- Accueil
- Chercheurs
- Dr Philippe Joubert

Domaine de recherche
Génétique et caractéristiques histologiques et immunophénotypiques des adénocarcinomes pulmonaires, des tumeurs neuroendocrines pulmonaires et des thymomes
Description des travaux
Le cancer du poumon est la cause de mortalité par cancer la plus fréquente dans les pays industrialisés. Il se présente le plus souvent à un stade avancé, sans possibilité de traitement chirurgical curatif. Malheureusement, l'efficacité de la chimiothérapie conventionnelle proposée à ce jour est limitée, avec une survie moyenne à 5 ans de moins de 20%. Au cours des dernières années, l'intérêt marqué pour la caractérisation moléculaire et génétique des néoplasmes a mené à l'identification de mutations récurrentes activatrices dans certaines tumeurs pulmonaires, les rendant ainsi sensibles à des thérapies ciblant sélectivement les voies intra-cellulaires altérées. Des biomarqueurs pouvant prédire la réponse à des traitements existant ont aussi été identifiés et ont permis de réduire les effets indésirables associés à ces traitements. Le programme de recherche du Dr Philippe Joubert s'intéresse à l'identification d'altérations génétiques récurrentes et au profil d'expression génétique de certains néoplasmes pulmonaires peu caractérisés, et pour lesquels les traitements actuels apportent peu de bénéfices. Plus spécifiquement, il étudie la présence de mutations/réarrangements génétiques dans les adénocarcinomes pulmonaires multiples synchrones, un sous-type fréquent d'adénocarcinome se présentant avec de multiples foyers de tumeur disséminés dans l'arbre respiratoire, et pour lesquels l'approche chirurgicale est souvent impossible. Les travaux du Dr Joubert portent aussi sur les tumeurs neuroendocrines pulmonaires. En particulier, les tumeurs carcinoïdes métastatiques, pour lesquelles les traitements de chimiothérapie utilisés couramment en clinique sont extrêmement toxiques et procurent une amélioration de la survie chez une faible proportion de patients seulement.
Le Dr Joubert mise sur sa formation clinique en anatomopathologie, avec une surspécialisation en pathologie thoracique, et sur sa formation en recherche (PhD en maladies respiratoires), afin d'adresser des problématiques cliniques concrètes et d'amener ses observations en laboratoire vers des applications cliniques qui pourront éventuellement être implantées dans les milieu hospitaliers afin d'améliorer la prise en charge des patients.
Prix et distinctions
8- 2012 : « Bourse McLaughlin », pour l’année de surspécialisation en pathologie thoracique au Memorial-Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, débutant le 1er juillet 2012, Université Laval.
- 2012 : Bourse d’excellence, Université Laval.
- 2012 : « Detweiler Travelling Fellowship » pour l’année de surspécialisation en pathologie thoracique au Memorial-Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, Collège Royal des Médecins et Chirurgiens du Canada.
- 2011 : Meilleure communication scientifique, Congrès annuel de l’Association des pathologistes du Québec (Journée Pierre-Masson).
- 2011 : Bourse de Formation pour les médecins résidents désirant faire une carrière en recherche - phase I, Fond de Recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ).
- 2010 : Bourse du Fonds des Professionnels pour réalisations en recherche.
- 2010 : Meilleure communication scientifique, 48e journée Carleton-Auger. Québec.
- 2007 : Meilleure communication scientifique, 45e journée Carleton-Auger. Québec.
127- Moreira AL, Joubert P, Downey RJ, Rekhtman N. Cribriform and fused glands are patterns of high-grade pulmonary adenocarcinoma.. Hum Pathol 2014; 45(2):213-20.
- Girault A, Privé A, Trinh NT, Bardou O, Ferraro P, Joubert P, Bertrand R, Brochiero E. Identification of KvLQT1 K+ channels as new regulators of non-small cell lung cancer cell proliferation and migration.. Int J Oncol 2014; 44(3):838-48.
- Coulombe F, Jaworska J, Verway M, Tzelepis F, Massoud A, Gillard J, Wong G, Kobinger G, Xing Z, Couture C, Joubert P, Fritz JH, Powell WS, Divangahi M. Targeted Prostaglandin E2 Inhibition Enhances Antiviral Immunity through Induction of Type I Interferon and Apoptosis in Macrophages.. Immunity 2014; 40(4):554-68.
- Larose MC, Chakir J, Archambault AS, Joubert P, Provost V, Laviolette M, Flamand N.. Correlation between CCL26 production by human bronchial epithelial cells and airway eosinophils: Involvement in patients with severe eosinophilic asthma.. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2015; 136(4):904-13.
- Potus F, Ruffenach G, Dahou A, Thebault C, Breuils-Bonnet S, Tremblay È, Nadeau V, Paradis R, Graydon C, Wong R, Johnson I, Paulin R, Lajoie AC, Perron J, Charbonneau E, Joubert P, Pibarot P, Michelakis ED, Provencher S, Bonnet S. Downregulation of MicroRNA-126 Contributes to the Failing Right Ventricle in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.. Circulation 2015; 132(10):932-43.
- Chakir J, Haj-Salem I, Gras D, Joubert P, Beaudoin ÈL, Biardel S, Lampron N, Martel S, Chanez P, Boulet LP, Laviolette M. Effects of Bronchial Thermoplasty on Airway Smooth Muscle and Collagen Deposition in Asthma.. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2015; 12(11):1612-8.
- Labbé C, Beaudoin S, Martel S, Delage A, Joubert P, Drapeau C, Provencher S. Diagnostic yield of non-guided flexible bronchoscopy for peripheral pulmonary neoplasia.. Thorac Cancer 2015; 6(4):517-23.
- Drilon A, Bergagnini I, Delasos L, Sabari J, Woo K, Plodkowski A, Wang L, Hellmann M, Joubert P, Sima C, Smith R, Somwar R, Rekhtman N, Ladanyi M, Riely GJ, Kris MG. Clinical Outcomes with Pemetrexed-Based Systemic Therapies in RET-rearranged Lung Cancers.. Ann Oncol 2016; 27(7):1286-91.
- Lamontagne M, Joubert P, Timens W, Postma DS, Hao K, Nickle D, Sin DD, Pare PD, Laviolette M, Bossé Y. Susceptibility genes for lung diseases in the major histocompatibility complex revealed by lung expression quantitative trait loci analysis.. Eur Respir J 2016; 48(2):573-6.
- Gagné A, Sazonova O, Marceau S, Périgny M, Joubert P. A Foregut Duplication Cyst of the Stomach in Association with a Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor and a Leiomyoma: A Case Report.. Case Rep Pathol 2016; 2016(0):1537240.
- Bullone M, Hélie P, Joubert P, Lavoie JP. Development of a Semiquantitative Histological Score for the Diagnosis of Heaves Using Endobronchial Biopsy Specimens in Horses.. J Vet Intern Med 2016; 30(5):1739-1746.
- Wain LV, Shrine N, Artigas MS, Erzurumluoglu AM, Noyvert B, Bossini-Castillo L, Obeidat M, Henry AP, Portelli MA, Hall RJ, Billington CK, Rimington TL, Fenech AG, John C, Blake T, Jackson VE, Allen RJ, Prins BP, Campbell A, Porteous DJ, Jarvelin MR, Wielscher M, James AL, Hui J, Wareham NJ, Zhao JH, Wilson JF, Joshi PK, Stubbe B, Rawal R, Schulz H, Imboden M, Probst-Hensch NM, Karrasch S, Gieger C, Deary IJ, Harris SE, Marten J, Rudan I, Enroth S, Gyllensten U, Kerr SM, Polasek O, Kähönen M, Surakka I, Vitart V, Hayward C, Lehtimäki T, Raitakari OT, Evans DM, Henderson AJ, Pennell CE, Wang CA, Sly PD, Wan ES, Busch R, Hobbs BD, Litonjua AA, Sparrow DW, Gulsvik A, Bakke PS, Crapo JD, Beaty TH, Hansel NN, Mathias RA, Ruczinski I, Barnes KC, Bossé Y, Joubert P, van den Berge M, Brandsma CA, Paré PD, Sin DD, Nickle DC, Hao K, Gottesman O, Dewey FE, Bruse SE, Carey DJ, Kirchner HL, Jonsson S, Thorleifsson G, Jonsdottir I, Gislason T, Stefansson K, Schurmann C, Nadkarni G, Bottinger EP, Loos RJ, Walters RG, Chen Z, Millwood IY, Vaucher J, Kurmi OP, Li L, Hansell AL, Brightling C, Zeggini E, Cho MH, Silverman EK, Sayers I, Trynka G, Morris AP, Strachan DP, Hall IP, Tobin MD. Genome-wide association analyses for lung function and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease identify new loci and potential druggable targets.. Nat Genet 2017; 49(3):416-425.
- Bossé Y, Sazonova O, Gaudreault N, Bastien N, Conti M, Pagé S, Trahan S, Couture C, Joubert P. Transcriptomic Microenvironment of Lung Adenocarcinoma.. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2017; 26(3):389-396.
- Simard L, Côté N, Dagenais F, Mathieu P, Couture C, Trahan S, Bossé Y, Mohammadi S, Pagé S, Joubert P, Clavel MA. Sex-Related Discordance Between Aortic Valve Calcification and Hemodynamic Severity of Aortic Stenosis: Is Valvular Fibrosis the Explanation?. Circ Res 2017; 120(4):681-691.
- Miard S, Girard MJ, Joubert P, Carter S, Gonzales A, Guo H, Morpurgo B, Boivin L, Golovko A, Picard F. Absence of Malat1 does not prevent DEN-induced hepatocarcinoma in mice.. Oncol Rep 2017; 37(4):2153-2160.
- Andrade H, Joubert P, Vieira A, Ugalde Figueroa P. Single-port right upper lobe sleeve lobectomy for a typical carcinoid tumour.. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2017; 24(2):315-316.
- Turcotte K, Grenier J, Amin-Hashem M, Milot J, Joubert P. Tracheobronchitis with dense plasma infiltration several years after colectomy for ulcerative colitis.. Am J Surg Pathol 2017; 22(3):178-80.
- Downey J, Pernet E, Coulombe F, Allard B, Meunier I, Jaworska J, Qureshi S, Vinh DC, Martin JG, Joubert P, Divangahi M. RIPK3 interacts with MAVS to regulate type I IFN-mediated immunity to Influenza A virus infection.. PLoS Pathog 2017; 13(4):e1006326.
- Rekhtman N, Pietanza CM, Sabari J, Montecalvo J, Wang H, Habeeb O, Kadota K, Adusumilli P, Rudin CM, Ladanyi M, Travis WD, Joubert P. Pulmonary large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma with adenocarcinoma-like features: napsin A expression and genomic alterations.. Mod Pathol 2018; 31(1):111-121.
- Desmeules P, Joubert P, Zhang L, Al-Ahmadie HA, Fletcher CD, Vakiani E, Delair DF, Rekhtman N, Ladanyi M, Travis WD, Antonescu CR. A Subset of Malignant Mesotheliomas in Young Adults Are Associated With Recurrent EWSR1/FUS-ATF1 Fusions.. Am J Surg Pathol 2017; 41(7):980-988.
- Obeidat M, Nie Y, Fishbane N, Li X, Bossé Y, Joubert P, Nickle DC, Hao K, Postma DS, Timens W, Sze MA, Shannon CP, Hollander Z, Ng RT, McManus B, Miller BE, Rennard S, Spira A, Hackett TL, Lam W, Lam S, Faner R, Agusti A, Hogg JC, Sin DD, Paré PD. Integrative Genomics of Emphysema Associated Genes Reveals Potential Disease Biomarkers.. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2017; 57(4):411-8.
- Li X, Obeidat M, Zhou G, Leung JM, Tashkin D, Wise R, Connett J, Joubert P, Bossé Y, van den Berge M, Brandsma CA, Nickle DC, Hao K, Paré PD, Sin DD. Responsiveness to Ipratropium Bromide in Male and Female Patients with Mild to Moderate Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.. EBioMedicine 2017; 19(0):139-145.
- McKay JD, Hung RJ, Han Y, Zong X, Carreras-Torres R, Christiani DC, Caporaso NE, Johansson M, Xiao X, Li Y, Byun J, Dunning A, Pooley KA, Qian DC, Ji X, Liu G, Timofeeva MN, Bojesen SE, Wu X, Le Marchand L, Albanes D, Bickeböller H, Aldrich MC, Bush WS, Tardon A, Rennert G, Teare MD, Field JK, Kiemeney LA, Lazarus P, Haugen A, Lam S, Schabath MB, Andrew AS, Shen H, Hong YC, Yuan JM, Bertazzi PA, Pesatori AC, Ye Y, Diao N, Su L, Zhang R, Brhane Y, Leighl N, Johansen JS, Mellemgaard A, Saliba W, Haiman CA, Wilkens LR, Fernandez-Somoano A, Fernandez-Tardon G, van der Heijden HFM, Kim JH, Dai J, Hu Z, Davies MPA, Marcus MW, Brunnström H, Manjer J, Melander O, Muller DC, Overvad K, Trichopoulou A, Tumino R, Doherty JA, Barnett MP, Chen C, Goodman GE, Cox A, Taylor F, Woll P, Brüske I, Wichmann HE, Manz J, Muley TR, Risch A, Rosenberger A, Grankvist K, Johansson M, Shepherd FA, Tsao MS, Arnold SM, Haura EB, Bolca C, Holcatova I, Janout V, Kontic M, Lissowska J, Mukeria A, Ognjanovic S, Orlowski TM, Scelo G, Swiatkowska B, Zaridze D, Bakke P, Skaug V, Zienolddiny S, Duell EJ, Butler LM, Koh WP, Gao YT, Houlston RS, McLaughlin J, Stevens VL, Joubert P, Lamontagne M, Nickle DC, Obeidat M, Timens W, Zhu B, Song L, Kachuri L, Artigas MS, Tobin MD, Wain LV, Rafnar T, Thorgeirsson TE, Reginsson GW, Stefansson K, Hancock DB, Bierut LJ, Spitz MR, Gaddis NC, Lutz SM, Gu F, Johnson EO, Kamal A, Pikielny C, Zhu D, Lindströem S, Jiang X, Tyndale RF, Chenevix-Trench G, Beesley J, Bossé Y, Chanock S, Brennan P, Landi MT, Amos CI. Large-scale association analysis identifies new lung cancer susceptibility loci and heterogeneity in genetic susceptibility across histological subtypes.. Nat Genet 2017; 49(7):1126-1132.
- Obeidat M, Li X, Burgess S, Zhou G, Fishbane N, Hansel NN, Bossé Y, Joubert P, Hao K, Nickle DC, van den Berge M, Timens W, Cho MH, Hobbs BD, de Jong K, Boezen M, Hung RJ, Rafaels N, Mathias R, Ruczinski I, Beaty TH, Barnes KC, Paré PD, Sin DD. Surfactant protein D is a causal risk factor for COPD: results of Mendelian randomisation.. Eur Respir J 2017; 50(5):1700657.
- Chechi K, Voisine P, Mathieu P, Laplante M, Bonnet S, Picard F, Joubert P, Richard D. Functional characterization of the Ucp1-associated oxidative phenotype of human epicardial adipose tissue.. Sci Rep 2017; 7(1):15566.
- Bullone M, Joubert P, Gagné A, Lavoie JP, Hélie P. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid neutrophilia is associated with the severity of pulmonary lesions during equine asthma exacerbations.. Equine Vet J 2018; 50(5):609-615.
- Gagné A, Enlow W, Pigeon MA, Orain M, Turcotte S, Bossé Y, Joubert P. Comprehensive Assessment of PD-L1 Staining Heterogeneity in Pulmonary Adenocarcinomas Using Tissue Microarrays: Impact of the Architecture Pattern and the Number of Cores.. Am J Surg Pathol 2018; 42(5):687-94.
- Lamontagne M, Bérubé JC, Obeidat M, Cho MH, Hobbs BD, Sakornsakolpat P, de Jong K, Boezen HM, Nickle D, Hao K, Timens W, van den Berge M, Joubert P, Laviolette M, Sin DD, Paré PD, Bossé Y. Leveraging lung tissue transcriptome to uncover candidate causal genes in COPD genetic associations.. Hum Mol Genet 2018; 27(10):1819-29.
- Biardel S, Racine C, Fortier Y, Mogas AK, Maillé É, Brochiero E, Maltais F, Lauzon AM, Tse SM, Laprise C, Joubert P, Rousseau É, Bissonnette É, Laviolette M, Bossé Y, Rousseau S.. The Quebec Respiratory Health Network Biobank. Open J Bioresour 2018; 5(0):53.
- Shrine N, Guyatt AL, Erzurumluoglu AM, Jackson VE, Hobbs BD, Melbourne CA, Batini C, Fawcett KA, Song K, Sakornsakolpat P, Li X, Boxall R, Reeve NF, Obeidat M, Zhao JH, Wielscher M; Understanding Society Scientific Group, Weiss S, Kentistou KA, Cook JP, Sun BB, Zhou J, Hui J, Karrasch S, Imboden M, Harris SE, Marten J, Enroth S, Kerr SM, Surakka I, Vitart V, Lehtimäki T, Allen RJ, Bakke PS, Beaty TH, Bleecker ER, Bossé Y, Brandsma CA, Chen Z, Crapo JD, Danesh J, DeMeo DL, Dudbridge F, Ewert R, Gieger C, Gulsvik A, Hansell AL, Hao K, Hoffman JD, Hokanson JE, Homuth G, Joshi PK, Joubert P, Langenberg C, Li X, Li L, Lin K, Lind L, Locantore N, Luan J, Mahajan A, Maranville JC, Murray A, Nickle DC, Packer R, Parker MM, Paynton ML, Porteous DJ, Prokopenko D, Qiao D, Rawal R, Runz H, Sayers I, Sin DD, Smith BH, Soler Artigas M, Sparrow D, Tal-Singer R, Timmers PRHJ, Van den Berge M, Whittaker JC, Woodruff PG, Yerges-Armstrong LM, Troyanskaya OG, Raitakari OT, Kähönen M, Polaek O, Gyllensten U, Rudan I, Deary IJ, Probst-Hensch NM, Schulz H, James AL, Wilson JF, Stubbe B, Zeggini E, Jarvelin MR, Wareham N, Silverman EK, Hayward C, Morris AP, Butterworth AS, Scott RA, Walters RG, Meyers DA, Cho MH, Strachan DP, Hall IP, Tobin MD, Wain LV.. New genetic signals for lung function highlight pathways and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease associations across multiple ancestries.. Nat Genet 2019; 51(3):481-493.
- Clemenceau A, Boucherat O, Landry-Truchon K, Lamontagne M, Biardel S, Joubert P, Gobeil S, Secco B, Laplante M, Morissette M, Obeidat M, Timens W, Jeannotte L, Bossé Y.. Lung cancer susceptibility genetic variants modulate HOXB2 expression in the lung.. Int J Dev Biol 2018; 62(11):857-864.
- Bougault V, Odashiro P, Turmel J, Orain M, Laviolette M, Joubert P, Boulet LP. Changes in airway inflammation and remodelling in swimmers after quitting sport competition.. Clin Exp Allergy 2018; 48(12):1748-1751.
- Ji X, Bossé Y, Landi MT, Gui J, Xiao X, Qian D, Joubert P, Lamontagne M, Li Y, Gorlov I, de Biasi M, Han Y, Gorlova O, Hung RJ, Wu X, McKay J, Zong X, Carreras-Torres R, Christiani DC, Caporaso N, Johansson M, Liu G, Bojesen SE, Le Marchand L, Albanes D, Bickeböller H, Aldrich MC, Bush WS, Tardon A, Rennert G, Chen C, Teare MD, Field JK, Kiemeney LA, Lazarus P, Haugen A, Lam S, Schabath MB, Andrew AS, Shen H, Hong YC, Yuan JM, Bertazzi PA, Pesatori AC, Ye Y, Diao N, Su L, Zhang R, Brhane Y, Leighl N, Johansen JS, Mellemgaard A, Saliba W, Haiman C, Wilkens L, Fernandez-Somoano A, Fernandez-Tardon G, van der Heijden EHFM, Kim JH, Dai J, Hu Z, Davies MPA, Marcus MW, Brunnström H, Manjer J, Melander O, Muller DC, Overvad K, Trichopoulou A, Tumino R, Doherty J, Goodman GE, Cox A, Taylor F, Woll P, Brüske I, Manz J, Muley T, Risch A, Rosenberger A, Grankvist K, Johansson M, Shepherd F, Tsao MS, Arnold SM, Haura EB, Bolca C, Holcatova I, Janout V, Kontic M, Lissowska J, Mukeria A, Ognjanovic S, Orlowski TM, Scelo G, Swiatkowska B, Zaridze D, Bakke P, Skaug V, Zienolddiny S, Duell EJ, Butler LM, Koh WP, Gao YT, Houlston R, McLaughlin J, Stevens V, Nickle DC, Obeidat M, Timens W, Zhu B, Song L, Artigas MS, Tobin MD, Wain LV, Gu F, Byun J, Kamal A, Zhu D, Tyndale RF, Wei WQ, Chanock S, Brennan P, Amos CI. Identification of susceptibility pathways for the role of chromosome 15q25.1 in modifying lung cancer risk.. Nat Commun 2018; 9(1):3221.
- Gagné A, Racine É, Orain M, Meziou S, Simard S, Couture C, Pagé S, Trahan S, Ugalde Figueroa PA, Lacasse Y, Joubert D, Joubert P. Identification of Grossing Criteria for Intraoperative Evaluation by Frozen Section of Lung Cancer Resection Margins.. Am J Surg Pathol 2018; 42(11):1495-1502.
- Tzelepis F, Blagih J, Khan N, Gillard J, Mendonca L, Roy DG, Ma EH, Joubert P, Jones RG, Divangahi M.. Mitochondrial cyclophilin D regulates T cell metabolic responses and disease tolerance to tuberculosis.. Sci Immunol 2018; 3(23):eaar4135.
- Clemenceau A, Gaudreault N, Henry C, Ugalde Figueroa PA, Labbé C, Laviolette M, Joubert P, Bossé Y. Tumor-based gene expression biomarkers to predict survival following curative intent resection for stage I lung adenocarcinoma.. PLoS One 2018; 13(11):e0207513.
- Haj Salem I, Gras D, Joubert P, Boulet LP, Lampron N, Martel S, Godbout K, Chanez P, Laviolette M, Chakir J. Persistent Reduction of Mucin Production after Bronchial Thermoplasty in Severe Asthma.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2019; 199(4):536-538.
- Fumet JD, Richard C, Ledys F, Klopfenstein Q, Joubert P, Routy B, Truntzer C, Gagné A, Hamel MA, Guimaraes CF, Coudert B, Arnould L, Favier L, Lagrange A, Ladoire S, Saintigny P, Ortiz-Cuaran S, Perol M, Foucher P, Hofman P, Ilie M, Chevrier S, Boidot R, Derangere V, Ghiringhelli F. Prognostic and predictive role of CD8 and PD-L1 determination in lung tumor tissue of patients under anti-PD-1 therapy.. Br J Cancer 2018; 119(8):950-960.
- Bossé Y, Li Z, Xia J, Manem V, Carreras-Torres R, Gabriel A, Gaudreault N, Albanes D, Aldrich MC, Andrew A, Arnold S, Bickeböller H, Bojesen SE, Brennan P, Brunnstrom H, Caporaso N, Chen C, Christiani DC, Field JK, Goodman G, Grankvist K, Houlston R, Johansson M, Johansson M, Kiemeney LA, Lam S, Landi MT, Lazarus P, Le Marchand L, Liu G, Melander O, Rennert G, Risch A, Rosenberg SM, Schabath MB, Shete S, Song Z, Stevens VL, Tardon A, Wichmann HE, Woll P, Zienolddiny S, Obeidat M, Timens W, Hung RJ, Joubert P, Amos CI, McKay JD. Transcriptome-wide association study reveals candidate causal genes for lung cancer.. Int J Cancer 2020; 146(7):1862-1878.
- Zeng X, Vonk JM, van der Plaat DA, Faiz A, Paré PD, Joubert P, Nickle D, Brandsma CA, Kromhout H, Vermeulen R, Xu X, Huo X, de Jong K, Boezen HM.. Genome-wide interaction study of gene-by-occupational exposures on respiratory symptoms.. Environ Int 2019; 122(0):263-269.
- Laflamme P, Vaucher J, Turmel-Roy J, Orain M, Sazonova O, Bertrand OF, Dagenais F, Couture C, Pagé S, Trahan S, Bilodeau S, Joubert P. Coronary artery fixation at iso-arterial pressure: impacts on histologic evaluation and clinical management.. Cardiovasc Pathol 2019; 43(0):107141.
- Gagné A, Wang E, Bastien N, Orain M, Desmeules P, Pagé S, Trahan S, Couture C, Joubert D, Joubert P. Impact of Specimen Characteristics on PD-L1 Testing in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Validation of the IASLC PD-L1 Testing Recommendations.. J Thorac Oncol 2019; 14(12):2062-2070.
- Mouchiroud M, Camiré É, Aldow M, Caron A, Jubinville É, Turcotte L, Kaci I, Beaulieu MJ, Roy C, Labbé SM, Varin TV, Gélinas Y, Lamothe J, Trottier J, Mitchell PL, Guénard F, Festuccia WT, Joubert P, Rose CF, Karvellas CJ, Barbier O, Morissette MC, Marette A, Laplante M. The hepatokine Tsukushi is released in response to NAFLD and impacts cholesterol homeostasis.. JCI Insight 2019; 4(15):129492.
- Mouchiroud M, Camiré É, Aldow M, Caron A, Jubinville É, Turcotte L, Kaci I, Beaulieu MJ, Roy C, Labbé SM, Varin TV, Gélinas Y, Lamothe J, Trottier J, Mitchell PL, Guénard F, Festuccia WT, Joubert P, Rose CF, Karvellas CJ, Barbier O, Morissette MC, Marette A, Laplante M. The Hepatokine TSK does not affect brown fat thermogenic capacity, body weight gain, and glucose homeostasis.. Mol Metab 2019; 30(0):184-191.
- Lemay AM, Courtemanche O, Couttas TA, Jamsari G, Gagné A, Bossé Y, Joubert P, Don AS, Marsolais D. High FA2H and UGT8 transcript levels predict hydroxylated hexosylceramide accumulation in lung adenocarcinoma.. J Lipid Res 2019; 60(10):1776-1786.
- Obeidat M, Faiz A, Li X, van den Berge M, Hansel NN, Joubert P, Hao K, Brandsma CA, Rafaels N, Mathias R, Ruczinski I, Beaty TH, Barnes KC, Man SFP, Paré PD, Sin DD. The pharmacogenomics of inhaled corticosteroids and lung function decline in COPD.. Eur Respir J 2019; 54(6):1900521.
- Allen RJ, Guillen-Guio B, Oldham JM, Ma SF, Dressen A, Paynton ML, Kraven LM, Obeidat M, Li X, Ng M, Braybrooke R, Molina-Molina M, Hobbs BD, Putman RK, Sakornsakolpat P, Booth HL, Fahy WA, Hart SP, Hill MR, Hirani N, Hubbard RB, McAnulty RJ, Millar AB, Navaratnam V, Oballa E, Parfrey H, Saini G, Whyte MKB, Zhang Y, Kaminski N, Adegunsoye A, Strek ME, Neighbors M, Sheng XR, Gudmundsson G, Gudnason V, Hatabu H, Lederer DJ, Manichaikul A, Newell JD Jr, O'Connor GT, Ortega VE, Xu H, Fingerlin TE, Bossé Y, Hao K, Joubert P, Nickle DC, Sin DD, Timens W, Furniss D, Morris AP, Zondervan K, Hall IP, Sayers I, Tobin MD, Maher TM, Cho MH, Hunninghake GM, Schwartz DA, Yaspan BL, Molyneaux PL, Flores C, Noth I, Jenkins RG, Wain LV. Genome-Wide Association Study of Susceptibility to Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2020; 201(5):564-574.
- Shrine N, Guyatt AL, Erzurumluoglu AM, Jackson VE, Hobbs BD, Melbourne CA, Batini C, Fawcett KA, Song K, Sakornsakolpat P, Li X, Boxall R, Reeve NF, Obeidat M, Zhao JH, Wielscher M, Weiss S, Kentistou KA, Cook JP, Sun BB, Zhou J, Hui J, Karrasch S, Imboden M, Harris SE, Marten J, Enroth S, Kerr SM, Surakka I, Vitart V, Lehtimäki T, Allen RJ, Bakke PS, Beaty TH, Bleecker ER, Bossé Y, Brandsma CA, Chen Z, Crapo JD, Danesh J, DeMeo DL, Dudbridge F, Ewert R, Gieger C, Gulsvik A, Hansell AL, Hao K, Hoffman JD, Hokanson JE, Homuth G, Joshi PK, Joubert P, Langenberg C, Li X, Li L, Lin K, Lind L, Locantore N, Luan J, Mahajan A, Maranville JC, Murray A, Nickle DC, Packer R, Parker MM, Paynton ML, Porteous DJ, Prokopenko D, Qiao D, Rawal R, Runz H, Sayers I, Sin DD, Smith BH, Artigas MS, Sparrow D, Tal-Singer R, Timmers PRHJ, Van den Berge M, Whittaker JC, Woodruff PG, Yerges-Armstrong LM, Troyanskaya OG, Raitakari OT, Kähönen M, Pola?ek O, Gyllensten U, Rudan I, Deary IJ, Probst-Hensch NM, Schulz H, James AL, Wilson JF, Stubbe B, Zeggini E, Jarvelin MR, Wareham N, Silverman EK, Hayward C, Morris AP, Butterworth AS, Scott RA, Walters RG, Meyers DA, Cho MH, Strachan DP, Hall IP, Tobin MD, Wain LV. Author Correction: New genetic signals for lung function highlight pathways and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease associations across multiple ancestries.. Nat Genet 2019; 51(6):1067.
- Fumet JD, Richard C, Ledys F, Klopfenstein Q, Joubert P, Routy B, Truntzer C, Gagné A, Hamel MA, Guimaraes CF, Coudert B, Arnould L, Favier L, Lagrange A, Ladoire S, Saintigny P, Ortiz-Cuaran S, Perol M, Foucher P, Hofman P, Ilie M, Chevrier S, Boidot R, Derangere V, Ghiringhelli F. Correction: Prognostic and predictive role of CD8 and PD-L1 determination in lung tumor tissue of patients under anti-PD-1 therapy.. Br J Cancer 2019; 121(3):283.
- Turcotte-Gosselin F, Turgeon PY, Ikic A, Beaudoin J, Joubert P, Dubois M, Voisine P, Sénéchal M. Is heart transplantation a valuable option in patients with diffuse systemic sclerosis and primary cardiac involvement?. Clin Case Rep 2020; 8(1):137-141.
- Ji X, Mukherjee S, Landi MT, Bosse Y, Joubert P, Zhu D, Gorlov I, Xiao X, Han Y, Gorlova O, Hung RJ, Brhane Y, Carreras-Torres R, Christiani DC, Caporaso N, Johansson M, Liu G, Bojesen SE, Le Marchand L, Albanes D, Bickeböller H, Aldrich MC, Bush WS, Tardon A, Rennert G, Chen C, Byun J, Dragnev KH, Field JK, Kiemeney LF, Lazarus P, Zienolddiny S, Lam S, Schabath MB, Andrew AS, Bertazzi PA, Pesatori AC, Diao N, Su L, Song L, Zhang R, Leighl N, Johansen JS, Mellemgaard A, Saliba W, Haiman C, Wilkens L, Fernandez-Somoano A, Fernandez-Tardon G, Heijden EHFMV, Kim JH, Davies MPA, Marcus MW, Brunnström H, Manjer J, Melander O, Muller DC, Overvad K, Trichopoulou A, Tumino R, Goodman GE, Cox A, Taylor F, Woll P, Wichmann E, Muley T, Risch A, Rosenberger A, Grankvist K, Johansson M, Shepherd F, Tsao MS, Arnold SM, Haura EB, Bolca C, Holcatova I, Janout V, Kontic M, Lissowska J, Mukeria A, Ognjanovic S, Orlowski TM, Scelo G, Swiatkowska B, Zaridze D, Bakke P, Skaug V, Butler LM, Offit K, Srinivasan P, Bandlamudi C, Hellmann MD, Solit DB, Robson ME, Rudin CM, Stadler ZK, Taylor BS, Berger MF, Houlston R, McLaughlin J, Stevens V, Nickle DC, Obeidat M, Timens W, Artigas MS, Shete S, Brenner H, Chanock S, Brennan P, McKay JD, Amos CI. Protein-altering germline mutations implicate novel genes related to lung cancer development.. Nat Commun 2020; 11(1):2220.
- Sazonova O, Manem V, Orain M, Khoshkrood-Mansoori B, Gaudreault N, Desmeules P, Bossé Y, Joubert P. Transcriptomic data helps refining classification of pulmonary carcinoid tumors with increased mitotic counts.. Mod Pathol 2020; 33(9):1712-1721.
- Laflamme P, Mansoori BK, Sazanova O, Orain M, Couture C, Simard S, Trahan S, Manem V, Joubert P. Phospho-histone-H3 immunostaining for pulmonary carcinoids: impact on clinical appraisal, interobserver correlation, and diagnostic processing efficiency.. Hum Pathol 2020; 106(0):74-81.
- Florez-Sampedro L, Brandsma CA, de Vries M, Timens W, Bults R, Vermeulen CJ, van den Berge M, Obeidat M, Joubert P, Nickle DC, Poelarends GJ, Faiz A, Melgert BN. Genetic regulation of gene expression of MIF family members in lung tissue.. Sci Rep 2020; 10(1):16980.
- Fluckiger A, Daillère R, Sassi M, Sixt BS, Liu P, Loos F, Richard C, Rabu C, Alou MT, Goubet AG, Lemaitre F, Ferrere G, Derosa L, Duong CPM, Messaoudene M, Gagné A, Joubert P, De Sordi L, Debarbieux L, Simon S, Scarlata CM, Ayyoub M, Palermo B, Facciolo F, Boidot R, Wheeler R, Boneca IG, Sztupinszki Z, Papp K, Csabai I, Pasolli E, Segata N, Lopez-Otin C, Szallasi Z, Andre F, Iebba V, Quiniou V, Klatzmann D, Boukhalil J, Khelaifia S, Raoult D, Albiges L, Escudier B, Eggermont A, Mami-Chouaib F, Nistico P, Ghiringhelli F, Routy B, Labarrière N, Cattoir V, Kroemer G, Zitvogel L. Cross-reactivity between tumor MHC class I-restricted antigens and an enterococcal bacteriophage.. Science 2020; 369(6506):936-942.
- Elkrief A, Joubert P, Florescu M, Tehfe M, Blais N, Routy B. Erratum: Therapeutic landscape of metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer in Canada in 2020.. Curr Oncol 2020; 27(3):e349.
- Gagné A, Orain M, Ionescu D, Tsao MS, Joubert D, Joubert P. Comprehensive assessment of PD-L1 immunohistochemistry on paired tissue and cytology specimens from non-small cell lung cancer.. Lung Cancer 2020; 146(0):276-284.
- Perazza LR, Mitchell PL, Jensen BAH, Daniel N, Boyer M, Varin TV, Bouchareb R, Nachbar RT, Bouchard M, Blais M, Gagné A, Joubert P, Sweeney G, Roy D, Arsenault BJ, Mathieu P, Marette A. Dietary sucrose induces metabolic inflammation and atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases more than dietary fat in LDLr-/-ApoB100/100 mice.. Atherosclerosis 2020; 304(0):9-21.
- Elkrief A, Joubert P, Florescu M, Tehfe M, Blais N, Routy B. Therapeutic landscape of metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer in Canada in 2020.. Curr Oncol 2020; 27(1):52-60.
- Zhang L, Zheng J, Ahmed R, Huang G, Reid J, Mandal R, Maksymuik A, Sitar DS, Tappia PS, Ramjiawan B, Joubert P, Russo A, Rolfo CD, Wishart DS. A High-Performing Plasma Metabolite Panel for Early-Stage Lung Cancer Detection.. Cancers (Basel) 2020; 12(3):622.
- Elkrief A, Richard C, Malo J, Cvetkovic L, Florescu M, Blais N, Tehfe M, Messaoudene M, Gagné A, Orain M, Medjebar S, Wan-Chow-Wah D, Joubert P, Labbé C, Ghiringhelli F, Routy B. Efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors in older patients with non-small cell lung cancer: Real-world data from multicentric cohorts in Canada and France.. J Geriatr Oncol 2020; 11(5):802-806.
- Gill D, Arvanitis M, Carter P, Hernández Cordero AI, Jo B, Karhunen V, Larsson SC, Li X, Lockhart SM, Mason A, Pashos E, Saha A, Tan VY, Zuber V, Bossé Y, Fahle S, Hao K, Jiang T, Joubert P, Lunt AC, Ouwehand WH, Roberts DJ, Timens W, van den Berge M, Watkins NA, Battle A, Butterworth AS, Danesh J, Di Angelantonio E, Engelhardt BE, Peters JE, Sin DD, Burgess S. ACE inhibition and cardiometabolic risk factors, lung ACE2 and TMPRSS2 gene expression, and plasma ACE2 levels: a Mendelian randomization study.. R Soc Open Sci 2020; 7(11):200958.
- Hernández Cordero AI, Li X, Yang CX, Milne S, Bossé Y, Joubert P, Timens W, van den Berge M, Nickle D, Hao K, Sin DD. Gene expression network analysis provides potential targets against SARS-CoV-2.. Sci Rep 2020; 10(1):21863.
- Cheema PK, Gomes M, Banerji S, Joubert P, Leighl NB, Melosky B, Sheffield BS, Stockley T, Ionescu DN. Consensus recommendations for optimizing biomarker testing to identify and treat advanced EGFR-mutated non-small-cell lung cancer.. Curr Oncol 2020; 27(6):321-329.
- Al-Hogbani M, Duguay J, Wagner DC, Haferkamp A, Joubert P, Frees S, Rendon R, Power N, Périgny M, Toren P. Expression of programmed death ligand-1 (PD-L1) in metastatic and postchemotherapy viable testicular germ cell tumors.. Urol Oncol 2021; 39(5):303.41-303.e8.
- Maksymiuk AW, Tappia PS, Bux RA, Moyer D, Huang G, Joubert P, Miller DW, Ramjiawan B, Sitar DS. Use of amantadine in the evaluation of response to chemotherapy in lung cancer: a pilot study.. Future Sci OA 2021; 7(4):FSO679.
- Dumont-Leblond N, Veillette M, Racine C, Joubert P, Duchaine C. Development of a robust protocol for the characterization of the pulmonary microbiota.. Commun Biol 2021; 4(1):164.
- Hernández Cordero AI, Li X, Milne S, Yang CX, Bossé Y, Joubert P, Timens W, van den Berge M, Nickle D, Hao K, Sin DD. Multi-omics highlights ABO plasma protein as a causal risk factor for COVID-19.. Hum Genet 2021; 140(6):969-979.
- Manem VSK, Sazonova O, Gagné A, Orain M, Khoshkrood-Mansoori B, Gaudreault N, Bossé Y, Joubert P. Unravelling actionable biology using transcriptomic data to integrate mitotic index and Ki-67 in the management of lung neuroendocrine tumors.. Oncotarget 2021; 12(3):209-220.
- Villot R, Poirier A, Bakan I, Boulay K, Fernández E, Devillers R, Gama-Braga L, Tribouillard L, Gagné A, Duchesne É, Caron D, Bérubé JS, Bérubé JC, Coulombe Y, Orain M, Gélinas Y, Gobeil S, Bossé Y, Masson JY, Elowe S, Bilodeau S, Manem V, Joubert P, Mallette FA, Laplante M. ZNF768 links oncogenic RAS to cellular senescence.. Nat Commun 2021; 12(1):4841.
- Valette K, Li Z, Bon-Baret V, Chignon A, Bérubé JC, Eslami A, Lamothe J, Gaudreault N, Joubert P, Obeidat M, van den Berge M, Timens W, Sin DD, Nickle DC, Hao K, Labbé C, Godbout K, Côté A, Laviolette M, Boulet LP, Mathieu P, Thériault S, Bossé Y. Prioritization of candidate causal genes for asthma in susceptibility loci derived from UK Biobank.. Commun Biol 2021; 4(1):700.
- Belzile D, Turgeon PY, Leblanc E, Massot M, Bourgault C, Morin J, Dupuis C, Bilodeau M, Laflamme M, Charbonneau E, Trahan S, Pagé S, Joubert P, Couture C, Sénéchal M. Non-invasive diagnostic imaging tests largely underdiagnose cardiac cirrhosis in patients undergoing advanced therapy evaluation: How can we identify the high-risk patient?. Clin Transplant 2021; 35(6):e14277.
- Dumont-Leblond N, Veillette M, Racine C, Joubert P, Duchaine C. Non-small cell lung cancer microbiota characterization: Prevalence of enteric and potentially pathogenic bacteria in cancer tissues.. PLoS One 2021; 16(4):e0249832.
- Poirier A, Gagné A, Laflamme P, Marcoux M, Orain M, Plante S, Joubert D, Joubert P, Laplante M. ZNF768 Expression Associates with High Proliferative Clinicopathological Features in Lung Adenocarcinoma.. Cancers (Basel) 2021; 13(16):4136.
- Deschênes-Simard X, Richard C, Galland L, Blais F, Desilets A, Malo J, Cvetkovic L, Belkaid W, Elkrief A, Gagné A, Hamel MA, Orain M, Joubert P, Ghiringhelli F, Routy B, Blais N. Venous thrombotic events in patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors for non-small cell lung cancer: A retrospective multicentric cohort study.. Thromb Res 2021; 205(0):29-39.
- Niogret J, Berger H, Rebe C, Mary R, Ballot E, Truntzer C, Thibaudin M, Derangère V, Hibos C, Hampe L, Rageot D, Accogli T, Joubert P, Routy B, Harker J, Vegran F, Ghiringhelli F, Chalmin F. Follicular helper-T cells restore CD8+-dependent antitumor immunity and anti-PD-L1/PD-1 efficacy.. J Immunother Cancer 2021; 9(6):e002157.
- Brassard J, Gill ME, Bernatchez E, Desjardins V, Roy J, Joubert P, Marsolais D, Blanchet MR. Countering the advert effects of lung cancer on the anticancer potential of dendritic cell populations reinstates sensitivity to anti-PD-1 therapy.. PLoS One 2021; 16(11):e0260636.
- Zhang T, Joubert P, Ansari-Pour N, Zhao W, Hoang PH, Lokanga R, Moye AL, Rosenbaum J, Gonzalez-Perez A, Martínez-Jiménez F, Castro A, Muscarella LA, Hofman P, Consonni D, Pesatori AC, Kebede M, Li M, Gould Rothberg BE, Peneva I, Schabath MB, Poeta ML, Costantini M, Hirsch D, Heselmeyer-Haddad K, Hutchinson A, Olanich M, Lawrence SM, Lenz P, Duggan M, Bhawsar PMS, Sang J, Kim J, Mendoza L, Saini N, Klimczak LJ, Islam SMA, Otlu B, Khandekar A, Cole N, Stewart DR, Choi J, Brown KM, Caporaso NE, Wilson SH, Pommier Y, Lan Q, Rothman N, Almeida JS, Carter H, Ried T, Kim CF, Lopez-Bigas N, Garcia-Closas M, Shi J, Bossé Y, Zhu B, Gordenin DA, Alexandrov LB, Chanock SJ, Wedge DC, Landi MT. Genomic and evolutionary classification of lung cancer in never smokers.. Nat Genet 2021; 53(9):1348-1359.
- Leighl NB, Laurie SA, Goss GD, Hughes BGM, Stockler M, Tsao MS, Hwang DM, Joubert P, Kulkarni S, Blais N, Joy AA, Mates M, Rana P, Yadav SK, Underhill C, Lee C, Bradbury PA, Hiltz A, Dancey J, Ding K, Vera-Badillo F. CCTG BR34: A randomized phase II trial of durvalumab and tremelimumab +/- platinum-based chemotherapy in patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer.. J Thorac Oncol 2022; 17(3):434-445.
- Leboutte PH, Demers P, Joubert P, Marquis-Gravel G. Percutaneous management of septic left anterior descending coronary occlusion following minimally invasive surgery for mitral valve infective endocarditis.. Can J Cardiol 2022; 38(1):126-128.
- Selvarajah S, Plante S, Speevak M, Vaags A, Hamelinck D, Butcher M, McCready E, Grafodatskaya D, Blais N, Tran-Thanh D, Weng X, Nassabein R, Greer W, Walton RN, Lo B, Demetrick D, Santos S, Sadikovic B, Zhang X, Zhang T, Spence T, Stockley T, Feilotter H, Joubert P. A Pan-Canadian Validation Study for the Detection of EGFR T790M Mutation Using Circulating Tumor DNA From Peripheral Blood.. JTO Clin Res Rep 2021; 2(8):100212.
- COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative (incluand Joubert P et Bossé Y parmi les collaborateurs). Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19.. Nature 2021; 600(7889):472-477.
- Desmeules P, Boudreau DK, Bastien N, Boulanger MC, Bossé Y, Joubert P, Couture C. Performance of an RNA-Based Next-Generation Sequencing Assay for Combined Detection of Clinically Actionable Fusions and Hotspot Mutations in NSCLC.. JTO Clin Res Rep 2022; 3(2):100276.
- Kaufmann E, Khan N, Tran KA, Ulndreaj A, Pernet E, Fontes G, Lupien A, Desmeules P, McIntosh F, Abow A, Moorlag SJCFM, Debisarun P, Mossman K, Banerjee A, Karo-Atar D, Sadeghi M, Mubareka S, Vinh DC, King IL, Robbins CS, Behr MA, Netea MG, Joubert P, Divangahi M. BCG vaccination provides protection against IAV but not SARS-CoV-2.. Cell Rep 2022; 38(10):110502.
- Daniel N, Nachbar RT, Tran TTT, Ouellette A, Varin TV, Cotillard A, Quinquis L, Gagné A, St-Pierre P, Trottier J, Marcotte B, Poirel M, Saccareau M, Dubois MJ, Joubert P, Barbier O, Koutnikova H, Marette A. Gut microbiota and fermentation-derived branched chain hydroxy acids mediate health benefits of yogurt consumption in obese mice.. Nat Commun 2022; 13(1):1343.
- Lecuelle J, Favier L, Fraisse C, Lagrange A, Kaderbhai C, Boidot R, Chevrier S, Joubert P, Routy B, Truntzer C, Ghiringhelli F. MER4 endogenous retrovirus correlated with better efficacy of anti-PD1/PD-L1 therapy in non-small cell lung cancer.. J Immunother Cancer 2022; 10(3):e004241.
- Haince JF, Joubert P, Bach H, Ahmed Bux R, Tappia PS, Ramjiawan B. Metabolomic Fingerprinting for the Detection of Early-Stage Lung Cancer: From the Genome to the Metabolome.. Int J Mol Sci 2022; 23(3):1215.
- Joubert P, Travis WD. Prognostic Impact of Ground-Glass Opacity/Lepidic Component in Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma: A Hazy Staging Dilemma.. J Thorac Oncol 2022; 17(1):19-21.
- Bossé Y, Gagné A, Althakfi W, Orain M, Fiset PO, Desmeules P, Joubert P. Prognostic value of complex glandular patterns in invasive pulmonary adenocarcinomas.. Hum Pathol 2022; 128(0):56-68.
- Limagne E, Nuttin L, Thibaudin M, Jacquin E, Aucagne R, Bon M, Revy S, Barnestein R, Ballot E, Truntzer C, Derangère V, Fumet JD, Latour C, Rébé C, Bellaye PS, Kaderbhaï CG, Spill A, Collin B, Callanan MB, Lagrange A, Favier L, Coudert B, Arnould L, Ladoire S, Routy B, Joubert P, Ghiringhelli F. MEK inhibition overcomes chemoimmunotherapy resistance by inducing CXCL10 in cancer cells.. Cancer Cell 2022; 40(2):136-152.e12.
- Ruel LJ, Li Z, Gaudreault N, Henry C, Saavedra Armero V, Boudreau DK, Zhang T, Landi MT, Labbé C, Couture C, Desmeules P, Joubert P, Bossé Y. Tumor Mutational Burden by Whole-Genome Sequencing in Resected NSCLC of Never Smokers.. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2022; 31(12):2219-2227.
- Villot R, Poirier A, Devillers R, Kolnoguz , Elowe S, Manem VSK, Joubert P, Mallette FA, Laplante M.. ZNF768: controlling cellular senescence and proliferation with ten fingers. Mol Cell Oncol 2021; 8(6):1985930.
- Guimaron S, Kalavrouziotis D, Maranda-Robitaille M, Dumont E, Joubert P, Babaki S, Rodés-Cabau J, Mohammadi S. Macroscopic and microscopic features of surgically explanted transcatheter aortic valve prostheses.. J Card Surg 2022; 37(10):3178-3187.
- Dagher O, Joubert P, Pellerin M. An Older Woman With a Mobile Right Atrial Mass.. JAMA Cardiol 2022; 7(8):e221298.
- Denault MH, Labbé C, St-Pierre C, Fournier B, Gagné A, Morillon C, Joubert P, Simard S, Martel S. Wait Times and Survival in Lung Cancer Patients across the Province of Quebec, Canada.. Curr Oncol 2022; 29(5):3187-3199.
- Tankel J, Spicer J, Chu Q, Fiset PO, Kidane B, Leighl NB, Joubert P, Maziak D, Palma D, McGuire A, Melosky A, Snow S, Bahig H, Blais N.. Canadian Consensus Recommendations for the Management of Operable Stage II/III Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Results of a Modified Delphi Process.. Curr Oncol 2023; 30(12):10363-10384.
- Manem VSK. Sazonova O, Gagné A, Orain M, Khoshkrood-Mansoori B, Gaudreault N, Bossé Y, Joubert P.. Addendum: Unravelling actionable biology using transcriptomic data to integrate mitotic index and Ki-67 in the management of lung neuroendocrine tumors.. Oncotarget 2022; 13(0):1302.
- Sazonova O, Manem VSK, Béland C, Hamel MA, Lacasse Y, Lévesque MH, Orain M, Joubert D, Provencher S, Simonyan D, Joubert P.. Development and Validation of Diffuse Idiopathic Pulmonary Neuroendocrine Hyperplasia Diagnostic Criteria. JTO Clin Res Rep 2020; 1(4):100078.
- Raymond C, Vieira A, Joubert P, Ugalde PA. Maximizing Lymph Node Dissection from Fresh Lung Cancer Specimens.. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2022; 63(1):ezac554.
- Morin-Thibault LV, Wiseman D, Joubert P, Paulin R, Bonnet S, Provencher.. Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy: A systematic review of the literature.. Can J Respir Crit Care Sleep Med 2020; 5(1):20-27.
- Sorin M, Rezanejad M, Karimi E, Fiset B, Desharnais L, Perus LJM, Milette S, Yu MW, Maritan SM, Doré S, Pichette É, Enlow W, Gagné A, Wei Y, Orain M, Manem VSK, Rayes R, Siegel PM, Camilleri-Broët S, Fiset PO, Desmeules P, Spicer JD, Quail DF, Joubert P, Walsh LA. Single-cell spatial landscapes of the lung tumour immune microenvironment.. Nature 2023; 614(7948):548-554.
- Desmeules P, Dusselier M, Bouffard C, Bafaro J, Fortin M, Labbé C, Joubert P. Retrospective Assessment of Complementary Liquid Biopsy on Tissue Single-Gene Testing for Tumor Genotyping in Advanced NSCLC.. Curr Oncol 2023; 30(1):575-585.
- Sorin M, Karimi E, Rezanejad M, Yu MW, Desharnais L, McDowell SAC, Doré S, Arabzadeh A, Breton V, Fiset B, Wei Y, Rayes R, Orain M, Coulombe F, Manem VSK, Gagne A, Quail DF, Joubert P, Spicer JD, Walsh LA. Single-cell spatial landscape of immunotherapy response reveals mechanisms of CXCL13 enhanced antitumor immunity.. J Immunother Cancer 2023; 11(2):005545.
- Koloko Ngassie ML, de Vries M, Borghuis T, Timens W, Sin DD, Nickle D, Joubert P, Horvatovich P, Marko-Varga G, Teske JJ, Vonk JM, Gosens R, Prakash YS, Burgess JK, Brandsma CA.. Age-associated Differences in the Human Lung Extracellular Matrix.. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2023; 324(6):L799-L814.
- Yolchuyeva S, Giacomazzi E, Tonneau M, Ebrahimpour L, Lamaze FC, Orain M, Coulombe F, Malo J, Belkaid W, Routy B, Joubert P, Manem VSK. A Radiomics-Clinical Model Predicts Overall Survival of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Immunotherapy: A Multicenter Study.. Cancers (Basel) 2023; 15(15):3829.
- Tonneau M, Phan K, Manem VSK, Low-Kam C, Dutil F, Kazandjian S, Vanderweyen D, Panasci J, Malo J, Coulombe F, Gagné A, Elkrief A, Belkaïd W, Di Jorio L, Orain M, Bouchard N, Muanza T, Rybicki FJ, Kafi K, Huntsman D, Joubert P, Chandelier F, Routy B. Generalization optimizing machine learning to improve CT scan radiomics and assess immune checkpoint inhibitors' response in non-small cell lung cancer: a multicenter cohort study.. Front Oncol 2023; 13(0):1196414.
- Yolchuyeva S, Giacomazzi E, Tonneau M, Lamaze F, Orain M, Coulombe F, Malo J, Belkaid W, Routy B, Joubert P, Manem VSK. Radiomics approaches to predict PD-L1 and PFS in advanced non-small cell lung patients treated with immunotherapy: a multi-institutional study.. Sci Rep 2023; 13(1):11065.
- Kordahi M, Gagné A, Abolfathi H, Orain M, Couture C, Desmeules P, Trahan S, Pagé S, Vaucher J, Nicodème F, Conti M, Ugalde Figueroa P, Laliberté AS, Lamaze FC, Bossé Y, Joubert P. Impact of Implementing a Grossing Tumor-margin Distance Threshold for Frozen Section in Oncologic Lung Surgery.. Am J Surg Pathol 2024; 0(0):Epub.
- Yolchuyeva S, Giacomazzi E, Tonneau M, Lamaze F, Orain M, Coulombe F, Malo J, Belkaid W, Joubert P, Manem VSK.. Imaging-Based Biomarkers Predict Programmed Death-Ligand 1 and Survival Outcomes in Advanced NSCLC Treated With Nivolumab and Pembrolizumab: A Multi-Institutional Study.. JTO Clin Res Rep 2023; 4(12):100602.
- Bossé Y, Althakfi W, Orain M, Couture C, Trahan S, Pagé S, Joubert D, Fiset PO, Desmeules P, Joubert P.. A Simplified Version of the IASLC Grading System for Invasive Pulmonary Adenocarcinomas With Improved Prognosis Discrimination.. Am J Surg Pathol 2023; 47(6):686-693.
- Dia AK, Ebrahimpour L, Yolchuyeva S, Tonneau M, Lamaze FC, Orain M, Coulombe F, Malo J, Belkaid W, Routy B, Joubert P, Després P, Manem VSK. The Cross-Scale Association between Pathomics and Radiomics Features in Immunotherapy-Treated NSCLC Patients: A Preliminary Study.. Cancers (Basel) 2024; 16(2):348.
- Renaut S, Armero VS, Boudreau DK, Gaudreault N, Desmeules P, Thériault S, Mathieu P, Joubert P, Bossé Y. Single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-sequencing from paired normal-adenocarcinoma lung samples provide both common and discordant biological insights.. PLoS Genet 2024; 20(5):e1011301.
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