- Accueil
- Chercheurs
- Dr Jean Bussières

Domaine de recherche
1- Anesthésie pour chirurgie thoracique;
2- Atteintes pulmonaires lors de chirurgies cardiaques;
3- Considérations des voies aériennes chez le patient obèse;
4- Traitement de la protéinose alvéolaire.
Description des travaux
Nos travaux de recherche sont orientés vers le rôle de l'anesthésie et de la chirurgie sur les répercussions sur la fonction pulmonaire. Ils se répartissent dans les 4 secteurs d'activités suivants :
1- Notre principale plate-forme de recherche est l'anesthésie pour chirurgie thoracique. Notre intérêt se porte vers les techniques d'isolation pulmonaire, principalement sur les tubes à double-lumière. Nous travaillons également sur l'amélioration de la ventilation uni-pulmonaire. Par nos travaux, nous sommes devenus l'un des experts internationaux dans ce domaine. Nous nous intéressons également aux techniques d'analgésie post-opératoire, surtout dans le nouveau contexte des chirurgies assistées par vidéos (VATS).
2- Nous nous intéressons également aux atteintes pulmonaires lors de chirurgies cardiaques. En collaboration avec le Dr François Lellouche, intensiviste et chercheur à l'IUCPQ, nous investiguons le rôle possible des paramètres ventilatoires utilisés en cours d'intervention en regard des complications post-opératoires, principalement respiratoires.
3- Les considérations des voies aériennes chez le patient obèse sont de plus en plus préoccupantes pour les anesthésiologistes. Dans le contexte où le processus d'intubation est souvent plus laborieux chez l'obèse, la pré-oxygénation prend une grande importance. Plus cette pré-oxygénation sera efficace, plus long sera le délai pour permettre de réaliser l'intubation avant l'apparition d'une désaturation sévère. Nous travaillons donc à développer des techniques de pré-oxygénation de plus en plus performantes.
4- Depuis plus de 25 ans, nous sommes responsable de l'unité de thérapie pour la protéinose alvéolaire par le lavage pulmonaire. Quoique cette clientèle soit rare, elle demeure une opportunité de recherche très stimulante. Par nos travaux et par l'évolution que nous avons apportée aux techniques de lavage pulmonaire, nous sommes devenus l'une des références mondiales sur ce sujet.
Prix et distinctions
8- 2013-2014 : Prix de l’enseignant de l’année en anesthésiologie. Département d’anesthésiologie et de soins intensifs, Université Laval.
- Juin 2013 : 1er prix, section CVT, Prix Raymond-Martineau, Société Canadienne des Anesthésiologistes, Congrès annuel,. Projet : Isolated Lung Collapse in Two Stages with Bronchial Blocker: Equivalent to Double-LumenTube?
- 4 et 5 juin 2012 : 1er prix, présentations orales pour un étudiant à la Maîtrise : Claudine Pelletier (Dr Jean Bussières et Dr Patrice Brassard) à la 22e édition des Journées scientifiques du Centre de Recherche de l’IUCPQ.
- Octobre 2011 : 1er prix, Poster Award Competition, Congrès annuel de la Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP). Quebec,. Projet : Impact of sensory afferents on cardiorespiratory response and peripheral muscle fatigue in patients with COPD, Philippe Gagnon (Dr François Maltais et Dr Jean Bussières).
- Juin 2000 : 1ere place, Compétition des résidents, Congrès annuel de la Société canadienne des Anesthésiologistes. Projet : Randomized, prospective evaluation of a new technic to position and verify the left modified-DLT
- Septembre 1999 : Lagacé A, Bussières J. Ventilation hypoxique lors de ventilation uni-pulmonaire. Concours des résidents, D.A.R.U.L., (1er prix ex æquo).
- Mars 1998 : Ambassadeur de l’année, Grand prix du tourisme de Québec en raison des multiples implications dans l’organisation de congrès internationaux à Québec
- Mai 1995 : 2e place, Compétition des résidents, Journée de la Recherche, Association des Anesthésiologistes du Québec. Projet : Does the active left warming reduce the intra-operative hypothermia in thoracic surgery?
69- Fortier G, Côté D, Bergeron C, Bussières JS. Positioning the Double-Lumen Endobronchial Tube, Letter to the Editor.. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 2002; 49(5):526-7.
- Béchard P, Létourneau L, Lacasse Y, Côté D, Bussières JS. Perioperative cardiopulmonary complications in adults with mediastinal mass: incidence and risk factors.. Anesthesiology 2004; 100(4):826-34; di.
- Fortier G, Coté D, Soucy J, Lelièvre R, Bussières J. Left double lumen tube malposition.. Br J Anaesth 2004; 93(3):475; autho.
- Nadeau MJ, Côté D, Bussières JS. The combination of inhaled nitric oxide and pulmonary artery balloon inflation improves oxygenation during whole-lung lavage.. Anesth Analg 2004; 99(3):676-9, tab.
- Ott E, Nussmeier NA, Duke P, Feneck RO, Alston P, Snabes MC, Hubbard RC, Hsu PH, Saidman LJ, Magano DT, Bussières J, IREF Investigators. Efficacy and safety of the cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitors parecoxib and valdecoxibe in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2003; 125(1):1481-92.
- Bussières JS, Somma J. Modified and newly designed right-sided double-lumen endobronchial tubes are complementary (author reply).. Anesthesiology 2009; 110(5):1190.
- Poulin V, Vaillancourt R, Somma J, Gagné N, Bussières JS. High frequency ventilation combined with spontaneous breathing during bronchopleural fistula repair: a case report.. Can J Anaesth 2009; 56(1):52-6.
- Fortin M, Turcotte R, Gleeton O, Bussières JS. Catheter-induced pulmonary artery rupture: using occlusion balloon to avoid lung isolation.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2006; 20(3):376-8.
- Bussières JS. Iatrogenic pulmonary artery rupture.. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2007; 20(1):45-52.
- Bussières JS, Lacasse Y, Côté D, Beauvais M, St-Onge S, Lemieux J, Soucy J. Modified right-sided Broncho-CathTM double lumen tube improves endobronchial positioning: A randomized study.. Can J Anaesth 2007; 54(4):276-82.
- Bussières JS, Lacasse Y, Lemieux J. Do-it-yourself modified right-sided Broncho-CathTM double lumen tube.. Can J Anaesth 2007; 54(0):675.
- Bussières JS, Lacasse Y, M. Rheault. Do-it-yourself modified right-sided broncho-cathTM double lumen tube. Reply.. Can J Anaesth 2007; 54(0):1030.
- Fergusson DA, Hébert PC, Mazer CD, Fremes S, MacAdams C, Murkin JM, Teoh K, Duke PC, Arellano R, Blaichman MA, Bussières JS, Côté D, Karski J, Martineau R, Robblee JA, Rodger M, Wells G, Clinch J, Pretorius R; BART Investigators. A comparison of aprotinin and lysine analogues in high-risk cardiac surgery.. N Engl J Med 2008; 358(22):2319-31.
- Bussières JS.. Open or minimally invasive esophagectomy: are the outcomes different?. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2009; 22(1):56-60.
- Martin J, Smith J, Bastien M, Cianflone K, Bussières J, Marceau S, Hould FS, Lebel S, Biertho L, Lescelleur O, Biron S, Bertrand F, Poirier P. Comparison between arterial and venous sampling of circulating hormones, substrates and peptides in severe obesity.. Clin Invest Med 2011; 34(2):E82.
- Brassard P, Bussières JS. eComment: Pharmacological agents increasing arterial pressure via total peripheral vasoconstriction should be avoided for maintaining brain oxygenation during cardiac displacement in off-pump cardiac surgery.. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2011; 13(6):578.
- Lellouche F, Dionne S, Simard S, Bussières J, Dagenais F. High Tidal Volumes in Mechanically Ventilated Patients Increase Organ Dysfunction after Cardiac Surgery.. Anesthesiology 2012; 116(5):1072-82.
- Bussières JS, Martel F, Somma J, Morin S, Gagné N. A customized stylet for GlideScope® insertion of double lumen tubes.. Can J Anaesth 2012; 59(4):424-5.
- Bussières JS, Slinger P. Correct positioning of double-lumen tubes.. Can J Anaesth 2012; 59(5):431-6.
- Caron-Cantin SM, Martin J, Bastien M, Munkonda MN, Lu H, Cianflone K, Moustarah F, Biertho L, Marceau S, Hould FS, Bussières J, Poirier P.. Acute and Chronic Effects of Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch Surgery on Plasma Visfatin and Apelin Levels in Patients with Severe Obesity.. Obes Surg 2013; 23(11):1806-14.
- Gagnon P, Bussières JS, Ribeiro F, Gagnon SL, Saey D, Gagné N, Provencher S, Maltais F. Influences of spinal anesthesia on exercise tolerance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012; 186(7):606-15.
- Denault AY, Tardif JC, Mazer CD, Lambert J, Fergusson A, Hébert PC, Mazer CD, Fremes S, MacAdams C, Murkin JM, Teoh K, Duke PC, Arenallo R, Blajchman MA, Bussières JS, Côté D, Karski J, Martineau R, Robblee JA, Rodger M, Wells G, Pretorius R, Clinch J.. Difficult and Complex Separation from Cardiopulmonary Bypass in High-Risk Patients: A Multicenter Study. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2012; 26(4):608-616.
- Leblanc ME, Croteau S, Ferland A, Bussières J, Cloutier L, Hould FS, Biertho L, Moustarah F, Marceau S, Poirier P. Blood pressure assessment in severe obesity; validation of a forearm approach.. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2013; 21(12):E533-41.
- Carrasco Del Castillo JL, Bussières J, Rochon AG, Denault AY.. Guidewire localization with transesophageal echocardiography: do not forget the left side.. Can J Anaesth 2012; 59(8):811-2.
- Bussières JS, Prince P, Brassard P. Cerebral oxygen desaturation during single lung ventilation: a potential role for vasopressors and baseline oxygen levels.. Br J Anaesth 2012; 0(0):Epub.
- Brassard P, Pelletier C, Martin M, Gagné N, Poirier P, Ainslie PN, Caouette M, Bussières JS. Influence of Norepinephrine and Phenylephrine on Frontal Lobe Oxygenation During Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Patients with Diabetes.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2013; 0(0):Epub.
- Bussières JS, Somma J, Rousseau A, Harvey L. Use of the GlideScope(®) for double-lumen endobronchial intubation.. Anaesthesia 2014; 69(2):181-2.
- Leblanc ME, Godbout C, Nolet PL, Bussières JS, Poirier P. La canule artérielle: une méthode privilégiè quand létat hémodynamique dun patient requiert une surveillance continue. Perspect Infirm 2015; 12(1):44-8.
- Choinière M, Watt-Watson J, Victor JC, Baskett RJ, Bussières JS, Carrier M, Cogan J, Costello J, Feindel C, Guertin MC, Racine M, Taillefer MC.. Prevalence of and risk factors for persistent postoperative nonanginal pain after cardiac surgery: a 2-year prospective multicentre study.. CMAJ 2014; 186(7):E213-23.
- Leblanc ME, Godbout C, Bussières JS. Prise en charge de la douleur postopératoire en chirurgie cardiaque.. Le Praticien 2015; 0(0):(sous-presse).
- Couture EJ, Bussières JS.. Guide for bougie as an adjunct for an anterior larynx.. Can J Anaesth 2014; 61(10):963-4.
- Brassard CL, Lohser J, Donati F, Bussières JS.. Step-by-step clinical management of one-lung ventilation: continuing professional development.. Can J Anaesth 2014; 61(12):1103-21.
- Brassard P, Pelletier C, Martin M, Gagné N, Poirier P, Ainslie PN, Caouette M, Bussières JS.. Influence of norepinephrine and phenylephrine on frontal lobe oxygenation during cardiopulmonary bypass in patients with diabetes.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2014; 28(3):608-17.
- Bussières JS, Lemieux J, Somma J. Right-sided double-lumen tubes: need for design improvement and better insertion technique?. Turk J Med Sci 2014; 44(1):171.
- Deschamps A, Hall R, Grocott H, Mazer CD, Choi PT, Turgeon AF, de Medicis E, Bussières JS, Hudson C, Syed S, Seal D, Herd S, Lambert J, Denault A, Deschamps A, Mutch A, Turgeon A, Denault A, Todd A, Jerath A, Fayad A, Finnegan B, Kent B, Kennedy B, Cuthbertson BH, Kavanagh B, Warriner B, MacAdams C, Lehmann C, Fudorow C, Hudson C, McCartney C, McIsaac D, Dubois D, Campbell D, Mazer D, Neilpovitz D, Rosen D, Cheng D, Drapeau D, Dillane D, Tran D, Mckeen D, Wijeysundera D, Jacobsohn E, Couture E, de Medicis E, Alam F, Abdallah F, Ralley FE, Chung F, Lellouche F, Dobson G, Germain G, Djaiani G, Gilron I, Hare G, Bryson G, Clarke H, McDonald H, Roman-Smith H, Grocott H, Yang H, Douketis J, Paul J, Beaubien J, Bussières J, Pridham J, Armstrong JN, Parlow J, Murkin J, Gamble J, Duttchen K, Karkouti K, Turner K, Baghirzada L, Szabo L, Lalu M, Wasowicz M, Bautista M, Jacka M, Murphy M, Schmidt M, Verret M, Perrault MA, Beaudet N, Buckley N, Choi P, MacDougall P, Jones P, Drolet P, Beaulieu P, Taneja R, Martin R, Hall R, George R, Chun R, McMullen S, Beattie S, Sampson S, Choi S, Kowalski S, McCluskey S, Syed S, Boet S, Ramsay T, Saha T, Mutter T, Chowdhury T, Uppal V, Mckay W. Cerebral Oximetry Monitoring to Maintain Normal Cerebral Oxygen Saturation during High-risk Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial.. Anesthesiology 2016; 124(4):826-36.
- Bussières JS, Somma J, Del Castillo JL, Lemieux J, Conti M, Ugalde PA, Gagné N, Lacasse Y. Bronchial blocker versus left double-lumen endotracheal tube in video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery: a randomized-controlled trial examining time and quality of lung deflation.. Can J Anaesth 2016; 63(7):818-27.
- Lellouche F, Delorme M, Bussières J, Ouattara A. Perioperative ventilatory strategies in cardiac surgery.. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol 2015; 29(3):381-95.
- Myles PS, Smith JA, Forbes A, Silbert B, Jayarajah M, Painter T, Cooper DJ, Marasco S, McNeil J, Bussières JS, Wallace S; ATACAS Investigators of the ANZCA Clinical Trials Network. Stopping vs. Continuing Aspirin before Coronary Artery Surgery.. N Engl J Med 2016; 374(8):728-37.
- Myles PS, Smith JA, Forbes A, Silbert B, Jayarajah M, Painter T, Cooper DJ, Marasco S, McNeil J, Bussières JS, McGuinness S, Byrne K, Chan MT, Landoni G, Wallace S; ATACAS Investigators of the ANZCA Clinical Trials Network.. Tranexamic Acid in Patients Undergoing Coronary-Artery Surgery.. N Engl J Med 2017; 376(2):136-48.
- Denault AY, Bussières JS, Arellano R, Finegan B, Gavra P, Haddad F, Nguyen AQ, Varin F, Fortier A, Levesque S, Shi Y, Elmi-Sarabi M, Tardif JC, Perrault LP, Lambert J. A multicentre randomized-controlled trial of inhaled milrinone in high-risk cardiac surgical patients.. Can J Anaesth 2016; 63(10):1140-53.
- Moreault O, Lacasse Y, Bussières JS. Calculating Ideal Body Weight: Keep It Simple.. Anesthesiology 2017; 127(1):203-204.
- Fortin J, Vaillancourt R, Vigneault L, Laflamme M, Simon M, Bussières JS. Unusual Cause of Life-Threatening Hemoptysis During Cardiac Operation: Surgical Management Revisited.. Ann Thorac Surg 2017; 104(3):e251-e252.
- Couture EJ, Provencher S, Somma J, Lellouche F, Marceau S, Bussières JS. Effect of position and positive pressure ventilation on functional residual capacity in morbidly obese patients: a randomized trial.. Can J Anaesth 2018; 65(5):522-8.
- Lemay J, Conti M, Somma J, Vigneault L, Bussières JS. Avoidable tracheal injury using a double-lumen endotracheal tube: a case report.. Can J Anaesth 2018; 65(6):735-6.
- Bartoszko J, Wijeysundera DN, Karkouti K, Callum J, Rao V, Crowther M, Grocott HP, Pinto R, Scales DC, Achen B, Brar S, Morrison D, Wong D, Bussières JS, de Waal T, Harle C, de Médicis É, McAdams C, Syed S, Tran D, Waters T; Transfusion Avoidance in Cardiac Surgery Study Investigators.. Comparison of Two Major Perioperative Bleeding Scores for Cardiac Surgery Trials: Universal Definition of Perioperative Bleeding in Cardiac Surgery and European Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Bleeding Severity Grade.. Anesthesiology 2018; 129(6):1092-1100.
- Bussières JS. The Evidence Base Surrounding Lung Isolation Often Is Wider Than Described.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2018; 32(1):e13.
- Bussières JS, Moreault O, Couture EJ, Provencher S. Optimizing Lung Collapse With a Bronchial Blocker: It's Not What You Use, but How You Use It, Part II.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2019; 33(1):255.
- Bussières JS, Gingras M, Perron L, Somma J, Frenette M, Couture EJ, Moreault O, Lacasse Y. Right upper lobe anatomy revisited: a computed tomography scan study.. Can J Anaesth 2019; 66(7):813-819.
- Rakovich G, Bussières JS.. Recent advances in perioperative care in thoracic surgery and anesthesia.. Curr Chall Thorac Surg 2023; 5(0):33.
- Lafrenière-Bessi V, Jacques F, Baillot R, Bussières J, Ugalde Figueroa PA, Langevin S. Early diaphragmatic plication after cardiac surgery: a case report in an obese patient.. J Cardiothorac Surg 2018; 13(1):98.
- Boily-Daoust C, Fortin M, Dumas A, Bussières JS.. Granulocyte Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor and whole lung lavage for pulmonary alveolar proteinosis: A synergistic effect?. Can J Respir Crit Care Sleep Med 2022; 6(2):73-75.
- Leblanc MÈ, Auclair A, Leclerc J, Bussières J, Agharazii M, Hould FS, Marceau S, Brassard P, Godbout C, Grenier A, Cloutier L, Poirier P. Blood Pressure Measurement in Severely Obese Patients: Validation of the Forearm Approach in Different Arm Positions.. Am J Hypertens 2019; 32(2):175-185.
- Callum J, Farkouh ME, Scales DC, Heddle NM, Crowther M, Rao V, Hucke HP, Carroll J, Grewal D, Brar S, Bussières J, Grocott H, Harle C, Pavenski K, Rochon A, Saha T, Shepherd L, Syed S, Tran D, Wong D, Zeller M, Karkouti K. Effect of Fibrinogen Concentrate vs Cryoprecipitate on Blood Component Transfusion After Cardiac Surgery: The FIBRES Randomized Clinical Trial.. JAMA 2019; 0(0):1-11.
- Myles PS, Smith JA, Kasza J, Silbert B, Jayarajah M, Painter T, Cooper DJ, Marasco S, McNeil J, Bussières JS, McGuinness S, Byrne K, Chan MTV, Landoni G, Wallace S, Forbes A; ATACAS investigators and the ANZCA Clinical Trials Network.. Tranexamic acid in coronary artery surgery: One-year results of the Aspirin and Tranexamic Acid for Coronary Artery Surgery (ATACAS) trial.. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2019; 157(2):644-652.e9.
- Bussières JS, Lacasse Y, Gingras M, Couture ÉJ, Somma J. In reply: Effect of respiratory changes in tracheal length on computed tomographic study of bronchial anatomy.. Can J Anaesth 2020; 67(2):266-267.
- Bussières J, Cournoyer C, Couture EJ. Use of a second ventilatory circuit when using a double-lumen endotracheal tube.. Can J Anaesth 2020; 67(8):1114-1115.
- Sériès F, Martin M, Boutin I, Marceau S, Bussières J, Minville.. Does every obese sleep apnea patients need CPAP treatment before bariatric surgery: Results of a validation study.. Can J Resp Crit Care Sleep Med 2020; 4(4):266-271.
- Bussières JS, Marques E.. Atelectasis in one lung ventilation: the good, the bad, and the ugly: a narrative review.. Curr Chall Thorac Surg 2022; 0(0):21-26.
- Moreault O, Couture EJ, Provencher S, Somma J, Lohser J, Ugalde Figueroa PA, Lemieux J, Lellouche F, Bussières JS. Double-lumen endotracheal tubes and bronchial blockers exhibit similar lung collapse physiology during lung isolation.. Can J Anaesth 2021; 68(6):791-800.
- Sériès F, Genest C, Martin M, Boutin I, Marceau S, Bussières J, Minville C. CPAP Is Not Needed in Every Sleep Apnea Patient Awaiting Bariatric Surgery.. Obes Surg 2021; 31(5):2161-2167.
- Somma J, Couture ÉJ, Pelletier S, Provencher S, Moreault O, Lohser J, Ugalde Figueroa PA, Vigneault L, Lemieux J, Somma A, Guay SE, Bussières JS. Non-ventilated lung deflation during one-lung ventilation with a double-lumen endotracheal tube: a randomized-controlled trial of occluding the non-ventilated endobronchial lumen before pleural opening.. Can J Anaesth 2021; 68(6):801-811.
- Bussières J, Somma J. In reply: The need to better understand the physiology of lung collapse during one-lung ventilation.. Can J Anaesth 2021; 68(9):1454-1455.
- Mercier P, Couture EJ, Asselin M, Lacasse Y, Fiset-Cholette F, Bussières JS. An innovative template to ensure reliable rigid intubation stylet shape: a prospective comparative study.. Can J Anaesth 2022; 69(6):782-783.
- Boily-Daoust C, Fortin M, Dumas A, Bussières JS.. Granulocyte Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor and whole lung lavage for pulmonary alveolar proteinosis: A synergistic effect?. Can J Respir Crit Care Sleep Med 2021; 6(2):73-75.
- Couture EJ, Carrier-Boucher A, Provencher S, Tanoubi I, Marceau S, Bussières JS. Effect of reverse Trendelenburg position and positive pressure ventilation on safe non-hypoxic apnea period in obese, a randomized-control trial.. BMC Anesthesiol 2023; 23(1):198.
- Bussieres J. Tribute to Peter Slinger.. Can J Anaesth 2023; 70(11):1847.
- Brière R, Émond M, Benhamed A, Blanchard PG, et al (Grégoire J, Bussières J, Lacasse Y, Laliberté AS parmi les co-auteurs).. 2023 Canadian Surgery Forum: Sept. 20-23, 2023.. Can J Cardiol 2023; 66(6):S54-S136.
- Galvaing G, Bussières J, Simard S, Couture EJ, Cournoyer C, Conti M, Lacasse Y, Laliberté AS. Impact of Surgical Positioning on the Occurrence of Postoperative Ipilateral Shoulder Pain After Lung Resection by Video-Assisted Thoracoscopy: A Randomized Trial.. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2024; 38(5):1190-1197.
- Marques E, Couture EJ, Bussières JS, Langevin S, Poirier P, Voisine P, Caouette M, Brassard P. Effects of noradrenaline and phenylephrine on cerebral oxygen saturation during cardiopulmonary bypass in cardiac surgery.. Exp Physiol 2025; 0(0):Epub.