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- Dr Jean Perron

53- Absil B, Dagenais F, Mathieu P, Métras J, Perron J, Baillot R, Bauset R, Doyle D. Does moderate mitral regurgitation impact early or mid-term clinical outcome in patients undergoing isolated aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis?. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2003; 24(2):217-22; di.
- Saez de Ibarra JI, Dagenais F, D'Ancona G, Mathieu P, Dionne B, Simard S, Bauset R, Desaulniers D, Lemieux M, Métras J, Perron J, Raymond G, Doyle D, Baillot R. La cirugìca coronaria sin bomba disminuye la morbilidad y la mortalidad en el paceinte anoso. Estudio de caso.. Cir Cardiov 2004; 11(1):51-7.
- Saez de Ibarra JI, Mathieu P, Dagenais F, Bauset R, Baillot R, Desaulniers D, Lemieux M, Métras J, Perron J, Raymond G, Doyle D. Cirugìa coronaria en el paciente dializado crònico. Resultado a medio plazo y evaluaciòn de la calidad de vida. Cir Cardiov 2003; 10(2):173-9.
- Saez de Ibarra JI, Dagenais F, Mathieu P, Cartier PC, Dumesnil JG, Lemieux M, Métras J, Raymond G, Desaulniers D,Perron J, Bauset R, Baillot R, Doyle D. Ocho anos de experienca con la protesis Freestyle Medtronic. Cirugia Cardiovascular 2002; 9(1):37.
- Dagenais F, Cartier P, Voisine P, Desaulniers D, Perron J, Baillot R, Raymond G, Métras J, Doyle D, Mathieu P. Which biologic valve should we select for the 45- to 65-year-old age group requiring aortic valve replacement?. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2005; 129(5):1041-9.
- Brassard P, Poirier P, Martin J, Noël M, Nadreau E, Houde C, Cloutier A, Perron J, Jobin J. Impact of exercise training on muscle function and ergoreflex in Fontan patients: a pilot study.. Int J Cardiol 2006; 107(1):85-94.
- Shetty R, Pépin A, Charest A, Perron J, Doyle D, Voisine P, Dagenais F, Pibarot P, Mathieu P. Expression of bone-regulatory proteins in human valve allografts.. Heart 2006; 92(9):1303-8.
- Mathieu P, Pépin A, Shetty R, Savard N, Perron J, Dagenais F, Baillot R. Calcification of human valve interstitial cells is dependent on alkaline phosphatase activity.. J Heart Valve Dis 2005; 14(3):353-7.
- Voisine P, Mathieu P, Doyle D, Perron J, Baillot R, Raymond G, Métras J, Dagenais F. Influence of time elapsed between myocardial infarction and coronary artery bypass grafting surgery on operative mortality.. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2006; 29(3):319-23.
- Manganas H, Lacasse Y, Bourgeois S, Perron J, Dagenais F, Maltais F. Postoperative outcome after coronary artery bypass grafting in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.. Can Respir J 2007; 14(1):19-24.
- Rodés-Cabau J, Miró J, Dancea A, Ibrahim R, Piette E, Lapierre C, Jutras L, Perron J, Tchervenkov C, Poirier N, Dahdah NS, Houde C. Comparison of surgical and transcatheter treatment for native coarctation of the aorta in patients less than 1-year old: The Quebec native coarctation of the aorta study.. Am Heart J 2007; 154(1):186-92.
- Bourgault C, Rodés-Cabau J, Côté JM, Chetaille P, Delisle G, Perron J, Dugas MA, Leblanc MH, Houde C. Usefulness of Doppler echocardiography guidance during balloon aortic valvuloplasty for the treatment of congenital aortic stenosis.. Int J Cardiol 2008; 128(1):30-7.
- Mohammadi S, Dagenais F, Doyle D, Mathieu P, Baillot R, Charbonneau E, Perron J, Voisine P. Age cut-off for the loss of benefit from bilateral internal thoracic artery grafting.. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2008; 33(6):977-82.
- Rodés-Cabau J, Houde C, Perron J, Benson LN, Pibarot P. Delayed improvement in valve hemodynamic performance after percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation.. Ann Thorac Surg 2008; 85(5):1787-8.
- Shetty R, Pibarot P, Audet A, Janvier R, Dagenais F, Perron J, Couture C, Voisine P, Després JP, Mathieu P. Lipid-mediated inflammation and degeneration of bioprosthetic heart valves.. Eur J Clin Invest 2009; 39(6):471-80.
- Bagur R, Manazzoni JM, Dumont É, Doyle D, Perron J, Dagenais F, Mathieu P, Baillot R, Charbonneau E, Métras J, Mohammadi S, Côté M, Philippon F, Voisine P, Rodés-Cabau J. Permanent pacemaker implantation following isolated aortic valve replacement in a large cohort of elderly patients with severe aortic stenosis.. Heart 2011; 97(20):1687-94.
- Sponga S, Perron J, Dagenais F, Mohammadi S, Baillot R, Doyle D, Nalli C, Voisine P. Impact of residual regurgitation after aortic valve replacement.. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2012; 42(3):486-92.
- Pons J, Morin F, Bernier M, Perron J, Sénéchal M.. Diagnostic challenge of annular abscess in a patient with prosthetic aortic valve: can F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography be helpful?. Rev Esp Cardiol 2012; 65(3):296-8.
- Steinberg C, Pelletier MJ, Perron J, Kumar A, Champagne J. Sudden Cardiac Arrest Due to Subtotal Absence of Left-sided Pericardium-Case Report and Review of the Literature.. Congenit Heart Dis 2013; 8(3):E92-8.
- Mohammadi S, Tchana-Sato V, Kalavrouziotis D, Voisine P, Doyle D, Baillot R, Sponga S, Metras J, Perron J, Dagenais F. Long-term clinical and echocardiographic follow-up of the Freestyle stentless aortic bioprosthesis.. Circulation 2012; 126(11):S198-204.
- Mohammadi S, Kalavrouziotis D, Voisine P, Dumont E, Doyle D, Perron J, Dagenais F. Bioprosthetic Valve Durability After Stentless Aortic Valve Replacement: The Effect of Implantation Technique.. Ann Thorac Surg 2014; 97(6):2011-8.
- Rousseau M, Belleannee C, Duchez AC, Cloutier N, Levesque T, Jacques F, Perron J, Nigrovic PA, Dieude M, Hebert MJ, Gelb MH, Boilard E. Detection and quantification of microparticles from different cellular lineages using flow cytometry. Evaluation of the impact of secreted phospholipase A2 on microparticle assessment.. PLoS One 2015; 10(1):e0116812.
- Steinberg C, Calvaruso D, Guimond J, Bédard E, Perron J. Surgical lead extraction for total occlusion of the superior vena cava by chronic lead infection after mustard procedure.. J Card Surg 2014; 29(3):406-9.
- Kalfa D, Mohammadi S, Kalavrouziotis D, Kharroubi M, Doyle D, Marzouk M, Metras J, Perron J. Long-term outcomes of the Ross procedure in adults with severe aortic stenosis: single-centre experience with 20 years of follow-up.. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2015; 47(1):159-67; discussion.
- Amat-Santos IJ, Ribeiro HB, Urena M, Allende R, Houde C, Bédard E, Perron J, De Larochellière R, Paradis JM, Dumont E, Doyle D, Mohammadi S, Côté M, San Roman JA, Rodés-Cabau J. Prosthetic valve endocarditis after transcatheter valve replacement: a systematic review.. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2015; 8(2):334-46.
- Cinq-Mars A, Voisine P, Dagenais F, Charbonneau É, Jacques F, Kalavrouziotis D, Perron J, Mohammadi S, Dubois M, Le Ven F, Poirier P, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Bergeron S, Sénéchal M. Risk factors of mortality after surgical correction of ventricular septal defect following myocardial infarction: Retrospective analysis and review of the literature.. Int J Cardiol 2016; 206(0):27-36.
- Potus F, Ruffenach G, Dahou A, Thebault C, Breuils-Bonnet S, Tremblay È, Nadeau V, Paradis R, Graydon C, Wong R, Johnson I, Paulin R, Lajoie AC, Perron J, Charbonneau E, Joubert P, Pibarot P, Michelakis ED, Provencher S, Bonnet S. Downregulation of MicroRNA-126 Contributes to the Failing Right Ventricle in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.. Circulation 2015; 132(10):932-43.
- Rousseau M, Naika GS, Perron J, Jacques F, Gelb MH, Boilard E.. Study of the role of cytosolic phospholipase A2 alpha in eicosanoid generation and thymocyte maturation in the thymus.. PLoS One 2015; 10(5):e0126204.
- Hage A, Jacques F, Chetaille P, Bourdages M, Cloutier K, Perron J, Houde C. Thrombolysis of prosthetic mitral valve thrombosis in an infant.. J Card Surg 2017; 32(5):310-312.
- Simard L, Perron J, Shen M, Tastet L, Mohammadi S, Clisson M, Poulin A, Clavel MA. Vascular Burden Impact on Echocardiographic Valvular Graft Degeneration Following a Ross Procedure in Young Adults.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2017; 70(8):1099-1101.
- Martin E, Mohammadi S, Jacques F, Kalavrouziotis D, Voisine P, Doyle D, Perron J. Clinical Outcomes Following the Ross Procedure in Adults: A 25-Year Longitudinal Study.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2017; 70(15):1890-1899.
- Dugas C, Perron J, Kearney M, Mercier R, Tchernof A, Marc I, Weisnagel SJ, Robitaille J. Postnatal Prevention of Childhood Obesity in Offspring Prenatally Exposed to Gestational Diabetes mellitus: Where Are We Now?. Obes Facts 2017; 10(4):396-406.
- Lafrenière-Bessi V, Cameron-Gagné M, Perron J, Lévesque MH, Laflamme M, Charbonneau É, Mohammadi S, Jacques F. Mitral Annular Calcification and Mitral Valve Replacement: A New Approach.. Ann Thorac Surg 2018; 105(2):e55-e57.
- Frigault J, Lafrenière-Bessi V, Perron J, Bédard É, Philippon F, Poirier P, Larose E, Jacques F. Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery: Masquerading as Peripartum Cardiomyopathy.. Ann Thorac Surg 2018; 106(1):e33-e35.
- Rodriguez-Gabella T, Voisine P, Dagenais F, Mohammadi S, Perron J, Dumont E, Puri R, Asmarats L, Côté M, Bergeron S, Pibarot P, Rodés-Cabau J.. Long-Term Outcomes Following Surgical Aortic Bioprosthesis Implantation.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2018; 71(13):1401-12.
- Freitas-Ferraz AB, Beaudoin W, Couture C, Perron J, Sénéchal M. Reply to the Letter to the Editor: Noninvasive diagnostic tools available for discrimination of pannus from thrombus in patients with prosthetic valve dysfunction.. Echocardiography 2019; 36(6):1224-1225.
- Barroso Freitas-Ferraz A, Beaudoin W, Couture C, Perron J, Sénéchal M.. Prosthetic aortic valve thrombosis: To fibrinolyse or not to fibrinolyse? That is the question!. Echocardiography 2019; 36(4):787-790.
- Martin E, Laurin C, Jacques F, Houde C, Cote JM, Chetaille P, Drolet C, Vaujois L, Kalavrouziotis D, Mohammadi S, Perron J. More Than 25 Years of Experience With the Ross Procedure in Children: A Single-Center Experience.. Ann Thorac Surg 2020; 110(0):638-644.
- Delisle V, Perron J, Lafrenière-Bessi V, Côté JM, Drolet C, Couture C, Jacques F.. Neonatal Cardiac Arrest from Left Ventricular Cardiac Hemangioma: A Surprising Presentation.. Can J Cardiol 2019; 35(4):544.e3-544.e5.
- Omura J, Habbout K, Shimauchi T, Wu WH, Breuils-Bonnet S, Tremblay E, Martineau S, Nadeau V, Gagnon K, Mazoyer F, Perron J, Potus F, Lin JH, Zafar H, Kiely DG, Lawrie A, Archer SL, Paulin R, Provencher S, Boucherat O, Bonnet S. Identification of Long Noncoding RNA H19 as a New Biomarker and Therapeutic Target in Right Ventricular Failure in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.. Circulation 2020; 142(15):1464-1484.
- Jacques F, Gingras M, Lafrenière-Bessi V, Perron J, Dagenais F. Large Intramural Aortic Hematoma with Intimal Tear.. Aorta (Stamford) 2020; 8(4):118-120.
- Chaud GJ, Perron J, Pagé S, Laflamme M, Côté JM, Jacques F. An autopsy view of the Hemi-commando procedure.. J Card Surg 2021; 36(2):701-702.
- Massardier C, Perron J, Chetaille P, Côté JM, Drolet C, Houde C, Vaujois L, Naccache L, Michon B, Jacques F. Right atrial catheter "ghost" removal by cardiac surgery: A pediatric case series report.. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2020; 67(6):e28197.
- Deshaies C, Trottier H, Khairy P, Al-Aklabi M, Beauchesne L, Bernier PL, Dhillon S, Gandhi SK, Haller C, Hancock Friesen CL, Hickey EJ, Horne D, Jacques F, Kiess MC, Perron J, Rodriguez M, Poirier NC. Tricuspid Intervention Following Pulmonary Valve Replacement in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2020; 75(9):1033-1043.
- Chauvette V, Bouhout I, Lefebvre L, Tarabzoni M, Chamberland MÈ, Poirier N, Demers P, Chu MWA, Perron J, El-Hamamsy I. The Ross procedure is a safe and durable option in adults with infective endocarditis: a multicentre study.. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2020; 58(3):537-543.
- Alperi A, Voisine P, Kalavrouziotis D, Dumont E, Dagenais F, Perron J, Silva I, Bernardi F, Mohammadi S, Rodés-Cabau J. Aortic Valve Replacement in Low-Risk Patients With Severe Aortic Stenosis Outside Randomized Trials.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2021; 77(2):111-123.
- Laurin C, Claveau J, Trahan S, Gagnon LP, Kalavrouziotis D, Perron J. Asymptomatic Left Ventricular Malignant Psammomatous Melanotic Schwannoma.. CJC Open 2021; 3(7):976-980.
- Gammie JS, Chu MWA, Falk V, Overbey JR, Moskowitz AJ, Gillinov M, Mack MJ, Voisine P, Krane M, Yerokun B, Bowdish ME, Conradi L, Bolling SF, Miller MA, Taddei-Peters WC, Jeffries NO, Parides MK, Weisel R, Jessup M, Rose EA, Mullen JC, Raymond S, Moquete EG, O'Sullivan K, Marks ME, Iribarne A, Beyersdorf F, Borger MA, Geirsson A, Bagiella E, Hung J, Gelijns AC, O'Gara PT, Ailawadi G; CTSN Investigators (Dagenais F, Charbonneau E, Doyle D, Dumont E, Jacques F, Kalavrouziotis D, Mohammadi S, Perron J, Beaudoin J, Laflamme M, Malas T et Bernier M parmi les collaborateurs).. Concomitant Tricuspid Repair in Patients with Degenerative Mitral Regurgitation.. N Engl J Med 2022; 386(4):327-339.
- Jacques F, Rouabhia D, Lafrenière-Bessi V, Simard S, Dionne S, Couture EJ, Perron J, Dagenais F, Lacasse Y, Ugalde P, Mohammadi S. Post-pneumonectomy patients undergoing cardiac surgery: A case series.. J Card Surg 2022; 37(6):1503-1511.
- St-Louis R, Gleeton G, Grégoire J, Perron J.. Late presentation of a pulmonary artery sling.. JTCVS Tech 2023; 23(0):113-116.
- Stoppe C, McDonald B, Meybohm P, Christopher KB, Fremes S, Whitlock R, Mohammadi S, Kalavrouziotis D, Elke G, Rossaint R, Helmer P, Zacharowski K, Günther U, Parotto M, Niemann B, Böning A, Mazer CD, Jones PM, Ferner M, Lamarche Y, Lamontagne F, Liakopoulos OJ, Cameron M, Müller M, Zarbock A, Wittmann M, Goetzenich A, Kilger E, Schomburg L, Day AG, Heyland DK (Voisine P, Dagenais F, Dumont É, Jacques F, Charbonneau É, Perron J parmi les collaborateurs).. Effect of High-Dose Selenium on Postoperative Organ Dysfunction and Mortality in Cardiac Surgery Patients: The SUSTAIN CSX Randomized Clinical Trial.. JAMA Surg 2023; 158(3):235-244.
- St-Louis R, Gleeton G, Grégoire J, Perron J. Late presentation of a pulmonary artery sling.. JTCVS Tech 2024; 23(0):113-116.
- Chauvette V, Chaud GJ, Laurin C, Marzouk M, Kalavrouziotis D, Mohammadi S, Pibarot P, Perron J. Long-term results of patients undergoing the Ross procedure after a previous aortic valve surgery.. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2024; 0(0):Epub.