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- Dre Sylvie Trottier

52- Routy J, Tremblay C, Angel J, Trottier B, Rouleau D, Baril J, Harris M, Trottier S, Singer J, Chomont N, Sékaly R, Boulassel M. Valproic acid in association with highly active antiretroviral therapy for reducing systemic HIV-1 reservoirs: results from a multicentre randomized clinical study.. HIV Med 2012; 13(5):291-6.
- Longtin Y, Trottier S, Brochu G, Paquet-Bolduc B, Garenc C, Loungnarath V, Beaulieu C, Goulet D, Longtin J. Impact of the type of diagnostic assay on Clostridium difficile infection and complication rates in a mandatory reporting program.. Clin Infect Dis 2013; 56(1):67-73.
- Loutfy MR, Walmsley SL, Klein MB, Raboud J, Tseng AL, Blitz SL, Pick N, Conway B, Angel JB, Rachlis AR, Gough K, Cohen J, Haase D, Burdge D, Smaill FM, de Pokomandy A, Loemba H, Trottier S, la Porte CJ.. Factors affecting antiretroviral pharmacokinetics in HIV-infected women with virologic suppression on combination antiretroviral therapy: a cross-sectional study.. BMC Infect Dis 2013; 13(0):256.
- McNeil S, Shinde V, Andrew M, Hatchette T, Leblanc J, Ambrose A, Boivin G, Bowie W, Diaz-Mitoma F, Elsherif M, Green K, Haguinet F, Halperin S, Ibarguchi B, Katz K, Langley J, Lagace-Wiens P, Light B, Loeb M, McElhaney J, Mackinnon-Cameron D, McCarthy A, Poirier M, Powis J, Richardson D, Semret M, Smith S, Smyth D, Stiver G, Trottier S, Valiquette L, Webster D, Ye L, McGeer A. Interim estimates of 2013/14 influenza clinical severity and vaccine effectiveness in the prevention of laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalisation, Canada, February 2014.. Euro Surveill 2014; 19(9):.
- Raymond F, Ouameur AA, Déraspe M, Iqbal N, Gingras H, Dridi B, Leprohon P, Plante PL, Giroux R, Bérubé È, Frenette J, Boudreau DK, Simard JL, Chabot I, Domingo MC, Trottier S, Boissinot M, Huletsky A, Roy PH, Ouellette M, Bergeron MG, Corbeil J. The initial state of the human gut microbiome determines its reshaping by antibiotics.. ISME J 2016; 10(3):707-20.
- Omar RF, Boissinot M, Giguère C, Trottier S, Beauchamp D, Lambert B, Vincent CB. Michel G Bergeron "MGB" - a true success.. Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol 2015; 26(6):287-8.
- Longtin Y, Paquet-Bolduc B, Gilca R, Garenc C, Fortin E, Longtin J, Trottier S, Gervais P, Roussy JF, Lévesque S, Ben-David D, Cloutier I, Loo VG. Effect of Detecting and Isolating Clostridium difficile Carriers at Hospital Admission on the Incidence of C difficile Infections: A Quasi-Experimental Controlled Study.. JAMA Intern Med 2016; 176(6):796-804.
- Tebas P, Roberts CC, Muthumani K, Reuschel EL, Kudchodkar SB, Zaidi FI, White S, Khan AS, Racine T, Choi H, Boyer J, Park YK, Trottier S, Remigio C, Krieger D, Spruill SE, Bagarazzi M, Kobinger GP, Weiner DB, Maslow JN. Safety and Immunogenicity of an Anti-Zika Virus DNA Vaccine - Preliminary Report.. N Engl J Med 2017; 0(0):Epub.
- Andrew MK, Shinde V, Hatchette T, Ambrose A, Boivin G, Bowie W, Chit A, Dos Santos G, ElSherif M, Green K, Haguinet F, Halperin SA, Ibarguchi B, Johnstone J, Katz K, Langley JM, LeBlanc J, Loeb M, MacKinnon-Cameron D, McCarthy A, McElhaney J, McGeer A, Nichols MK, Powis J, Richardson D, Semret M, Stiver G, Trottier S, Valiquette L, Webster D, Ye L, McNeil SA. Influenza vaccine effectiveness against influenza-related hospitalization during a season with mixed outbreaks of four influenza viruses: a test-negative case-control study in adults in Canada.. BMC Infect Dis 2017; 17(1):805.
- Omar RF, Guilbert E, Gallo MF, Leboeuf M, Boissinot M, Sellam A, Trottier S, Kobinger G, Bergeron MG. Empowerment of Women: Closing the Medical Technologies Gender Gap.. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2018; 40(1):78-83.
- LeBlanc JJ, ElSherif M, Ye L, MacKinnon-Cameron D, Li L, Ambrose A, Hatchette TF, Lang AL, Gillis H, Martin I, Andrew MK, Boivin G, Bowie W, Green K, Johnstone J, Loeb M, McCarthy A, McGeer A, Moraca S, Semret M, Stiver G, Trottier S, Valiquette L, Webster D, McNeil SA. Burden of vaccine-preventable pneumococcal disease in hospitalized adults: A Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) network study.. Vaccine 2017; 35(29):3647-3654.
- Ng C, Ye L, Noorduyn SG, Hux M, Thommes E, Goeree R, Ambrose A, Andrew MK, Hatchette T, Boivin G, Bowie W, ElSherif M, Green K, Johnstone J, Katz K, Leblanc J, Loeb M, MacKinnon-Cameron D, McCarthy A, McElhaney J, McGeer A, Poirier A, Powis J, Richardson D, Sharma R, Semret M, Smith S, Smyth D, Stiver G, Trottier S, Valiquette L, Webster D, McNeil SA. Resource utilization and cost of influenza requiring hospitalization in Canadian adults: A study from the serious outcomes surveillance network of the Canadian Immunization Research Network.. Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2018; 12(2):232-240.
- Logie CH, Lacombe-Duncan A, Wang Y, Kaida A, Conway T, Webster K, de Pokomandy A, Loutfy MR, Anema A, Becker D, Brotto L, Carter A, Cardinal C, Colley G, Ding E, Duddy J, Gataric N, Hogg RS, Hosward T, Jabbari S, Jones E, Kestler M, Langlois A, Lima V, Lloyd-Smith E, Medjuck M, Miller C, Money D, Nicholson V, Ogilvie G, Patterson S, Pick N, Roth E, Salters K, Sanchez M, Sas J, Sereda P, Summers M, Tom C, Wang L, Webster K, Zhang W, Abdul-Noor R, Angel J, Barry F, Bauer G, Beaver K, Benoit A, Bertozzi B, Borton S, Bourque T, Brophy J, Burchell A, Carlson A, Cioppa L, Cohen J, Conway T, Cooper C, Cotnam J, Cousineau J, Fraleigh A, Gagnier B, Gasingirwa C, Greene S, Hart T, Islam S, Kaushic C, Kennedy L, Kerr D, Kiboyogo M, Kwaramba G, Leonard L, Lewis J, Logie C, Margolese S, Muchenje M, Ndung?u M, O?Brien K, Ouellette C, Powis J, Quan C, Raboud J, Rachlis A, Ralph E, Rourke S, Rueda S, Sandre R, Smaill F, Smith S, Tigere T, Tharao W, Walmsley S, Wobeser W, Yee J, Yudin M, Baril JG, Burke NB, Clément P, Dayle J, Dubuc D, Fernet M, Groleau D, Hot A, Klein M, Martin C, Massie L, Ménard B, O?Brien N, Otis J, Peltier D, Pierre A, Proulx-Boucher K, Rouleau D, Savoie É, Tremblay C, Trottier B, Trottier S, Tsoukas C, Gahagan J, Hankins C, Masching R, Ogunnaike-Cooke S. Pathways From HIV-Related Stigma to Antiretroviral Therapy Measures in the HIV Care Cascade for Women Living With HIV in Canada.. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2018; 77(2):144-153.
- Nichols MK, Andrew MK, Hatchette TF, Ambrose A, Boivin G, Bowie W, Chit A, Dos Santos G, ElSherif M, Green K, Haguinet F, Halperin SA, Ibarguchi B, Johnstone J, Katz K, Lagacé-Wiens P, Langley JM, LeBlanc J, Loeb M, MacKinnon-Cameron D, McCarthy A, McElhaney JE, McGeer A, Poirier A, Powis J, Richardson D, Schuind A, Semret M, Shinde V, Smith S, Smyth D, Stiver G, Taylor G, Trottier S, Valiquette L, Webster D, Ye L, McNeil SA. Influenza vaccine effectiveness to prevent influenza-related hospitalizations and serious outcomes in Canadian adults over the 2011/12 through 2013/14 influenza seasons: A pooled analysis from the Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS Network).. Vaccine 2018; 36(16):2166-75.
- Paquet-Bolduc B, Gervais P, Roussy JF, Trottier S, Oughton M, Brukner I, Longtin J, Loo VG, Dascal A, Longtin Y.. Detection and Isolation of C. difficile Asymptomatic Carriers during C. difficile Infection Outbreaks - an Exploratory Study.. Clin Infect Dis 2018; 67(11):1781-1783.
- McClymont E, Lee M, Raboud J, Coutlée F, Walmsley S, Lipsky N, Loutfy M, Trottier S, Smaill F, Klein MB, Harris M, Cohen J, Yudin MH, Wobeser W, Money D. The Efficacy of the Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in Girls and Women Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus.. Clin Infect Dis 2019; 68(5):788-794.
- Mulpuru S, Li L, Ye L, Hatchette T, Andrew MK, Ambrose A, Boivin G, Bowie W, Chit A, Dos Santos G, ElSherif M, Green K, Haguinet F, Halperin SA, Ibarguchi B, Johnstone J, Katz K, Langley JM, LeBlanc J, Loeb M, MacKinnon-Cameron D, McCarthy A, McElhaney JE, McGeer A, Powis J, Richardson D, Semret M, Shinde V, Smyth D, Trottier S, Valiquette L, Webster D, McNeil SA. Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccination on Hospitalizations and Risk Factors for Severe Outcomes in Hospitalized Patients With COPD.. Chest 2019; 155(1):69-78.
- LeBlanc JJ, ElSherif M, Ye L, MacKinnon-Cameron D, Ambrose A, Hatchette TF, Lang ALS, Gillis HD, Martin I, Demczuk W, Andrew MK, Boivin G, Bowie W, Green K, Johnstone J, Loeb M, McCarthy AE, McGeer A, Semret M, Trottier S, Valiquette L, Webster D, McNeil SA. Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 3 is masking PCV13-mediated herd immunity in Canadian adults hospitalized with community acquired pneumonia: A study from the Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network of the Canadian immunization research Network (CIRN).. Vaccine 2019; 37(36):5466-5473.
- Zaidan SM, Leyre L, Bunet R, Larouche-Anctil E, Turcotte I, Sylla M, Chamberland A, Chartrand-Lefebvre C, Ancuta P, Routy JP, Baril JG, Trottier B, MacPherson P, Trottier S, Harris M, Walmsley S, Conway B, Wong A, Thomas R, Kaplan RC, Landay AL, Durand M, Chomont N, Tremblay CL, El-Far M. Upregulation of IL-32 Isoforms in Virologically Suppressed HIV-Infected Individuals: Potential Role in Persistent Inflammation and Transcription From Stable HIV-1 Reservoirs.. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2019; 82(5):503-513.
- LeBlanc JJ, ElSherif M, Mulpuru S, Warhuus M, Ambrose A, Andrew M, Boivin G, Bowie W, Chit A, Dos Santos G, Green K, Halperin SA, Hatchette TF, Ibarguchi B, Johnstone J, Katz K, Langley JM, Lagacé-Wiens P, Loeb M, Lund A, MacKinnon-Cameron D, McCarthy A, McElhaney JE, McGeer A, Poirier A, Powis J, Richardson D, Semret M, Shinde V, Smyth D, Trottier S, Valiquette L, Webster D, Ye L, McNeil SA. Validation of the Seegene RV15 multiplex PCR for the detection of influenza A subtypes and influenza B lineages during national influenza surveillance in hospitalized adults.. J Med Microbiol 2020; 69(2):256-264.
- Nichols MK, Andrew MK, Ye L, Hatchette TF, Ambrose A, Boivin G, Bowie W, Dos Santos G, Elsherif M, Green K, Haguinet F, Katz K, Leblanc J, Loeb M, MacKinnon-Cameron D, McCarthy A, McElhaney JE, McGeer A, Powis J, Richardson D, Semret M, Sharma R, Shinde V, Smyth D, Trottier S, Valiquette L, Webster D, McNeil SA. The Impact of Prior Season Vaccination on Subsequent Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness to Prevent Influenza-related Hospitalizations Over 4 Influenza Seasons in Canada.. Clin Infect Dis 2019; 69(6):970-979.
- Poirier D, Gervais P, Fuchs M, Roussy JF, Paquet-Bolduc B, Trottier S, Longtin J, Loo VG, Longtin Y. Predictors of Clostridioides difficile Infection Among Asymptomatic, Colonized Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study.. Clin Infect Dis 2020; 70(10):2103-2210.
- LeBlanc J, ElSherif M, Ye L, MacKinnon-Cameron D, Ambrose A, Hatchette TF, Lang AL, Gillis HD, Martin I, Demczuk WH, LaFerriere C, Andrew MK, Boivin G, Bowie W, Green K, Johnstone J, Loeb M, McCarthy A, McGeer A, Semret M, Trottier S, Valiquette L, Webster D, McNeil SA. Age-stratified burden of pneumococcal community acquired pneumonia in hospitalised Canadian adults from 2010 to 2015.. BMJ Open Respir Res 2020; 7(1):e000550.
- McClymont E, Ogilvie G, Albert A, Johnston A, Raboud J, Walmsley S, Lipsky N, Loutfy M, Trottier S, Smaill F, Yudin MH, Klein MB, Harris M, Wobeser W, Bitnun A, Kakkar F, Samson L, Brophy J, Karatzios C, Money D. Impact of quadrivalent HPV vaccine dose spacing on immunologic response in women living with HIV.. Vaccine 2020; 38(15):3073-3078.
- McClymont E, Coutlée F, Lee M, Albert A, Raboud J, Walmsley S, Lipsky N, Loutfy M, Trottier S, Smaill F, Klein MB, Yudin MH, Harris M, Wobeser W, Bitnun A, Samson L, Money D. Brief Report: Persistence of Non-Vaccine Oncogenic HPV Genotypes in Quadrivalent HPV-Vaccinated Women Living With HIV.. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2020; 83(3):230-234.
- Tebas P, Roberts CC, Muthumani K, Reuschel EL, Kudchodkar SB, Zaidi FI, White S, Khan AS, Racine T, Choi H, Boyer J, Park YK, Trottier S, Remigio C, Krieger D, Spruill SE, Bagarazzi M, Kobinger GP, Weiner DB, Maslow JN. Safety and Immunogenicity of an Anti-Zika Virus DNA Vaccine.. N Engl J Med 2021; 385(12):e35.
- Djaileb A, Hojjat Jodaylami M, Coutu J, Ricard P, Lamarre M, Rochet L, Cellier-Goetghebeur S, Macaulay D, Charron B, Lavallée É, Thibault V, Stevenson K, Forest S, Live LS, Abonnenc N, Guedon A, Quessy P, Lemay JF, Farnós O, Kamen A, Stuible M, Gervais C, Durocher Y, Cholette F, Mesa C, Kim J, Cayer MP, de Grandmont MJ, Brouard D, Trottier S, Boudreau D, Pelletier JN, Masson JF. Cross-validation of ELISA and a portable surface plasmon resonance instrument for IgG antibody serology with SARS-CoV-2 positive individuals.. Analyst 2021; 146(15):4905-4917.
- Bazié WW, Boucher J, Vitry J, Goyer B, Routy JP, Tremblay C, Trottier S, Jenabian MA, Provost P, Alary M, Gilbert C. Plasma Extracellular Vesicle Subtypes May be Useful as Potential Biomarkers of Immune Activation in People With HIV.. Pathog Immun 2021; 6(1):1-28.
- Vaillancourt M, Hubert A, Subra C, Boucher J, Bazié WW, Vitry J, Berrazouane S, Routy JP, Trottier S, Tremblay C, Jenabian MA, Benmoussa A, Provost P, Tessier PA, Gilbert C. Velocity Gradient Separation Reveals a New Extracellular Vesicle Population Enriched in miR-155 and Mitochondrial DNA.. Pathogens 2021; 10(5):526.
- Omar RF, Leboeuf M, Lemyre M, Chabot I, Trottier S, Ulmann A, Bergeron MG. A Pre-Phase III Efficacy Trial of the Spermicide/Contraceptive Effect of the Invisible Condom, a Non-Hormonal Vaginal Gel, in Women From Canada.. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2022; 44(2):175-181.
- Hojjat Jodaylami M, Djaïleb A, Ricard P, Lavallée É, Cellier-Goetghebeur S, Parker MF, Coutu J, Stuible M, Gervais C, Durocher Y, Desautels F, Cayer MP, de Grandmont MJ, Rochette S, Brouard D, Trottier S, Boudreau D, Pelletier JN, Masson JF. Author Correction: Cross-reactivity of antibodies from non-hospitalized COVID-19 positive individuals against the native, B.1.351, B.1.617.2, and P.1 SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins.. Sci Rep 2021; 11(1):22912.
- Hojjat Jodaylami M, Djaïleb A, Ricard P, Lavallée É, Cellier-Goetghebeur S, Parker MF, Coutu J, Stuible M, Gervais C, Durocher Y, Desautels F, Cayer MP, de Grandmont MJ, Rochette S, Brouard D, Trottier S, Boudreau D, Pelletier JN, Masson JF. Cross-reactivity of antibodies from non-hospitalized COVID-19 positive individuals against the native, B.1.351, B.1.617.2, and P.1 SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins.. Sci Rep 2021; 11(1):21601.
- LeBlanc JJ, ElSherif M, Ye L, MacKinnon-Cameron D, Ambrose A, Hatchette TF, Lang ALS, Gillis HD, Martin I, Demczuk WHB, Andrew MK, Boivin G, Bowie W, Green K, Johnstone J, Loeb M, McCarthy AE, McGeer A, Semret M, Trottier S, Valiquette L, Webster D, McNeil SA. Recalibrated estimates of non-bacteremic and bacteremic pneumococcal community acquired pneumonia in hospitalized Canadian adults from 2010 to 2017 with addition of an extended spectrum serotype-specific urine antigen detection assay.. Vaccine 2022; 40(18):2635-2646.
- Andrew MK, Godin J, LeBlanc J, Boivin G, Valiquette L, McGeer A, McElhaney JE, Hatchette TF, ElSherif M, MacKinnon-Cameron D, Wilson K, Ambrose A, Trottier S, Loeb M, Smith SW, Katz K, McCarthy A, McNeil SA. Older Age and Frailty are Associated with Higher Mortality but Lower ICU Admission with COVID-19.. Can Geriatr J 2022; 25(2):183-196.
- McClymont E, Lee M, Raboud J, Coutlée F, Walmsley S, Lipsky N, Loutfy M, Trottier S, Smaill F, Klein MB, Harris M, Cohen J, Yudin MH, Wobeser W, Money D.. Prevalent and persistent oncogenic HPV types in a cohort of women living with HIV prior to HPV vaccination.. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2020; 150(1):108-115.
- Larouche M, Albert AYK, Lipsky N, Walmsley S, Loutfy M, Smaill F, Trottier S, Bitnun A, Yudin MH, Cundiff GW, Money DM.. Urinary symptoms and quality of life in women living with HIV: a cross-sectional study.. Int Urogynecol J 2021; 32(2):353-358.
- Klein MB, Young J, Ortiz-Paredes D, Wang S, Walmsley S, Wong A, Martel-Laferrière V, Pick N, Conway B, Angel J, Baril JG, Fraser C, Lebouché B, Tan DHS, Sandre R, Trottier S, Peiris H, Jayaraman J, Singer J. Virological Outcomes After Switching to Abacavir/Lamivudine/Dolutegravir Combined with Adherence Support in People Living with HIV with Poor Adherence: A Phase IV, Multicentre Randomized Prospective Open Label Study (TriiADD-CTN 286).. Patient Prefer Adherence 2022; 16(0):3267-3281.
- Djaïleb A, Lavallée É, Parker MF, Cayer MP, Desautels F, de Grandmont MJ, Stuible M, Gervais C, Durocher Y, Trottier S, Boudreau D, Masson JF, Brouard D, Pelletier JN. Assessment of the longitudinal humoral response in non-hospitalized SARS-CoV-2-positive individuals at decentralized sites: Outcomes and concordance.. Front Immunol 2023; 13(0):1052424.
- Walmsley S, Clarke R, Lee T, Singer J, Cheung AM, Smaill F, De Pokomandy A, Trottier S, Messina E, Guaraldi G. BEING: Bone Health in Aging Women with HIV: Impact of Switching Antiretroviral Therapy on Bone Mineral Density During the Perimenopausal Period.. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2023; 39(4):204-210.
- Chisanga M, Williams H, Boudreau D, Pelletier JN, Trottier S, Masson JF.. Label-Free SERS for Rapid Differentiation of SARS-CoV-2-Induced Serum Metabolic Profiles in Non-Hospitalized Adults.. Anal Chem 2023; 95(7):3638-3646.
- McClymont E, Albert AY, Wang C, Dos Santos SJ, Coutlée F, Lee M, Walmsley S, Lipsky N, Loutfy M, Trottier S, Smaill F, Klein MB, Yudin MH, Harris M, Wobeser W, Hill JE, Money DM. Vaginal microbiota associated with oncogenic HPV in a cohort of HPV-vaccinated women living with HIV.. Int J STD AIDS 2022; 33(9):847-855.
- Gormley R. Nicholson V, Parry R, Lee M, Webster K, Sanchez M, Cardinal C, Li J, Wang L, Balleny R. de Pokomandy A, Loutfy M, Kaida A; CHIWOS Research Team (Trottier S parmi les collaborateurs). Help-Seeking to Cope With Experiences of Violence Among Women Living With HIV in Canada.. Violence Against Women 2022; 28(3):823-850.
- Xiao Y, Paquet-Bolduc B, Garenc C, Gervais P, Trottier S, Roussy JF, Longtin J, Loo VG, Longtin Y. Impact of Isolating Clostridium difficile Carriers on the Burden of Isolation Precautions: A Time Series Analysis.. Clin Infect Dis 2018; 66(9):1377-1382.
- Pott H, Andrew MK, Shaffelburg Z, Nichols MK, Ye L, ElSherif M, Hatchette TF, LeBlanc J, Ambrose A, Boivin G, Bowie W, Johnstone J, Katz K, Lagacé-Wiens P, Loeb M, McCarthy A, McGeer A, Poirier A, Powis J, Richardson D, Semret M, Smith S, Smyth D, Stiver G, Trottier S, Valiquette L, Webster D, McNeil SA. Vaccine Effectiveness of non-adjuvanted and adjuvanted trivalent inactivated influenza vaccines in the prevention of influenza-related hospitalization in older adults: A pooled analysis from the Serious Outcomes Surveillance (SOS) Network of the Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN).. Vaccine 2023; 41(42):6359-6365.
- Grinspoon SK, Fitch KV, Zanni MV, Fichtenbaum CJ, Umbleja T, Aberg JA, Overton ET, Malvestutto CD, Bloomfield GS, Currier JS, Martinez E, Roa JC, Diggs MR, Fulda ES, Paradis K, Wiviott SD, Foldyna B, Looby SE, Desvigne-Nickens P, Alston-Smith B, Leon-Cruz J, McCallum S, Hoffmann U, Lu MT, Ribaudo HJ, Douglas PS; REPRIEVE Investigators (Trottier S parmi les collaborateurs). Pitavastatin to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease in HIV Infection.. N Engl J Med 2023; 389(8):687-699.
- ElSherif M, Andrew MK, Ye L, Ambrose A, Boivin G, Bowie W, David MP, Gruselle O, Halperin SA, Hatchette TF, Johnstone J, Katz K, Langley JM, Loeb M, MacKinnon-Cameron D, McCarthy A, McElhaney JE, McGeer A, Poirier A, Pirçon JY, Powis J, Richardson D, Semret M, Smith S, Smyth D, Trottier S, Valiquette L, Webster D, McNeil SA, LeBlanc JJ. Leveraging Influenza Virus Surveillance From 2012 to 2015 to Characterize the Burden of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Disease in Canadian Adults ?50 Years of Age Hospitalized With Acute Respiratory Illness.. Open Forum Infect Dis 2023; 10(7):ofad315.
- Santerre K, Thériault M, Brousseau N, Langlois MA, Arnold C, Pelletier JN, Gilbert C, Masson JF, Baz M, Boudreau D, Trottier S. Infection Rate and Risk Factors of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Retail Workers at the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Quebec, Canada.. Infect Dis Rep 2024; 16(6):1240-1253.
- Giguère K, Chartrand-Lefebvre C, Baril JG, Conway B, El-Far M, Falutz J, Harris M, Jenabian MA, Leipsic J, Loutfy M, Mansour S, MacPherson P, Margolese S, McMillan JM, Monteith K, Murray MCM, Pick N, Thomas R, Trottier B, Trottier S, Tsoukas C, Walmsley S, Wong A, Tremblay C, Durand M. Baseline characteristics of a prospective cohort study of aging and cardiovascular diseases among people living with HIV.. HIV Med 2023; 24(12):1210-1221.
- Djaïleb A, Parker MF, Lavallée É, Stuible M, Durocher Y, Thériault M, Santerre K, Gilbert C, Boudreau D, Baz M, Masson JF, Langlois MA, Trottier S, Quaglia D, Pelletier JN. Longitudinal determination of seroprevalence and immune response to SARS-CoV-2 in a population of food and retail workers through decentralized testing and transformation of ELISA datasets.. PLoS One 2024; 19(12):e0314499.
- Benlarbi M, Richard J, Bourassa C, Tolbert WD, Chartrand-Lefebvre C, Gendron-Lepage G, Sylla M, El-Far M, Messier-Peet M, Guertin C, Turcotte I, Fromentin R, Verly MM, Prévost J, Clark A, Mothes W, Kaufmann DE, Maldarelli F, Chomont N, Bégin P, Tremblay C, Baril JG, Trottier B, Trottier S, Duerr R, Pazgier M, Durand M, Finzi A. Plasma Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 Soluble Glycoprotein 120 Association With Correlates of Immune Dysfunction and Inflammation in Antiretroviral Therapy-Treated Individuals With Undetectable Viremia.. J Infect Dis 2024; 229(3):763-774.
- Huletsky A, Loo VG, Longtin Y, Longtin J, Trottier S, Tremblay CL, Gilca R, Lavallée C, Brochu É, Bérubé È, Bastien M, Bernier M, Gagnon M, Frenette J, Bestman-Smith J, Deschênes L, Bergeron MG. Comparison of rectal swabs and fecal samples for the detection of Clostridioides difficile infections with a new in-house PCR assay.. Microbiol Spectr 2024; 12(6):e0022524.
- Rabezanahary H, Gilbert C, Santerre K, Scarrone M, Gilbert M, Thériault M, Brousseau N, Masson JF, Pelletier JN, Boudreau D, Trottier S, Baz M. Live virus neutralizing antibodies against pre and post Omicron strains in food and retail workers in Québec, Canada.. Heliyon 2024; 10(10):e31026.