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- Dre Élisabeth Bédard

47- Giannakoulas G, Dimopoulos K, Bolger AP, Tay EL, Inuzuka R, Bedard E, Davos C, Swan L, Gatzoulis MA. Usefulness of natriuretic Peptide levels to predict mortality in adults with congenital heart disease.. Am J Cardiol 2010; 105(6):869-73.
- Keshavarz-Motamed Z, Garcia J, Maftoon N, Bedard E, Chetaille P, Kadem L. A new approach for the evaluation of the severity of coarctation of the aorta using Doppler velocity index and effective orifice area: In vitro validation and clinical implications.. J Biomech 2012; 45(7):1239-45.
- Capoulade R, Larose E, Mathieu P, Clavel MA, Dahou A, Arsenault M, Bédard E, Larue-Grondin S, Le Ven F, Dumesnil JG, Després JP, Pibarot P.. Visceral adiposity and left ventricular mass and function in patients with aortic stenosis: The PROGRESSA Study.. Can J Cardiol 2014; 30(9):1080-7.
- Capoulade R, Mahmut A, Tastet L, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Dumesnil JG, Després JP, Larose É, Arsenault BJ, Bossé Y, Mathieu P, Pibarot P. Impact of Plasma Lp-PLA2 Activity on the Progression of Aortic Stenosis: The PROGRESSA Study.. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2015; 8(1):26-33.
- Tizón-Marcos H, de la Paz Ricapito M, Pibarot P, Bertrand OF, Bibeau K, Le Ven F, Sinha S, Engert J, Bédard E, Pasian S, Deschepper C, Larose É. Characteristics of trabeculated myocardium burden in young and apparently healthy adults.. Am J Cardiol 2014; 114(7):1094-9.
- Steinberg C, Calvaruso D, Guimond J, Bédard E, Perron J. Surgical lead extraction for total occlusion of the superior vena cava by chronic lead infection after mustard procedure.. J Card Surg 2014; 29(3):406-9.
- Amat-Santos IJ, Ribeiro HB, Urena M, Allende R, Houde C, Bédard E, Perron J, De Larochellière R, Paradis JM, Dumont E, Doyle D, Mohammadi S, Côté M, San Roman JA, Rodés-Cabau J. Prosthetic valve endocarditis after transcatheter valve replacement: a systematic review.. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2015; 8(2):334-46.
- Carter S, Capoulade R, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Dumesnil JG, Mathieu P, Pibarot P, Picard F. Relationship Between Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-2 and Left Ventricular Stroke Volume in Patients With Aortic Stenosis.. Can J Cardiol 2015; 31(12):1447-54.
- Campelo-Parada F, Perlman G, Philippon F, Ye J, Thompson C, Bédard E, Abdul-Jawad Altisent O, Del Trigo M, Leipsic J, Blanke P, Dvir D, Puri R, Webb JG, Rodés-Cabau J. First-in-Man Experience of a Novel Transcatheter Repair System for Treating Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2015; 66(22):2475-83.
- Tastet L, Capoulade R, Clavel MA, Larose É, Shen M, Dahou A, Arsenault M, Mathieu P, Bédard É, Dumesnil JG, Tremblay A, Bossé Y, Després JP, Pibarot P. Systolic hypertension and progression of aortic valve calcification in patients with aortic stenosis: results from the PROGRESSA study.. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging 2017; 18(1):70-78.
- Capoulade R, Le Ven F, Clavel MA, Dumesnil JG, Dahou A, Thébault C, Arsenault M, O'Connor K, Bédard É, Beaudoin J, Sénéchal M, Bernier M, Pibarot P. Echocardiographic predictors of outcomes in adults with aortic stenosis.. Heart 2016; 102(12):934-42.
- Shen M, Tastet L, Capoulade R, Larose É, Bédard É, Arsenault M, Chetaille P, Dumesnil JG, Mathieu P, Clavel MA, Pibarot P. Effect of age and aortic valve anatomy on calcification and haemodynamic severity of aortic stenosis.. Heart 2017; 103(1):32-39.
- Tastet L, Enriquez-Sarano M, Capoulade R, Malouf J, Araoz PA, Shen M, Michelena HI, Larose E, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Pibarot P, Clavel MA. Impact of Aortic Valve Calcification and Sex on Hemodynamic Progression and Clinical Outcomes in AS.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2017; 69(16):2096-2098.
- Perlman G, Praz F, Puri R, Ofek H, Ye J, Philippon F, Carrel T, Pibarot P, Attinger A, Htun NM, Dvir D, Moss R, Campelo-Parada F, Bédard E, Reineke D, Moschovitis A, Lauck S, Blanke P, Leipsic J, Windecker S, Rodés-Cabau J, Webb J. Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Repair With a New Transcatheter Coaptation System for the Treatment of Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation: 1-Year Clinical and Echocardiographic Results.. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2017; 10(19):1994-2003.
- Capoulade R, Clavel MA, Le Ven F, Dahou A, Thébault C, Tastet L, Shen M, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Beaudoin J, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Dumesnil JG, Pibarot P. Impact of left ventricular remodelling patterns on outcomes in patients with aortic stenosis.. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging 2017; 18(1):1378-87.
- Frigault J, Lafrenière-Bessi V, Perron J, Bédard É, Philippon F, Poirier P, Larose E, Jacques F. Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery: Masquerading as Peripartum Cardiomyopathy.. Ann Thorac Surg 2018; 106(1):e33-e35.
- Tastet L, Capoulade R, Shen M, Clavel MA, Côté N, Mathieu P, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Tremblay A, Samson M, Bossé Y, Dumesnil JG, Arsenault BJ, Beaudoin J, Bernier M, Després JP, Pibarot P. ApoB/ApoA-I Ratio is Associated With Faster Hemodynamic Progression of Aortic Stenosis: Results From the PROGRESSA (Metabolic Determinants of the Progression of Aortic Stenosis) Study.. J Am Heart Assoc 2018; 7(4):e007980.
- Shen M, Capoulade R, Tastet L, Guzzetti E, Clavel MA, Salaun E, Bédard É, Arsenault M, Chetaille P, Tizón-Marcos H, Le Ven F, Pibarot P, Larose E.. Prevalence of left ventricle non-compaction criteria in adult patients with bicuspid aortic valve versus healthy control subjects.. Open Heart 2018; 5(2):e000869.
- Asmarats L, Dagenais F, Bédard E, Pasian S, Hahn RT, Navia JL, Rodés-Cabau J.. Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Replacement for Treating Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation: Initial Experience With the NaviGate Bioprosthesis.. Can J Cardiol 2018; 34(10):1370.e5-1370.e7.
- Asmarats L, Philippon F, Bédard E, Rodés-Cabau J. FORMA Tricuspid Repair System: Device Enhancements and Initial Experience.. EuroIntervention 2019; 14(16):1656-1657.
- Tastet L, Pibarot P, Shen M, Clisson M, Côté N, Salaun E, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Capoulade R, Puri R, Poirier P, Clavel MA.. Oral Anticoagulation Therapy and Progression of Calcific Aortic Valve Stenosis.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2019; 73(14):1869-1871.
- Asmarats L, Perlman G, Praz F, Hensey M, Chrissoheris MP, Philippon F, Ofek H, Ye J, Puri R, Pibarot P, Attinger A, Moss R, Bédard E, Moschovitis A, Reineke D, Lauck S, Blanke P, Leipsic J, Spargias K, Windecker S, Webb JG, Rodés-Cabau J. Long-Term Outcomes of the FORMA Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Repair System for the Treatment of Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation: Insights From the First-in-Human Experience.. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2019; 12(15):1438-1447.
- Muntané-Carol G, Del Val D, Bédard E, Philippon F, Rodés-Cabau J. Transcatheter innovations in tricuspid regurgitation: FORMA device.. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 2019; 62(6):496-499.
- Tastet L, Kwiecinski J, Pibarot P, Capoulade R, Everett RJ, Newby DE, Shen M, Guzzetti E, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Larose E, Beaudoin J, Dweck M, Clavel MA. Sex-Related Differences in the Extent of Myocardial Fibrosis in Patients With Aortic Valve Stenosis.. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2020; 13(3):699-711.
- Tastet L, Tribouilloy C, Maréchaux S, Vollema EM, Delgado V, Salaun E, Shen M, Capoulade R, Clavel MA, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Bernier M, Beaudoin J, Narula J, Lancellotti P, Bax JJ, Généreux P, Pibarot P.. Staging Cardiac Damage in Patients With Asymptomatic Aortic Valve Stenosis.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2019; 74(4):550-563.
- Mahjoub H, Le Blanc O, Paquette M, Imhoff S, Labrecque L, Drapeau A, Poirier P, Bédard É, Pibarot P, Brassard P.. Cardiac remodeling after six weeks of high-intensity interval training to exhaustion in endurance-trained men.. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2019; 317(4):H685-H694.
- Tastet L, Shen M, Capoulade R, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Côté N, Clavel MA, Pibarot P.. Bone Mineral Density and Progression Rate of Calcific Aortic Valve Stenosis.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2020; 75(14):1725-1726.
- Guzzetti E, Capoulade R, Tastet L, Garcia J, Le Ven F, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Larose E, Clavel MA, Pibarot P.. Estimation of Stroke Volume and Aortic Valve Area in Patients With Aortic Stenosis: A Comparison of Echocardiography Versus Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance.. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2020; 33(8):953-963.e5.
- Guzzetti E, Tastet L, Annabi MS, Capoulade R, Shen M, Bernard J, García J, Le Ven F, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Larose E, Clavel MA, Pibarot P.. Effect of Regional Upper Septal Hypertrophy on Echocardiographic Assessment of Left Ventricular Mass and Remodeling in Aortic Stenosis.. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2021; 34(1):62-71.
- Shen M, Tastet L, Capoulade R, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Clavel MA, Pibarot P.. Effect of Bicuspid Aortic Valve Phenotype on Progression of Aortic Stenosis.. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging 2020; 21(7):727-734.
- Hahn RT, Kodali S, Fam N, Bapat V, Bartus K, Rodés-Cabau J, Dagenais F, Estevez-Loureiro R, Forteza A, Kapadia S, Latib A, Maisano F, McCarthy P, Navia J, Ong G, Peterson M, Petrossian G, Pozzoli A, Reinartz M, Ricciardi MJ, Robinson N, Sievert H, Taramasso M, Agarwal V, Bédard E, Tarantini G, Colli A. Early Multinational Experience of Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Replacement for Treating Severe Tricuspid Regurgitation.. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2020; 13(21):2482-2493.
- Muntané-Carol G, Alperi A, Faroux L, Bédard E, Philippon F, Rodés-Cabau J. Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Intervention: Coaptation Devices.. Front Cardiovasc Med 2020; 7(0):139.
- Cohen S, Liu A, Wang F, Guo L, Brophy JM, Abrahamowicz M, Therrien J, Beauchesne LM, Bédard E, Grewal J, Khairy P, Oechslin E, Roche SL, Silversides CK, Muhll IFV, Marelli AJ. Risk prediction models for heart failure admissions in adults with congenital heart disease.. Int J Cardiol 2021; 322(0):149-157.
- Muntané-Carol G, Alperi A, Faroux L, Bédard E, Philippon F, Dagenais F, Rodés-Cabau J. Transcatheter Interventions for Tricuspid Valve Disease: What to Do and Who to Do it On.. Can J Cardiol 2021; 37(7):953-967.
- Bernard J, Tastet L, Capoulade R, Shen M, Clisson M, Guzzetti E, Larose E, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Côté N, Clavel MA, Pibarot P. Left ventricular asymmetric remodeling and subclinical left ventricular dysfunction in patients with calcific aortic valve stenosis - Results from a subanalysis of the PROGRESSA study.. Int J Cardiol 2021; 332(0):148-156.
- Mesnier J, Alperi A, Panagides V, Bédard E, Salaun E, Philippon F, Rodés-Cabau J. Transcatheter tricuspid valve interventions: Current devices and associated evidence.. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 2021; 69(0):89-100.
- Tastet L, Shen M, Capoulade R, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Ternacle J, Salaun E, Côté N, Pibarot P, Clavel MA.. Sex Differences in the Progression of Aortic Valve Calcification and Clinical Outcomes: The PROGRESSA Study.. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2022; 15(7):1349-1351.
- Abdoun K, Tastet L, Bedard E, Arsenault M, Pibarot P, Clavel MA. Impact of Early Menopause and Hormonal Therapy Replacement on Aortic Stenosis Progression.. Can J Cardiol 2025; 0(0):Epub.
- Quilico EL, Wilkinson S, Bédard E, Duncan LR, Sweet SN, Swaine BR, Colantonio A. COVID-19's impact on a community-based physical activity program for adults with moderate-to-severe TBI.. Disabil Rehabil 2023; 0(0):1-9.
- Kodali S, Hahn RT, Makkar R, Makar M, Davidson CJ, Puthumana JJ, Zahr F, Chadderdon S, Fam N, Ong G, Yadav P, Thourani V, Vannan MA, O'Neill WW, Wang DD, Tchétché D, Dumonteil N, Bonfils L, Lepage L, Smith R, Grayburn PA, Sharma RP, Haeffele C, Babaliaros V, Gleason PT, Elmariah S, Inglessis-Azuaje I, Passeri J, Herrmann HC, Silvestry FE, Lim S, Fowler D, Webb JG, Moss R, Modine T, Lafitte S, Latib A, Ho E, Goldberg Y, Shah P, Nyman C, Rodés-Cabau J, Bédard E, Brugger N, Sannino A, Mack MJ, Leon MB, Windecker S. Transfemoral tricuspid valve replacement and one-year outcomes: the TRISCEND study.. Eur Heart J 2023; 44(46):4862-4873.
- Mao RT, Beauchesne L, Marelli A, Silversides C, Dore A, Ganame J, Keir M, Alonso-Gonzalez R, Vonder Muhll I, Grewal J, Williams A, Dehghani P, Siu S, Johri A, Bedard E, Therrien J, Hayami D, Kells C, Ducas RA. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Restrictions on the Provision of Adult Congenital Heart Disease Care Across Canada: A National Survey.. CJC Pediatr Congenit Heart Dis 2023; 2(5):247-252.
- Shen M, Tastet L, Capoulade R, Bédard É, Arsenault M, Clavel MA, Pibarot P.. Determinants of aortic stenosis progression in bicuspid and tricuspid aortic valves.. CJC Pediatr Cong Heart Dis 2022; 1(4):184-192.
- Ducas RA, Mao T, Beauchesne L, Silversides C, Dore A, Ganame J, Alonso-Gonzalez R, Keir M, Muhll IV, Grewal J, Williams A, Dehghani P, Siu S, Johri A, Bedard E, Therrien J, Hayami D, Kells C, Marelli A. Adult Congenital Heart Disease Care in Canada: Has Quality of Care Improved in the Last Decade?. Can J Cardiol 2024; 40(1):138-147.
- Fleury MA, Tastet L, Bernard J, Shen M, Capoulade R, Abdoun K, Bédard É, Arsenault M, Chetaille P, Beaudoin J, Bernier M, Salaun E, Côté N, Pibarot P, Hecht S. Effect of aortic valve phenotype and sex on aorta dilation in patients with aortic stenosis.. Open Heart 2024; 11(2):e002912.
- Tastet L, Shen M, Capoulade R, Arsenault M, Bédard É, Abdoun K, Fleury MA, Côté N, Pibarot P, Clavel MA. Sex-Specific Functional Status Decline and Outcomes in Mild-to-Moderate Aortic Stenosis: Results From the PROGRESSA Study.. JACC Adv 2024; 3(10):101267.
- Tastet L, Ali M, Pibarot P, Capoulade R, Øvrehus KA, Arsenault M, Haujir A, Bédard É, Diederichsen ACP, Dahl JS, Clavel MA. Grading of Aortic Valve Calcification Severity and Risk Stratification in Aortic Stenosis.. J Am Heart Assoc 2024; 13(15):e035605.
- Salaun E, Drory S, Coté MA, Tremblay V, Bédard E, Steinberg C, Paré D, O'Connor K, Cieza T, Coté N, Poirier P, Douville P, Blais J, Desmeules P, Kalavrouziotis D, Mohammadi S, Voisine P, Bernier M, Pibarot P, Thériault S. Role of Antitroponin Antibodies and Macrotroponin in the Clinical Interpretation of Cardiac Troponin.. J Am Heart Assoc 2024; 13(12):e035128.