. Can J Cardiol 2022; 38(1):49-58.
- Bernard J, Kalavrouziotis D, Marzouk M, Nader J, Bernier M, Pibarot P, Mohammadi S. Prosthetic choice in mitral valve replacement for severe chronic ischemic mitral regurgitation: Long-term follow-up.. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2023; 165(2):634-644.e5.
- Altes A, Bernard J, Dumortier H, Dupuis M, Toubal O, Mahjoub H, Tartar J, Côté N, Clavel MA, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Vincentelli A, Pibarot P, Maréchaux S.. Clinical significance of myocardial contraction fraction in significant primary mitral regurgitation.. Arch Cardiovasc Dis 2023; 116(3):151-158.
- Salaun E, Bernier M.. Acute myocardial calcification in a patient with fulminant myocarditis. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging 2023; 24(6):e101.
- Dognin N, Rimac G, Domain G, Cinq-Mars A, Massot M, Turgeon PY, Dubois-Sénéchal SM, Bourgault C, Morin J, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Laflamme M, Charbonneau E, Strubé C, Voisine P, Philippon F, Belzile D, Sénéchal M. Survival, ventricular arrhythmia, and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator usefulness in toxic cardiomyopathy due to substance abuse.. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2023; 46(7):645-656.
- Bernard J, Yanamala N, Shah R, Seetharam K, Altes A, Dupuis M, Toubal O, Mahjoub H, Dumortier H, Tartar J, Salaun E, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Côté N, Vincentelli A, LeVen F, Maréchaux S, Pibarot P, Sengupta PP. Integrating Echocardiography Parameters With Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Data-Driven Clustering of Primary Mitral Regurgitation Phenotypes.. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2023; 16(10):1253-1267.
- Panagides V, Côté F, Khalifa A, Bernier F, Rodes-Cabau J, Bernier M. Percutaneous Lymphatic Drainage Through the Thoracic Duct: New Paths in Heart Failure.. CJC Open 2023; 5(7):593-596.
- Babar A, Vallée-Marcotte B, Savin A, Bernier M, O'Connor K, Sénéchal M. Exploring Ambulatory Continuous Inotropes as a Bridge to Recovery in Advanced Heart Failure Secondary to Amphetamine-Induced Cardiomyopathy.. CJC Open 2024; 7(1):23-26.
- Silva I, Ternacle J, Hahn RT, Salah-Annabi M, Dahou A, Krapf L, Salaun E, Guzzetti E, Xu K, Clavel MA, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Cremer PC, Jaber W, Rodriguez L, Asch FM, Weismann NJ, Bax J, Ajmone N, Alu MC, Kallel F, Mack MJ, Webb JG, Kapadia S, Makkar R, Kodali S, Herrmann HC, Thourani V, Leon MB, Pibarot P. Left and Right Ventricular Longitudinal Systolic Function Following Aortic Valve Replacement in the PARTNER 2 Trial And Registry.. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging 2024; 25(9):1276-1286.
- Fleury MA, Tastet L, Bernard J, Shen M, Capoulade R, Abdoun K, Bédard É, Arsenault M, Chetaille P, Beaudoin J, Bernier M, Salaun E, Côté N, Pibarot P, Hecht S. Effect of aortic valve phenotype and sex on aorta dilation in patients with aortic stenosis.. Open Heart 2024; 11(2):e002912.
- Hadjadj S, Pibarot P, Gravel C, Clavel MA, Marsit O, Rouabhia D, Labbé BM, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Salaun E, Farjat J, Nuche Berenguer J, Rodés-Cabau J, Paradis JM, Beaudoin J. Von Willebrand Factor Activity Association With Outcomes After Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Mitral Valve Repair.. JACC Adv 2024; 3(10):101242.
- Mengi S, Januzzi JL Jr, Cavalcante JL, Avvedimento M, Galhardo A, Bernier M, Rodés-Cabau J. Aortic Stenosis, Heart Failure, and Aortic Valve Replacement.. JAMA Cardiol 2024; 9(12):1159-1168.
- Salaun E, Drory S, Coté MA, Tremblay V, Bédard E, Steinberg C, Paré D, O'Connor K, Cieza T, Coté N, Poirier P, Douville P, Blais J, Desmeules P, Kalavrouziotis D, Mohammadi S, Voisine P, Bernier M, Pibarot P, Thériault S. Role of Antitroponin Antibodies and Macrotroponin in the Clinical Interpretation of Cardiac Troponin.. J Am Heart Assoc 2024; 13(12):e035128.