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- Dr Louis Blier

24- Champagne J, Echahidi N, Philippon F, St-Pierre A, Molin F, Blier L, Gilbert M, Villeneuve J, Mohty D, O'Hara G. Usefulness of transesophageal echocardiography in the isolation of pulmonary veins in the treatment of atrial fibrillation.. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2007; 30(0):S116-9.
- Champagne J, Philippon F, Gilbert M, Molin F, Blier L, Nault I, Sarrazin JF, Charbonneau L, Dufort L, Drolet B, Chahine M, OHara GE. The Brugada Syndrome in Canada: A Unique French Canadian Experience.. Can J Cardiol 2007; 23(0):71-75B.
- OHara GE, Philippon F, Champagne J, Blier L, Molin F, Côté JM, Nault I, Sarrazin JF, Gilbert M. Catheter ablation for cardiac arrhythmias: A 14-year experience with 5330 consecutive patients at the Quebec Heart Institute, Laval Hospital.. Can J Cardiol 2007; 23(0):67-70B.
- Sénéchal M, Lancelloti P, Garceau P, Champagne J, Dubois M, Magne J, Blier L, Molin F, Philippon F, Dumesnil JG, Pierard L, O'Hara G. Usefulness and limitation of dobutamine stress echocardiography to predict acute response to cardiac resynchronization therapy.. Echocardiography 2010; 27(1):50-7.
- Sénéchal M, Lancellotti P, Magne J, Garceau P, Champagne J, Blier L, Molin F, Philippon F, Marie M, O'Hara G, Dubois M. Contractile Reserve Assessed Using Dobutamine Echocardiography Predicts Left Ventricular Reverse Remodeling after Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Prospective Validation in Patients with Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony.. Echocardiography 2010; 27(6):668-76.
- Fromentin S, Sarrazin JF, Champagne J, Nault I, Philippon F, Molin F, Blier L, O'Hara G. Prospective comparison between conventional transseptal puncture and transseptal needle puncture with radiofrequency energy.. J Interv Card Electrophysiol 2011; 31(3):237-42.
- Gollob MH, Blier L, Brugada R, Champagne J, Chauhan V, Connors S, Gardner M, Green MS, Gow R, Hamilton R, Harris L, Healey JS, Hodgkinson K, Honeywell C, Kantoch M, Kirsh J, Krahn A, Mullen M, Parkash R, Redfearn D, Rutberg J, Sanatani S, Woo A. Recommendations for the use of genetic testing in the clinical evaluation of inherited cardiac arrhythmias associated with sudden cardiac death: canadian cardiovascular society/canadian heart rhythm society joint position paper.. Can J Cardiol 2011; 27(2):232-45.
- Steinberg C, Sarrazin JF, Philippon F, Bouchard MA, O'Hara G, Molin F, Nault I, Blier L, Champagne J. Detection of high incidence of Riata lead breaches by systematic postero-anterior and lateral chest X-ray in a large cohort.. Europace 2013; 15(3):402-8.
- Sarrazin JF, Philippon F, Tessier M, Guimond J, Molin F, Champagne J, Nault I, Blier L, Nadeau M, Charbonneau L, Trottier M, O'Hara G. Usefulness of fluorine-18 positron emission tomography/computed tomography for identification of cardiovascular implantable electronic device infections.. J Am Coll Cardiol 2012; 59(18):1616-25.
- Steinberg C, Sarrazin JF, Philippon F, Champagne J, Molin F, Nault I, Blier L, Bouchard MA, Arsenault J, O'Hara G.. PA/Lateral Chest X-Ray is Equivalent to Cine-Fluoroscopy for the Detection of Conductor Externalization in Defibrillation Leads.. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2015; 38(1):77-83.
- Nadeau PL, Champagne J, Molin F, Sarrazin JF, O'Hara G, Nault I, Blier L, Charbonneau É, Jacques F, Philippon F. Extra-anatomic Course of a Right Ventricular Pacing Lead: Clinical Implications.. Can J Cardiol 2015; 0(0):Epub.
- Steinberg C, Sarrazin JF, Philippon F, Champagne J, Bouchard MA, Molin F, Nault I, Blier L, O'Hara G.. Longitudinal follow-up of Riata leads reveals high annual incidence of new conductor externalization and electrical failure.. J Interv Card Electrophysiol 2014; 41(3):217-22.
- Sarrazin JF, Philippon F, Sellier R, André P, O'Hara G, Molin F, Nault I, Blier L, Champagne J. Clinical performance of different DF-4 implantable cardioverter defibrillator leads.. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2018; 0(0):Epub.
- Coyle K, Coyle D, Nault I, Parkash R, Healey JS, Gray CJ, Gardner MJ, Sterns LD, Essebag V, Hruczkowski T, Blier L, Wells GA, Tang ASL, Stevenson WG, Sapp JL. Cost Effectiveness of Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation Versus Escalation of Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy: The VANISH Trial.. JACC Clin Electrophysiol 2018; 4(5):660-668.
- Steinberg C, Philippon F, Sanchez M, Fortier-Poisson P, O'Hara G, Molin F, Sarrazin JF, Nault I, Blier L, Roy K, Plourde B, Champagne J. A Novel Wearable Device for Continuous Ambulatory ECG Recording: Proof of Concept and Assessment of Signal Quality.. Biosensors (Basel) 2019; 9(1):E17.
- Nault I, André P, Plourde B, Leclerc F, Sarrazin JF, Philippon F, O'Hara G, Molin F, Steinberg C, Roy K, Blier L, Champagne J. Validation of a novel single lead ambulatory ECG monitor - Cardiostat? - Compared to a standard ECG Holter monitoring.. J Electrocardiol 2019; 53(0):57-63.
- Steinberg C, Dognin N, Sodhi A, Champagne C, Staples JA, Champagne J, Laksman Z, Sarrazin JF, Bennett M, Plourde B, Deyell MW, Andrade JG, Roy K, Yeung-Lai-Wah JA, Hawkins NM, Mondésert B, Blier L, Nault I, O'Hara G, Krahn AD, Philippon F, Chakrabarti S. DREAM-ICD-II study.. Circulation 2022; 145(10):742-753.
- Steinberg C, Nadeau-Routhier C, André P, Philippon F, Sarrazin JF, Nault I, O'Hara G, Blier L, Molin F, Plourde B, Roy K, Larose E, Arsenault M, Champagne J. Ventricular Arrhythmia in Septal and Apical Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: The French-Canadian Experience.. Front Cardiovasc Med 2020; 7(0):548564.
- De Larochellière H, Champagne J, Sarrazin JF, Steinberg C, Philippon F, Roy K, Molin F, O'Hara G, Plourde B, Blier L, Nault I. Findings of remote monitoring of implantable cardioverter defibrillators during the COVID-19 pandemic.. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 2020; 43(11):1366-1372.
- Steinberg C, Cheung CC, Wan D, Sodhi A, Claros S, Staples JA, Philippon F, Laksman Z, Sarrazin JF, Bennett M, Plourde B, Deyell MW, Andrade JG, Roy K, Yeung-Lai-Wah JA, Molin F, Hawkins NM, Blier L, Nault I, O'Hara G, Krahn AD, Champagne J, Chakrabarti S. Driving Restrictions and Early Arrhythmias in Patients Receiving a Primary-Prevention Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (DREAM-ICD) Study.. Can J Cardiol 2020; 36(8):1269-1277.
- Andrade JG, Wells GA, Deyell MW, Bennett M, Essebag V, Champagne J, Roux JF, Yung D, Skanes A, Khaykin Y, Morillo C, Jolly U, Novak P, Lockwood E, Amit G, Angaran P, Sapp J, Wardell S, Lauck S, Macle L, Verma A; EARLY-AF Investigators (Champagne J, Nault I, Sarrazin JF, Philippon F, O'Hara G, Molin F, Blier L, Plourde B, Roy K, Steinberg C parmi les collaborateurs).. Cryoablation or Drug Therapy for Initial Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation.. N Engl J Med 2021; 384(4):305-315.
- Champagne C, Dognin N, Molin F, Steinberg C, Philippon F, Sarrazin JF, O'Hara G, Nault I, Roy K, Plourde B, Blier L, Champagne J. Twiddler Syndrome without Lead Dislodgment Discovered by Remote Monitoring.. Case Rep Cardiol 2021; 2021(0):8816524.
- Sarrazin JF, Laaouaj J, Philippon F, Sanchez M, Gervais P, Champagne J, Steinberg C, Nault I, Roy K, Plourde B, Blier L, O'Hara G. Safety of Cefazolin Test Dose in Patients With Penicillin Allergy Just Prior to Cardiac Device Implantation: A Single-Centre Experience.. CJC Open 2022; 4(8):695-700.
- Steinberg C, Gaudreault N, Papadakis AI, Henry C, Champagne J, Philippon F, O'Hara G, Blier L, Plourde B, Nault I, Roy K, Sarrazin JF, Spatz A, Bossé Y. Leucocyte-derived micro-RNAs as candidate biomarkers in Brugada syndrome.. Europace 2023; 25(6):euad145.