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- Dre Odette Lescelleur

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Dre Odette Lescelleur
26- Biertho L, Lebel S, Marceau S, Hould FS, Lescelleur O, Marceau P, Biron S. Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: With or without Duodenal Switch? A Consecutive Series of 800 Cases.. Dig Surg 2014; 31(1):48-54.
- Guay SP, Brisson D, Lamarche B, Biron S, Lescelleur O, Biertho L, Marceau S, Vohl MC, Gaudet D, Bouchard L. ADRB3 gene promoter DNA methylation in blood and visceral adipose tissue is associated with metabolic disturbances in men.. Epigenomics 2014; 6(1):33-43.
- Guénard F, Tchernof A, Deshaies Y, Pérusse L, Biron S, Lescelleur O, Biertho L, Marceau S, Vohl MC. Differential methylation in visceral adipose tissue of obese men discordant for metabolic disturbances.. Physiol Genomics 2014; 46(6):216-22.
- Marceau P, Biron S, Marceau S, Hould FS, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Biertho L, Kral JG. Biliopancreatic diversion-duodenal switch: independent contributions of sleeve resection and duodenal exclusion.. Obes Surg 2014; 24(11):1843-9.
- Houde AA, Légaré C, Biron S, Lescelleur O, Biertho L, Marceau S, Tchernof A, Vohl MC, Hivert MF, Bouchard L.. Leptin and adiponectin DNA methylation levels in adipose tissues and blood cells are associated with BMI, waist girth and LDL-cholesterol levels in severely obese men and women.. BMC Med Genet 2015; 16(1):29.
- Lessard J, Pelletier M, Biertho L, Biron S, Marceau S, Hould FS, Lebel S, Moustarah F, Lescelleur O, Marceau P, Tchernof A. Characterization of dedifferentiating human mature adipocytes from the visceral and subcutaneous fat compartments: fibroblast-activation protein alpha and dipeptidyl peptidase 4 as major components of matrix remodeling.. PLoS One 2015; 10(3):e0122065.
- Marceau P, Biron S, Marceau S, Hould FS, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Biertho L, Simard S, Kral JG. Long-Term Metabolic Outcomes 5 to 20 Years After Biliopancreatic Diversion.. Obes Surg 2015; 25(9):1584-93.
- Auclair A, Martin J, Bastien M, Bonneville N, Biertho L, Marceau S, Hould FS, Biron S, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Després JP, Poirier P. Is There a Role for Visceral Adiposity in Inducing Type 2 Diabetes Remission in Severely Obese Patients Following Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch Surgery?. Obes Surg 2015; 0(0):Epub.
- de Toro-Martín J, Guénard F, Tchernof A, Deshaies Y, Pérusse L, Biron S, Lescelleur O, Biertho L, Marceau S, Vohl MC. A CpG-SNP Located within the ARPC3 Gene Promoter Is Associated with Hypertriglyceridemia in Severely Obese Patients.. Ann Nutr Metab 2016; 68(3):203-212.
- Michaud A, Marchand GB, Nadeau M, Lebel S, Hould FS, Marceau S, Lescelleur O, Biron S, Tchernof A, Biertho L. Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch in the Elderly: Long-Term Results of a Matched-Control Study.. Obes Surg 2016; 26(2):350-60.
- Biertho L, Hould FS, Marceau S, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Biron S. Current Outcomes of Laparoscopic Duodenal Switch.. Ann Surg Innov Res 2016; 10(0):1.
- de Toro-Martín J, Guénard F, Tchernof A, Deshaies Y, Pérusse L, Biron S, Lescelleur O, Biertho L, Marceau S, Vohl MC. A GWAS follow-up of obesity-related SNPs in SYPL2 reveals sex-specific association with hip circumference.. Obes Sci Pract 2016; 2(4):407-414.
- Auclair A, Martin J, Bastien M, Bonneville N, Biertho L, Marceau S, Hould FS, Biron S, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Després JP, Poirier P. Is There a Role for Visceral Adiposity in Inducing Type 2 Diabetes Remission in Severely Obese Patients Following Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch Surgery?. Obes Surg 2016; 26(8):1717-27.
- Guénard F, Tchernof A, Deshaies Y, Biron S, Lescelleur O, Biertho L, Marceau S, Pérusse L, Vohl MC. Genetic regulation of differentially methylated genes in visceral adipose tissue of severely obese men discordant for the metabolic syndrome.. Transl Res 2017; 184(0):1-11.e2.
- Côté JA, Lessard J, Pelletier M, Marceau S, Lescelleur O, Fradette J, Tchernof A. Role of the TGF-? pathway in dedifferentiation of human mature adipocytes.. FEBS Open Bio 2017; 7(8):1092-1101.
- Auclair A, Biertho L, Marceau S, Hould FS, Biron S, Lebel S, Julien F, Lescelleur O, Lacasse Y, Piché ME, Cianflone K, Parlee SD, Goralski K, Martin J, Bastien M, St-Pierre DH, Poirier P. Bariatric Surgery-Induced Resolution of Hypertension and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Impact of Modulation of Body Fat, Ectopic Fat, Autonomic Nervous Activity, Inflammatory and Adipokine Profiles.. Obes Surg 2017; 27(12):3156-64.
- Boyer M, Piché ME, Auclair A, Grenier-Larouche T, Biertho L, Marceau S, Hould FS, Biron S, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Julien F, Martin J, Tchernof A, Carpentier AC, Poirier P, Arsenault BJ. Acute and Chronic Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Plasma LDL Cholesterol and PCSK9 Levels in Patients With Severe Obesity.. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2017; 102(11):4023-4030.
- Caron M, Hould FS, Lescelleur O, Marceau S, Lebel S, Julien F, Simard S, Biertho L. Long-term nutritional impact of sleeve gastrectomy.. Surg Obes Relat Dis 2017; 13(10):1664-1673.
- Bourgeois R, Piché ME, Auclair A, Grenier-Larouche T, Mitchell PL, Poirier P, Biertho L, Marceau S, Hould FS, Biron S, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Julien F, Martin J, Tchernof A, Mathieu P, Carpentier AC, Arsenault BJ. Acute and chronic effect of bariatric surgery on circulating autotaxin levels.. Physiol Rep 2019; 7(5):e14004.
- Pirlet C, Biertho L, Poirier P, Marceau S, Marceau P, Biron S, Hould FS, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Julien F, Lafortune-Payette A, Bertrand OF. Comparison of Short and Long Term Cardiovascular Outcomes After Bariatric Surgery in Patients With vs Without Coronary Artery Disease.. Am J Cardiol 2020; 125(1):40-47.
- Malo FC, Marion A, Rioux A, Lebel S, Hould FS, Julien F, Marceau S, Lescelleur O, Lafortune-Payette A, Bouvet-Bouchard L, Biertho L. Long Alimentary Limb Duodenal Switch (LADS): an Exploratory Randomized Trial, Results at 2 Years.. Obes Surg 2020; 30(12):5047-5058.
- Kapeluto JE, Tchernof A, Masckauchan D, Biron S, Marceau S, Hould FS, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Julien F, Biertho L. Ten-year remission rates in insulin-treated type 2 diabetes after biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch.. Surg Obes Relat Dis 2020; 16(11):1701-1712.
- Auclair A, Harvey J, Leclerc J, Piché ME, O'Connor K, Nadreau É, Pettigrew M, Haykowsky MJ, Marceau S, Biertho L, Hould FS, Lebel S, Biron S, Julien F, Bouvet-Bouchard L, Lescelleur O, Poirier P. Determinants of Cardiorespiratory Fitness After Bariatric Surgery: Insights From a Randomised Controlled Trial of a Supervised Training Program.. Can J Cardiol 2021; 37(2):251-259.
- Després AA, Piché ME, Auclair A, Biertho L, Marceau S, Hould FS, Biron S, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Julien F, Martin J, Tchernof A, Mathieu P, Poirier P, Arsenault BJ. Acute and Chronic Impact of Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch Surgery on Plasma Lipoprotein(a) Levels in Patients with Severe Obesity.. Obes Surg 2020; 30(10):3714-3720.
- Tardif I, Auclair A, Piché ME, Biertho L, Marceau S, Hould FS, Biron S, Lebel S, Lescelleur O, Poirier P. Impact of a 12-Week Randomized Exercise Training Program on Lipid Profile in Severely Obese Patients Following Bariatric Surgery.. Obes Surg 2020; 30(8):3030-3036.
- Bouchard-Mercier A, de Toro-Martín J, Nadeau M, Lescelleur O, Lebel S, Richard D, Biertho L, Tchernof A, Vohl MC. Molecular remodeling of adipose tissue is associated with metabolic recovery after weight loss surgery.. J Transl Med 2022; 20(1):283.