- Accueil
- Chercheurs
- Dr Paul Poirier

Domaine de recherche
Le Dr Poirier concentre ses travaux de recherche sur l'exercice, l'obésité, le diabète et la cardiomyopathie, ainsi que le rôle de la perte de poids et de l'exercice dans le contrôle de ces maladies.
Description des travaux
Le Dr Poirier a plusieurs intérêts de recherche et il a collaboré à un grand nombre d'études de sciences de base et cliniques ainsi qu'à des projets de recherche cliniques locaux, nationaux et internationaux. Ses travaux de recherche ont été subventionnés par le Fonds de l'Institut de cardiologie de Québec, le Fonds de recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ) et l'Association du Diabète du Canada. Il est actuellement président du comité de promotion et de prévention cardiovasculaire et siège sur le comité de retour au travail de l'Association des cardiologues du Québec (ACQ). Malgré sa jeune carrière, le Dr Poirier est l'auteur et le coauteur de plus de 60 articles scientifiques, 100 résumés, 17 chapitres de livres et d'une centaine de présentations pour la plupart dans le domaine de l'exercice, le contrôle des facteurs de risque, l'obésité, le diabète et les maladies cardiovasculaires. Il est le premier auteur de l'American Heart Association Scientific Statement sur la pathogenèse et la pathophysiologie de l'obésité et son association avec les maladies cardiovasculaires et il est un des membres du CCS Consensus Group for Fitness to Drive 2004. Il est membre du comité international et aussi vice-président du comité sur l'obésité du Conseil de la nutrition, de l'activité physique et du métabolisme de l'American Heart Association. Il joue aussi un rôle très actif dans l'évaluation des subventions et la révision de manuscrits scientifiques.
Prix et distinctions
3- 2006-2009 : Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec (FRSQ) Chercheur-boursier clinicien Junior 2
- 2004 : Prix du Jeune Chercheur remis par la Société Québécoise d’Hypertension Artérielle
- 2001-2005 : Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec (FRSQ) Chercheur-boursier clinicien Junior 1
494- Champagne J, Poirier P, Dumesnil JG, Desaulniers D, Boudreault JR, O'Hara G, Gilbert M, Philippon F. Permanent pacemaker lead entrapment: role of the transesophageal echocardiography. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2002; 25(7):1131-4.
- Champagne J, Poirier P, O'Hara G, Gilbert M, Soucy B, Philippon F. Differential effect of right and left carotid sinus massage: implications for sudden rate drop pacing algorithm.. Can J Cardiol 2002; 18(7):763-7.
- Poirier P, Eckel RH. Obesity and cardiovascular disease.. Curr Atheroscler Rep 2002; 4(6):448-53.
- Plenge JK, Hernandez TL, Weil KM, Poirier P, Grunwald GK, Marcovina SM, Eckel RH. Simvastatin lowers C-reactive protein within 14 days: an effect independent of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol reduction.. Circulation 2002; 106(12):1447-52.
- Poirier P, Tremblay A, Broderick T, Catellier C, Tancrède G, Nadeau A. Impact of moderate aerobic exercise training on insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetic men treated with oral hypoglycemic agents: is insulin sensitivity enhanced only in nonobese subjects?. Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(2):CR59-65.
- Hamelin BA, Méthot J, Arsenault M, Pilote S, Poirier P, Plante S, Bogaty P. Influence of the menstrual cycle on the timing of acute coronary events in premenopausal women. Am J Med 2003; 114(7):599-602.
- Poirier B, Baillot R, Bauset R, Dagenais F, Mathieu P, Simard S, Dionne B, Caouette M, Hould FS, Doyle D, Poirier P. [Abdominal complications associated with cardiac surgery. Review of a contemporary surgical experience and of a series done without extracorporeal circulation]. Can J Surg 2003; 46(3):176-82.
- Poirier P, Bogaty P, Philippon F, Garneau C, Fortin C, Dumesnil JG. Preclinical diabetic cardiomyopathy: relation of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction to cardiac autonomic neuropathy in men with uncomplicated well-controlled type 2 diabetes. Metabolism 2003; 52(8):1056-61.
- Bogaty P, Poirier P, Boyer L, Jobin J, Dagenais GR. What induces the warm-up ischemia/angina phenomenon: exercise or myocardial ischemia?. Circulation 2003; 107(14):1858-63.
- Turgeon AF, Dagenais F, Poirier P, Bauset R, Mathieu P. Myocardial infarction in a young woman secondary to a rupture of a noncoronary sinus of Valsalva aneurysm without coronary artery disease.. Can J Cardiol 2003; 19(6):723-4.
- Poirier P, Després JP. [Obesity and cardiovascular disease]. Med Sci (Paris) 2003; 19(10):943-9.
- Poirier P, Després JP. Waist circumference, visceral obesity, and cardiovascular risk.. J Cardiopulm Rehabil 2003; 23(3):161-9.
- Poirier P, Hernandez TL, Weil KM, Shepard TJ, Eckel RH. Impact of diet-induced weight loss on the cardiac autonomic nervous system in severe obesity.. Obes Res 2003; 11(9):1040-7.
- Villanueva DS, Poirier P, Standley PR, Broderick TL. Prevention of ischemic heart failure by exercise in spontaneously diabetic BB Wor rats subjected to insulin withdrawal.. Metabolism 2003; 52(6):791-7.
- Morin J, Bogaty PM, Roy L, Poirier P. Trauma-induced occlusion of the left anterior descending artery following a snowmobile accident in a man without prior coronary artery disease. Can J Cardiol 2003; 19(5):565-8.
- Capell WH, DeSouza CA, Poirier P, Bell ML, Stauffer BL, Weil KM, Hernandez TL, Eckel RH. Short-term triglyceride lowering with fenofibrate improves vasodilator function in subjects with hypertriglyceridemia.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2003; 23(2):307-13.
- Bogaty P, Dagenais GR, Poirier P, Boyer L, Auclair L, Pépin G, Jobin J, Arsenault M. Effect of atorvastatin on exercise-induced myocardial ischemia in patients with stable angina pectoris. Am J Cardiol 2003; 92(10):1192-5.
- Méthot J, Hamelin BA, Bogaty P, Arsenault M, Plante S, Poirier P. Does hormonal status influence the clinical presentation of acute coronary syndromes in women?. J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2004; 13(6):695-702.
- Poirier P, Martin J, Marceau P, Biron S, Marceau S. Impact of bariatric surgery on cardiac structure, function and clinical manifestations in morbid obesity.. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther 2004; 2(2):193-201.
- Woods P, Paquette C, Martin J, Dumesnil JG, Marceau P, Marceau S, Biron S, Hould FS, Lescelleur O, Lebel S, Poirier P. Metabolic and cardiovascular improvements after biliopancreatic diversion in a severely obese patient.. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2004; 3(1):5.
- Noël M, Gagné C, Bergeron J, Jobin J, Poirier P. Positive pleiotropic effects of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor on vitiligo.. Lipids Health Dis 2004; 3(1):7.
- Bertrand OF, Rodès-Cabau J, Poirier P. Very late in-stent restenosis (five years) presenting as an ST elevation acute myocardial infarction.. Can J Cardiol 2004; 20(14):1481-3.
- Simpson C, Dorian P, Gupta A, Hamilton R, Hart S, Hoffmaster B, Klein G, Krahn A, Kryworuk P, Mitchell LB, Poirier P, Ross H, Sami M, Sheldon R, Stone J, Surkes J, Brennan FJ,. Assessment of the cardiac patient for fitness to drive: drive subgroup executive summary.. Can J Cardiol 2004; 20(13):1314-20.
- Melanson EL, Donahoo WT, Krantz MJ, Poirier P, Mehler PS. Resting and ambulatory heart rate variability in chronic anorexia nervosa.. Am J Cardiol 2004; 94(9):1217-20.
- Poirier P. Importance et modalités du dépistage de la maladie cardiovasculaire chez les patients diabétiques.. Médecine nucléaire 2004; 9(0):769-70.
- Poirier P, Després JP. Obésité et maladies cardiovasculaires.. Médecine & Sciences 2004; 31(0):10-15.
- Poirier P, Lemieux I, Mauriège P, Dewailly E, Blanchet C, Bergeron J, Després JP. Impact of waist circumference on the relationship between blood pressure and insulin: the Quebec Health Survey.. Hypertension 2005; 45(3):363-7.
- Jobin J, Maltais F, Poirier P, LeBlanc P, Franklin B. Proceedings of the third Québec International Symposium on cardiopulmonary rehabilitation.. Am J Sports Med 2004; 6(0):1-6.
- St-Pierre J, Vohl MC, Després JP, Gaudet D, Poirier P. Genetic aspects of diabetes and its cardiovascular complications: contribution of genetics to risk assessment and clinical management.. Can J Cardiol 2005; 21(2):199-209.
- Arsenault M, Bergeron S, Dumesnil JG, Fortin MP, Poirier P. Anginal threshold between stress tests: exercise versus dobutamine stress echocardiography.. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2005; 37(1):18-23.
- Dorval JF, Anderson T, Buithieu J, Chan S, Hutchison S, Huynh T, Jobin J, Lonn E, Poirier P, Title L, Walling A, Tran T, Boudreau G, Charbonneau F, Genest J. Reaching recommended lipid and blood pressure targets with amlodipine/atorvastatin combination in patients with coronary heart disease.. Am J Cardiol 2005; 95(2):249-53.
- Broderick TL, Poirier P, Gillis M. Exercise training restores abnormal myocardial glucose utilization and cardiac function in diabetes.. Diabetes Metab Res Rev 2005; 21(1):44-50.
- Méthot J, Hamelin BA, Bogaty P, Arsenault M, Plante S, Poirier P. ACE-DD genotype is associated with the occurrence of acute coronary syndrome in postmenopausal women.. Int J Cardiol 2005; 105(3):308-14.
- Marquis K, Maltais F, Duguay V, Bezeau AM, LeBlanc P, Jobin J, Poirier P. The metabolic syndrome in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.. J Cardiopulm Rehabil 2005; 25(4):226-32.
- Lacasse M, Maltais F, Poirier P, Lacasse Y, Marquis K, Jobin J, LeBlanc P. Post-exercise heart rate recovery and mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.. Respir Med 2005; 99(7):877-86.
- Poirier P, Giles TD, Bray GA, Hong Y, Stern JS, Pi-Sunyer FX, Eckel RH. Obesity and cardiovascular disease: Pathophysiology, evaluation, and effect of weight loss - an update of the 1997 American Heart Association scientific statement on obesity and heart disease from Obe. Circulation 2006; 113(0):898-918.
- Brassard P, Poirier P. Sympathetic dominance should not be ruled out for increased exercise capacity.. J Appl Physiol 2006; 101(0):1816-8.
- Poirier P. Le syndrome métabolique: l?essentiel pour le cardiologue clinicien ?. La cardiologie contemporaine 2006; 4(0):6-8.
- Brassard P, Maltais F, Noël M, Doyon JF, LeBlanc P, Allaire J, Simard C, LeBlanc MH, Poirier P, Jobin J. Skeletal muscle endurance in patients with chronic heart failure: relation to metabolism.. Can J Cardiol 2006; 22(5):387-92.
- Brassard P, Poirier P, Martin J, Noël M, Nadreau E, Houde C, Cloutier A, Perron J, Jobin J. Impact of exercise training on muscle function and ergoreflex in Fontan patients: a pilot study.. Int J Cardiol 2006; 107(1):85-94.
- Poirier P, Després JP, Bertrand OF. Identifying which patients with diabetes should be tested for the presence of coronary artery disease - The importance of baseline electrocardiogram and exercise testing.. Can J Cardiol 2006; 22(0):9-15.
- Poirier P, Giles TD, Bray GA, Hong Y, Stern JS, Pi-Sunyer FX, Eckel RH. Obesity and cardiovascular disease: pathophysiology, evaluation, and effect of weight loss.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2006; 26(5):968-76.
- Simard C, Poirier P. Ezetimibe-associated myopathy in monotherapy and in combination with a 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitor.. Can J Cardiol 2006; 22(2):141-4.
- Bourgault C, Bergeron S, Bogaty P, Poirier P. A most unusual acute coronary syndrome.. Can J Cardiol 2006; 22(5):429-32.
- Broderick TL, Poirier P. Cardiac function and ischaemic tolerance during acute loss of metabolic control in the diabetic BB Wor rat.. Acta Diabetol 2005; 42(4):171-8.
- Poirier P. Diabetes cardiomyopathy: More evidence of its existence.. Am J Hypertens 2006; 101(0):893-7.
- Freeman M, Iwanochka R, Poirier P. Practice point: Cardiac assessment in patients with diabetes.. The Medical Post 2006; 42(0):1-4.
- Sénéchal M, Crête M, Poirier P. Myocardial dysfunction in polymyositis.. Can J Cardiol 2006; 22(10):869-71.
- Poirier P, Turbide G, Bourdages J, Sauvageau L, Houle J. Predictors of compliance with medical recommendations regarding pharmacological and non pharmacological approaches in patient with cardiovascular disease.. Clin Invest Med 2006; 29(2):91-103.
- Brassard P, Poirier P, Jobin J. L'entraînement physique chez l'insuffisant cardiaque.. Cardinale 2005; 17(0):1-5.
- Marquis K, Poirier P. Le traitement et les nouvelles avenues pharmacologiques de la MPOC.. Québec Pharmacie 2006; 53(0):22-32.
- Poirier P, Després JP. [Impact of obesity in contemporary cardiology]. Med Sci (Paris) 2005; 21(0):3-9.
- Bédard E, Bergeron S, Poirier P, Dumesnil JG. Pheochromocytoma associated with apical-sparing left ventricular dysfunction due to acute afterload mismatch: A novel clinical entity?. Can J Cardiol 2007; 23(14):1157-8.
- Brassard P, Poirier P. When is it necessary to stress pre-exercise assessment?. Perspectives in Cardiology 2006; 22(0):14.
- Poirier P, Garneau C, Bogaty P, Nadeau A, Marois L, Brochu C, Gingras C, Fortin C, Jobin J, Dumesnil JG. Impact of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction on maximal treadmill performance in normotensive subjects with well-controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus.. Am J Cardiol 2000; 85(4):473-7.
- Poirier P, Bogaty P, Garneau C, Marois L, Dumesnil JG. Diastolic dysfunction in normotensive men with well-controlled type 2 diabetes: importance of maneuvers in echocardiographic screening for preclinical diabetic cardiomyopathy.. Diabetes Care 2001; 24(1):5-10.
- Ferland A, Poirier P. L?indice glycémique des aliments: Impact sur le traitement du patient diabétique et obèse.. Le clinicien 2006; 21(0):16-9.
- Pellerin J, Poirier P, Simard C. Myopathie associée à la prise d'ézétimibe.. Québec Pharmacie 2006; 53(0):333-6.
- Bertrand OF, De Larochellière R, Rodés-Cabau J, Proulx G, Gleeton O, Nguyen CM, Déry JP, Barbeau G, Noël B, Larose E, Poirier P, Roy L. A randomized study comparing same-day home discharge and abciximab bolus only to overnight hospitalization and abciximab bolus and infusion after transradial coronary stent implantation.. Circulation 2006; 114(24):2636-43.
- Lefebvre J, Poirier L, Poirier P, Turgeon J, Lacourciere Y. The influence of CYP2D6 phenotype on the clinical response of nebivolol in patients with essential hypertension.. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2007; 63(5):575-82.
- Brassard P, Ferland A, Bogaty P, Desmeules M, Jobin J, Poirier P. Influence of glycemic control on pulmonary function and heart rate in response to exercise in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus.. Metabolism 2006; 55(11):1532-7.
- Méthot J, Hamelin BA, Arsenault M, Bogaty P, Plante S, Poirier P. The ACE-DD genotype is associated with endothelial dysfunction in postmenopausal women.. Menopause 2006; 13(6):959-66.
- Brassard P, Ferland A, Gaudreault V, Bonneville N, Jobin J, Poirier P. Elevated peak exercise systolic blood pressure is not associated with reduced exercise capacity in subjects with Type 2 diabetes.. J Appl Physiol 2006; 101(3):893-7.
- Poirier P. Recurrent cardiovascular events in contemporary cardiology: obesity patients should not rest in PEACE.. Eur Heart J 2006; 27(12):1390-1.
- Brassard P, Bédard E, Jobin J, Rodés-Cabau J, Poirier P. Exercise capacity and impact of exercise training in patients after a Fontan procedure: a review.. Can J Cardiol 2006; 22(6):489-95.
- Noël M, Jobin J, Poirier P, Dagenais GR and Bogaty P. Different thresholds of myocardical ischemia in ramp and standard Bruce protocol exercise tests in patients with positive exercise stress tests and angiographically demonstrated coronary arterial narr. Am J Cardiol 2007; 99(7):921-4.
- Paillé C, Marquis K, Poirier P. Adopter le style de vie Ornish pour combattre le syndrome métabolique.. Nutrition 2006; 14(0):18.
- Château-Degat ML, Poirier P. Insulin resistance, obesity and hypertension: is the link waist circumference?. Therapy 2007; 4(0):575-83.
- Gutiérrez M, Rodés-Cabau J, Bagur R, Doyle D, DeLarochellière R, Bergeron S, Lemieux J, Villeneuve J, Côté M, Bertrand OF, Poirier P, Clavel MA, Pibarot P, Dumont E.. Electrocardiographic changes and clinical outcomes after transapical aortic valve implantation.. Am Heart J 2009; 158(2):302-8.
- Noël M, Jobin J, Marcoux A, Poirier P, Dagenais GR, Bogaty P. Can prolonged exercise-induced myocardial ischemia be innocuous?. Eur Heart J 2007; 28(13):1559-65.
- Poirier P. Abdominal obesity: An important risk factor in clinical and interventional cardiology.. CMR eJournal 2009; 2(0):7-14.
- Pérez N, Moisan J, Sirois C, Poirier P, Grégoire JP.. Initiation of insulin therapy in elderly patients taking oral antidiabetes drugs.. CMAJ 2009; 180(13):1310-6.
- Després JP, Poirier P, Bergeron J, Tremblay A, Lemieux I, Alméras N. From individual risk factors and the metabolic syndrome to global cardiometabolic risk.. Eur Heart J Suppl 2008; 10(0):B24-33.
- Després JP, Lemieux I, Bergeron J, Pibarot P, Mathieu P, Larose E, Rodés-Cabau J, Bertrand OF, Poirier P. Abdominal obesity and the metabolic syndrome: contribution to global cardiometabolic risk.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2008; 28(6):1039-49.
- Sénéchal M, O'Connor K, Deblois J, Magne J, Dumesnil JG, Pibarot P, Bergeron S, Poirier P. A simple Doppler echocardiography method to evaluate pulmonary capillary wedge pressure in patients with atrial fibrillation.. Echocardiography 2008; 25(1):57-63.
- Rhéaume C, Arsenault BJ, Bélanger S, Pérusse L, Tremblay A, Bouchard C, Poirier P, Després JP. Low Cardiorespiratory Fitness Levels and Elevated Blood Pressure: What Is the Contribution of Visceral Adiposity?. Hypertension 2009; 54(1):91-7.
- Mathieu P, Pibarot P, Larose E, Poirier P, Marette A, Després JP. Visceral obesity and the heart.. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2008; 40(5):821-36.
- Charbonneau F, Anderson TJ, Title L, Jobin J, Poirier P, Huyhn T, Chan S, Walling A, Hutchison S, Tran T, Lonn E, Buithieu J, Genest J. Modulation of arterial reactivity using amlodipine and atorvastatin measured by ultrasound examination (MARGAUX).. Atherosclerosis 2008; 197(1):420-7.
- Poulain M, Doucet M, Drapeau V, Fournier G, Tremblay A, Poirier P, Maltais F. Metabolic and inflammatory profile in obese patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.. Chron Respir Dis 2008; 5(1):35-41.
- Poirier P. Obesity, adiposity indices, and blood pressure; ethnicity does matter.. Am J Hypertens 2008; 21(3):244.
- Le May MR, So DY, Dionne R, Glover CA, Froeschl MP, Wells GA, Davies RF, Sherrard HL, Maloney J, Marquis JF, O'Brien ER, Trickett J, Poirier P, Ryan SC, Ha A, Joseph PG, Labinaz M. A citywide protocol for primary PCI in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.. N Engl J Med 2008; 358(3):231-40.
- Brulotte S, Sénéchal M, Poirier P, Nguyen CM, Lemieux A, Magne J, Bergeron S. Safety of the cardiac triple therapy: The experience of the Quebec Heart Institute.. Can J Cardiol 2007; 23(0):80-3B.
- Nault I, Nadreau E, Paquet C, Brassard P, Marceau P, Marceau S, Biron S, Hould FS, Lebel S, Richard D, Poirier P. Impact of bariatric surgery-induced weight loss on heart rate variability.. Metabolism 2007; 56(10):1425-30.
- Brassard P, Legault S, Garneau C, Bogaty P, Dumesnil JG, Poirier P. Normalization of diastolic dysfunction in type 2 diabetics after exercise training.. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2007; 39(11):1896-901.
- Brassard P, Ferland A, Marquis K, Maltais F, Jobin J, Poirier P. Impact of diabetes, chronic heart failure, congenital heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on acute and chronic exercise responses.. Can J Cardiol 2007; 23(0):89-96B.
- Bourgault C, Couture C, Martineau A, Dagenais F, Poirier P, Sénéchal M. Incidental mobile aortic valve lesion: a case of aortic valve fenestration.. J Heart Valve Dis 2007; 16(6):692-4.
- Drolet B, Simard C, Poirier P. Impact of weight-loss medications on the cardiovascular system: focus on current and future anti-obesity drugs.. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2007; 7(4):273-88.
- Ferland A, Brassard P, Croteau S, Lemieux S, Bergeron J, Lacroix S, Fournier L, Poirier P. Impact of beta-blocker treatment and nutritional status on glycemic response during exercise in patients with type 2 diabetes.. Clin Invest Med 2007; 30(6):E257-61.
- Gaudet-Savard T, Ferland A, Broderick TL, Garneau C, Tremblay A, Nadeau A, Poirier P. Safety and magnitude of changes in blood glucose levels following exercise performed in the fasted and the postprandial state in men with type 2 diabetes.. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 2007; 14(6):831-6.
- Poirier P. Factors affecting performance of usual activities during radiation therapy.. Oncol Nurs Forum 2007; 34(4):827-34.
- Ferland A, Broderick TL, Nadeau A, Simard S, Martin J, Poirier P. Impact of fasting and postprandial state on plasma carnitine concentrations during aerobic exercise in type 2 diabetes.. Acta Diabetol 2007; 44(3):114-20.
- Poirier P. Adiposity and cardiovascular disease: are we using the right definition of obesity?. Eur Heart J 2007; 28(17):2047-8.
- Ferland A, Brassard P, Poirier P. Is aspartame really safer in reducing the risk of hypoglycemia during exercise in patients with type 2 diabetes?. Diabetes Care 2007; 30(7):e59.
- Brassard P, Poirier P. Diabetes and exercise-induced hemodynamic responses.. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2007; 78(1):147-8.
- Lemieux I, Poirier P, Bergeron J, Almeras N, Lamarche B, Cantin B, Dagenais GR, Després JP. Hypertriglyceridemic waist: A useful screeing phenotype in preventive cardiology?. Can J Cardiol 2007; 23(0):23-31B.
- Sirois C, Moisan J, Poirier P, Grégoire JP. Suboptimal use of cardioprotective drugs in newly treated elderly individuals with type 2 diabetes.. Diabetes Care 2007; 30(7):1880-2.
- Poirier P. Adiposité et maladie cardiovasculaire: utilisons-nous la bonne définition pour caractériser lobésité?. Med Sci 2008; 24(12):1096-8.
- Sirois C, Moisan J, Poirier P, Grégoire JP. Underuse of cardioprotective treatment by the elderly with type 2 diabetes.. Diabetes Metab 2008; 34(2):169-76.
- Poirier P. Targeting abdominal obesity in cardiology: can we be effective?. Can J Cardiol 2008; 24(0):13D-17D.
- Sirois C, Moisan J, Poirier P, Grégoire JP. The benefit of aspirin therapy in type 2 diabetes: a review of the evidence.. Int J Cardiol 2008; 0(0):Epub.
- Chaput JP, Drapeau V, Poirier P, Teasdale N, Tremblay A. Glycemic instability and spontaneous energy intake: association with knowledge-based work.. Psychosom Med 2008; 70(0):797-804.
- Croteau S, Poirier P. Les traitements pharmacologiques pour la perte de poids chez lobèse morbide.. Le clinicien 2007; 0(0):76-82.
- Cartier A, Bergeron J, Poirier P, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Lemieux I, Després JP. Increased plasma interleukin-1 receptor antagonist levels in men with visceral obesity.. Ann Med 2009; 41(6):471-8.
- Turmel J, Boulet LP, Sériès F, Poirier P, Tardif JC, Rodés-Cabau J, Larose É, Bertrand OF. Is there an association between coronary atherosclerosis and airway responsiveness?. Acta Cardiol 2008; 63(3):347-53.
- Bogaty P, Noël M, Poirier P, Dagenais GR. Can prolonged exercise-induced myocardial ischaemia be innocuous? reply.. Eur Heart J 2008; 29(1):139-40.
- Bogaty P, Poirier P, Boyer L, Simard S, Morin J, Dagenais GR.. Effects of exogenous metabolic substrate modulation on exercise-induced myocardial ischemia. Am Heart J 2008; 156(4):790-6.
- Bertrand OF, Rodés-Cabau J, Larose E, Proulx G, Gleeton O, Nguyen CM, Nault I, Roy L, Poirier P, Costerousse O, De Larochellière R. Early and late outcomes in patients excluded from same-day home discharge after transradial stenting and maximal antiplatelet therapy.. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2008; 72(5):619-25.
- Bertrand OF, Rodés-Cabau J, Larose E, Nguyen CM, Déry JP, Proulx G, Roy L, Poirier P, Costerousse O, De Larochellière R. Effects of intracoronary compared to intravenous abciximab administration in patients undergoing transradial percutaneous coronary intervention: a sub-analysis of the EASY trial.. Int J Cardiol 2008; 0(0):Epub.
- Marquis K, Maltais F, Lacasse Y, Lacourciere Y, Fortin C, Poirier P. Effects of aerobic exercise training and irbesartan on blood pressure and heart rate variability in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.. Can Respir J 2008; 15(7):355-60.
- Poirier P. [Adiposity and cardiovascular disease: what is the best indicator of "at risk" obesity?]. Med Sci (Paris) 2008; 24(12):1096-8.
- Château-Degat ML, Dewailly E, Poirier P, Gingras S, Egeland GM. Comparison of diagnostic criteria of the metabolic syndrome in 3 ethnic groups of Canada.. Metabolism 2008; 57(11):1526-32.
- Valera B, Dewailly E, Poirier P. Cardiac autonomic activity and blood pressure among Nunavik Inuit adults exposed to environmental mercury: a cross-sectional study.. Environ Health 2008; 7(0):29.
- Sirois C, Poirier P, Moisan J, Grégoire JP. The benefit of aspirin therapy in type 2 diabetes: what is the evidence?. Int J Cardiol 2008; 129(2):172-9.
- Desprès JP, Arsenault BJ, Poirier P. Management of the atherogenic dyslipidemia of insulin resistance/metabolic syndrome: making visceral obesity/ectopic fat a new therapeutic target.. Med Clin North Am 2008; 92(1):11-26.
- Turmel J, Sériès F, Boulet LP, Poirier P, Tardif JC, Rodés-Cabeau J, Larose E, Bertrand OF. Relationship between atherosclerosis and the sleep apnea syndrome: an intravascular ultrasound study.. Int J Cardiol 2009; 132(2):203-9.
- Bertrand OF, Larose E, Rodés-Cabau J, Gleeton O, Taillon I, Roy L, Poirier P, Costerousse O, De Larochellière RD. Incidence, predictors, and clinical impact of bleeding after transradial coronary stenting and maximal antiplatelet therapy.. Am Heart J 2009; 157(1):164-9.
- O'Connor K, Molin F, Poirier P, Vaillancourt R. Cardiac arrest as a major complication of bilateral cervico-dorsal sympathectomy.. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2009; 8(2):238-9.
- Tizón-Marcos H, Bertrand OF, Rodés-Cabau J, Larose E, Gaudreault V, Bagur R, Gleeton O, Courtis J, Roy L, Poirier P, Costerousse O, De Larochellière R. Impact of female gender and transradial coronary stenting with maximal antiplatelet therapy on bleeding and ischemic outcomes.. Am Heart J 2009; 157(4):740-5.
- Mathieu P, Poirier P, Pibarot P, Lemieux I, Després JP. Visceral obesity: the link among inflammation, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.. Hypertension 2009; 53(4):577-84.
- Ferland A, Poirier P, Sériès F. Sibutramine vs. CPAP in the treatment of obese patients with obstructive sleep apnoea.. Eur Respir J 2009; 34(3):694-701.
- Brassard P, Poirier P. Left ventricular diastolic function and exercise capacity in diabetes.. Diabetologia 2009; 52(5):990-1.
- Poirier P. Healthy lifestyle: Even if you are doing everything right, extra weight carries an excess risk of acute coronary event.. Circulation 2008; 117(0):3057-9.
- Ferland A, Poirier P, Broderic TL. Implications cliniques de la carnitine au niveau du métabolisme énergique et des maladies cardiovasculaires.. Med Sci Metab 2008; 2(0):489-501.
- Poirier P, Eckel RH. Cardiovascular consequences of obesity: drug discovery.. Therapeutic strategies 2008; 5(0):45-51.
- Ferrari R, Ford I, Fox K, Steg PG, Tendera M, Poirier P and al: BEAUTIFUL Study Group. The Beautiful Study: randomized trial of ivabradine in patients with stable coronary artery disease and left ventricular systolic dysfunction - baseline characteristics of the study population.. Cardiology 2008; 110(0):271-82.
- Tardif JC, McMurray JJ, Klug E, Small R, Schumi J, Poirier P and al. Reduction of Inflammation Stops Evens (ARISE). Trial Investigators: Effect of succinobucol (AGI-1067) after an acute coronary syndrome: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.. Lancet 2008; 371(0):1761-8.
- Ridker PM, Danielson E, Fonseca FA, Genest J, Gotto AM Jr, Kastelain JJ, Koening W, Libby P, Lorenzatti AJ, MacFadyen JG, Nordestgaard BG, Shepherd J, Willerson JT, Glyn RJ, Poirier P and al; JUPITER Study Group. Rosuvastatin to prevent vascular events in men and women with elevated C-reactive protein.. N Engl J Med 2008; 21(0):2195-207.
- Fox K, Ford I, Steg PG, Tendera M, Ferrari R, Poirier P and al: BEAUTIFUL Study Group. Ivabradine for patients with stable coronary artery disease and left-ventricular systolic dysfunction: a randomis, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.. Lancet 2008; 372(0):807-16.
- Abourbih S, Filion KB, Joseph L, Schiffrin EL, Rinfret S, Poirier P, Pilote L, Genest J, Eisenberg MJ. Effect of fibrates on lipid profiles and cardiovascular outcomes: A systematic review of randomized controlled trial.. Am J Med 2009; 122(10):1-8.
- Poirier P. Cardiologist and abdominal obesity: lost in translation?. Heart 2009; 95(13):1033-5.
- Ouhoummane N, Abdous B, Emond V, Poirier P.. Impact of diabetes and gender on survival after acute myocardial infarction in the province of Québec, Canada - A population-based study.. Diabet Med 2009; 26(6):609-16.
- Brassard P, Poirier P. Is elevated PCWP during exercise sufficient to reduce exercice capacity in diabetics?. Med Sci Sports 2009; 41(0):1972-3.
- Legault S, Couture C, Bourgault C, Bergeron S, Poirier P, Sénéchal M. Primary cardiac Burkitt-like lymphoma of the right atrium.. Can J Cardiol 2009; 25(3):163-5.
- Lacroix S, Ferland A, Gilbert P, Lemieux M, Bilodeau L, Poirier P. Cardiac hazard associated with eating habits. A case of infected intrapericardial foreign body due to an ingested toothpick.. Can J Cardiol 2009; 25(7):263-4.
- Villeneuve N, Poirier P. Le traitement optimal de l'hypertension artérielle chez le patient obèse.. MedActuel 2008; 8(0):35-38.
- Marquis K, Maltais F, Poirier P. Les manifestations cardiovasculaires chez les patients atteints d'une BPCO.. Rev Mal Respir 2008; 25(0):663-673.
- Marquis K, Maltais F, Poirier P. [Cardiovascular manifestations in patients with COPD]. Rev Mal Respir 2008; 25(6):663-73.
- Lewis CE, McTigue KM, Burke LE, Poirier P, Eckel RH, Howard BV, Allison DB, Kumanyika S, Pi-Sunyer FX.. Mortality, health outcomes, and body mass index in the overweight range: a science advisory from the American Heart Association.. Circulation 2009; 119(25):3263-71.
- Poirier P, Alpert MA, Fleisher LA, Thompson PD, Sugerman HJ, Burke LE, Marceau P, Franklin BA; American Heart Association Obesity Committee of Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism, Council on Cardiopulmonary Perioperative and Critical Ca. Cardiovascular evaluation and management of severely obese patients undergoing surgery: a science advisory from the American Heart Association.. Circulation 2009; 120(1):86-95.
- Valera B, Dewailly E, Poirier P.. Environmental mercury exposure and blood pressure among Nunavik Inuit adults.. Hypertension 2009; 54(5):981-6.
- Poirier P. ACP Journal Club. Adding prompt revascularization to medical therapy did not reduce mortality or CV events in patients with type 2 diabetes and CAD.. Ann Intern Med 2009; 151(8):4-5.
- Sirois C, Moisan J, Poirier P, Couture J, Gregoire JP.. Association between age and the initiation of antihypertensive, lipid lowering and antiplateletet medications in elderly individuals newly treated with antidiabetic drugs.. Age Ageing 2009; 38(6):741-5.
- Bagur R, Bertrand OF, Rodés-Cabau J, Larose E, Rinfret S, Nguyen CM, Noel B, Larochellière RD, Poirier P, Costerousse O, Roy L.. Long term efficacy of abciximab bolus-only compared to abciximab bolus and infusion after transradial coronary stenting.. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2009; 74(7):1010-6.
- Noël M, Jobin J, Marcoux A, Poirier P, Dagenais G, Bogaty P. Comparison of myocardial ischemia on the ergocycle versus the treadmill in patients with coronary heart disease.. Am J Cardiol 2010; 105(5):633-9.
- Bélanger-Gravel A, Godin G, Vézina-Im LA, Amireault S, Poirier P. The effect of theory-based interventions on physical activity participation among overweight/obese individuals: a systematic review.. Obes Rev 2011; 12(6):430-9.
- Poirier P. Response from Dr Paul Poirier to P De Groots: Cardiologists and abdominal obesity: lost in translation?. Heart 2010; 96(0):309-10.
- Côté N, Pibarot P, Pépin A, Fournier D, Audet A, Arsenault B, Couture C, Poirier P, Després JP, Mathieu P. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein, angiotensin II and increased waist circumference are associated with valve inflammation in prehypertensive patients with aortic stenosis.. J Cardiol 2009; 0(0):Epub (12 juin).
- Daleau P, Comeau G, Fournier D, Patoine D, Mathieu P and Poirier P. Higher expression of connexion 40 in human atrial tissue of patients with type 2 diabetes who have undergone a coronary artery bypass graft surgery.. Health (London) 2010; 2(0):271-7.
- Legault S, Sénéchal M, Bergeron S, Arsenault M, Tessier M, Guimond J, Poirier P. Usefulness of an accelerated transoesophageal stress echocardiography in the preoperative evaluation of high risk severely obese subjects awaiting bariatric surgery.. Cardiovasc Ultrasound 2010; 8(0):30.
- Martin J, Smith J, Bastien M, Cianflone K, Bussières J, Marceau S, Hould FS, Lebel S, Biertho L, Lescelleur O, Biron S, Bertrand F, Poirier P. Comparison between arterial and venous sampling of circulating hormones, substrates and peptides in severe obesity.. Clin Invest Med 2011; 34(2):E82.
- Earnest CP, Poirier P, Carnethon MR, Blair SN, Church TS. Autonomic function and change in insulin for exercising postmenopausal women.. Maturitas 2010; 65(3):284-91.
- Bertrand OF, Larose E, Rodés-Cabau J, Rinfret S, Déry JP, Bagur R, Gleeton O, Nguyen CM, Proulx G, De Larochellière R, Poirier P, Costerousse O, Roy L.. Incidence, range, and clinical effect of hemoglobin changes within 24 hours after transradial coronary stenting.. Am J Cardiol 2010; 106(2):155-61.
- Côté N, Pibarot P, Pépin A, Fournier D, Audet A, Arsenault B, Couture C, Poirier P, Després JP, Mathieu P. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein, angiotensin II and increased waist cirumference are associated with valve inflammation in prehypertensive patients with aortic stenosis.. Int J Cardiol 2010; 145(3):444-9.
- Bédard ME, Marquis K, Poirier P, Provencher S. Reduced heart rate variability in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease independent of anticholinergic or ?-agonist medications.. COPD 2010; 7(6):391-7.
- Ouhoummane N, Abdous B, Louchini R, Rochette L, Poirier P. Trends in postacute myocardial infarction management and mortality in patients with diabetes. A population-based study from 1995 to 2001.. Can J Cardiol 2010; 26(10):523-31.
- Grégoire JP, Sirois C, Blanc G, Poirier P, Moisan J. Persistence patterns with oral antidiabetes drug treatment in newly treated patients--a population-based study.. Value Health 2010; 13(6):820-8.
- Mottillo S, Filion KB, Genest J, Joseph L, Pilote L, Poirier P, Rinfret S, Schiffrin EL, Eisenberg MJ. The metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk a systematic review and meta-analysis.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2010; 56(14):1113-32.
- Chateau-Degat ML, Dewailly E, Noël M, Valera B, Ferland A, Counil E, Poirier P, Egeland GM. Hypertension among the Inuit from Nunavik: should we expect an increase because of obesity?. Int J Circumpolar Health 2010; 69(4):361-72.
- Méthot J, Houle J, Poirier P. Obesity: how to define central adiposity?. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther 2010; 8(5):639-44.
- Turmel J, Bougault V, Boulet LP, Poirier P. Hypertensive response to exercise: a marker of altered metabolism in endurance athletes?. Br J Sports Med 2011; 45(4):378.
- Smith J, Ferland A, Méthot J, Brassard P, Lacroix S, Poirier P, Cianflone K. The beta-1 adrenergic antagonist, atenolol, decreases acylation stimulating protein, exercise capacity and plasma free fatty acids in men with type 2 diabetes.. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2012; 22(6):495-502.
- Smith J, Cianflone K, Martin J, Poirier P, Broderick T, Noel M. Weight loss and adipokine changes in mountaineers at 5300m.. Wilderness Environ Med 2011; 22(2):107-14.
- Bagur R, Rodés-Cabau J, Dumont E, De Larochellière R, Doyle D, Pibarot P, Côté M, Clavel MA, Villeneuve J, Gutiérrez M, Poirier P, Bertrand OF. Performance-based functional assessment of patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation.. Am Heart J 2011; 161(4):726-34.
- Leiter LA, Fitchett DH, Gilbert RE, Gupta M, Mancini GB, McFarlane PA, Ross R, Teoh H, Verma S, Anand S, Camelon K, Chow CM, Cox JL, Després JP, Genest J, Harris SB, Lau DC, Lewanczuk R, Liu PP, Lonn EM, McPherson R, Poirier P, Qaadri S, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Rabkin SW, Sharma AM, Steele AW, Stone JA, Tardif JC, Tobe S, Ur E (Cardiometabolic Risk Working Group: Executive Committee). Identification and management of cardiometabolic risk in Canada: a position paper by the cardiometabolic risk working group (executive summary).. Can J Cardiol 2011; 27(2):124-31.
- Leiter LA, Fitchett DH, Gilbert RE, Gupta M, Mancini GB, McFarlane PA, Ross R, Teoh H, Verma S, Anand S, Camelon K, Chow CM, Cox JL, Després JP, Genest J, Harris SB, Lau DC, Lewanczuk R, Liu PP, Lonn EM, McPherson R, Poirier P, Qaadri S, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Rabkin SW, Sharma AM, Steele AW, Stone JA, Tardif JC, Tobe S, Ur E (Cardiometabolic Risk Working Group: Executive Committee). Cardiometabolic risk in Canada: a detailed analysis and position paper by the cardiometabolic risk working group.. Can J Cardiol 2011; 27(2):e1-e33.
- Rhéaume C, Arsenault BJ, Dumas MP, Pérusse L, Tremblay A, Bouchard C, Poirier P, Després JP. Contributions of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Visceral Adiposity to Six-Year Changes in Cardiometabolic Risk Markers in Apparently Healthy Men and Women.. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2011; 96(5):1462-8.
- Martin J, Paquette C, Marceau S, Hould FS, Lebel S, Simard S, Dumesnil JG, Poirier P. Impact of orlistat-induced weight loss on diastolic function and heart rate variability in severely obese subjects with diabetes.. J Obes 2011; 2011(0):394658.
- Boudreau F, Godin G, Poirier P. Effectiveness of a computer-tailored print-based physical activity intervention among French Canadians with type 2 diabetes in a real-life setting.. Health Educ Res 2011; 26(4):573-85.
- Poirier P, Cornier MA, Mazzone T, Stiles S, Cummings S, Klein S, McCullough PA, Ren Fielding C, Franklin BA, , . Bariatric Surgery and Cardiovascular Risk Factors: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.. Circulation 2011; 123(15):1683-1701.
- Valera B, Dewailly E, Anassour-Laouan-Sidi E, Poirier P. Influence of n-3 fatty acids on cardiac autonomic activity among Nunavik Inuit adults.. Int J Circumpolar Health 2011; 70(1):6-18.
- Borel AL, Alméras N, Bergeron J, Tremblay A, Poirier P, Després JP. Lactivité physique réduit ladiposité viscérale indépendamment de la perte de poids/Physical activity reduces visceral adipose tissue independently of weight loss.. Méd mal métab 2010; 4(0):143-5.
- Boulet LP, Turcotte H, Martin J, Poirier P. Effect of bariatric surgery on airway response and lung function in obese subjects with asthma.. Respir Med 2012; 106(5):651-60.
- Thorogood A, Mottillo S, Shimony A, Filion KB, Joseph L, Genest J, Pilote L, Poirier P, Schiffrin EL, Eisenberg MJ. Isolated aerobic exercise and weight loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trial. Am J Med 2011; 124(8):747-55.
- Poirier P. Weight loss drugs and cardiovascular risks.. Curr Cardiovasc Risk Rep 2011; 5(0):138-44.
- Thibault G, Dumais A, Poirier P. Musculation et hypertension artérielle.. Les Actualité du coeur 2010; 13(0):6-8.
- Poirier P. Diabète : État d'urgence ! L'impact du diabète en cardiologie.. Le Spécialiste 2010; 12(0):23-4.
- Bertrand OF, Poirier P, Rodés-Cabau J, Rinfret S, Title LM, Dzavik V, Natarajan M, Angel J, Batalla N, Alméras N, Costerousse O, De Larochellière R, Roy L, Després JP; VICTORY Trial Investigators.. Cardiometabolic effects of rosiglitazone in patients with type 2 diabetes and coronary artery bypass grafts: A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial.. Atherosclerosis 2010; 211(2):565-73.
- Topol EJ, Bousser MG, Fox KA, Creager MA, Despres JP, Easton JD, Hamm CW, Montalescot G, Steg PG, Pearson TA, Cohen E, Gaudin C, Job B, Murphy JH, Bhatt DL, Poirier P; CRESCENDO Investigators.. Rimonabant for prevention of cardiovascular events (CRESCENDO): a randomised, multicentre, placebo-controlled trial.. Lancet 2010; 376(9740):517-23.
- Huot M, Arsenault BJ, Gaudreault V, Poirier P, Pérusse L, Tremblay A, Bouchard C, Després JP, Rhéaume C. Insulin resistance, low cardiorespiratory fitness, and increased exercise blood pressure: contribution of abdominal obesity.. Hypertension 2011; 58(6):1036-42.
- Cornier MA, Després JP, Davis N, Grossniklaus DA, Klein S, Lamarche B, Lopez-Jimenez F, Rao G, St-Onge MP, Towfighi A, Poirier P; American Heart Association Obesity Committee of the Council on Nutrition; Physical Activity and Metabolism; Council on Arteriosclerosis; Thrombosis and Vascular Biology; Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young; Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention; Council on Cardiovascular Nursing, Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; Council on the Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease, and Stroke Council.. Assessing adiposity: a scientific statement from the american heart association.. Circulation 2011; 124(18):1996-2019.
- Bagur R, Rodés-Cabau J, Dumont E, De Larochellière R, Doyle D, Bertrand OF, Côté M, Poirier P, Pibarot P. Exercise capacity in patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis before and six months after transcatheter aortic valve implantation.. Am J Cardiol 2011; 108(2):258-64.
- Lambert M, Van Hulst A, O'Loughlin J, Tremblay A, Barnett TA, Charron H, Drapeau V, Dubois J, Gray-Donald K, Henderson M, Lagacé G, Low NC, Mark S, Mathieu ME, Maximova K, McGrath JJ, Nicolau B, Pelletier C, Poirier P, Sabiston C, Paradis G. Cohort Profile: The Quebec Adipose and Lifestyle Investigation in Youth Cohort.. Int J Epidemiol 2012; 41(6):1533-44.
- Reoch J, Mottillo S, Shimony A, Filion KB, Christou NV, Joseph L, Poirier P, Eisenberg MJ. Safety of laparoscopic vs open bariatric surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis.. Arch Surg 2011; 146(11):1314-22.
- Rhéaume C, Leblanc MÈ, Poirier P. Adiposity assessment: explaining the association between obesity, hypertension and stroke.. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther 2011; 9(12):1557-64.
- Valera B, Dewailly E, Poirier P, Counil E, Suhas E. Influence of mercury exposure on blood pressure, resting heart rate and heart rate variability in French Polynesians: a cross-sectional study.. Environ Health 2011; 10(0):99.
- Valera B, Dewailly E, Poirier P. Impact of mercury exposure on blood pressure and cardiac autonomic activity among Cree adults (James Bay, Quebec, Canada).. Environ Res 2011; 111(8):1265-70.
- Poliakova N, Després JP, Bergeron J, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Poirier P. Influence of obesity indices, metabolic parameters and age on cardiac autonomic function in abdominally obese men.. Metabolism 2012; 61(9):1270-9.
- Houle J, Doyon O, Vadeboncoeur N, Turbide G, Diaz A, Poirier P. Innovative program to increase physical activity following an acute coronary syndrome: randomized controlled trial.. Patient Educ Couns 2011; 85(3):e237-44.
- Borel AL, Leblanc X, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Bergeron J, Poirier P, Després JP, Series F. Sleep apnoea attenuates the effects of a lifestyle intervention programme in men with visceral obesity.. Thorax 2012; 67(8):735-41.
- Pelletier-Beaumont E, Arsenault BJ, Alméras N, Bergeron J, Tremblay A, Poirier P, Després JP. Normalization of visceral adiposity is required to normalize plasma apolipoprotein B levels in response to a healthy eating/physical activity lifestyle modification program in viscerally obese men.. Atherosclerosis 2012; 221(2):577-82.
- Borel AL, Nazare JA, Smith J, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Bergeron J, Poirier P, Després JP. Visceral and Not Subcutaneous Abdominal Adiposity Reduction Drives the Benefits of a 1-Year Lifestyle Modification Program.. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2012; 20(6):1223-33.
- Borel AL, Nazare JA, Smith J, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Bergeron J, Poirier P, Després JP. Improvement in insulin sensitivity following a 1-year lifestyle intervention program in viscerally obese men: contribution of abdominal adiposity.. Metabolism 2012; 61(2):262-72.
- Mainguy V, Girard D, Maltais F, Saey D, Milot J, Sénéchal M, Poirier P, Provencher S. Effect of Bisoprolol on Respiratory Function and Exercise Capacity in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.. Am J Cardiol 2012; 110(2):258-63.
- Del Gobbo LC, Song Y, Poirier P, Dewailly E, Elin RJ, Egeland GM. Low serum magnesium concentrations are associated with a high prevalence of premature ventricular complexes in obese adults with type 2 diabetes.. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2012; 11(1):23.
- Kellett S, Poirier P, Dewailly E, Sampasa H, Chateau-Degat ML. Is severe obesity a cardiovascular health concern in the inuit population?. Am J Hum Biol 2012; 24(4):441-5.
- Friedland SN, Leong A, Filion KB, Genest J, Lega IC, Mottillo S, Poirier P, Reoch J, Eisenberg MJ. The cardiovascular effects of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor agonists.. Am J Med 2012; 125(2):126-33.
- Houle J, Doyon O, Vadeboncoeur N, Turbide G, Diaz A, Poirier P. Effectiveness of a pedometer-based program using a socio-cognitive intervention on physical activity and quality of life in a setting of cardiac rehabilitation.. Can J Cardiol 2012; 28(1):27-32.
- St-Pierre J, Bouchard L, Poirier P.. The impact of obesity on cardiovascular structure and function: the fetal programming era.. Pediatric Hea;th, Medicine and Therapeutics 2012; 3(0):1-8.
- Yusuf S, Islam S, Chow CK, Rangarajan S, Dagenais G, Diaz R, Gupta R, Kelishadi R, Iqbal R, Avezum A, Kruger A, Kutty R, Lanas F, Lisheng L, Wei L, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Oguz A, Rahman O, Swidan H, Yusoff K, Zatonski W, Rosengren A, Teo KK, Teo KK, Chow CK, Islam S, Zhang M, Xiong J, Dehghan M, Mente A, DeJesus J, Mackie P, Madhavan M, Corsi D, Farago L, Michael J, Kay I, Zafar S, Williams D, Solano R, Solano N, Farago M, Hoard T, Rimac J, Trottier S, ElSheikh W, Hrnic R, Yusuf S, McQueen M, Hall K, Keys J, Wang X, Keneth J, Diaz AR, Orlandini A, Bahit C, Linetsky B, Toscanelli S, Casaccia G, Maini Cuneo JM, Rahman O, Yusuf R, Azad AK, Rabbani KA, Cherry HM, Mannan A, Hassan I, Talukdar AT, Tooheen RB, Khan MU, Avezum A, Oliveira GB, Marcilio CS, Mattos AC, Teo K, Yusuf S, Dejesus J, Zafar S, Williams D, Rimac J, Dagenais G, Poirier P, Turbide G, Auger D, LeBlanc De Bluts A, Proulx MC, Cayer M, Bonneville N, Lear S, Chockalingam A, Gasevic D, Gyawali S, Hage-Moussa S, Mah G, MacLeod M, Vukmirovich I, Wielgosz A, Fodor G, Pipe A, Papadakis S, Moroz I, Muthuri S, Lanas F, Seron P, Martinez S, Lisheng CL, Wei L, Chunming C, Xingyu W, Wenhua Z, Jian B, Xiaohong C, Tao C, Xiaoru C, Qing D, Xinye H, Bo H, Yiling H, Xuan J, Jian L, Juan L, Yishi L, Bing L, Bing R, Yi S, Wei W, Yang W, Jun Y, Tai Y, Yi Z, Liancheng Z, Hongye Z, Xiuwen Z, Manlu Z, Fanghong L, Jianfang W, Yindong L, Yan H, Baoxia G, Xiaoyang L, Jianguo W, Yize X, Shiying Z, Jun L, Xiuzhen T, Liangqing Z, Tianlu L, Peng Z, Changlin D, Dong L, Ning L, Xiaolan M, Yuqing Y, Rensheng L, Rongwen B, Ming C, Minfan F, Aiying H, Jing H, Lihua H, Weiping J, Yunchun J, Yunchun J, Shikuan J, Kehua L, Jiangkang L, Yu L, Zhendong L, Xiaolan M, Yurong M, Qingjie M, Yongzhen M, Deren Q, Shangwen S, Jiwen T, Huijuan W, Ming W, Hua W, Qian W, Buliaishan W, Ruiqi W, Yinsheng W, Mengjun X, Xiaojie X, Wenqiang X, Xu X, Shunyun Y, Shuli Y, Kai Y, Songjian Z, Tingjie Z, Yahong Z, Qiang Z, Yihong Z, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Garcia R, Arguello JF, Duneas R, Silva S, Pradilla LP, Ramirez F, Molina DI, Cure C, Perez M, Hernandez E, Arcos E, Fernandez S, Narvaez C, Paez J, Sotomayor A, Garcia H, Sanchez G, David T, Gomez-Arbelaez D, Rico A, Vaz M, Bharathi AV, Swaminathan S, Mony P, Shankar K, Kurpad AV, Jayachitra KG, Kumar N, Mohan V, Deepa M, Parthiban K, Anitha M, Hemavathy S, Rahulashankiruthiyayan T, Anitha D, Sridevi K, Gupta R, Panwar RB, Mohan I, Rastogi P, Rastogi S, Bhargava R, Kumar R, Thakur JS, Patro B, Mahajan R, Chaudary P, Raman Kutty V, Vijayakumar K, Ajayan K, Rajasree G, Renjini AR, Deepu A, Sandhya B, Asha S, Soumya HS, Kelishadi R, Bahonar A, Mohammadifard N, Heidari H, Yusoff K, Nawawi HM, Ismail TS, Ramli AS, Razali R, Khan NA, Nasir NM, Ahmad R, Winn T, Majid FA, Ismail NH, Hasni MJ, Azmi MT, Zaleha MI, Hazdi KY, Rizam AR, Sazman W, Azman A, Iqbal R, Shahid M, Khawaja R, Kazmi K, Zatonski W, Andrzejak R, Szuba A, Zatonska K, Ilow R, Ferus M, Regulska-Ilow B, Różańska D, Wolyniec M, Kruger A, Voster HH, Schutte AE, Wentzel-Viljoen E, Eloff FC, de Ridder H, Moss H, Potgieter J, Roux AA, Watson M, de Wet G, Olckers A, Jerling JC, Pieters M, Hoekstra T, Puoane T, Igumbor E, Tsolekile L, Sanders D, Naidoo P, Steyn N, Peer N, Mayosi B, Rayner B, Lambert V, Levitt N, Kolbe-Alexander T, Ntyintyane L, Hughes G, Swart R, Fourie J, Muzigaba M, Xapa S, Gobile N, Ndayi K, Jwili B, Ndibaza K, Egbujie B, de Lima T, Petersen M, Govender S, Rosengren A, Bengtsson Boström K, Lindblad U, Langkilde P, Gustavsson A, Andreasson M, Snällman M, Wirdemann L, Pettersson K, Moberg E, Oguz A, Akalin AA, Calik KB, Imeryuz N, Temizhan A, Alphan E, Gunes E, Sur H, Karsidag K, Gulec S, Altuntas Y, Yusufali AM, Almahmeed W, Swidan H, Darwish EA, Hashemi AR, Al-Khaja N, Muscat-Baron JM, Ahmed SH, Mamdouh TM, Darwish WM, Abdelmotagali MH, Omer Awed SA, Movahedi GA, Nusrath F, Al Shaibani H, Gharabou RI, Youssef DF, Nawati AZ, Abu Salah ZA, Abdalla RF, Al Shuwaihi SM, Al Omairi MA, Cadigal OD.. Use of secondary prevention drugs for cardiovascular disease in the community in high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries (the PURE Study): a prospective epidemiological survey.. Lancet 2011; 378(9798):1231-43.
- Punthakee Z, Bosch J, Dagenais G, Diaz R, Holman R, Probstfield JL, Ramachandran A, Riddle MC, Rydén LE, Zinman B, Afzal R, Yusuf S, Gerstein HC, Gerstein HC, Yusuf S, Avezum A, Birkeland K, Budaj A, Cardona E, Chaithiraphan S, Chan J, Chazova I, Chen J, Cobitz A, Conget I, Dagenais G, Dans A, Diaz R, Dineen S, Hancu N, Hanefeld M, Heller S, Hildebrandt P, Holman R, Jansky P, Lanas F, Leiter L, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Maggioni A, Malaga G, Masud F, Mellbin L, Metelko Z, Murphy K, Niskanen L, O'Donnell M, Pan CY, Parkhomenko A, Pirags V, Probstfield J, Punthakee Z, Ramachandran A, Raptis S, Raslova K, Raubenheimer P, Riddle M, Ryden L, Stoel I, Tankova T, Yusoff K, Zinman B, Gerstein HC, Yusuf S, Bosch J, Cobitz A, Dagenais G, Diaz R, Holman R, Murphy K, Probstfield J, Punthakee Z, Ramachandran A, Riddle M, Ryden L, Zinman B, Dagenais G, McKelvie R, Anderson N, Pfeffer MA, Bennett PH, Chaturvedi N, DeMets D, McMurray J, Diaz R, Alvarisqueta A, Calella P, Frechtel GD, Ibanez J, Litvak Bruno MR, Lorenzati C, Masjoan F, Medina I, Aizenberg D, Amuchastegui M, Bartolacci I, Bustamante Labarta G, Bustamante Labarta MH, Caccavo A, Cantero MC, Cardona MM, Caruso OE, Cozzi Palma MS, Cuneo C, De la Pertoza SB, Faingold MC, Fernandez R, Fretes JO, Garcia Duran R, Garrido M, Giovanelli J, Gomez Vilamajo O, Grinfeld D, Hrabar A, Iglesias RM, Killinger C, Kuschnir E, Lagrutta M, Lembo LA, Liniado G, Luciardi HL, Luquez HA, Macin S, Maffei L, Marcucci M, Marino J, Massari M, Mociulsky J, Pachetti M, Piskorz D, Rodriguez M, Rodriguez M, Rodriguez Papini N, Romera M, Ronderos R, Sanchez AS, Santos D, Schygiel PO, Selzberg S, Sposetti G, Tirado G, Vico ML, Vogel DR, Wehbe L, Zaidman CJ, Zucchiatti NE, Avezum A, Avezum Oliveira L, Precoma DB, Calsolari Pereira de Souza MR, Cardoso J, Chacra A, Ribeiro de Oliveira R, Abrantes M, Eliaschewitz F, Fernandes Manenti ER, Ferreira dos Santos R, Ferreira Rossi PR, Franco R, Gross JL, Hernandes M, Leo Wajchenberg B, Matos AG, Mendonça Hilgemberg SA, Portes E, Rabelo Alves A Jr, Rassi N, Sgarbi JA, Zanella MT, Tankova T, Zaharieva S, Dagenais G, Leiter L, Abdel-Salam S, Anand S, Aronson R, Belanger A, Berlingieri J, Bhesania T, Cha J, Chiasson J, Goldenberg R, Gottesman I, Gupta G, Hramiak I, Joyce J, Kader T, Kelly A, Liutkus JF, Lochnan H, Lonn E, Magloire P, Mehta P, Milot A, Perron P, Poirier P, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Ransom R, Rioux L, Rizvi Q, Ross S, Saunders K, Sigal R, Sohal PS, St-Hilaire R, Talbot P, Tan K, Ur E, Weisnagel J, Woo W, Lanas F, Aburto M, Acevedo M, Albornoz F, Balboa W, Cobos J, Potthoff S, Saavedra V, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Accini J, Arcos Palma EG, Aroca Martinez G, Botero R, Bruges Ruiz JA, Casanova ME, Garcia L, Garcia Lozada HJ, Hernandez E, Higuera Cobos J, Ibarra Gomez JO, Jaramillo Gomez NI, Luengas CA, Manzur F, Molina DI, Moreno Salgado GA, Orozco A, Perez M, Pertuz Pinzon A, Quintero A, Quiroz R, Sanchez Vallejo G, Sotomayor A, Terront A, Metelko Z, Balen M, Bozikov V, Dubrava D, Erzen D, Goldoni V, 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Stalte V, Stura I, Teterovska D, Vizina B, Yusoff K, Hussein ZB, Mohamed M, Ramanathan L, Tan TB, Cardona E, Alvarado R, Arenas Leon J, Bayram Llamas E, Calvo C, Cardona Muñoz EG, Cervantes Escarcega JL, De la Peña-Toete G, Flota LF, Gonzalez JG, Gonzalez Guerra J, Guerra-Lopez A, Ledesma Velasco M, Lopez Alvarado A, Marquez E, Parcero Valdes J, Pascoe González S, Saldate-Alonso MC, Velasco Sánchez RG, Vidrio-Velazquez M, Violante Ortiz R, Stoel I, Den Hartog FR, Kragten JA, Kuijper A, Lok DJ, Nierop PR, Birkeland K, Istad H, Karlsson T, Langdalen OM, Langslet G, Norheim PD, Risberg K, Sordal T, Traasdahl LF, Masud F, Bilal A, Hashmi ZY, Jabbar A, Raza A, Raza H, Zafar J, Malaga G, Barreda L, Burga J, Garcia F, Goya M, Leon L, Manrique H, Marquina P, Paz-Ibarra JL, Pinto ME, Villena L, Dans A, Edmilao MI, Jimeno C, Morales-Palomares E, Nicodemus N, Paz-Pacheco E, Rogelio G, Roxas-Timonera M, Sevilla R, Sulit DJ, Budaj A, Bronisz M, Czerski T, Franek E, Galaj A, Gniot J, Kopaczewski J, Lysek R, Miekus P, Napora P, Ogorek M, Piepiorka M, Prochaczek F, Racewicz A, Romanczuk P, Szpajer M, Hancu N, Avram RI, Barbonta DH, Candrea EE, Catrinoiu D, Constantinescu S, Dobjanschi CG, Ferariu IE, Ghise G, Mota M, Nafornita V, Nicolau A, Onaca AG, Pintilei E, Pop L, Popa AR, Szilagyi I, Tutescu AC, Veresiu IA, Chazova I, Ageev F, Akhunova S, Ametov A, Ballyuzek M, Barbarash O, Belkov S, Berstein L, Boyarkin M, Boytsov S, Chazova I, Chumakova GA, Dreval A, Ershova O, Esip V, Fitilev S, Galyavich A, Giorgadze M, Goloshchekin B, Gordeev I, Goryachkin I, Ipatko I, Karpov YA, Khasanov N, Kislyak O, Koshelskaya O, Kosmacheva E, Kostenko V, Kostin V, Krivolapova T, Leonova N, Lopatin Y, Lysenko T, Milovanova T, Morozova A, Motylev I, Myasoedova S, Osipova IV, Paltsman Z, Panov A, Reshedko G, Rodionova T, Rodygina E, Samoylova Y, Shestakova M, Shutemova E, Simanenkov V, Simonova G, Stepanovich Yakushin S, Svetlana B, Treshkur TV, Tyurina T, Vorozhtsova I, Zanozina O, Zhukova L, Zykova 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- Pérusse-Lachance E, Tremblay A, Chaput JP, Poirier P, Teasdale N, Drapeau V, Sénécal C, Brassard P.. Mental work stimulates cardiovascular responses through a reduction in cardiac parasympathetic modulation in men and women.. Bioenergetics 2012; 2(1):107.
- Bastien M, Dagenais F, Dumont É, Vadeboncoeur N, Dion B, Royer M, Gaudet-Savard T, Poirier P. Assessment of management of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with thoracic aortic disease.. Blood Press Monit 2012; 17(6):235-42.
- Li Z, Martin J, Poirier P, Caron-Cantin SM, Hould FS, Marceau S, Marceau P, Picard F. Upregulation of plasma insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 levels after biliopancreatic diversion in humans.. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2012; 20(7):1469-73.
- Mohty D, Pibarot P, Echahidi N, Poirier P, Dagenais GR, Dumesnil JG. Reduced systemic arterial compliance measured by routine Doppler echocardiography: a new and independent predictor of mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.. Atherosclerosis 2012; 225(2):353-8.
- Valera B, Muckle G, Poirier P, Jacobson SW, Jacobson JL, Dewailly E. Cardiac autonomic activity and blood pressure among Inuit children exposed to mercury.. Neurotoxicology 2012; 33(5):1067-74.
- Voulgari C, Pagoni S, Vinik A, Poirier P. Exercise improves cardiac autonomic function in obesity and diabetes.. Metabolism 2013; 62(5):609-21.
- St-Pierre J, Hivert MF, Perron P, Poirier P, Guay SP, Brisson D, Bouchard L. IGF2 DNA methylation is a modulator of newborn's fetal growth and development.. Epigenetics 2012; 7(10):1125-32.
- Jarrin DC, McGrath JJ, Giovanniello S, Poirier P, Lambert M. Measurement fidelity of heart rate variability signal processing: the devil is in the details.. Int J Psychophysiol 2012; 86(1):88-97.
- Del Gobbo LC, Elin RJ, Poirier P, Egeland GM. Serum magnesium: a biomarker of cardiovascular risk revisited?. Magnes Res 2012; 25(2):49-53.
- Munkonda MN, Martin J, Poirier P Carrington A, Biron S, Lebel S and Cianflone K. Early reduction in plasma acylation stimulating protein procedes improvement in insulin sensitivity after BPD‐DS bariatric surgery in severely obese women. Nutr Diabetes 2012; 2(8):e41.
- Myer P, Hamel A, de Denus S, Racine N, Ducharme A, Nozza A, Nigam A, Juneau M, Poirier P, Gayda M, White M. Effects of an aerobic and resistance training program on functional capacity and glucose regulation in patients with heart failure and diabetes.. Cardiovascular Endocrinology 2012; 1(3):43-8.
- Morrow DA, Braunwald E, Bonaca MP, Ameriso SF, Dalby AJ, Fish MP, Fox KA, Lipka LJ, Liu X, Nicolau JC, Poirier P et al.. Vorapaxar in the secondary prevention of atherothrombotic events.. N Engl J Med 2012; 366(15):1014-13.
- Turmel J, Poirier P, Bougault V, Blouin E, Belzile M, Boulet LP. Cardiorespiratory screening in elite endurance sports athletes: the quebec study.. Phys Sportsmed 2012; 40(3):55-65.
- Turmel J, Bougault V, Boulet LP, Poirier P. Exaggerated blood pressure response to exercise in athletes: dysmetabolism or altered autonomic nervous system modulation?. Blood Press Monit 2012; 17(5):184-92.
- Hegg-Deloye S, Brassard P, Jauvin N, Prairie J, Larouche D, Poirier P, Tremblay A, Corbeil P. Current state of knowledge of post-traumatic stress, sleeping problems, obesity and cardiovascular disease in paramedics.. Emerg Med J 2014; 31(3):242-7.
- Teoh H, Després JP, Dufour R, Fitchett DH, Goldin L, Goodman SG, Harris SB, Langer A, Lau DC, Lonn EM, John Mancini GB, McFarlane PA, Poirier P, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Tan MK, Leiter LA. Identification and Management of Patients at Elevated Cardiometabolic Risk in Canadian Primary Care: How Well Are We Doing?. Can J Cardiol 2013; 29(8):960-8.
- Després JP, Poirier P. Diabetes: Looking back at Look AHEAD-giving lifestyle a chance.. Nat Rev Cardiol 2013; 10(4):184-6.
- Mok M, Nombela-Franco L, Urena M, De Larochellière R, Doyle D, Ribeiro HB, Côté M, Pibarot P, Delarochellière H, Laflamme L, Poirier P, Dumont E, Rodés-Cabau J. Prognostic value of exercise capacity as evaluated by the 6-minute walk test in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2013; 61(8):897-8.
- Anderson TJ, Grégoire J, Hegele RA, Couture P, Mancini GB, McPherson R, Francis GA, Poirier P, Lau DC, Grover S, Genest J Jr, Carpentier AC, Dufour R, Gupta M, Ward R, Leiter LA, Lonn E, Ng DS, Pearson GJ, Yates GM, Stone JA, Ur E. 2012 update of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of dyslipidemia for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in the adult.. Can J Cardiol 2013; 29(2):151-67.
- Leblanc ME, Chouinard N, Turbide G, Hould FS, Poirier P. [Bariatric surgery: an effective intervention for morbid obesity].. Perspect Infirm 2013; 10(1):32-5.
- Bélanger-Gravel A, Godin G, Bilodeau A, Poirier P. The effect of implementation intentions on physical activity among obese older adults: a randomised control study.. Psychol Health 2013; 28(2):217-33.
- Valera B, Dewailly E, Poirier P. Association between methylmercury and cardiovascular risk factors in a native population of Quebec (Canada): a retrospective evaluation.. Environ Res 2013; 120(0):102-8.
- Leblanc ME, Croteau S, Ferland A, Bussières J, Cloutier L, Hould FS, Biertho L, Moustarah F, Marceau S, Poirier P. Blood pressure assessment in severe obesity; validation of a forearm approach.. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2013; 21(12):E533-41.
- Martin J, Bergeron S, Pibarot P, Bastien M, Biertho L, Lescelleur O, Bertrand F, Simard S, Poirier P. Impact of Bariatric Surgery on N-Terminal Fragment of the Prohormone Brain Natriuretic Peptide and Left Ventricular Diastolic Function.. Can J Cardiol 2013; 29(8):969-75.
- Gaudreault V, Després JP, Rhéaume C, Alméras N, Bergeron J, Tremblay A, Poirier P. Exercise-induced hypertension in men with metabolic syndrome: anthropometric, metabolic, and hemodynamic features.. Metab Syndr Relat Disord 2013; 11(1):7-14.
- Huot M, Arsenault BJ, Gaudreault V, Poirier P, Pérusse L, Tremblay A, Bouchard C, Després JP, Rhéaume C.. Insulin resistance, low cardiorespiratory fitness, and increased exercise blood pressure: contribution of abdominal obesity. Hypertension 2011; 58(6):1036-1042.
- Lalonde F, Poirier P, Sylvestre MP, Arvisais D, Curnier D.. Exercise-induced ischemic preconditioning detected by sequential exercise stress tests: A meta-analysis.. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2013; 0(0):Epub.
- Gaudreault V, Després JP, Rhéaume C, Bergeron J, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Poirier P.. Exercise-induced exaggerated blood pressure response in men with the metabolic syndrome: the role of the autonomous nervous system.. Blood Press Monit 2013; 18(5):252-8.
- Valera B, Ayotte P, Poirier P, Dewailly E.. Associations between plasma persistent organic pollutant levels and blood pressure in Inuit adults from Nunavik.. Environ Int 2013; 59(0):282-9.
- Gibson BS, Colberg SR, Poirier P, Vancea DM, Jones J, Marcus R.. Development and validation of a predictive model of acute glucose response to exercise in individuals with type 2 diabetes.. Diabetol Metab Syndr 2013; 5(1):33.
- Teoh H, Després JP, Dufour R, Fitchett DH, Goldin L, Goodman SG, Harris SB, Langer A, Lau DC, Lonn EM, Mancini GB, McFarlane PA, Poirier P, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Tan MK, Leiter LA.. A comparison of the assessment and management of cardiometabolic risk in patients with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus in Canadian primary care.. Diabetes Obes Metab 2013; 15(12):1093-100.
- Caron-Cantin SM, Martin J, Bastien M, Munkonda MN, Lu H, Cianflone K, Moustarah F, Biertho L, Marceau S, Hould FS, Bussières J, Poirier P.. Acute and Chronic Effects of Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch Surgery on Plasma Visfatin and Apelin Levels in Patients with Severe Obesity.. Obes Surg 2013; 23(11):1806-14.
- Salamin G, Pelletier C, Poirier P, Bertrand OF, Després JP, Alméras N, Costerousse O, Brassard P. Impact of visceral obesity on cardiac parasympathetic activity in type 2 diabetics after coronary artery bypass graft surgery.. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2013; 21(8):1578-85.
- Nazare JA, Smith J, Borel AL, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Bergeron J, Poirier P, Després JP.. Changes in both global diet quality and physical activity level synergistically reduce visceral adiposity in men with features of metabolic syndrome.. J Nutr 2013; 143(7):1074-83.
- Borel AL, Boulet G, Nazare JA, Smith J, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Bergeron J, Poirier P, Carpentier AC, Després JP.. Improved Plasma FFA/Insulin Homeostasis Is Independently Associated With Improved Glucose Tolerance After a One-Year Lifestyle Intervention in Viscerally Obese Men.. Diabetes Care 2013; 36(10):3254-61.
- Joncas SX, Poirier P, Ardilouze JL, Carrier N, Fayad T, Farand P.. Delayed efficient anticoagulation with heparin in patients with a weight of 110 kg and more treated for acute coronary syndrome.. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2013; 21(9):1753-8.
- Salamin G, Pelletier C, Poirier P, Després JP, Bertrand O, Alméras N, Costerousse O, Brassard P.. Impact of visceral obesity on cardiac parasympathetic activity in type 2 diabetics after coronary artery bypass graft surgery.. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2012; 0(0):Epub.
- Turmel J, Poirier P, Bougault V, Blouin E, Belzile E, Boulet LP. Cardiorespiratory Screening in Elite Endurance Sports Athletes: The Québec Study. Phys Sportsmed 2012; 40(3):55-65.
- Gaudreault V, Tizon-Marcos H, Poirier P, Pibarot P, Gilbert P, Amyot M, Rodés-Cabau J, Després JP, Bertrand OF, Larose É.. Transient Myocardial Tissue and Function Changes During a Marathon in Less Fit Marathon Runners.. Can J Cardiol 2013; 29(10):1269-76.
- Thibault G, Dumais A, Poirier P.. Exercice, diète et pression artérielle des patients hypertendus. Les Actualité du Cur.. Les Actualités du Coeur 2013; 15(0):10-11.
- Thibault G, Dumais A, Poirier P.. Dix milles pas par jours pour réduire la pression artérielle des personnes sédentaires.. Les Actualités du Coeur 2013; 15(0):11.
- Scirica BM, Bhatt DL, Braunwald E, Steg PG, Davidson J, Hirshberg B, Ohman P, Frederich R, Wiviott SD, Hoffman EB, Cavender MA, Udell JA, Desai NR, Mosenzon O, McGuire DK, Ray KK, Leiter LA, Raz I; SAVOR-TIMI 53 Steering Committee and Investigators (Poirier P parmi les 951 collaborateurs).. Saxagliptin and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. N Engl J Med. Oct 2013;369(14):1317-26.(Cardiologie). N Engl J Med 2013; 369(14):1317-26.
- Piché ME, Martin J, Cianflone K, Bastien M, Marceau S, Biron S, Hould FS, Poirier P.. Changes in predicted cardiovascular disease risk after biliopancreatic diversion surgery in severely obese patients.. Metabolism 2014; 63(1):79-86.
- Houle J, Valera B, Gaudet-Savard T, Auclair A, Poirier P.. Daily Steps Threshold to Improve Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors During the Year After an Acute Coronary Syndrome.. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 2013; 33(6):406-10.
- Gagnon-Audet AA, Poirier P, Turcotte H, Martin J, Bastien M, Simard S, Boulet LP.. Influence of cardiac dysfunction and systemic inflammation on pulmonary function and airway responsiveness in obese subjects.. Clin Invest Med 2013; 36(5):E255.
- Bastien M, Poirier P, Lemieux I, Després JP. Overview of epidemiology and contribution of obesity to cardiovascular disease.. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 2014; 56(4):369-81.
- Gandhi S, Dorian P, Greenlaw N, Tardif JC, Steg PG, Huynh T, Wong GC, Love MP, Poirier P, Goodman SG. Characteristics and evidence-based management of stable coronary artery disease patients in Canada compared with the rest of the world: insights from the CLARIFY registry.. Can J Cardiol 2014; 30(1):132-7.
- Villeneuve N, Pelletier-Beaumont E, Nazare JA, Lemieux I, Alméras N, Bergeron J, Tremblay A, Poirier P, Després JP. Interrelationships between changes in anthropometric variables and computed tomography indices of abdominal fat distribution in response to a 1-year physical activity-healthy eating lifestyle modification program in abdominally obese men.. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2014; 39(4):503-11.
- Gupta A, Miegueu P, Lapointe M, Poirier P, Martin J, Bastien M, Tiwari S, Cianflone K. Acute post-bariatric surgery increase in orexin levels associates with preferential lipid profile improvement.. PLoS One 2014; 9(1):e84803.
- Anderson TJ, Grégoire J, Hegele RA, Couture P, Mancini GB, McPherson R, Francis GA, Poirier P, Lau DC, Grover S, Genest J Jr, Carpentier AC, Dufour R, Gupta M, Ward R, Leiter LA, Lonn E, Ng DS, Pearson GJ, Yates GM, Stone JA, Ur E. Are the ACC/AHA guidelines on the treatment of blood cholesterol a game changer? A perspective from the Canadian Cardiovascular Society Dyslipidemia Panel.. Can J Cardiol 2014; 30(4):377-80.
- Galesanu RG, Bernard S, Marquis K, Lacasse Y, Poirier P, Bourbeau J, Maltais F. Obesity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Is fatter really better?. Can Respir J 2014; 21(5):297-301.
- Poirier P. Exercise, Heart Rate Variability, and Longevity: The Cocoon Mystery?. Circulation 2014; 129(21):2085-7.
- Sirois C, Moisan J, Poirier P, Grégoire JP. Myocardial infarction and gastro-intestinal bleeding risks associated with aspirin use among elderly individuals with type 2 diabetes.. Ann Med 2014; 46(5):335-40.
- Blais C, Rochette L, Hamel D, Poirier P. Prevalence, incidence, awareness and control of hypertension in the province of Quebec: Perspective from administrative and survey data.. Can J Public Health 2014; 105(1):e79-85.
- Poirier P, Auclair A. Role of bariatric surgery in diabetes.. Curr Cardiol Rep 2014; 16(2):444.
- Lalonde F, Poirier P, Sylvestre MP, Arvisais D, Curnier D. Exercise-induced ischemic preconditioning detected by sequential exercise stress tests: a meta-analysis.. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2015; 22(1):100-12.
- Garcia-Labbé D, Ruka E, Bertrand OF, Voisine P, Costerousse O, Poirier P. Obesity and Coronary Artery Disease: Evaluation and Treatment.. Can J Cardiol 2015; 31(2):184-194.
- Valera B, Sohani Z, Rana A, Poirier P, Anand SS. The Ethnoepidemiology of Obesity.. Can J Cardiol 2015; 31(2):131-141.
- Smith EE, O'Donnell M, Dagenais G, Lear SA, Wielgosz A, Sharma M, Poirier P, Stotts G, Black SE, Strother S, Noseworthy MD, Benavente O, Modi J, Goyal M, Batool S, Sanchez K, Hill V, McCreary CR, Frayne R, Islam S, DeJesus J, Rangarajan S, Teo K, Yusuf S. Early cerebral small vessel disease and brain volume, cognition, and gait.. Ann Neurol 2015; 77(2):251-61.
- Jarrin DC, McGrath JJ, Poirier P, Séguin L, Tremblay RE, Montplaisir JY, Paradis G, Séguin JR. Short-term heart rate variability in a population-based sample of 10-year-old children.. Pediatr Cardiol 2015; 36(1):41-8.
- Jarrin DC, McGrath JJ, Poirier P, Quality Cohort Collaborative Group. Autonomic dysfunction: a possible pathophysiological pathway underlying the association between sleep and obesity in children at-risk for obesity.. J Youth Adolesc 2015; 44(2):285-97.
- Lalonde F, Poirier P, Arvisais D, Curnier D. Exercise-Induced Ischemic Preconditioning and the Potential Application to Cardiac Rehabilitation: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW.. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 2015; 35(2):93-102.
- Leblanc ME, Godbout C, Nolet PL, Bussières JS, Poirier P. La canule artérielle: une méthode privilégiè quand létat hémodynamique dun patient requiert une surveillance continue. Perspect Infirm 2015; 12(1):44-8.
- St-Pierre J, Poirier P. What nature used to allow to die, don't let modern habits damage after repair: preventable obesity risk in congenital heart disease.. Can J Cardiol 2015; 31(2):109-11.
- Piché MÈ, Auclair A, Harvey J, Marceau S, Poirier P. How to Choose and Use Bariatric Surgery in 2015.. Can J Cardiol 2015; 31(2):153-166.
- Hegg-Deloye S, Brassard P, Prairie J, Larouche D, Jauvin N, Poirier P, Tremblay A, Corbeil P. Prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in paramedics.. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2015; 88(7):973-80.
- Carter S, Li Z, Lemieux I, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Bergeron J, Poirier P, Deshaies Y, Després JP, Picard F.. Circulating IGFBP-2 levels are incrementally linked to correlates of the metabolic syndrome and independently associated with VLDL triglycerides.. Atherosclerosis 2014; 237(2):645-51.
- Brassard P, Pelletier C, Martin M, Gagné N, Poirier P, Ainslie PN, Caouette M, Bussières JS.. Influence of norepinephrine and phenylephrine on frontal lobe oxygenation during cardiopulmonary bypass in patients with diabetes.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2014; 28(3):608-17.
- Batool S, O'Donnell M, Sharma M, Islam S, Dagenais GR, Poirier P, Lear SA, Wielgosz A, Teo K, Stotts G, McCreary CR, Frayne R, DeJesus J, Rangarajan S, Yusuf S, Smith EE; PURE Study Investigators.. Incidental magnetic resonance diffusion-weighted imaging-positive lesions are rare in neurologically asymptomatic community-dwelling adults.. Stroke 2014; 45(7):2115-7.
- Arsenault BJ, Pelletier-Beaumont E, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Poirier P, Bergeron J, Després JP.. PCSK9 levels in abdominally obese men: association with cardiometabolic risk profile and effects of a one-year lifestyle modification program.. Atherosclerosis 2014; 236(2):321-6.
- Grace SL, Poirier P, Norris CM, Oakes GH, Somanader DS, Suskin N; Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation.. Pan-Canadian development of cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention quality indicators.. Can J Cardiol 2014; 30(8):945-8.
- Plourde B, Sarrazin JF, Nault I, Poirier P.. Sudden cardiac death and obesity.. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther 2014; 12(9):1099-110.
- Valera B, Suhas E, Counil E, Poirier P, Dewailly E.. Influence of polyunsaturated fatty acids on blood pressure, resting heart rate and heart rate variability among French Polynesians.. J Am Coll Nutr 2014; 33(4):288-96.
- Poirier P.. Exploring the spectrum of diseases influenced by excess adiposity.. Transl Res 2014; 164(4):278-83.
- Lu H, Fouejeu Wamba PC, Lapointe M, Poirier P, Martin J, Bastien M, Cianflone K.. Increased vaspin levels are associated with beneficial metabolic outcome pre- and post-bariatric surgery.. PLoS One 2014; 9(10):e111002.
- de Macedo AN, Teo K, Mente A, McQueen MJ, Zeidler J, Poirier P, Lear SA, Wielgosz A, Britz-McKibbin P.. A robust method for iodine status determination in epidemiological studies by capillary electrophoresis.. Anal Chem 2014; 86(20):10010-5.
- Hegg‐Deloye S, Corbeil P, Brassard P, Prairie J, Larouche D, Jauvin N, Carmichael PH, Poirier P, Tremblay A. Work‐related and dietary factors associated with weight gain over the period of employment in paramedics.. Occ Med Health Affairs 2014; 2(0):1000173.
- Lapointe M, Poirier P, Martin J, Bastien M, Auclair A, Cianflone K.. Omentin changes following bariatric surgery and predictive links with biomarkers for risk of cardiovascular disease.. Cardiovasc Diabetol 2014; 13(0):124.
- Atallah R, Filion KB, Wakil SM, Genest J, Joseph L, Poirier P, Rinfret S, Schiffrin EL, Eisenberg MJ.. Long-term effects of 4 popular diets on weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials.. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 2014; 7(6):815-27.
- Lévesque V, Vallières M, Poirier P, Després JP, Alméras N.. Targeting Abdominal Adiposity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in the Workplace.. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2015; 47(7):1342-50.
- Sirois C, Moisan J, Poirier P, Grégoire JP.. Comparative effectiveness of cardioprotective drugs in elderly individuals with type 2 diabetes.. Int J Clin Pract 2015; 69(3):305-12.
- Lear SA, Teo K, Gasevic D, Zhang X, Poirier PP, Rangarajan S, Seron P, Kelishadi R, Tamil AM, Kruger A, Iqbal R, Swidan H, Gómez-Arbeláez D, Yusuf R, Chifamba J, Kutty VR, Karsıdag K, Kumar R, Li W, Szuba A, Avezum A, Diaz R, Anand SS, Rosengren A, Yusuf S; Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study (Collaborateurs: Rangarajan S, Teo KK, Chow CK, Islam S, Zhang M, Kabali C, Dehghan M, Xiong J, Mente A, DeJesus J, Mackie P, Madhavan M, Corsi D, Farago L, Michael J, Kay I, Zafar S, Williams D, Solano R, Solano N, Farago M, Rimac J, Trottier S, ElSheikh W, Mustaha M, Kaszyca J, Hrnic R, Yusuf S, McQueen M, Hall K, Keys J, Wang X, Keneth J, Diaz R, Orlandini A, Bahit C, Linetsky B, Toscanelli S, Casaccia G, Maini Cuneo JM, Rahman O, Yusuf R, Azad AK, Rabbani KA, Cherry HM, Mannan A, Hassan I, Talukdar AT, Tooheen RB, Khan MU, Avezum A, Oliveira GB, Marcilio CS, Mattos AC, Teo K, Yusuf S, Dejesus J, Zafar S, Williams D, Rimac J, Dagenais G, Poirier P, Turbide G, Auger D, LeBlanc De Bluts A, Proulx MC, Cayer M, Bonneville N, Lear S, Chockalingam A, Gasevic D, Gyawali S, Hage-Moussa S, Mah G, MacLeod M, Vukmirovich I, Wielgosz A, Fodor G, Pipe A, Papadakis S, Moroz I, Muthuri S, Lanas F, Seron P, Martinez S, Liu L, Li W, Chen C, Wang X, Zhao W, Bo J, Chang X, Chen T, Chen H, Cheng X, Deng Q, He X, Hu B, Jia X, Li J, Li J, Liu X, Ren B, Sun Y, Wang W, Wang Y, Yang J, Zhai Y, Zhang H, Zhao X, Zhu M, Lu F, Wu J, Li Y, Hou Y, Zhang L, Guo B, Liao X, Zhang S, Bian R, Tian X, Li D, Chen D, Wu J, Xiao Y, Liu T, Zhang P, Dong C, Li N, Ma X, Yang Y, Lei R, Fu M, He J, Liu Y, Xing X, Zhou Q, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Garcia R, Arguello JF, Dueñas R, Silva S, Pradilla LP, Ramirez F, Molina DI, Cure-Cure C, Perez M, Hernandez E, Arcos E, Fernandez S, Narvaez C, Paez J, Sotomayor A, Garcia H, Sanchez G, David T, Gómez-Arbeláez D, Rico A, Vaz M, Bharathi AV, Swaminathan S, Mony P, Shankar K, Kurpad AV, Jayachitra KG, Kumar N, Mohan V, Deepa M, Parthiban K, Anitha M, Hemavathy S, Rahulashankiruthiyayan T, Anitha D, Sridevi K, Gupta R, Panwar RB, Mohan I, Rastogi P, Rastogi S, Bhargava R, Kumar R, Thakur JS, Patro B, Mahajan R, Chaudary P, Raman Kutty V, Vijayakumar K, Ajayan K, Rajasree G, Renjini AR, Deepu A, Sandhya B, Asha S, Soumya HS, Kelishadi R, Bahonar A, Mohammadifard N, Heidari H, Yusoff K, Ng KK, Ariffin F, MIskan M, Mohd Arshad MK, Abdul Razak S, Krishnashwari AD, Abu Bakar N, Majid FA, Noorhassim I, Hasni MJ, Azmi MT, Zaleha MI, Hazdi KY, Rizam AR, Sazman W, Azman A, Iqbal R, Afridi A, Khawaja R, Kazmi K, Zatonski W, Andrzejak R, Szuba A, Zatonska K, Ilow R, Ferus M, Regulska-Ilow B, Różańska D, Wolyniec M, Kruger A, Voster HH, Schutte AE, Wentzel-Viljoen E, Eloff FC, de Ridder H, Moss H, Potgieter J, Roux AA, Watson M, de Wet G, Olckers A, Jerling JC, Pieters M, Hoekstra T, Puoane T, Igumbor E, Tsolekile L, Sanders D, Naidoo P, Steyn N, Peer N, Mayosi B, Rayner B, Lambert V, Levitt N, Kolbe-Alexander T, Ntyintyane L, Hughes G, Swart R, Fourie J, Muzigaba M, Xapa S, Gobile N, Ndayi K, Jwili B, Ndibaza K, Egbujie B, de Lima T, Petersen M, Govender S, Rosengren A, Bengtsson Boström K, Lindblad U, Langkilde P, Gustavsson A, Andreasson M, Snällman M, Wirdemann L, Pettersson K, Moberg E, Oguz A, Akalin AA, Calik KB, Imeryuz N, Temizhan A, Alphan E, Gunes E, Sur H, Karsidag K, Gulec S, Altuntas Y, Yusufali AM, Almahmeed W, Swidan H, Darwish EA, Hashemi AR, Al-Khaja N, Muscat-Baron JM, Ahmed SH, Mamdouh TM, Darwish WM, Abdelmotagali MH, Omer Awed SA, Movahedi GA, Hussain F, Al Shaibani H, Gharabou RI, Youssef DF, Nawati AZ, Abu Salah ZA, Abdalla RF, Al Shuwaihi SM, Al Omairi MA, Cadigal OD, Alejandrino RS, Chifamba J, Gwaunza L, Terera G, Mahachi C, Murambiwa P, Machiweni T, Mapanga R). The association between ownership of common household devices and obesity and diabetes in high, middle and low income countries.. CMAJ 2014; 186(4):258-66.
- Mente A, O'Donnell MJ, Rangarajan S, McQueen MJ, Poirier P, Wielgosz A, Morrison H, Li W, Wang X, Di C, Mony P, Devanath A, Rosengren A, Oguz A, Zatonska K, Yusufali AH, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Avezum A, Ismail N, Lanas F, Puoane T, Diaz R, Kelishadi R, Iqbal R, Yusuf R, Chifamba J, Khatib R, Teo K, Yusuf S; PURE Investigators (Collaborateurs: Yusuf S, Rangarajan S, Teo KK, Chow CK, O'Donnell M, Mente A, Leong D, Smyth A, Joseph P, Islam S, Zhang M, Hu W, Wong G, Lee S, Manandhar N, Dehghan M, Royerr M, DeJesus J, Lewis G, Mackie P, Farago L, Kay I, Agapay D, Solano R, Ramacham S, Kandy N, Rimac J, Trottier S, ElSheikh W, Mustaha M, Tongana T, Aoucheva N, Swallow J, Ramezani E, Lindeman J, McQueen M, Hall K, Keys J, Wang X, Keneth J, Devanath A, Diaz R, Orlandini A, Linetsky B, Toscanelli S, Casaccia G, Maini Cuneo JM, Rahman O, Yusuf R, Azad AK, Rabbani KA, Cherry HM, Mannan A, Hassan I, Talukdar AT, Tooheen RB, Khan MU, Sintaha M, Choudhury T, Haque R, Parvin S, Avezum A, Oliveira GB, Marcilio CS, Mattos AC, Teo K, Yusuf S, Dejesus J, Agapay D, Tongana T, Solano R, Kay I, Trottier S, Rimac J, Elsheikh W, Heldman L, Ramezani E, Dagenais G, Poirier P, Turbide G, Auger D, LeBlanc A, LeBlanc De Bluts A, Proulx MC, Cayer M, Bonneville N, Lear S, Gasevic D, Corber E, de Jong V, Vukmirovich I, Wielgosz A, Fodor G, Pipe A, Shane A, Lanas F, Seron P, Martinez S, Valdebenito A, Oliveros M, Wei L, Lisheng L, Chunming C, Xingyu W, Wenhua Z, Hongye Z, Xuan J, Bo H, Yi S, Jian B, Xiuwen Z, Xiaohong C, Tao C, Hui C, Xiaohong C, Qing D, Xiaoru C, Qing D, Xinye H, Bo H, Xuan J, Jian L, Juan L, Xu L, Bing R, Yi S, Wei W, Yang W, Jun Y, Yi Z, Hongye Z, Xiuwen Z, Manlu Z, Fanghong L, Jianfang W, Yindong L, Yan H, Liangqing Z, Baoxia G, Xiaoyang L, Shiying Z, Rongwen B, Xiuzhen T, Dong L, Di C, Jianguo W, Yize X, Tianlu L, Peng Z, Changlin D, Ning L, Xiaolan M, Yuqing Y, Rensheng L, Minfan F, Jing H, Yu L, Xiaojie X, Qiang Z, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Camacho Lopez PA, Garcia R, Jurado LJ, Gómez-Arbelaez D, Arguello JF, Duenas R, Silva S, Pradilla LP, Ramirez F, Molina DI, Cure-Cure C, Perez M, Hernandez E, Arcos E, Fernandez S, Narvaez C, Paez J, Sotomayor A, Garcia H, Sanchez G, David T, Rico A, Mony P, Vaz M, Bharathi AV, Swaminathan S, Shankar K, Kurpad AV, Jayachitra KG, Kumar N, Mohan V, Deepa M, Parthiban K, Anitha M, Hemavathy S, Rahulashankiruthiyayan T, Anitha D, Sridevi K, Gupta R, Panwar RB, Mohan I, Rastogi P, Rastogi S, Bhargava R, Kumar R, Thakur JS, Patro B, Lakshmi PV, Mahajan R, Chaudary P, Raman Kutty V, Vijayakumar K, Ajayan K, Rajasree G, Renjini AR, Deepu A, Sandhya B, Asha S, Soumya HS, Kelishadi R, Bahonar A, Mohammadifard N, Heidari H, Yusoff K, Ismail TS, Ng KK, Devi A, Nasir NM, Yasin MM, Miskan M, Rahman EA, Arsad MK, Ariffin F, Razak SA, Majid FA, Bakar NA, Yacob MY, Zainon N, Salleh R, Ramli MK, Halim NA, Norlizan SR, Ghazali NM, Arshad MN, Razali R, Ali S, Othman HR, Hafar CW, Pit A, Danuri N, Basir F, Zahari SN, Abdullah H, Arippin MA, Zakaria NA, Noorhassim I, Hasni MJ, Azmi MT, Zaleha MI, Hazdi KY, Rizam AR, Sazman W, Azman A, Khatib R, Khammash U, Khatib A, Giacaman R, Husseini A, Iqbal R, Afridi A, Khawaja R, Raza A, Kazmi K, Zatonski W, Szuba A, Zatonska K, Ilow R, Ferus M, Regulska-Ilow B, Rózańska D, Wolyniec M, Kruger A, Voster HH, Schutte AE, Wentzel-Viljoen E, Eloff FC, de Ridder H, Moss H, Potgieter J, Roux AA, Watson M, de Wet G, Olckers A, Jerling JC, Pieters M, Hoekstra T, Puoane T, Igumbor E, Tsolekile L, Sanders D, Naidoo P, Steyn N, Peer N, Mayosi B, Rayner B, Lambert V, Levitt N, Kolbe-Alexander T, Ntyintyane L, Hughes G, Swart R, Fourie J, Muzigaba M, Xapa S, Gobile N, Ndayi K, Jwili B, Ndibaza K, Egbujie B, Rosengren A, Bengtsson Bostrom K, Lindblad U, Langkilde P, Gustavsson A, Andreasson M, Snallman M, Wirdemann L, Pettersson K, Moberg E, Oguz A, Akalin AA, Calik KB, Imeryuz N, Temizhan A, Alphan E, Gunes E, Sur H, Karsidag K, Gulec S, Altuntas Y, Yusufali AM, Almahmeed W, Swidan H, Darwish EA, Hashemi AR, Al-Khaja N, Muscat-Baron JM, Ahmed SH, Mamdouh TM, Darwish WM, Abdelmotagali MH, Omer Awed SA, Movahedi GA, Hussain F, Al Shaibani H, Gharabou RI, Youssef DF, Nawati AZ, Abu Salah ZA, Abdalla RF, Al Shuwaihi SM, Al Omairi MA, Cadigal OD, Alejandrino RS, Chifamba J, Gwaunza L, Terera G, Mahachi C, Mrambiwa P, Machiweni T, Mapanga R). Association of urinary sodium and potassium excretion with blood pressure.. N Engl J Med 2014; 371(7):601-11.
- Fox K, Ford I, Steg PG, Tardif JC, Tendera M, Ferrari R; SIGNIFY Investigators (Collaborateurs: Fox K, Ferrari R, Ford I, Steg PG, Tardif JC, Tendera M, Ferrari R, Iglesias R, Zelveian PA, Freedman B, Huber K, Vanoverschelde JL, Machado Cesar LA, Gotcheva N, L'Allier P, Hu DY, Lau CP, Bergovec M, Hradec J, Clemmensen P, Hildebrandt P, Eha J, Laine M, Danchin N, Kedev S, Chumburidze V, Münzel T, Vardas P, Borbola J, Kasliwal R, Crean P, Tavazzi L, Seisembekov TZ, Seung KB, Erglis A, Laucevicius A, Ali R, Alexanderson E, Atar D, Sy R, Rynkiewicz A, Gomes R, Macarie C, Mareev VY, Karpov YA, Ostojic MC, Koh TH, Murin J, Rakovec P, Sareli P, Macaya de Miguel C, Dellborg M, Lüscher T, Chiang CE, Sritara P, van Gilst WH, Jukema JW, Ergene O, Parkhomenko A, Hall A, Kuster F, Pham NV, Thygesen K, Frenneaux M, Jondeau G, Mosterd A, Camm J, Murray G, Dargie H, Kjekshus J, Maggioni AP, Robertson M, Lloyd S, Iglesias R, Ahaud Guerrero RA, Allall OA, Amuchastegui M, Bluro IM, Bustamante Labarta GF, Caccavo A, Cartasegna LR, Costamagna OJ, Cuello JL, Cuneo CA, Fuentealba VJ, Covelli G, García Duran RO, Garofalo PE, Garrido M, Gómez Villamajo O, Gonzalez MA, Guzman LA, Hershson AR, Hominal MA, Hrabar AD, Jure HO, Lobo Marquez LL, Luciardi HL, Luquez HA, Mackinnon IJ, Manuale OD, Marino JC, Milei J, Montana OR, Perna ER, Porcile R, Prado AD, Rodenas PM, Rodríguez MA, Ronderos RE, Sala JM, Salmón Blumberg E, Sánchez AS, Sanchez RA, Sassone SA, Schiavi LB, Schygiel PO, Sinisi VA, Trivi MS, Varini SD, Vensentini N, Vico ML, Vita NA, Zaidman CJ, Zelveian P, Aleksanyan A, Drambyan M, Hayrapetyan H, Kocharyan L, Piruzyan A, Sisakyan H, Ter Grigoryan V, Freedman SB, Alford K, Allada C, Arya M, Barron G, Benson M, Bloch M, Colquhoun D, Cross D, Dart A, Eccleston D, Heddle W, Jayasinghe R, Playford D, Prior D, Rogers J, Singh B, Szto G, Huber K, Eber B, Hoenig S, Leisch F, Pieske B, Vanoverschelde JL, Delforge M, Hollanders G, Kefer J, Leeman J, Marechal P, Missault L, Troisfontaines P, Van Cleemput J, Vervoort G, Vrolix M, Machado Cesar LA, de Albuquerque DC, Ardito WR, Aziz JL, Botelho RV, Braga JC, Braile MC, Cardoso JN, Castro FF, Correa Filho H, de Camargo Carvalho AC, de Oliveira JV, Barbosa EC, Da Silva PR, Faludi AA, Neto JR, Farsky PS, Feitosa G, Finimundi HC, Rosa E, Fonseca AG, Hernandes ME, Índio do Brasil CK, Jorge JC, Kormann A, Leaes PE, Maia LN, Maneti ER, Markman B, Montenegro ST, Neuenschwander FC, Pelloso E, Precoma DB, Reis G, dos Santos FR, Rossi PR, Saad JA, de Paiva MS, Saporito WF, Saraiva JF, Sebba WK, Smith P, Soares Fichino MZ, Sobral Sousa AC, Zimmerman SL, Gotcheva N, Arnaudova Z, Baycheva V, Benov H, Chobanska P, Chompalova B, Denchev S, Georgieva Z, Goshev E, Gotchev D, Goudev A, Grigorov M, Guenova D, Hergeldjieva V, Ivanova P, Lazov P, Mihov A, Mihov L, Milanova M, Mileva A, Mincheva V, Pencheva G, Petranov S, Popov A, Raev D, Runev N, Shehova N, Sirakova V, Stoikov A, Taseva T, Tisheva S, Tokmakova M, Tumbev H, Tzekova M, L'Allier PL, Abramson B, Bailey G, Baird M, Beaudry P, Berlingieri J, Boucher P, Bourgeois R, Chan YK, Chehayeb R, Cieza T, Constance C, Della Siega A, Dion D, Hess A, Hill L, Huynh T, Klinke P, Kouz S, Labonté R, Lainesse A, Lepage S, Lonn E, Ma P, Maranda C, Mymin D, Nawaz S, O'Keefe D, O'Mahony M, Poirier P, Radhakrishnan S, Sabbah E, Sabe-Affaki G, Savard D, Talbot P, Tremblay B, Yao L, Hu DY, Bai F, Chen JC, Chen SL, Chen XP, Chen YD, Cheng XS, Fu GS, Fu L, Ge JB, Gu SM, Guo T, Guo Y, He SH, Jiang B, Ke YN, Li AH, Li H, Li HM, Li HW, Li L, Li WM, Li XD, Li XY, Li ZQ, Ling F, Luo M, Ma CS, Ma GS, Ma JL, Miao PZ, Qi XY, Shou XL, Song ZY, Sun YX, Wang B, Wang HC, Wang JA, Wang JF, Wang ZR, Wei M, Wu ZG, Xie Q, Xu DL, Xu B, Yang CJ, Yang K, Yang P, Yao H, Yuan ZY, Zhang F, Zhang FC, Zhang SY, Zhang Z, Zhao RP, Zheng HC, Zheng ZQ, Zhou XC, Zhu JH, Bergovec M, Bagatin J, Bernat R, Buljevic B, Matasic R, Mavric Z, Milicevic G, Milicic D, Persic V, Pocanic D, Raguz M, Raos V, Samardzic P, Steiner R, Hradec J, Alan D, Bouchal P, Cepelak M, Cermak O, Danczik J, Dedek V, Fabik L, Frana P, Galuszka J, Golan L, Homza M, Houra M, Kaislerova M, Karel I, Kopeckova I, Kos P, Krejcova H, Kuchar L, Kunc M, Kyzekova J, Linhart A, Marcinek G, Mikus M, Monhart Z, Mrozek V, Naplava R, Nechvatal L, Opocensky M, Siegelova J, Sipula D, Sochor K, Spinar J, Stipal R, Sulda M, Vencour D, Vesely J, Vodnansky P, Vymetal P, Zajicek P, Zidkova E, Hildebrandt P, Clemmensen P, Akrawi F, Davidsen F, Heitmann M, Jensen JM, Jeppesen J, Johansen PB, Larsen J, May O, Melchior T, Nielsen T, Nørgaard BL, Ralfkiær N, Raymond I, Rickers H, Roseva-Nielsen N, Sjøl A, Skagen K, Wiggers H, Eha J, Alt I, Arbeiter K, Aug L, Averina O, Kaik J, Laane E, Lanno R, Loogna I, Randvee L, Reimand M, Rosenthal A, Soots M, Uuekula S, Vahula V, Valter I, Viigimaa M, Laine M, Strandberg TE, Strandberg A, Danchin N, Boudhane A, Bourdon A, Bouvier JM, Chati Z, Cottin Y, Davy JM, Fournier PY, Gosse P, Guillot JP, Mann H, Mansourati J, Martelet M, Ovize M, Roudaut R, Roynard JL, Thisse JY, Chumburidze V, Chapidze G, Khintibidze I, Shaburishvili T, Paposhvili K, Gochitashvili D, Melia A, Klimiashvili Z, Chapidze G, Muenzel T, Appel KF, Baar M, Bauknecht K, Beermann J, Bergmann P, Boehm M, Bosch R, Degtyareva E, Drexler M, Droese K, Felix S, Huegl B, Ince H, Jeserich M, Jahnke N, Janssen S, Kleinecke Pohl U, Kleinertz K, Kokott N, Krosse B, Kuehne U, Lappo M, Meissner G, Nienaber C, Proskynitopoulos N, Salbach P, Schaefer A, Schenkenberger I, Schmidt E, Schoen N, Schreckenberg A, Schroeder T, Spengler U, Stangl V, Taggeselle J, Tschoepe C, Weissbrodt M, Winkelmann B, Wolde CH, Vardas P, Kallikazaros I, Karvounis H, Katsivas A, Lymberi S, Manolis A, Nanas J, Pyrgakis VN, Tziakas D, Lau CP, Lee K, Li SK, Tse HF, Yue CS, Borbola J, Andrassy G, Bartal G, Csapo K, Cziraki A, Czuriga I, Dezsi C, Edes I, Forster T, Gaszner B, Herczeg B, Horvath C, Kosa I, Lakatos F, Lippai J, Lupkovics G, Matoltsy A, Medvegy M, Merkely B, Nagy L, Noori E, Palinkas A, Regos L, Sereg M, Szasz G, Sziegl Z, Takacs J, Tomcsanyi J, Toth K, Vertes A, Zamolyi K, Zilahi Z, Kasliwal R, Bhuvaneshwaran JS, Dani S, Dhall A, Dhandayuthapani S, Gadkari M, Hiremath S, Jain P, Kahali D, Kumar N, Mardikar H, Patel T, Pinto B, Prasad G, Sandhu MS, Sethi S, Tavazzi L, Agrusta M, Antonicelli R, Antoniucci D, Barillà F, Bolognese L, Castriota F, De Matteis C, Di Biase M, Di Iorio C, Favretto G, Felis S, Fresco C, Frigiola A, Gavazzi A, Giannuzzi P, Guardigli G, Guarneri A, Ingrillì F, Ieva M, Liso A, Minneci C, Mos L, Paparoni S, Pelà MG, Perna B, Perna G, Potere F, Proietti G, Raisaro A, Riccioni G, Sanfilippo N, Sinicropi G, Tamburino C, Vassanelli C, Vitale C, Zipoli A, Crean P, Barton J, Crowley J, Harrington P, Maher V, McAdam B, Twomey K, Seisembekov T, Bekbossynova M, Imantaeva G, Kim V, Kozlova I, Kultaev M, Mussagalieva A, Yanina N, Zhussupova G, Seung KB, Ahn TH, Ahn Y, Chae JK, Chae IH, Han KR, Hong MK, Hur SH, Hwang JY, Kim JB, Kim HS, Kim SY, Kim MH, Kim DI, Kim DK, Lee SH, Lee SH, Lee JM, Lee BR, Lim DS, Oh SK, Park WJ, Park JS, Park JP, Park HS, Rha SW, Ryu KH, Tahk SJ, Yang JY, Erglis A, Gersamija A, Mintale I, Ozolina MA, Pontaga N, Rancane G, Rozkova N, Saulite-Kandevica D, Sime I, Strizko I, Laucevicius A, Anusauskiene J, Dailydkiene A, Kavoliuniene A, Kibarskis A, Kirkutis A, Maslauskaite-Voluckiene E, Naudziunas A, Petrulioniene Z, Rudys A, Sakalyte G, Slapikas R, Varoneckas G, Vasiliauskas DA, Kedev S, Petrov S, Poposka L, Anguseva T, Kovkaroski A, Donchovska S, Nastevska S, Ali RM, Abdul Manap H, Ismail O, Jaafar AH, Keat BC, Lee CY, Maskon O, Ng KH, Ong TK, Shah RP, Sim KH, Wan Ahmad WA, Alexanderson Rosas E, Alcocer Gamba MA, Alvarez Lopez H, Bayram Llamas E, Beltran Ochoa JJ, Benavides Gonzalez MA, Cardona Muñoz EG, Cervantes Escárcega JL, Chávez Michel J, Chuquiure Valenzuela E, Cigarroa López JA, Cruz Alvarado JE, De La Peña Topete GD, De Los Ríos Ibarra MO, Esturau Santaló RM, Feliciano-Ruiz G, García Lara H, Gomez-León Mandujano A, Hinojosa Pineda PA, Illescas Diaz JJ, Jerjes Sánchez Diaz C, Kusulas Zeron C, Leiva Pons JL, Lepe Montoya L, Magaña Serrano JA, Meaney Mendiolea E, Ortiz Medina JG, Pavia Lopez AA, Petersen Aranguren F, Ruiz Ruiz V, Solache Ortiz G, Villeda Espinosa E, Virgen Carrillo LR, Zuñiga Sedano JG, van Gilst WH, Jukema JW, Alings AM, Amoroso G, Bartels GL, Bokern MJ, Bruning TA, Cozijnsen L, de Graaf JJ, de Melker E, de Nooijer C, de Swart JB, den Hartog FR, Hamraoui K, Hermans WR, Hoedemaker G, Huizenga A, Ilmer B, Jukema JW, Klomps HC, Kragten JA, Ladyjanskaia GA, Lok DJ, Louwerenburg HW, Milhous JG, Nierop PR, Pieterse MG, Plomp J, Portegies MC, Ronner E, Terpstra WF, Troquay RP, van de Wetering ML, van den Berg BJ, van der Meer P, van der Zwaan C, van Geel PP, van Haelst PL, van Hessen MW, van 't Hof AW, van Wijk LM, Wardeh AJ, Werner HA, Westendorp IC, Willems FF, Zwart PA, Atar D, Munk P, Ronnevik P, Sirnes PA, Sy R, Atilano A, Ferrolino A, Rosas N, Sevilla MR, Topacio G, Rynkiewicz A, Adamus J, Andrzejak R, Baska J, Biedrzycka M, Bronisz M, Cymerman K, Czaja P, Drożdż J, Dzielińska Z, Filipiak KJ, Franczuk P, Hoffmann A, Krzyżanowski M, Irlik G, Józwa R, Kabara A, Bębenek W, Kalarus Z, Kania G, Kargul W, Kasprzak J, Kawecka-Jaszcz K, Kawka-Urbanek T, Krupa E, Lenczewski P, Leszniewski M, Loboz-Grudzień K, Miękus P, Mocarska-Górna B, Nadbrzeżny P, Napora P, Nartowicz-Słoniewska M, Pietrucha A, Pulkowski G, Pusz T, Rużyllo W, Rzepa H, Sawicki A, Stasiewski A, Strawczyński M, Szachniewicz J, Szwed H, Tarchalski J, Targoński R, Tendera M, Trojnar R, Trusz-Gluza M, Turek P, Tymiński M, Wojciechowski D, Wrzosek B, Zielińska E, Zieliński M, Gomes RS, Costa M, Gil V, Gomes MV, Marques AL, Martins D, Monteiro P, Morais J, Providência L, Santos W, Macarie CE, Arsenescu-Georgescu C, Aron G, Avram R, Babes K, Bobescu E, Bruckner I, Constantinescu M, Craiu E, Cristian G, Crisu D, Cuiesdean A, Dan GA, Datcu DM, Dorobantu M, Dragulescu SI, Dragusin D, Ionascu-Fometescu CR, Manitiu I, Militaru C, Minescu B, Opris MM, Pop CF, Popa V, Radu I, Sorodoc L, Stanciulescu G, Tanaseanu CM, Tase A, Tomescu-Bordeevici MC, Topolnitchi L, Vintila MM, Vladoianu M, Voicu OC, Zdrenghea DT, Mareev V, Karpov YA, Akhverdieva M, Arutyunov G, Avtandilov A, Azarin O, Barabashkina A, Baranov E, Bart B, Belousov Y, Boytsov S, Bychkova L, Chukaeva I, Chumakova G, Dementyev E, Demko A, Dovgalevsky Y, Duplyakov D, Ermoshkina L, Filatov A, Filippenko N, Fomin I, Freydlin M, Frolov A, Galyavich A, Gapon L, Gilyarevsky S, Glezer M, Goloschekin B, Gomova T, Gorbunov V, Gordeev I, Goryachkin I, Gratsiansky N, Grigoryev S, Ivanov S, Ivleva A, Izmozherova N, Kameneva T, Karpov YB, Kastanayan A, Khasanov N, Khrustalev O, Kobalava Z, Konradi A, Konstantinov V, Konyakhin A, Kosmacheva E, Kostenko V, Kotelnikov M, Kuimov A, Lapin O, Lebedev P, Levashov S, Lopatin Y, Makukhin V, Martsevich S, Milyagin V, Moiseeva O, Morozova T, Murashkina S, Naumov V, Nedogoda S, Nifontov E, Oleynikov V, Orlov V, Pikalova N, Pimenov L, Platonov D, Pozdnyakov Y, Privalova E, Raskina T, Rebrov A, Repin A, Saifutdinov R, Sayganov S, Shalayev S, Shaposhnik I, Shekotov V, Shpektor A, Shvarts Y, Sidorenko B, Simanenkov V, Sinitsina I, Sizova Z, Smolenskaya O, Sobolev K, Soloviev O, Stryuk R, Suprun E, Suslikov A, Suvorov A, Tankhilevich B, Tarlovskaya E, Tchurina S, Terekhov V, Tereschenko S, Timofeev A, Tkachuk I, Tsyba L, Vasyuk Y, Yakovenko S, Yakusevich V, Yakushin S, Zadionchenko V, Zakirova A, Ostojic M, Angelkov L, Asanin M, Apostolovic S, Balinovac J, Beleslin B, Cemerlic-Adjic N, Dimkovic S, Ilic S, Iric-Cupic V, Krotin M, Loncar G, Mitov V, Neskovic A, Petkovic-Curic S, Ponjevic I, Trifunovic N, Vasiljevic Z, Zivkovic A, Koh TH, Ong P, Poh KK, Tan J, Murin J, Benacka J, Bugan V, Dzupina A, Farsky S, Filipova S, Gaspar L, Gonsorcik J, Kamensky G, Kokles M, Kovar F, Litvinova J, Loviska P, Macek V, Majercak I, Micko K, Nedelova I, Nociar J, Palka J, Pella D, Strbova J, Stuchlikova J, Tomkuliakova K, Uhliar R, Vinanska D, Vykoukalova T, Rakovec P, Fras Z, Kanic V, Marcun R, Markez J, Mocnik FS, Sareli P, Badenhorst J, Basson M, Bayat J, Bedhesi S, Bernhardi D, Bester F, Bodenstein W, Burgess L, Ebrahim I, Essop M, Gould T, Guerra M, Horak A, Ismail S, Kelbe D, Lakha D, Mabin T, Makan H, van der Merwe N, Mohamed Z, Moodley R, Naidoo V, Naidu R, Nieuwoudt G, Nortje H, Oosthuysen W, Pillay S, Ranjith N, Ramdass A, Rayner B, Roux J, Saaiman A, Sarvan M, Schamroth C, Schmidt S, Seeber M, Skudicky D, Skriker M, Theron R, Theron H, Trokis J, Van Zyl L, Vawda Z, Venter T, Macaya de Miguel C, Alegret Colomé JM, Alonso Martín JJ, Aranda Dios A, Arias Castaño JC, Bertomeu Martínez V, Blanco Coronado JL, Bruguera Cortada J, Calvo Iglesias F, Del Rio Ligorit A, Gómez Moreno S, Gomollón García JP, Gusi Tragant G, Illa Gay J, Jimenez Mena M, Fernández Romero A, López García-Aranda V, Rodriguez Blanco VM, Roldán Rabadán I, Sanmartín Fernández M, Varela Román A, Vida Gutierrez M, Marcos Gómez G, Paya Serrano R, Romero Hinojosa JA, Sevilla Toral B, Worner Diz F, Dellborg M, Al-Khalili F, Borgencrantz B, Boström B, Hajimirsadeghi A, Kahan T, Lind N, Liu B, Thulin J, Timberg I, Torstensson I, Trivic Z, Wodlin P, Zlatewa R, Luescher T, Gallino A, Moccetti T, Chiang CE, Chiang FT, Fang CY, Hou JY, Hsia CH, Huang BH, Lai WT, Lin WH, Pai PY, Shih CM, Shyu KG, Tsai LM, Wang JH, Wang KY, Srtitara P, Apithamsunthorn S, Chotnoparatpat P, Pattanaprichakul S, Pengkaew P, Phrommintikul A, Sitthisook S, Sriratanasathavorn C, Tanomsup S, Uerojanaungkul P, Ergene O, Acarturk E, Açikel M, Erol MK, Mutlu B, Ozerkan F, Yilmaz H, Hall A, Aldegather J, Armstrong N, Balaji H, Pawa R, Blagden M, Brunskill J, Bundy C, Calvert J, Conn P, Crawford G, Ellery A, Francis M, Hall T, Hart N, Haworth D, Kerrane J, Kalra P, Kwok S, Lindsay S, Maxwell T, McAnsh G, McCormack T, McEleny P, McNally D, Mishra A, Moriarty A, Orpen I, Paul N, Purohit J, Pye M, Rowlands S, 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- Yusuf S, Rangarajan S, Teo K, Islam S, Li W, Liu L, Bo J, Lou Q, Lu F, Liu T, Yu L, Zhang S, Mony P, Swaminathan S, Mohan V, Gupta R, Kumar R, Vijayakumar K, Lear S, Anand S, Wielgosz A, Diaz R, Avezum A, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Lanas F, Yusoff K, Ismail N, Iqbal R, Rahman O, Rosengren A, Yusufali A, Kelishadi R, Kruger A, Puoane T, Szuba A, Chifamba J, Oguz A, McQueen M, McKee M, Dagenais G; PURE Investigators (Collaborateurs: Yusuf S, Rangarajan S, Teo KK, Chow CK, O'Donnell M, Mente A, Leong D, Smyth A, Joseph P, Islam S, Zhang M, Hu W, Wong G, Manandhar N, Dehghan M, Royerr M, DeJesus J, Lewis G, Mackie P, Farago L, Kay I, Agapay D, Solano R, Ramacham S, Kandy N, Rimac J, Trottier S, ElSheikh W, Mustaha M, Tongana T, Aoucheva N, Swallow J, Ramezani E, Lindeman J, McQueen M, Hall K, Keys J, Wang X, Keneth J, Devanath A, Diaz R, Orlandini A, Linetsky B, Toscanelli S, Casaccia G, Cuneo JM, Rahman O, Yusuf R, Azad AK, Rabbani KA, Cherry HM, Mannan A, Hassan I, Talukdar AT, Tooheen RB, Khan MU, Sintaha M, Choudhury T, Haque R, Parvin S, Avezum A, Oliveira GB, Marcilio CS, Mattos AC, Teo K, Yusuf S, Dejesus J, Agapay D, Tongana T, Solano R, Kay I, Trottier S, Rimac J, Elsheikh W, Heldman L, Ramezani E, Dagenais G, Poirier P, Turbide G, Auger D, De Bluts AL, Proulx MC, Cayer M, Bonneville N, Lear S, Gasevic D, Corber E, de Jong V, Vukmirovich I, Wielgosz A, Fodor G, Pipe A, Shane A, Lanas F, Seron P, Martinez S, Valdebenito A, Oliveros M, Li W, Liu L, Chen C, Wang X, Zhao W, Zhang H, JiaXuan, Hu B, Sun Y, Bo J, Zhao X, Chang X, Chen T, Chen H, Chang X, Deng Q, Cheng X, Deng Q, He X, Hu B, JiaXuan, Li J, Li J, Liu X, Ren B, Sun Y, Wang W, Wang Y, Yang J, Zhai Y, Zhang H, Zhao X, Zhu M, Lu F, Wu J, Li Y, Hou Y, Zhang L, Guo B, Liao X, Zhang S, BianRongwen, TianXiuzhen, Li D, Chen D, Wu J, Xiao Y, Liu T, Zhang P, Dong C, Li N, Ma X, Yang Y, Lei R, Fu M, He J, Liu Y, Xing X, Zhou Q, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Lopez PA, Garcia R, Jurado LJ, Gómez-Arbeláez D, Arguello JF, Dueñas R, Silva S, Pradilla LP, Ramirez F, Molina DI, Cure-Cure C, Perez M, Hernandez E, Arcos E, Fernandez S, Narvaez C, Paez J, Sotomayor A, Garcia H, Sanchez G, David T, Rico A, Mony P, Vaz M, Bharathi AV, Swaminathan S, Shankar K, Kurpad AV, Jayachitra KG, Kumar N, Hospital HA, Mohan V, Deepa M, Parthiban K, Anitha M, Hemavathy S, Rahulashankiruthiyayan T, Anitha D, Sridevi K, Gupta R, Panwar RB, Mohan I, Rastogi P, Rastogi S, Bhargava R, Kumar R, Thakur JS, Patro B, Lakshmi PV, Mahajan R, Chaudary P, Kutty VR, Vijayakumar K, Ajayan K, Rajasree G, Renjini AR, Deepu A, Sandhya B, Asha S, Soumya HS, Kelishadi R, Bahonar A, Mohammadifard N, Heidari H, Yusoff K, Ismail TS, Ng KK, Devi A, Nasir NM, Yasin MM, Miskan M, Rahman EA, Arsad MK, Ariffin F, Razak SA, Majid FA, Bakar NA, Yacob MY, Zainon N, Salleh R, Ramli MK, Halim NA, Norlizan SR, Ghazali NM, Arshad MN, Razali R, Ali S, Othman HR, Hafar CW, Pit A, Danuri N, Basir F, Zahari SN, Abdullah H, Arippin MA, Zakaria NA, Noorhassim I, Hasni MJ, Azmi MT, Zaleha MI, Hazdi KY, Rizam AR, Sazman W, Azman A, Khatib R, Khammash U, Giacaman R, Husseini A, Abu-Diab K, Warrad M, Iqbal R, Afridi A, Khawaja R, Raza A, Kazmi K, Zatonski W, Szuba A, Zatonska K, Ilow R, Ferus M, Regulska-Ilow B, Różańska D, Wolyniec M, Kruger A, Voster HH, Schutte AE, Wentzel-Viljoen E, Eloff FC, de Ridder H, Moss H, Potgieter J, Roux AA, Watson M, de Wet G, Olckers A, Jerling JC, Pieters M, Hoekstra T, Puoane T, Igumbor E, Tsolekile L, Sanders D, Naidoo P, Steyn N, Peer N, Mayosi B, Rayner B, Lambert V, Levitt N, Kolbe-Alexander T, Ntyintyane L, Hughes G, Swart R, Fourie J, Muzigaba M, Xapa S, Gobile N, Ndayi K, Jwili B, Ndibaza K, Egbujie B, Rosengren A, Boström KB, Lindblad U, Langkilde P, Gustavsson A, Andreasson M, Snällman M, Wirdemann L, Pettersson K, Moberg E, Oguz A, Akalin AA, Calik KB, Imeryuz N, Temizhan A, Alphan E, Gunes E, Sur H, Karsidag K, Gulec S, Altuntas Y, Yusufali AM, Almahmeed W, Swidan H, Darwish EA, Hashemi AR, Al-Khaja N, Muscat-Baron JM, Ahmed SH, Mamdouh TM, Darwish WM, Abdelmotagali MH, Awed SA, Movahedi GA, Hussain F, Al Shaibani H, Gharabou RI, Youssef DF, Nawati AZ, Abu Salah ZA, Abdalla RF, Al Shuwaihi SM, Al Omairi MA, Cadigal OD, Alejandrino RS, Chifamba J, Gwaunza L, Terera G, Mahachi C, Mrambiwa P, Machiweni T, Mapanga R). Cardiovascular risk and events in 17 low-, middle-, and high-income countries.. N Engl J Med 2014; 371(9):818-27.
- Poirier P, McCrindle BW, Leiter LA. Obesity--it must not remain the neglected risk factor in cardiology.. Can J Cardiol 2015; 31(2):105-8.
- Leclerc J, Bonneville N, Auclair A, Bastien M, Leblanc ME, Poirier P. If not dieting, how to lose weight? Tips and tricks for a better global and cardiovascular health.. Postgrad Med 2015; 127(2):173-85.
- Leblanc MÈ, Cloutier L, Poirier P. Sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of a forearm blood pressure measurement method in severe obesity.. Blood Press Monit 2015; 20(2):79-82.
- Leblanc MÈ, Cloutier L, Poirier P. Measuring blood pressure: thoughts about arms.. Blood Press Monit 2015; 20(4):186-8.
- Gangloff A, Bergeron J, Pelletier-Beaumont E, Nazare JA, Smith J, Borel AL, Lemieux I, Tremblay A, Poirier P, Alméras N, Després JP. Effect of adipose tissue volume loss on circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels: results from a 1-year lifestyle intervention in viscerally obese men.. Int J Obes (Lond) 2015; 39(11):1638-43.
- Parlee SD, Wang Y, Poirier P, Lapointe M, Martin J, Bastien M, Cianflone K, Goralski KB. Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch modifies plasma chemerin in early and late post-operative periods.. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2015; 23(6):1201-8.
- Veilleux SP, O'Connor K, Couture C, Pagé S, Voisine P, Poirier P, Dubois M, Sénéchal M. What the Cardiologist Should Know About Cardiac Involvement in Behçet Disease.. Can J Cardiol 2015; 31(12):1485-8.
- Boudreau F, Walthouwer MJ, de Vries H, Dagenais GR, Turbide G, Bourlaud AS, Moreau M, Côté J, Poirier P. Rationale, design and baseline characteristics of a randomized controlled trial of a web-based computer-tailored physical activity intervention for adults from Quebec City.. BMC Public Health 2015; 15(1):1038.
- Poirier P, Sharma S, Pipe A. The Atlantic Rift: Guidelines for Athletic Screening-Where Should Canada Stand?. Can J Cardiol 2016; 32(4):400-6.
- Poirier P. Cardiovascular outcomes in patients with hypertension: phenotype versus genotype, there is no small risk.. Hypertension 2015; 66(2):278-9.
- Lévesque V, Poirier P, Després JP, Alméras N. Assessing and targeting key lifestyle cardiovascular risk factors at the workplace: Effect on hemoglobin A1c levels.. Ann Med 2015; 47(7):605-14.
- Auclair A, Martin J, Bastien M, Bonneville N, Biertho L, Marceau S, Hould FS, Biron S, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Després JP, Poirier P. Is There a Role for Visceral Adiposity in Inducing Type 2 Diabetes Remission in Severely Obese Patients Following Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch Surgery?. Obes Surg 2015; 0(0):Epub.
- Savell E, Gilmore AB, Sims M, Mony PK, Koon T, Yusoff K, Lear SA, Seron P, Ismail N, Calik KB, Rosengren A, Bahonar A, Kumar R, Vijayakumar K, Kruger A, Swidan H, Gupta R, Igumbor E, Afridi A, Rahman O, Chifamba J, Zatonska K, Mohan V, Mohan D, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Avezum A, Poirier P, Orlandini A, Li W, McKee M, Rangarajan S, Yusuf S, Chow CK. The environmental profile of a community's health: a cross-sectional study on tobacco marketing in 16 countries.. Bull World Health Organ 2015; 93(12):851-861G.
- Poirier P. The Many Paradoxes of Our Modern World: Is There Really an Obesity Paradox or Is It Only a Matter of Adiposity Assessment?. Ann Intern Med 2015; 163(11):880-1.
- Chassé M, Mathieu P, Voisine P, Després JP, Pibarot P, Baillot R, Lellouche F, Poirier P. The Underestimated Belly Factor: Waist Circumference Is Linked to Significant Morbidity Following Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting.. Can J Cardiol 2016; 32(3):327-35.
- Cinq-Mars A, Voisine P, Dagenais F, Charbonneau É, Jacques F, Kalavrouziotis D, Perron J, Mohammadi S, Dubois M, Le Ven F, Poirier P, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Bergeron S, Sénéchal M. Risk factors of mortality after surgical correction of ventricular septal defect following myocardial infarction: Retrospective analysis and review of the literature.. Int J Cardiol 2016; 206(0):27-36.
- Girouard C, Gregoire JP, Kayibanda JF, Poirier P, Demers E, Moisan J. Underexposure of Seniors to Heart Failure Drug Therapy.. J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol 2016; 23(1):e13-25.
- Leclerc J, Arsenault M, Després JP, Brassard P, Gaudreault V, Bergeron J, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Auclair A, Ross MK, Denault-Bissonnette S, Poirier P. Determinants of Improvement In Left Ventricular Diastolic Function Following a 1-Year Lifestyle Modification Program in Abdominally Obese Men with Features of the Metabolic Syndrome.. Metab Syndr Relat Disord 2016; 14(10):483-491.
- St-Pierre DH, Martin J, Shimizu H, Tagaya Y, Tsuchiya T, Marceau S, Biertho L, Bastien M, Caron-Cantin SM, Simard S, Richard D, Cianflone K, Poirier P. Association between nesfatin-1 levels and metabolic improvements in severely obese patients who underwent biliopancreatic derivation with duodenal switch.. Peptides 2016; 86(0):6-12.
- Auclair A, Martin J, Bastien M, Bonneville N, Biertho L, Marceau S, Hould FS, Biron S, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Després JP, Poirier P. Is There a Role for Visceral Adiposity in Inducing Type 2 Diabetes Remission in Severely Obese Patients Following Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch Surgery?. Obes Surg 2016; 26(8):1717-27.
- Ruka E, Dagenais F, Mohammadi S, Chauvette V, Poirier P, Voisine P. Bilateral mammary artery grafting increases postoperative mediastinitis without survival benefit in obese patients.. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2016; 50(6):1188-1195.
- Boyer M, Lévesque V, Poirier P, Marette A, Mathieu P, Després JP, Larose É, Arsenault BJ. Impact of a 1-year lifestyle modification program on plasma lipoprotein and PCSK9 concentrations in patients with coronary artery disease.. J Clin Lipidol 2016; 10(6):1353-1361.
- Anand SS, Tu JV, Awadalla P, Black S, Boileau C, Busseuil D, Desai D, Després JP, de Souza RJ, Dummer T, Jacquemont S, Knoppers B, Larose E, Lear SA, Marcotte F, Moody AR, Parker L, Poirier P, Robson PJ, Smith EE, Spinelli JJ, Tardif JC, Teo KK, Tusevljak N, Friedrich MG. Rationale, design, and methods for Canadian alliance for healthy hearts and minds cohort study (CAHHM) - a Pan Canadian cohort study.. BMC Public Health 2016; 16(0):650.
- Anderson TJ, Grégoire J, Pearson GJ, Barry AR, Couture P, Dawes M, Francis GA, Genest J Jr, Grover S, Gupta M, Hegele RA, Lau DC, Leiter LA, Lonn E, Mancini GB, McPherson R, Ngui D, Poirier P, Sievenpiper JL, Stone JA, Thanassoulis G, Ward R. 2016 Canadian Cardiovascular Society Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidemia for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in the Adult.. Can J Cardiol 2016; 32(11):1263-1282.
- Palafox B, McKee M, Balabanova D, AlHabib KF, Avezum AJ, Bahonar A, Ismail N, Chifamba J, Chow CK, Corsi DJ, Dagenais GR, Diaz R, Gupta R, Iqbal R, Kaur M, Khatib R, Kruger A, Kruger IM, Lanas F, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Minfan F, Mohan V, Mony PK, Oguz A, Palileo-Villanueva LM, Perel P, Poirier P, Rangarajan S, Rensheng L, Rosengren A, Soman B, Stuckler D, Subramanian SV, Teo K, Tsolekile LP, Wielgosz A, Yaguang P, Yeates K, Yongzhen M, Yusoff K, Yusuf R, Yusufali A, Zato?ska K, Yusuf S. Wealth and cardiovascular health: a cross-sectional study of wealth-related inequalities in the awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in high-, middle- and low-income countries.. Int J Equity Health 2016; 15(1):199.
- Brownell NK, Rodriguez-Flores M, Garcia-Garcia E, Ordoñez-Ortega S, Oseguera-Moguel J, Aguilar-Salinas CA, Poirier P. Impact of Body Mass Index >50 on Cardiac Structural and Functional Characteristics and Surgical Outcomes After Bariatric Surgery.. Obes Surg 2016; 26(11):2772-2778.
- Girouard C, Grégoire JP, Poirier P, Moisan J. Factors associated with ?-blocker initiation and discontinuation in a population-based cohort of seniors newly diagnosed with heart failure.. Patient Prefer Adherence 2016; 10(0):1811-1821.
- Miller V, Yusuf S, Chow CK, Dehghan M, Corsi DJ, Lock K, Popkin B, Rangarajan S, Khatib R, Lear SA, Mony P, Kaur M, Mohan V, Vijayakumar K, Gupta R, Kruger A, Tsolekile L, Mohammadifard N, Rahman O, Rosengren A, Avezum A, Orlandini A, Ismail N, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Yusufali A, Karsidag K, Iqbal R, Chifamba J, Oakley SM, Ariffin F, Zatonska K, Poirier P, Wei L, Jian B, Hui C, Xu L, Xiulin B, Teo K, Mente A. Availability, affordability, and consumption of fruits and vegetables in 18 countries across income levels: findings from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study.. Lancet Glob Health 2016; 4(10):e695-703.
- Thornton JS, Frémont P, Khan K, Poirier P, Fowles J, Wells GD, Frankovich RJ. Physical Activity Prescription: A Critical Opportunity to Address a Modifiable Risk Factor for the Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease: A Position Statement by the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine.. Clin J Sport Med 2016; 26(4):259-65.
- Leong DP, Teo KK, Rangarajan S, Kutty VR, Lanas F, Hui C, Quanyong X, Zhenzhen Q, Jinhua T, Noorhassim I, AlHabib KF, Moss SJ, Rosengren A, Akalin AA, Rahman O, Chifamba J, Orlandini A, Kumar R, Yeates K, Gupta R, Yusufali A, Dans A, Avezum Á, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Poirier P, Heidari H, Zatonska K, Iqbal R, Khatib R, Yusuf S. Reference ranges of handgrip strength from 125,462 healthy adults in 21 countries: a prospective urban rural epidemiologic (PURE) study.. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle 2016; 7(5):535-546.
- Borel AL, Nazare JA, Baillot A, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Bergeron J, Poirier P, Després JP. Cardiometabolic risk improvement in response to a 3-yr lifestyle modification program in men: contribution of improved cardiorespiratory fitness vs. weight loss.. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2017; 312(4):E273-E281.
- Caron J, duManoir GR, Labrecque L, Chouinard A, Ferland A, Poirier P, Legault S, Brassard P. Impact of type 2 diabetes on cardiorespiratory function and exercise performance.. Physiol Rep 2017; 5(4):e13145.
- Imhoff S, Malenfant S, Nadreau É, Poirier P, Bailey DM, Brassard P. Uncoupling between cerebral perfusion and oxygenation during incremental exercise in an athlete with postconcussion syndrome: a case report.. Physiol Rep 2017; 5(2):e13131.
- Girouard C, Grégoire JP, Poirier P, Moisan J. Effect of contraindicated drugs for heart failure on hospitalization among seniors with heart failure: A nested case-control study.. Medicine (Baltimore) 2017; 96(9):e6239.
- Boudet G, Walther G, Courteix D, Obert P, Lesourd B, Pereira B, Chapier R, Vinet A, Chamoux A, Naughton G, Poirier P, Dutheil F. Paradoxical dissociation between heart rate and heart rate variability following different modalities of exercise in individuals with metabolic syndrome: The RESOLVE study.. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2017; 24(3):281-296.
- Thornton JS, Frémont P, Khan K, Poirier P, Fowles J, Wells GD, Frankovich RJ. Physical activity prescription: a critical opportunity to address a modifiable risk factor for the prevention and management of chronic disease: a position statement by the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine.. Br J Sports Med 2016; 50(18):1109-14.
- Grenier A, Brassard P, Bertrand OF, Després JP, Costerousse O, Alméras N, Poirier P. Rosiglitazone influences adipose tissue distribution without deleterious impact on heart rate variability in coronary heart disease patients with type 2 diabetes.. Clin Auton Res 2016; 26(6):407-14.
- Leclerc J, Blais C, Guénette L, Poirier P. Médicaments génériques et médicaments originaux, faire la différence.. Perspect Infirm 2016; 13(0):39-47.
- Mancini GB, Cheng AY, Connelly K, Fitchett D, Goldenberg R, Goodman SG, Leiter LA, Lonn E, Paty B, Poirier P, Stone J, Thompson D, Yale JF. Diabetes for Cardiologists: Practical Issues in Diagnosis and Management.. Can J Cardiol 2017; 33(3):366-377.
- Piché ME, Thorin-Trescases N, Auclair A, Marceau S, Martin J, Fortier A, Thorin E, Poirier P. Bariatric Surgery-Induced Lower Angiopoietin-Like 2 Protein Is Associated With Improved Cardiometabolic Profile.. Can J Cardiol 2017; 33(8):1044-1051.
- Auclair A, Biertho L, Marceau S, Hould FS, Biron S, Lebel S, Julien F, Lescelleur O, Lacasse Y, Piché ME, Cianflone K, Parlee SD, Goralski K, Martin J, Bastien M, St-Pierre DH, Poirier P. Bariatric Surgery-Induced Resolution of Hypertension and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Impact of Modulation of Body Fat, Ectopic Fat, Autonomic Nervous Activity, Inflammatory and Adipokine Profiles.. Obes Surg 2017; 27(12):3156-64.
- Poirier P, Marette A, Després JP, Larose E, Arsenault BJ.. Mortality in the Familial Atherosclerosis Treatment Study-Observational Study.. J Clin Lipidol 2017; 11(1):309-10.
- Rodriguez Flores M, Aguilar Salinas C, Piché ME, Auclair A, Poirier P. Effect of bariatric surgery on heart failure.. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther 2017; 15(8):567-579.
- Fitchett D, Cheng A, Connelly K, Goldenberg R, Goodman SG, Leiter LA, Lonn E, Paty B, Poirier P, Stone J, Thompson D, Yale JF, Mancini GBJ. A Practical Guide to the Use of Glucose-Lowering Agents With Cardiovascular Benefit or Proven Safety.. Can J Cardiol 2017; 33(7):940-942.
- Vachon A, Poirier P. Statine en prévention primaire: est-ce requis pour tous?. Pharmactuel 2017; 50(0):1-2.
- Leclerc J, Blais C, Rochette L, Hamel D, Guénette L, Poirier P. Impact of the Commercialization of Three Generic Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers on Adverse Events in Quebec, Canada: A Population-Based Time Series Analysis.. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 2017; 10(10):e003891.
- Lear SA, Hu W, Rangarajan S, Gasevic D, Leong D, Iqbal R, Casanova A, Swaminathan S, Anjana RM, Kumar R, Rosengren A, Wei L, Yang W, Chuangshi W, Huaxing L, Nair S, Diaz R, Swidon H, Gupta R, Mohammadifard N, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Oguz A, Zatonska K, Seron P, Avezum A, Poirier P, Teo K, Yusuf S. The effect of physical activity on mortality and cardiovascular disease in 130?000 people from 17 high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: the PURE study.. Lancet 2017; 390(10113):2643-2654.
- Palafox B, Goryakin Y, Stuckler D, Suhrcke M, Balabanova D, Alhabib KF, Avezum A, Bahonar A, Bai X, Chifamba J, Dans AL, Diaz R, Gupta R, Iqbal R, Ismail N, Kaur M, Keskinler MV, Khatib R, Kruger A, Kruger IM, Lanas F, Lear SA, Li W, Liu J, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Peer N, Poirier P, Rahman O, Pillai RK, Rangarajan S, Rosengren A, Swaminathan S, Szuba A, Teo K, Wang Y, Wielgosz A, Yeates KE, Yusufali A, Yusuf S, McKee M. Does greater individual social capital improve the management of hypertension? Cross-national analysis of 61 229 individuals in 21 countries.. BMJ Glob Health 2017; 2(4):e000443.
- Rossignol M, Labrecque M, Cauchon M, Breton MC, Poirier P. Number of patients needed to prescribe statins in primary cardiovascular prevention: mirage and reality.. Fam Pract 2018; 35(4):376-382.
- Boyer M, Piché ME, Auclair A, Grenier-Larouche T, Biertho L, Marceau S, Hould FS, Biron S, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Julien F, Martin J, Tchernof A, Carpentier AC, Poirier P, Arsenault BJ. Acute and Chronic Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Plasma LDL Cholesterol and PCSK9 Levels in Patients With Severe Obesity.. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2017; 102(11):4023-4030.
- Lévesque V, Poirier P, Després JP, Alméras N. Relation Between a Simple Lifestyle Risk Score and Established Biological Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease.. Am J Cardiol 2017; 120(11):1939-1946.
- Pandey A, Suskin N, Poirier P. The Impact of Burst Exercise on Cardiometabolic Status of Patients Newly Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes.. Can J Cardiol 2017; 33(12):1645-1651.
- Frigault J, Lafrenière-Bessi V, Perron J, Bédard É, Philippon F, Poirier P, Larose E, Jacques F. Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery: Masquerading as Peripartum Cardiomyopathy.. Ann Thorac Surg 2018; 106(1):e33-e35.
- Diabetes Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines Expert Committee, Poirier P, Bertrand OF, Leipsic J, Mancini GBJ, Raggi P, Roussin A.. Screening for the Presence of Cardiovascular Disease.. Can J Diabetes 2018; 42(1):S170-7.
- Maltais A, Alméras N, Lemieux I, Tremblay A, Bergeron J, Poirier P, Després JP.. Trunk muscle quality assessed by computed tomography: Association with adiposity indices and glucose tolerance in men. Metabolism 2018; 85(0):205-212.
- Neeland IJ, Poirier P, Després JP.. Cardiovascular and Metabolic Heterogeneity of Obesity: Clinical Challenges and Implications for Management.. Circulation 2018; 137(13):1391-1406.
- Anand SS, Abonyi S, Arbour L, Brook J, Bruce S, Castleden H, Desai D, de Souza RJ, Harris S, Irvine J, Lai C, Lewis D, Oster RT, Poirier P, Toth EL, Bannon K, Chrisjohn V, Davis AD, L'Hommecourt J, Littlechild R, McMullin K, McIntosh S, Morrison J, Picard M, Landing First Nation P, M Thomas M, Tusevljak N, Friedrich MG, Tu JV.. Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds: First Nations Cohort Study Rationale and Design.. Prog Community Health Partnersh 2018; 12(1):55-64.
- Proulx É, Auclair A, Piché ME, Harvey J, Pettigrew M, Biertho L, Marceau S, Poirier P. Safety of Blood Glucose Response Following Exercise Training After Bariatric Surgery.. Obes Surg 2018; 28(12):3976-3983.
- Boyer M, Lévesque V, Poirier P, Marette A, Mitchell PL, Mora S, Mathieu P, Després JP, Larose E, Arsenault BJ. Longitudinal Changes in Cholesterol Efflux Capacities in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease Undergoing Lifestyle Modification Therapy.. J Am Heart Assoc 2018; 7(11):e008681.
- Piché ME, Poirier P, Lemieux I, Després JP. Overview of Epidemiology and Contribution of Obesity and Body Fat Distribution to Cardiovascular Disease: An Update.. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 2018; 61(2):103-113.
- Piché ME, Laberge AS, Brassard P, Arsenault BJ, Costerousse O, Bertrand OF, Després JP, Poirier P. Rosiglitazone lowers resting and blood pressure response to exercise in men with type 2 diabetes: A 1-year randomized study.. Diabetes Obes Metab 2018; 20(7):1740-1750.
- Piché ME, Poirier P. Obesity, ectopic fat and cardiac metabolism.. Expert Rev Endocrinol Metab 2018; 13(4):213-221.
- Dehghan M, Mente A, Rangarajan S, Sheridan P, Mohan V, Iqbal R, Gupta R, Lear S, Wentzel-Viljoen E, Avezum A, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Mony P, Varma RP, Kumar R, Chifamba J, Alhabib KF, Mohammadifard N, Oguz A, Lanas F, Rozanska D, Bostrom KB, Yusoff K, Tsolkile LP, Dans A, Yusufali A, Orlandini A, Poirier P, Khatib R, Hu B, Wei L, Yin L, Deeraili A, Yeates K, Yusuf R, Ismail N, Mozaffarian D, Teo K, Anand SS, Yusuf S. Association of dairy intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality in 21 countries from five continents (PURE): a prospective cohort study.. Lancet 2018; 392(10161):2288-2297.
- Carter S, Lemieux I, Li Z, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Bergeron J, Poirier P, Després JP, Picard F. Changes in IGFBP-2 levels following a one-year lifestyle modification program are independently related to improvements in plasma apo B and LDL apo B levels.. Atherosclerosis 2019; 281(0):89-97.
- Bourgeois R, Piché ME, Auclair A, Grenier-Larouche T, Mitchell PL, Poirier P, Biertho L, Marceau S, Hould FS, Biron S, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Julien F, Martin J, Tchernof A, Mathieu P, Carpentier AC, Arsenault BJ. Acute and chronic effect of bariatric surgery on circulating autotaxin levels.. Physiol Rep 2019; 7(5):e14004.
- Guzzetti E, Annabi MS, Ong G, Zenses AS, Dagenais F, Tastet L, Salaun E, Shen M, Piché ME, Poirier P, Voisine P, Pibarot P, Clavel MA. Impact of Metabolic Syndrome and/or Diabetes Mellitus on Left Ventricular Mass and Remodeling in Patients With Aortic Stenosis Before and After Aortic Valve Replacement.. Am J Cardiol 2019; 123(1):123-131.
- Gerstein HC, Colhoun HM, Dagenais GR, Diaz R, Lakshmanan M, Pais P, Probstfield J, Botros FT, Riddle MC, Rydén L, Xavier D, Atisso CM, Dyal L, Hall S, Rao-Melacini P, Wong G, Avezum A, Basile J, Chung N, Conget I, Cushman WC, Franek E, Hancu N, Hanefeld M, Holt S, Jansky P, Keltai M, Lanas F, Leiter LA, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Cardona Munoz EG, Pirags V, Pogosova N, Raubenheimer PJ, Shaw JE, Sheu WH, Temelkova-Kurktschiev T; REWIND Investigators (Poirier P parmi les 1421 collaborateurs). Dulaglutide and renal outcomes in type 2 diabetes: an exploratory analysis of the REWIND randomised, placebo-controlled trial.. Lancet 2019; 394(10193):131-138.
- Pirlet C, Ruzsa Z, Costerousse O, Nemes B, Merkely B, Poirier P, Bertrand OF.. Transradial left gastric artery embolization to treat severe obesity: A pilot study.. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2019; 93(3):365-370.
- Boulanger JM, Lindsay MP, Gubitz G, Smith EE, Stotts G, Foley N, Bhogal S, Boyle K, Braun L, Goddard T, Heran M, Kanya-Forster N, Lang E, Lavoie P, McClelland M, O'Kelly C, Pageau P, Pettersen J, Purvis H, Shamy M, Tampieri D, vanAdel B, Verbeek R, Blacquiere D, Casaubon L, Ferguson D, Hegedus Y, Jacquin GJ, Kelly M, Kamal N, Linkewich B, Lum C, Mann B, Milot G, Newcommon N, Poirier P, Simpkin W, Snieder E, Trivedi A, Whelan R, Eustace M, Smitko E, Butcher K. Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations for Acute Stroke Management: Prehospital, Emergency Department, and Acute Inpatient Stroke Care, 6th Edition, Update 2018.. Int J Stroke 2018; 13(9):949-984.
- Neeland IJ, Poirier P, Després JP. Response by Neeland et al to Letter Regarding Article, "Cardiovascular and Metabolic Heterogeneity of Obesity: Clinical Challenges and Implications for Management".. Circulation 2018; 138(14):1496-1497.
- Leclerc J, Blais C, Rochette L, Hamel D, Guénette L, Poirier P. Trends in Hospital Visits for Generic and Brand-Name Warfarin Users in Québec, Canada: A Population-Based Time Series Analysis.. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2019; 19(3):287-297.
- Wang C, Bangdiwala SI, Rangarajan S, Lear SA, AlHabib KF, Mohan V, Teo K, Poirier P, Tse LA, Liu Z, Rosengren A, Kumar R, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Yusoff K, Monsef N, Krishnapillai V, Ismail N, Seron P, Dans AL, Kruger L, Yeates K, Leach L, Yusuf R, Orlandini A, Wolyniec M, Bahonar A, Mohan I, Khatib R, Temizhan A, Li W, Yusuf S. Association of estimated sleep duration and naps with mortality and cardiovascular events: a study of 116 632 people from 21 countries.. Eur Heart J 2019; 40(20):1620-1629.
- Gregoire JP, Poirier P, Pérez N, Demers É, Moisan J. Appropriateness of Ticagrelor Use at Initiation: A Population-Based Cohort Study.. J Pharm Pharm Sci 2018; 21(1):409-412.
- Mancini GBJ, Cheng AY, Connelly K, Fitchett D, Goldenberg R, Goodman S, Leiter LA, Lonn E, Paty B, Poirier P, Stone J, Thompson D, Verma S, Woo V, Yale JF. CardioDiabetes: Core Competencies for Cardiovascular Clinicians in a Rapidly Evolving Era of Type 2 Diabetes Management.. Can J Cardiol 2018; 34(10):1350-1361.
- Tastet L, Pibarot P, Shen M, Clisson M, Côté N, Salaun E, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Capoulade R, Puri R, Poirier P, Clavel MA.. Oral Anticoagulation Therapy and Progression of Calcific Aortic Valve Stenosis.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2019; 73(14):1869-1871.
- Leblanc MÈ, Auclair A, Leclerc J, Bussières J, Agharazii M, Hould FS, Marceau S, Brassard P, Godbout C, Grenier A, Cloutier L, Poirier P. Blood Pressure Measurement in Severely Obese Patients: Validation of the Forearm Approach in Different Arm Positions.. Am J Hypertens 2019; 32(2):175-185.
- Piché ME, Poirier P, Marette A, Mathieu P, Lévesque V, Bibeau K, Larose E, Després JP. Benefits of 1-Year Lifestyle Modification Program on Exercise Capacity and Diastolic Function Among Coronary Artery Disease Men With and Without Type 2 Diabetes.. Metab Syndr Relat Disord 2019; 17(3):149-159.
- Johri AM, Poirier P, Dorian P, Fournier A, Goodman JM, McKinney J, Moulson N, Pipe A, Philippon F, Taylor T, Connelly K, Baggish AL, Krahn A, Sharma S. Canadian Cardiovascular Society/Canadian Heart Rhythm Society Joint Position Statement on the Cardiovascular Screening of Competitive Athletes.. Can J Cardiol 2019; 35(1):1-11.
- Gerstein HC, Colhoun HM, Dagenais GR, Diaz R, Lakshmanan M, Pais P, Probstfield J, Riesmeyer JS, Riddle MC, Rydén L, Xavier D, Atisso CM, Dyal L, Hall S, Rao-Melacini P, Wong G, Avezum A, Basile J, Chung N, Conget I, Cushman WC, Franek E, Hancu N, Hanefeld M, Holt S, Jansky P, Keltai M, Lanas F, Leiter LA, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Cardona Munoz EG, Pirags V, Pogosova N, Raubenheimer PJ, Shaw JE, Sheu WH, Temelkova-Kurktschiev T; REWIND Investigators (Poirier P parmi les 1421 collaborateurs). Dulaglutide and cardiovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes (REWIND): a double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial.. Lancet 2019; 394(10193):121-130.
- Boyer M, Mitchell PL, Poirier P, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Bergeron J, Després JP, Arsenault BJ. Impact of a one-year lifestyle modification program on cholesterol efflux capacities in men with abdominal obesity and dyslipidemia.. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2018; 315(4):E460-E468.
- Leblanc MÈ, Piché ME, Poirier P.. Issues regarding ambulatory blood pressure measurement in severely obese population: The guilty upper-arm.. Eur J Intern Med 2019; 64(0):e11-e12.
- Pirlet C, Cieza T, Poirier P, Ruzsa Z, Bertrand OF. Radial approach for left gastric artery angiography and embolization for the treatment of obesity: Technical considerations.. Cardiovasc Revasc Med 2020; 21(2):222-226.
- Rosengren A, Smyth A, Rangarajan S, Ramasundarahettige C, Bangdiwala SI, AlHabib KF, Avezum A, Bengtsson Bostrom K, Chifamba J, Gulec S, Gupta R, Igumbor EU, Iqbal R, Ismail N, Joseph P, Kaur M, Khatib R, Kruger IM, Lemelas P, Lanas F, Lear SA, Li W, Wang C, Quiang D, Wang Y, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Mohammadifard N, Mohan V, Mony PK, Poirier P, Srilatha S, Szuba A, Teo K, Wielgosz A, Yeates KE, Yusoff K, Yusuf R, Yusufali AH, Attaei MW, McKee M, Yusuf S.. Socioeconomic status and risk of cardiovascular disease in 20 low-income, middle-income, and hish-income countries: The Prospective Urgan Rural Epidemiologic (PURE) study.. Lancet Glob Health 2019; 7(0):e748-e760.
- McMurray JJV, Solomon SD, Inzucchi SE, Køber L, Kosiborod MN, Martinez FA, Ponikowski P, Sabatine MS, Anand IS, Bělohlávek J, Böhm M, Chiang CE, Chopra VK, de Boer RA, Desai AS, Diez M, Drozdz J, Dukát A, Ge J, Howlett JG, Katova T, Kitakaze M, Ljungman CEA, Merkely B, Nicolau JC, O'Meara E, Petrie MC, Vinh PN, Schou M, Tereshchenko S, Verma S, Held C, DeMets DL, Docherty KF, Jhund PS, Bengtsson O, Sjöstrand M, Langkilde AM; DAPA-HF Trial Committees and Investigators (Poirier P parmi les 429 collaborateurs). Dapagliflozin in Patients with Heart Failure and Reduced Ejection Fraction.. N Engl J Med 2019; 381(21):1995-2008.
- Buteau-Poulin D, Poirier P, Després JP, Alméras N. Assessing nutritional quality as a 'vital sign' of cardiometabolic health.. Br J Nutr 2019; 122(2):195-205.
- Maltais A, Lemieux I, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Bergeron J, Poirier P, Després JP. One-Year Lifestyle Intervention, Muscle Lipids, and Cardiometabolic Risk.. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2019; 51(10):2156-2165.
- Côté CE, Rhéaume C, Poirier P, Després JP, Alméras N. Deteriorated Cardiometabolic Risk Profile in Individuals With Excessive Blood Pressure Response to Submaximal Exercise.. Am J Hypertens 2019; 32(10):945-952.
- Gangloff A, Bergeron J, Lemieux I, Tremblay A, Poirier P, Alméras N, Després JP. Relationships between circulating 25(OH) vitamin D, leptin levels and visceral adipose tissue volume: results from a 1-year lifestyle intervention program in men with visceral obesity.. Int J Obes (Lond) 2020; 44(2):280-288.
- Anand SS, Tu JV, Desai D, Awadalla P, Robson P, Jacquemont S, Dummer T, Le N, Parker L, Poirier P, Teo K, Lear SA, Yusuf S, Tardif JC, Marcotte F, Busseuil D, Després JP, Black SE, Kirpalani A, Parraga G, Noseworthy MD, Dick A, Leipsic J, Kelton D, Vena J, Thomas M, Schulze KM, Larose E, Moody AR, Smith EE, Friedrich MG; Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds Cohort. Cardiovascular risk scoring and magnetic resonance imaging detected subclinical cerebrovascular disease.. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging 2020; 21(6):692-700.
- Wiviott SD, Raz I, Bonaca MP, Mosenzon O, Kato ET, Cahn A, Silverman MG, Zelniker TA, Kuder JF, Murphy SA, Bhatt DL, Leiter LA, McGuire DK, Wilding JPH, Ruff CT, Gause-Nilsson IAM, Fredriksson M, Johansson PA, Langkilde AM, Sabatine MS; DECLARETIMI 58 Investigators (Poirier P parmi les 982 collaborateurs).. Dapagliflozin and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes.. N Engl J Med 2019; 380(4):347-357.
- McKinney J, Johri AM, Poirier P, Fournier A, Goodman JM, Moulson N, Pipe A, Philippon F, Taylor T, Connelly K, Dorian P. Canadian Cardiovascular Society Cardiovascular Screening of Competitive Athletes: The Utility of the Screening Electrocardiogram to Predict Sudden Cardiac Death.. Can J Cardiol 2019; 35(11):1557-1566.
- Gagné M, Legault C, Boulet LP, Charbonneau L, Lemyre M, Giguere AMC, Poirier P. Impact of adding a video to patient education on quality of life among adults with atrial fibrillation: a randomized controlled trial.. Patient Educ Couns 2019; 102(8):1490-1498.
- Bastien M, Poirier P, Brassard P, Arsenault BJ, Bertrand OF, Després JP, Costerousse O, Piché ME. Effect of PPAR? agonist on aerobic exercise capacity in relation to body fat distribution in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease: a 1-yr randomized study.. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2019; 317(1):E65-E73.
- Anand SS, Abonyi S, Arbour L, Balasubramanian K, Brook J, Castleden H, Chrisjohn V, Cornelius I, Davis AD, Desai D, de Souza RJ, Friedrich MG, Harris S, Irvine J, L'Hommecourt J, Littlechild R, Mayotte L, McIntosh S, Morrison J, Oster RT, Picard M, Poirier P, Schulze KM, Toth EL. Explaining the variability in cardiovascular risk factors among First Nations communities in Canada: a population-based study.. Lancet Planet Health 2019; 3(12):e511-e520.
- Mahjoub H, Le Blanc O, Paquette M, Imhoff S, Labrecque L, Drapeau A, Poirier P, Bédard É, Pibarot P, Brassard P.. Cardiac remodeling after six weeks of high-intensity interval training to exhaustion in endurance-trained men.. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2019; 317(4):H685-H694.
- Chartrand DJ, Larose E, Poirier P, Mathieu P, Alméras N, Pibarot P, Lamarche B, Rhéaume C, Després JP. Visceral adiposity and liver fat as mediators of the association between cardiorespiratory fitness and plasma glucose-insulin homeostasis.. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2020; 319(3):E548-E556.
- Leclerc J, Blais C, Rochette L, Hamel D, Guénette L, Poirier P. Did Generic Clopidogrel Commercialization Affect Trends of ER Consultations and Hospitalizations in the Population Treated with Clopidogrel?. Drugs Aging 2019; 36(8):759-768.
- Pirlet C, Biertho L, Poirier P, Marceau S, Marceau P, Biron S, Hould FS, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Julien F, Lafortune-Payette A, Bertrand OF. Comparison of Short and Long Term Cardiovascular Outcomes After Bariatric Surgery in Patients With vs Without Coronary Artery Disease.. Am J Cardiol 2020; 125(1):40-47.
- Boudreau F, Dagenais GR, de Vries H, Walthouwer MJL, Côté J, Turbide G, Bourlaud AS, Poirier P. Effectiveness of a web-based computer-tailored intervention promoting physical activity for adults from Quebec City: a randomized controlled trial.. Health Psychol Behav Med 2020; 8(1):601-622.
- Walker BB, Shashank A, Gasevic D, Schuurman N, Poirier P, Teo K, Rangarajan S, Yusuf S, Lear SA. The Local Food Environment and Obesity: Evidence from Three Cities.. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2020; 28(1):40-45.
- Paquin A, Poirier P, Beaudoin J, Piché ME. Secondary prevention after CABG: do new agents change the paradigm?. Curr Opin Cardiol 2020; 35(6):664-672.
- Houle J, Gallani MC, Pettigrew M, Laflamme G, Mathieu L, Boudreau F, Poirier P, Cossette S. Acceptability of a computer-tailored and pedometer-based socio-cognitive intervention in a secondary coronary heart disease prevention program: A qualitative study.. Digit Health 2020; 6(0):2055207619899840.
- Wharton S, Lau DCW, Vallis M, Sharma AM, Biertho L, Campbell-Scherer D, Adamo K, Alberga A, Bell R, Boulé N, Boyling E, Brown J, Calam B, Clarke C, Crowshoe L, Divalentino D, Forhan M, Freedhoff Y, Gagner M, Glazer S, Grand C, Green M, Hahn M, Hawa R, Henderson R, Hong D, Hung P, Janssen I, Jacklin K, Johnson-Stoklossa C, Kemp A, Kirk S, Kuk J, Langlois MF, Lear S, McInnes A, Macklin D, Naji L, Manjoo P, Morin MP, Nerenberg K, Patton I, Pedersen S, Pereira L, Piccinini-Vallis H, Poddar M, Poirier P, Prud'homme D, Salas XR, Rueda-Clausen C, Russell-Mayhew S, Shiau J, Sherifali D, Sievenpiper J, Sockalingam S, Taylor V, Toth E, Twells L, Tytus R, Walji S, Walker L, Wicklum S. L'obésité chez l'adulte : ligne directrice de pratique clinique.. CMAJ 2020; 192(49):E1757-E1775.
- Pirlet C, Poirier P, Cieza T, Piché ME, Biertho L, Maes F, Ruzsa Z, Bertrand OF. Clinical Impact of Weight-Loss Pharmacotherapy in Patients with Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease.. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2021; 21(3):271-281.
- Wharton S, Lau DCW, Vallis M, Sharma AM, Biertho L, Campbell-Scherer D, Adamo K, Alberga A, Bell R, Boulé N, Boyling E, Brown J, Calam B, Clarke C, Crowshoe L, Divalentino D, Forhan M, Freedhoff Y, Gagner M, Glazer S, Grand C, Green M, Hahn M, Hawa R, Henderson R, Hong D, Hung P, Janssen I, Jacklin K, Johnson-Stoklossa C, Kemp A, Kirk S, Kuk J, Langlois MF, Lear S, McInnes A, Macklin D, Naji L, Manjoo P, Morin MP, Nerenberg K, Patton I, Pedersen S, Pereira L, Piccinini-Vallis H, Poddar M, Poirier P, Prud'homme D, Salas XR, Rueda-Clausen C, Russell-Mayhew S, Shiau J, Sherifali D, Sievenpiper J, Sockalingam S, Taylor V, Toth E, Twells L, Tytus R, Walji S, Walker L, Wicklum S. Obesity in adults: a clinical practice guideline.. CMAJ 2020; 192(31):E875-E891.
- Auclair A, Harvey J, Leclerc J, Piché ME, O'Connor K, Nadreau É, Pettigrew M, Haykowsky MJ, Marceau S, Biertho L, Hould FS, Lebel S, Biron S, Julien F, Bouvet-Bouchard L, Lescelleur O, Poirier P. Determinants of Cardiorespiratory Fitness After Bariatric Surgery: Insights From a Randomised Controlled Trial of a Supervised Training Program.. Can J Cardiol 2021; 37(2):251-259.
- Després AA, Piché ME, Auclair A, Biertho L, Marceau S, Hould FS, Biron S, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Julien F, Martin J, Tchernof A, Mathieu P, Poirier P, Arsenault BJ. Acute and Chronic Impact of Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch Surgery on Plasma Lipoprotein(a) Levels in Patients with Severe Obesity.. Obes Surg 2020; 30(10):3714-3720.
- Tardif I, Auclair A, Piché ME, Biertho L, Marceau S, Hould FS, Biron S, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Poirier P. Impact of a 12-Week Randomized Exercise Training Program on Lipid Profile in Severely Obese Patients Following Bariatric Surgery.. Obes Surg 2020; 30(8):3030-3036.
- Auclair A, Piché ME, Biertho L, Marceau S, Poirier P. Changes in fat-free mass and muscle mass at 6 and 12 months after biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch surgery.. Surg Obes Relat Dis 2020; 16(7):878-885.
- Pirlet C, Voisine P, Poirier P, Cieza T, Ruzsa Z, Bagur R, Julien F, Hould FS, Biertho L, Bertrand OF. Outcomes in Patients with Obesity and Coronary Artery Disease with and Without Bariatric Surgery.. Obes Surg 2020; 30(6):2085-2092.
- Leclerc J, Poirier P. Corporate Lobbyists: Open Season on Academic Health Science?. Can J Cardiol 2021; 37(2):182-183.
- Leclerc J, Blais C, Rochette L, Hamel D, Guénette L, Beaudoin C, Poirier P. Public Health Outcomes May Differ After Switching from Brand-Name to Generic Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers.. Drugs R D 2020; 20(2):135-145.
- McKinney J, Connelly KA, Dorian P, Fournier A, Goodman JM, Grubic N, Isserow S, Moulson N, Philippon F, Pipe A, Poirier P, Taylor T, Thornton J, Wilkinson M, Johri AM. COVID-19 - Myocarditis and Return-to-play: Reflections and Recommendations from a Canadian Working Group.. Can J Cardiol 2021; 37(8):1165-1174.
- Grégoire JP, Poirier P, Perez N, Demers E, Moisan J. TREATMENT COMPLETION AND IMPLEMENTATION BY PATIENTS INITIATING TICAGRELOR.. J Popul Ther Clin Pharmacol 2019; 26(1):e56-e67.
- Meade RD, Akerman AP, Notley SR, McGinn R, Poirier P, Gosselin P, Kenny GP. Physiological factors characterizing heat-vulnerable older adults: A narrative review.. Environ Int 2020; 144(0):105909.
- Bhavadharini B, Mohan V, Dehghan M, Rangarajan S, Swaminathan S, Rosengren A, Wielgosz A, Avezum A, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Lanas F, Dans AL, Yeates K, Poirier P, Chifamba J, Alhabib KF, Mohammadifard N, Zato?ska K, Khatib R, Vural Keskinler M, Wei L, Wang C, Liu X, Iqbal R, Yusuf R, Wentzel-Viljoen E, Yusufali A, Diaz R, Keat NK, Lakshmi PVM, Ismail N, Gupta R, Palileo-Villanueva LM, Sheridan P, Mente A, Yusuf S. White Rice Intake and Incident Diabetes: A Study of 132,373 Participants in 21 Countries.. Diabetes Care 2020; 43(11):2643-2650.
- Pirlet C, Ruzsa Z, Nemes B, Poirier P, Bertrand OF. Long-Term Outcomes and Weight Loss After Bariatric Embolization of the Left Gastric Artery.. J Invasive Cardiol 2020; 32(8):310-314.
- Hystad P, Larkin A, Rangarajan S, AlHabib KF, Avezum Á, Calik KBT, Chifamba J, Dans A, Diaz R, du Plessis JL, Gupta R, Iqbal R, Khatib R, Kelishadi R, Lanas F, Liu Z, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Nair S, Poirier P, Rahman O, Rosengren A, Swidan H, Tse LA, Wei L, Wielgosz A, Yeates K, Yusoff K, Zato?ski T, Burnett R, Yusuf S, Brauer M. Associations of outdoor fine particulate air pollution and cardiovascular disease in 157?436 individuals from 21 high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries (PURE): a prospective cohort study.. Lancet Planet Health 2020; 4(6):e235-e245.
- Walli-Attaei M, Joseph P, Rosengren A, Chow CK, Rangarajan S, Lear SA, AlHabib KF, Davletov K, Dans A, Lanas F, Yeates K, Poirier P, Teo KK, Bahonar A, Camilo F, Chifamba J, Diaz R, Didkowska JA, Irazola V, Ismail R, Kaur M, Khatib R, Liu X, Ma?czuk M, Miranda JJ, Oguz A, Perez-Mayorga M, Szuba A, Tsolekile LP, Prasad Varma R, Yusufali A, Yusuf R, Wei L, Anand SS, Yusuf S. Variations between women and men in risk factors, treatments, cardiovascular disease incidence, and death in 27 high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries (PURE): a prospective cohort study.. Lancet 2020; 396(10244):97-109.
- de Souza RJ, Dehghan M, Mente A, Bangdiwala SI, Ahmed SH, Alhabib KF, Altuntas Y, Basiak-Rasa?a A, Dagenais GR, Diaz R, Amma LI, Kelishadi R, Khatib R, Lear SA, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Mohan V, Poirier P, Rangarajan S, Rosengren A, Ismail R, Swaminathan S, Wentzel-Viljoen E, Yeates K, Yusuf R, Teo KK, Anand SS, Yusuf S. Association of nut intake with risk factors, cardiovascular disease, and mortality in 16 countries from 5 continents: analysis from the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study.. Am J Clin Nutr 2020; 112(1):208-219.
- Bhavadharini B, Dehghan M, Mente A, Rangarajan S, Sheridan P, Mohan V, Iqbal R, Gupta R, Lear S, Wentzel-Viljoen E, Avezum A, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Mony P, Varma RP, Kumar R, Chifamba J, Alhabib KF, Mohammadifard N, Oguz A, Lanas F, Rozanska D, Bengtsson Bostrom K, Yusoff K, Tsolkile LP, Dans A, Yusufali A, Orlandini A, Poirier P, Khatib R, Hu B, Wei L, Yin L, Deeraili A, Yeates K, Yusuf R, Ismail N, Mozaffarian D, Teo K, Anand SS, Yusuf S. Association of dairy consumption with metabolic syndrome, hypertension and diabetes in 147?812 individuals from 21 countries.. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 2020; 8(1):e000826.
- Arku RE, Brauer M, Ahmed SH, AlHabib KF, Avezum Á, Bo J, Choudhury T, Dans AM, Gupta R, Iqbal R, Ismail N, Kelishadi R, Khatib R, Koon T, Kumar R, Lanas F, Lear SA, Wei L, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Mohan V, Poirier P, Puoane T, Rangarajan S, Rosengren A, Soman B, Caklili OT, Yang S, Yeates K, Yin L, Yusoff K, Zato?ski T, Yusuf S, Hystad P. Long-term exposure to outdoor and household air pollution and blood pressure in the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological (PURE) study.. Environ Pollut 2020; 262(0):114197.
- Anand SS, Friedrich MG, Desai D, Schulze KM, Awadalla P, Busseuil D, Dummer TJB, Jacquemont S, Dick A, Kelton D, Kirpalani A, Lear SA, Leipsic J, Noseworthy MD, Parker L, Parraga G, Poirier P, Robson P, Tardif JC, Teo K, Vena J, Yusuf S, Moody AR, Black SE, Smith EE. Reduced Cognitive Assessment Scores Among Individuals With Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Detected Vascular Brain Injury.. Stroke 2020; 51(4):1158-1165.
- Buckley JP, Riddell M, Mellor D, Bracken RM, Ross MK, LaGerche A, Poirier P. Acute glycaemic management before, during and after exercise for cardiac rehabilitation participants with diabetes mellitus: a joint statement of the British and Canadian Associations of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, the International Council for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation and the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences.. Br J Sports Med 2020; 0(0):Epub.
- Bhatt DL, Szarek M, Pitt B, Cannon CP, Leiter LA, McGuire DK, Lewis JB, Riddle MC, Inzucchi SE, Kosiborod MN, Cherney DZI, Dwyer JP, Scirica BM, Bailey CJ, Díaz R, Ray KK, Udell JA, Lopes RD, Lapuerta P, Steg G; SCORED Investigators (Poirier P parmi les collaborateurs). Sotagliflozin in Patients with Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease.. N Engl J Med 2021; 384(2):129-139.
- Docherty KF, Jhund PS, Bengtsson O, DeMets DL, Inzucchi SE, Køber L, Kosiborod MN, Langkilde AM, Martinez FA, Sabatine MS, Sjöstrand M, Solomon SD, McMurray JJV; DAPA-HF Investigators and Committees (Poirier P parmi les collaborateurs). Effect of Dapagliflozin in DAPA-HF According to Background Glucose-Lowering Therapy.. Diabetes Care 2020; 43(11):2878-2881.
- Manousaki D, Barnett TA, Mathieu ME, Maximova K, Simoneau G, Harnois-Leblanc S, Benedetti A, McGrath JJ, Henderson M; QUALITY Cohort Collaborative Group (Drapeau V, Mathieu ME, Poirier P, Tremblay A parmi les collaborateurs). Tune out and turn in: the influence of television viewing and sleep on lipid profiles in children.. Int J Obes (Lond) 2020; 44(5):1173-1184.
- Dore M, Provencher S, Poirier P, Gélinas C, Stoller JK, de Oliveira EM, Gallani MC. Validity of the Modified Dyspnea Index for the French-Canadian Population.. J Nurs Meas 2021; 29(1):121-139.
- Foldes Busque G, Dionne CE, Turcotte S, Tully PJ, Tremblay MA, Poirier P, Denis I. Epidemiology and prognostic implications of panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder in patients with coronary artery disease: rationale and design for a longitudinal cohort study.. BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2021; 21(1):26.
- Amil S, Lemieux I, Poirier P, Lamarche B, Després JP, Alméras N. Targeting Diet Quality at the Workplace: Influence on Cardiometabolic Risk.. Nutrients 2021; 13(7):2283.
- Piché ME, Tardif I, Auclair A, Poirier P. Effects of bariatric surgery on lipid-lipoprotein profile.. Metabolism 2021; 115(0):154441.
- Jenkins DJA, Dehghan M, Mente A, Bangdiwala SI, Rangarajan S, Srichaikul K, Mohan V, Avezum A, Díaz R, Rosengren A, Lanas F, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Li W, Oguz A, Khatib R, Poirier P, Mohammadifard N, Pepe A, Alhabib KF, Chifamba J, Yusufali AH, Iqbal R, Yeates K, Yusoff K, Ismail N, Teo K, Swaminathan S, Liu X, Zato?ska K, Yusuf R, Yusuf S. Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load, and Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality.. N Engl J Med 2021; 384(14):1312-1322.
- Després JP, Carpentier AC, Tchernof A, Neeland IJ, Poirier P. Management of Obesity in Cardiovascular Practice: JACC Focus Seminar.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2021; 78(5):513-531.
- Powell-Wiley TM, Poirier P, Burke LE, Després JP, Gordon-Larsen P, Lavie CJ, Lear SA, Ndumele CE, Neeland IJ, Sanders P, St-Onge MP. Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.. Circulation 2021; 143(21):e984-e1010.
- Narula N, Wong ECL, Dehghan M, Mente A, Rangarajan S, Lanas F, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Rohatgi P, Lakshmi PVM, Varma RP, Orlandini A, Avezum A, Wielgosz A, Poirier P, Almadi MA, Altuntas Y, Ng KK, Chifamba J, Yeates K, Puoane T, Khatib R, Yusuf R, Boström KB, Zatonska K, Iqbal R, Weida L, Yibing Z, Sidong L, Dans A, Yusufali A, Mohammadifard N, Marshall JK, Moayyedi P, Reinisch W, Yusuf S. Association of ultra-processed food intake with risk of inflammatory bowel disease: prospective cohort study.. BMJ 2021; 374(0):n1554.
- Tse LA, Wang C, Rangarajan S, Liu Z, Teo K, Yusufali A, Avezum Á, Wielgosz A, Rosengren A, Kruger IM, Chifamba J, Calik KBT, Yeates K, Zatonska K, AlHabib KF, Yusoff K, Kaur M, Ismail N, Seron P, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Poirier P, Gupta R, Khatib R, Kelishadi R, Lear SA, Choudhury T, Mohan V, Li W, Yusuf S. Timing and Length of Nocturnal Sleep and Daytime Napping and Associations With Obesity Types in High-, Middle-, and Low-Income Countries.. JAMA Netw Open 2021; 4(6):e2113775.
- Pelletier C, Gagnon MP, Alméras N, Després JP, Poirier P, Tremblay A, Chabot C, Rhéaume C. Using an activity tracker to increase motivation for physical activity in patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care: a randomized pilot trial.. Mhealth 2021; 7(0):59.
- Poirier P, Bastien M, Auclair A, Nadreau É, Clavel MA, Pibarot P, Bagur R, Forman DE, Rodès-Cabau J. The Physiological Burden of the 6-Minute Walk Test Compared With Cardiopulmonary Exercise Stress Test in Patients With Severe Aortic Atenosis.. CJC Open 2021; 3(6):769-777.
- Pearson GJ, Thanassoulis G, Anderson TJ, Barry AR, Couture P, Dayan N, Francis GA, Genest J, Grégoire J, Grover SA, Gupta M, Hegele RA, Lau D, Leiter LA, Leung AA, Lonn E, Mancini GBJ, Manjoo P, McPherson R, Ngui D, Piché ME, Poirier P, Sievenpiper J, Stone J, Ward R, Wray W. 2021 Canadian Cardiovascular Society Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidemia for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Adults.. Can J Cardiol 2021; 37(8):1129-1150.
- Piché ME, Clavel MA, Auclair A, Rodríguez-Flores M, O'Connor K, Garceau P, Rakowski H, Poirier P. Early benefits of bariatric surgery on subclinical cardiac function: Contribution of visceral fat mobilization.. Metabolism 2021; 119(0):154773.
- Sénéchal-Dumais I, Auclair A, Leclerc J, Poirier P. Effect of bariatric surgery on blood pressure response to exercise in a severely obese population.. Blood Press Monit 2021; 26(5):357-363.
- Castonguay J, Denis I, Poirier P, Doré J, Turcotte S, Grondin F, Foldes Busque G. Preliminary investigation of a short-term cognitive-behavioral intervention combined with a physical exercise program in patients with non-cardiac chest pain: a randomized controlled trial.. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2021; 73(0):135-137.
- Riopel-Meunier J, Poirier P, Després JP, Piché ME. Is the time right for preventive cardiology guidelines on sedentary behaviors and sitting time?. Can J Cardiol 2024; 0(0):Epub.
- Durrani R, Friedrich MG, Schulze KM, Awadalla P, Balasubramanian K, Black SE, Broet P, Busseuil D, Desai D, Dummer T, Dick A, Hicks J, Iype T, Kelton D, Kirpalani A, Lear SA, Leipsic J, Li W, McCreary CR, Moody AR, Noseworthy MD, Parraga G, Poirier P, Rangarajan S, Szczesniak D, Szuba A, Tardif JC, Teo K, Vena JE, Zatonska K, Zimny A, Lee DS, Yusuf S, Anand SS, Smith EE. Effect of Cognitive Reserve on the Association of Vascular Brain Injury With Cognition: Analysis of the PURE and CAHHM Studies.. Neurology 2021; 97(17):e1707-e1716.
- Santosa A, Rosengren A, Ramasundarahettige C, Rangarajan S, Chifamba J, Lear SA, Poirier P, Yeates KE, Yusuf R, Orlandini A, Weida L, Sidong L, Yibing Z, Mohan V, Kaur M, Zatonska K, Ismail N, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Iqbal R, Palileo-Villanueva LM, Yusufali AH, AlHabib KF, Yusuf S. Psychosocial Risk Factors and Cardiovascular Disease and Death in a Population-Based Cohort From 21 Low-, Middle-, and High-Income Countries.. JAMA Netw Open 2021; 4(12):e2138920.
- Belzile D, Auclair A, Roberge J, Piché ME, Lebel A, Pettigrew M, Marceau S, Biertho L, Poirier P. Heart rate variability after bariatric surgery: The add-on value of exercise.. Eur J Sport Sci 2023; 23(3):415-422.
- Anand SS, Friedrich MG, Lee DS, Awadalla P, Després JP, Desai D, de Souza RJ, Dummer T, Parraga G, Larose E, Lear SA, Teo KK, Poirier P, Schulze KM, Szczesniak D, Tardif JC, Vena J, Zatonska K, Yusuf S, Smith EE. Evaluation of Adiposity and Cognitive Function in Adults.. JAMA Netw Open 2022; 5(2):e2146324.
- Ruel M, Williams A, Ouzounian M, Sun L, Légaré JF, Poirier P, Malas T, Farkouh ME, Chedrawy E, Hassan A, Higgins J, Connelly K, McClure RS, Bewick D, Whitlock R, Graham M, Arora RC. Missing the Goal with the 2021 ACC/AHA/SCAI Guideline for Coronary Artery Revascularization.. Can J Cardiol 2022; 38(6):705-708.
- Khetan AK, Yusuf S, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Szuba A, Orlandini A, Mat-Nasir N, Oguz A, Gupta R, Avezum Á, Rosnah I, Poirier P, Teo KK, Wielgosz A, Lear SA, Palileo-Villanueva LM, Serón P, Chifamba J, Rangarajan S, Mushtaha M, Mohan D, Yeates K, McKee M, Mony PK, Walli-Attaei M, Khansaheb H, Rosengren A, Alhabib KF, Kruger IM, Paucar MJ, Mirrakhimov E, Assembekov B, Leong DP. Variations in the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic across 5 continents: A cross-sectional, individual level analysis.. EClinicalMedicine 2022; 44(0):101284.
- Sathish T, Teo KK, Britz-McKibbin P, Gill B, Islam S, Paré G, Rangarajan S, Duong M, Lanas F, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Mony PK, Pinnaka L, Kutty VR, Orlandini A, Avezum A, Wielgosz A, Poirier P, Alhabib KF, Temizhan A, Chifamba J, Yeates K, Kruger IM, Khatib R, Yusuf R, Rosengren A, Zatonska K, Iqbal R, Lui W, Lang X, Li S, Hu B, Dans AL, Yusufali AH, Bahonar A, O'Donnell MJ, McKee M, Yusuf S. Variations in risks from smoking between high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: an analysis of data from 179?000 participants from 63 countries.. Lancet Glob Health 2022; 10(2):e216-e226.
- Moulson N, Connelly KA, Dorian P, Fournier A, Goodman JM, Grubic N, Isserow S, Johri AM, Philippon F, Pipe A, Poirier P, Quinn R, Taylor T, Thornton J, Wilkinson M, McKinney J. COVID-19, Inflammatory Heart Disease, and Vaccination in the Athlete and Highly Active Person: An Update and Further Considerations.. Can J Cardiol 2022; 38(10):1580-1583.
- Aziz H, Marchand M, Pop C, King A, Anand SS, Arbour L, Atzema C, Spaziano M, Merveille N, Filimon S, Poirier P, Huynh T. A Call to Action: Optimizing Indigenous Cardiovascular Health in Canada.. Can J Cardiol 2022; 38(10):1584-1587.
- Way KL, Birnie D, Blanchard C, Wells G, Dorian P, Jorstad HT, Daha IC, Suskin N, Oh P, Parkash R, Poirier P, Prince SA, Tulloch H, Pipe AL, Hans H, Wilson J, Comeau K, Vidal-Almela S, Terada T, Reed JL. The Physical Activity Levels and Sitting Time of Adults Living With Atrial Fibrillation: The CHAMPLAIN-AF Study.. CJC Open 2022; 4(5):449-465.
- Tizón-Marcos H, Vaquerizo B, Ferré JM, Farré N, Lidón RM, Garcia-Picart J, Regueiro A, Ariza A, Carrillo X, Duran X, Poirier P, Cladellas M, Camps-Vilaró A, Ribas N, Cubero-Gallego H, Marrugat J. Socioeconomic Status and Prognosis of Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Managed by the Emergency-Intervention "Codi IAM" Network.. Front Cardiovasc Med 2022; 9(0):847982.
- Leong DP, Rangarajan S, Rosengren A, Oguz A, Alhabib KF, Poirier P, Diaz R, Dans AL, Iqbal R, Yusufali AM, Yeates K, Chifamba J, Seron P, Lopez-Lopez J, Bahonar A, Wei L, Bo H, Weida L, Avezum A, Gupta R, Mohan V, Kruger HS, Lakshmi PVM, Yusuf R, Yusuf S. Medications for blood pressure, blood glucose, lipids, and anti-thrombotic medications: relationship with cardiovascular disease and death in adults from 21 high-, middle-, and low-income countries with an elevated body mass index.. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2022; 29(14):1817-1826.
- d'Entremont MA, Couture ÉL, Connelly K, Walling A, Jolly SS, Valettas N, Tsang MB, Mampuya W, Poirier P, Huynh T. Management of the Master Endurance Athlete With Stable Coronary Artery Disease.. Can J Cardiol 2022; 38(9):1450-1453.
- O'Connor S, Blais C, Mésidor M, Talbot D, Poirier P, Leclerc J. Great diversity in the utilization and reporting of latent growth modeling approaches in type 2 diabetes: A literature review.. Heliyon 2022; 8(9):e10493.
- Hodkinson A, Kontopantelis E, Zghebi SS, Grigoroglou C, McMillan B, Marwijk HV, Bower P, Tsimpida D, Emery CF, Burge MR, Esmiol H, Cupples ME, Tully MA, Dasgupta K, Daskalopoulou SS, Cooke AB, Fayehun AF, Houle J, Poirier P, Yates T, Henson J, Anderson DR, Grey EB, Panagioti M. Association Between Patient Factors and the Effectiveness of Wearable Trackers at Increasing the Number of Steps per Day Among Adults With Cardiometabolic Conditions: Meta-analysis of Individual Patient Data From Randomized Controlled Trials.. J Med Internet Res 2022; 24(8):e36337.
- Mathiaparanam S, Nori de Macedo A, Mente A, Poirier P, Lear SA, Wielgosz A, Teo KK, Yusuf S, Britz-Mckibbin P. The Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Iodine Deficiency in Canadian Adults.. Nutrients 2022; 14(13):2570.
- Boakye K, Bovbjerg M, Schuna J Jr, Branscum A, Varma RP, Ismail R, Barbarash O, Dominguez J, Altuntas Y, Anjana RM, Yusuf R, Kelishadi R, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Iqbal R, Serón P, Rosengren A, Poirier P, Lakshmi PVM, Khatib R, Zatonska K, Hu B, Yin L, Wang C, Yeates K, Chifamba J, Alhabib KF, Avezum Á, Dans A, Lear SA, Yusuf S, Hystad P. Urbanization and physical activity in the global Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology study.. Sci Rep 2023; 13(1):290.
- Enticott J, Singh Gill J, Bacon SL, Lavoie KL, Epstein DS, Dawadi S, Teede HJ, Boyle J; iCARE Study Team (Poirier P parmi les collaborateurs). Attitudes towards vaccines and intention to vaccinate against COVID-19: a cross-sectional analysis-implications for public health communications in Australia.. BMJ Open 2022; 12(1):e057127.
- Joyal-Desmarais K, Stojanovic J, Kennedy EB, Enticott JC, Boucher VG, Vo H, Koir U, Lavoie KL, Bacon SL; iCARE Study Team (Poirier P parmi les collaborateurs). How well do covariates perform when adjusting for sampling bias in online COVID-19 research? Insights from multiverse analyses.. Eur J Epidemiol 2022; 37(12):1233-1250.
- Das Pradhan A, Glynn RJ, Fruchart JC, MacFadyen JG, Zaharris ES, Everett BM, Campbell SE, Oshima R, Amarenco P, Blom DJ, Brinton EA, Eckel RH, Elam MB, Felicio JS, Ginsberg HN, Goudev A, Ishibashi S, Joseph J, Kodama T, Koenig W, Leiter LA, Lorenzatti AJ, Mankovsky B, Marx N, Nordestgaard BG, Páll D, Ray KK, Santos RD, Soran H, Susekov A, Tendera M, Yokote K, Paynter NP, Buring JE, Libby P et Ridker PM; Investigateurs de PROMINENT (Bertrand OF, Piché ME et Poirier P parmi les collaborateurs). Triglyceride Lowering with Pemafibrate to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk.. N Engl J Med 2022; 387(21):1923-1934.
- Lopez-Jaramillo P, Gomez-Arbelaez D, Martinez-Bello D, Abat MEM, Alhabib KF, Avezum Á, Barbarash O, Chifamba J, Diaz ML, Gulec S, Ismail N, Iqbal R, Kelishadi R, Khatib R, Lanas F, Levitt NS, Li Y, Mohan V, Mony PK, Poirier P, Rosengren A, Soman B, Wang C, Wang Y, Yeates K, Yusuf R, Yusufali A, Zatonska K, Rangarajan S, Yusuf S. Association of the triglyceride glucose index as a measure of insulin resistance with mortality and cardiovascular disease in populations from five continents (PURE study): a prospective cohort study.. Lancet Healthy Longev 2023; 4(1):e23-e33.
- Pandey A, Pandey A, Pandey AS, Bonsignore A, Auclair A, Poirier P. Impact of Yoga on Global Cardiovascular Risk as an Add-On to a Regular Exercise Regimen in Patients With Hypertension.. Can J Cardiol 2023; 39(1):57-62.
- Edimo Dikobo SJ, Lemieux I, Poirier P, Després JP, Alméras N. Leisure-time physical activity is more strongly associated with cardiometabolic risk than occupational physical activity: Results from a workplace lifestyle modification program.. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 2023; 78(0):74-82.
- Rauzier C, Chartrand DJ, Alméras N, Lemieux I, Larose E, Mathieu P, Pibarot P, Lamarche B, Rhéaume C, Poirier P, Després JP, Picard F. Associations of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 (IGFBP-2) with metabolic profile and hepatic fat deposition in asymptomatic men and women.. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2023; 325(1):E99-E105.
- O'Connor S, Blais C, Leclerc J, Sylvain-Morneau J, Laouan Sidi EA, Hamel D, Drudi L, Gilbert N, Poirier P. Evolution in Trends of Primary Lower-Extremity Amputations Associated With Diabetes or Peripheral Artery Disease From 2006 to 2019.. Can J Cardiol 2023; 39(3):321-330.
- Yi TW, Wong MMY, Neuen BL, Arnott C, Poirier P, Seufert J, Slee A, Rapattoni W, Ang FG, Wheeler DC, Mahaffey KW, Perkovic V, Levin A. Effects of canagliflozin on cardiovascular and kidney events in patients with chronic kidney disease with and without peripheral arterial disease: Integrated analysis from the CANVAS Program and CREDENCE trial.. Diabetes Obes Metab 2023; 25(7):2043-2047.
- d'Entremont MA, Ko D, Yan AT, Goodman SG, Ni J, Poirier P, Tardif JC, Grégoire JC, Couture ÉL, Nguyen M, Thanassoulis G, Sharma A, Huynh T. Race and Ethnicity With Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes Within a Universal Health Care System: Insights From the CARTaGENE Study.. Can J Cardiol 2023; 39(7):925-932.
- Dehghan M, Mente A, Rangarajan S, Mohan V, Swaminathan S, Avezum A, Lear SA, Rosengren A, Poirier P, Lanas F, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Soman B, Wang C, Orlandini A, Mohammadifard N, AlHabib KF, Chifamba J, Yusufali AH, Iqbal R, Khatib R, Yeates K, Puoane T, Altuntas Y, Co HU, Li S, Liu W, Zato?ska K, Yusuf R, Ismail N, Miller V, Yusuf S. Ultra-processed foods and mortality: analysis from the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology study.. Am J Clin Nutr 2023; 117(1):55-63.
- Poirier P. Comment on: Bariatric surgery improves outcomes of hospitalizations for acute heart failure: a contemporary, nationwide analysis.. Surg Obes Relat Dis 2023; 19(7):688-689.
- Domain G, Strubé C, Plourde B, Steinberg C, Sarrazin JF, Roy K, Poirier P, Philippon F. Acute transvenous pacemaker lead thrombosis early after implantation: A rare clinical scenario.. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2023; 46(8):934-938.
- Roberge J, Paquin A, Poirier P, O'Connor S, Voisine P, Després JP, Piché ME. Postoperative atrial fibrillation following cardiac surgery in severe obesity: the added value of waist circumference.. Int J Obes (Lond) 2024; 0(0):Epub.
- Paquin A, Mathieu MA, Prémont C, Gigleux I, Neyron AS, Lê-Brassard M, Martin M, Auclair A, Pettigrew M, Ross R, Couture P, Després JP, Poirier P, Lamarche B, Piché ME. Hypertensive Response to Exercise in Normotensive Men and Women with Abdominal Obesity: Association with Subclinical Adverse Cardiac Remodeling.. J Clin Med 2024; 14(1):16.
- Rauzier C, Chartrand DJ, Alméras N, Lemieux I, Larose E, Mathieu P, Pibarot P, Lamarche B, Rhéaume C, Poirier P, Després JP, Picard F. Plasma IGFBP-2 levels reveal heterogeneity in hepatic fat content in adults with excess visceral adiposity.. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 2023; 14(0):1222101.
- Diop A, Sirois C, Guertin JR, Schnitzer ME, Candas B, Cossette B, Poirier P, Brophy J, Mésidor M, Blais C, Hamel D, Tadrous M, Lix L, Talbot D. Marginal structural models with latent class growth analysis of treatment trajectories: Statins for primary prevention among older adults.. Stat Methods Med Res 2023; 32(11):2207-2225.
- Bohula EA, Scirica BM, Inzucchi SE, McGuire DK, Keech AC, Smith SR, Kanevshy E, Murphy SA, Leiter LA, Dwyer JP, Corbalan R, Hamm C, Kaplan L, Nicolau JC, Ophuis TO, Ray KK, Ruda M, Spinar J, Patel T, Miao W, Perdomo C, Francis B, Dhadda S, Bonaca MP, Ruff CT, Sabatine MS, Wiviott SD: CAMELLIA-TIMI61 Steering Committee Investigators (Poirier P parmi les collaborateurs). Effect of lorcaserin on prevention and remission of type 2 diabetes in overweight and obese patients (CAMELLIA-TIMI 61): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial.. Lancet 2018; 392(10161):2269-2279.
- Bohula EA, Wiviott SD, McGuire DK, Inzucchi SE, Kuder J, Im K, Fanola CL, Qamar A, Brown C, Budaj A, Garcia-Castillo A, Gupta M, Leiter LA, Weissman NJ, White HD, Patel T, Francis B, Miao W, Perdomo C, Dhadda S, Bonaca MP, Ruff CT, Keech AC, Smith SR, Sabatine MS, Scirica BM: CAMELLIA-TIMI61 Steering Committee Investigators (Poirier P parmi les collaborateurs).. Cardiovascular Safety of Lorcaserin in Overweight or Obese Patients.. N Engl J Med 2018; 379(12):1107-1117.
- Nissen SE, Lincoff AM, Brennan D, Ray KK, Mason D, Kastelein JJP, Thompson PD, Libby P, Cho L, Plutzky J, Bays HE, Moriarty PM, Menon V, Grobbee DE, Louie MJ, Chen CF, Li N, Bloedon L, Robinson P, Horner M, Sasiela WJ, McCluskey J, Davey D, Fajardo-Campos P, Petrovic P, Fedacko J, Zmuda W, Lukyanov Y, Nicholls SJ; CLEAR Outcomes Investigators (Poirier P parmi les collaborateurs).. Bempedoic Acid and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Statin-Intolerant Patients.. N Engl J Med 2023; 388(15):1353-1364.
- Kosiborod MN, Abildstrøm SZ, Borlaug BA, Butler J, Rasmussen S, Davies M, Hovingh GK, Kitzman DW, Lindegaard ML, Møller DV, Shah SJ, Treppendahl MB, Verma S, Abhayaratna W, Ahmed FZ, Chopra V, Ezekowitz J, Fu M, Ito H, Lelonek M, Melenovsky V, Merkely B, Núñez J, Perna E, Schou M, Senni M, Sharma K, Van der Meer P, von Lewinski D, Wolf D, Petrie MC; STEP-HFpEF Trial Committees and Investigators (Poirier P parmi les collaborateurs). Semaglutide in Patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction and Obesity.. N Engl J Med 2023; 389(12):1069-1084.
- Murphy-Després A, Chartrand DJ, Lemieux I, Tremblay A, Bergeron J, Poirier P, Alméras N, Després JP. Long-Term Improvement in Cardiorespiratory Fitness Ameliorates Insulin Sensitivity beyond Changes in Visceral/Ectopic Fat among Men with Visceral Obesity.. Nutrients 2024; 16(9):1377.
- Rauzier C, Chartrand DJ, Alméras N, Lemieux I, Larose E, Mathieu P, Pibarot P, Lamarche B, Rhéaume C, Poirier P, Després JP, Picard F. Combination of Waist Circumference and Circulating Levels of IGFBP-2 as a Simple Screening Tool for Early Detection of Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease.. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes 2024; 17(0):3335-3341.
- Chartrand DJ, Larose E, Poirier P, Mathieu P, Alméras N, Pibarot P, Lamarche B, Rhéaume C, Lemieux I, Després JP, Piché ME. Visceral adiposity: A major mediator of the relationship between epicardial adiposity and cardiorespiratory fitness in adults.. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2024; 0(0):Epub.
- Arsenault BJ, Carpentier AC, Poirier P, Després JP. Adiposity, type 2 diabetes and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk: Use and abuse of the body mass index.. Atherosclerosis 2024; 0(0):117546.
- Chartrand DJ, Murphy-Després A, Lemieux I, Larose E, Poirier P, Després JP, Alméras N. Effects of 1,144 km of road cycling performed in 7 days: a cardiometabolic imaging study.. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2024; 327(3):E344-E356.
- Salaun E, Drory S, Coté MA, Tremblay V, Bédard E, Steinberg C, Paré D, O'Connor K, Cieza T, Coté N, Poirier P, Douville P, Blais J, Desmeules P, Kalavrouziotis D, Mohammadi S, Voisine P, Bernier M, Pibarot P, Thériault S. Role of Antitroponin Antibodies and Macrotroponin in the Clinical Interpretation of Cardiac Troponin.. J Am Heart Assoc 2024; 13(12):e035128.
- Lajeunesse-Trempe F, Piché ME, Poirier P, Tchernof A, Ayotte P. Adiposity Phenotypes and Associated Cardiometabolic Risk Profile in the Inuit Population of Nunavik.. Nutrients 2024; 16(5):725.
- Lajeunesse-Trempe F, Okroj D, Ostarijas E, Ramalho A, Tremblay EJ, Llewellyn D, Harlow C, Chandhyoke N, Chew NWS, Vincent RP, Tchernof A, Piché ME, Poirier P, Biertho L, Morin MP, Copeland CS, Dimitriadis GK. Medication and supplement pharmacokinetic changes following bariatric surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis.. Obes Rev 2024; 0(0):e13759.
- Mésidor M, Sirois C, Guertin JR, Schnitzer ME, Candas B, Blais C, Cossette B, Poirier P, Brophy JM, Lix L, Tadrous M, Diop A, Hamel D, Talbot D. Effect of statin use for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease among older adults: a cautionary tale concerning target trials emulation.. J Clin Epidemiol 2024; 168(0):111284.
- Paquin A, Voisine P, Poirier P, Clavel MA, O'Connor S, Roberge J, Piché ME. Sex-Specific Cardiometabolic Determinants of Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation After Cardiac Surgery.. Can J Cardiol 2024; 40(9):1566-1575.
- Riopel-Meunier J, Piché ME, Poirier P. Exercise and fitness quantification in clinical practice: why and how; and where are we going?. Can J Cardiol 2024; 0(0):Epub.
- Mancini GBJ, Pearson GJ, Barry AR, Couture P, Dayan N, Francis GA, Genest J, Gregoire JC, Hegele RA, Leiter LA, Leung AA, Lonn E, Manjoo P, Ngui D, Piché ME, Poirier P, Sievenpiper JL, Thanassoulis G, Ward R. Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease in Primary Care: A Comment on the PEER Simplified Lipid Guideline.. CJC Open 2024; 6(10):1189-1198.
- O'Connor S, Blais C, Poirier P. Reply to Khowaja et al.-Comment on Evolution in Trends of Primary Lower Limb Amputation.. Can J Cardiol 2024; 40(3):456.
- Verma S, Emerson S, Plutzky J, Kahn SE, Stensen S, Weeke PE, Musinga D, Poirier P, Lingvay I, Lincoff AM. Semaglutide Improves Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients With History of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft and Obesity.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2024; 0(0):Epub.
- Poirier P. Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Coronary Microvascular Function: When Lower Weight Means Better Flow!. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2024; 17(11):1317-1319.
- Drudi LM, Blanchette V, Sylvain-Morneau J, Poirier P, Blais C, O'Connor S. Geographic Variation in First Lower Extremity Amputations Related to Diabetes and/or Peripheral Arterial Disease.. Can J Cardiol 2024; 40(12):2606-2615.
- Boulay P, Ghachem A, Poirier P, Sigal RJ, Kenny GP. Assessment of Maximum Heart Rate Prediction Equations in Adults at Low and High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease.. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2024; 0(0):Epub.
- Mancini GBJ, Poirier P, Esau D. Traditional and Novel Markers: Target of Treatment vs Marker of Risk.. Can J Cardiol 2024; 40(8):S20-S25.
- Leong DP, Loeb M, Mony PK, Rangarajan S, Mushtaha M, Miller MS, Dias M, Yegorov S, V M, Telci Caklili O, Temizhan A, Szuba A, Abat MEM, Mat-Nasir N, Diaz ML, Khansaheb H, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Duong M, Teo KK, Poirier P, Oliveira G, Avezum Á, Yusuf S. Risk factors for recognized and unrecognized SARS-CoV-2 infection: a seroepidemiologic analysis of the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study.. Microbiol Spectr 2024; 0(0):e0149223.
- Allaire J, Lévesque B, Poirier P, Gagnon C, Auclair G, Lemire M, Ayotte P. Prevalence and determinants of hypertension in the adult Inuit population of Nunavik (northern Quebec, Canada).. Can J Public Health 2024; 115(0):168-179.
- Azab SM, Doiron D, Schulze KM, Brook JR, Brauer M, Smith EE, Moody AR, Desai D, Friedrich MG, Bangdiwala SI, Zeraatkar D, Lee D, Dummer TJB, Poirier P, Tardif JC, Teo KK, Lear S, Yusuf S, Anand SS, de Souza RJ. Exposure to air pollutants and subclinical carotid atherosclerosis measured by magnetic resonance imaging: A cross-sectional analysis.. PLoS One 2024; 19(10):e0309912.
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- Richard P, Perron PA, Sylvain-Morneau J, Poirier P. Insights from coronial recommendations for preventing natural deaths in sport and recreation in Québec, Canada.. Front Public Health 2024; 12(0):1389675.
- Poirier P. Is Assessment and Optimization of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour the Missing Link in Prevention of 21st Century Cardiovascular Disease?. Can J Cardiol 2025; 0(0):Epub.
- Ke C, Anand SS, Smith EE, Schulze KM, Moody A, Lear S, Poirier P, Dummer T, Desai D, Thayalasuthan V, Yusuf S, Teo KK, Wielgosz A, Lee D. Covert Vascular Brain Injury and Cognitive Dysfunction Among Chinese Adults Living in Canada and China: The CAHHM and PURE-MIND Studies.. Neurology 2025; 104(3):e210246.
- Boulay P, Ghachem A, Poirier P, Sigal RJ, Kenny GP. Assessment of Maximum Heart Rate Prediction Equations in Adults at Low and High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease.. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2025; 57(1):60-69.
- Marques E, Couture EJ, Bussières JS, Langevin S, Poirier P, Voisine P, Caouette M, Brassard P. Effects of noradrenaline and phenylephrine on cerebral oxygen saturation during cardiopulmonary bypass in cardiac surgery.. Exp Physiol 2025; 0(0):Epub.
- Richard P, Sylvain-Morneau J, Perron PA, Joubert P, Poirier P. Natural Causes of Sports- and Recreation-Related Deaths in the General Population: A 14-Year Review in Québec, Canada.. CJC Open 2025; 7(1):53-66.