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- Dre Pascale Mauriège

76- Doucet E, St-Pierre S, Alméras N, Imbeault P, Mauriège P, Pascot A, Després JP, Tremblay A. Reduction of visceral adipose tissue during weight loss.. Eur J Clin Nutr 2002; 56(4):297-304.
- Imbeault P, Chevrier J, Dewailly E, Ayotte P, Després JP, Mauriège P, Tremblay A. Increase in plasma pollutant levels in response to weight loss is associated with the reduction of fasting insulin levels in men but not in women. Metabolism 2002; 51(4):482-6.
- Lemieux I, Alméras N, Mauriège P, Blanchet C, Dewailly E, Bergeron J, Després JP. Prevalence of "hypertriglyceridemic waist" in men who participated in the Quebec Health Survey: association with atherogenic and diabetogenic metabolic risk factors.. Can J Cardiol 2002; 18(7):725-32.
- Pirro M, Mauriège P, Tchernof A, Cantin B, Dagenais GR, Després JP, Lamarche B. Plasma free fatty acid levels and the risk of ischemic heart disease in men: prospective results from the Québec Cardiovascular Study.. Atherosclerosis 2002; 160(2):377-84.
- Scarsella C, Alméras N, Mauriège P, Blanchet C, Sauvé L, Dewailly E, Bergeron J, Després JP. Prevalence of metabolic alterations predictive of cardiovascular disease risk in the Québec population.. Can J Cardiol 2003; 19(1):51-7.
- Mauriège P, Martel C, Langin D, Lacaille M, Després JP, Bélanger A, Labrie F, Deshaies Y. Chronic effects of dehydroepiandrosterone on rat adipose tissue metabolism.. Metabolism 2003; 52(3):264-72.
- Ducomps C, Mauriège P, Darche B, Combes S, Lebas F, Doutreloux JP. Effects of jump training on passive mechanical stress and stiffness in rabbit skeletal muscle: role of collagen.. Acta Physiol Scand 2003; 178(3):215-24.
- Fortier M, Wang SP, Mauriège P, Semache M, Mfuma L, Li H, Levy E, Richard D, Mitchell GA. Hormone-sensitive lipase-independent adipocyte lipolysis during beta-adrenergic stimulation, fasting, and dietary fat loading.. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2004; 287(2):E282-8.
- Ducomps C, Larrouy D, Mairal A, Doutreloux JP, Lebas F, Mauriège P. Effects of jump training on procollagen alpha(1)(i) m RNA expression and its relationship with muscle collagen concentration.. Can J Appl Physiol 2004; 29(2):157-71.
- Couillard C, Mauriège P, Prud'homme D, Nadeau A, Tremblay A, Bouchard C, Després JP. Plasma leptin response to an epinephrine infusion in lean and obese women. Obes Res 2002; 10(1):6-13.
- Doucet E, Imbeault P, St-Pierre S, Alméras N, Mauriège P, Després JP, Bouchard C, Tremblay A. Greater than predicted decrease in energy expenditure during exercise after body weight loss in obese men.. Clin Sci (Lond) 2003; 105(1):89-95.
- Radeau T, Lebel M, Houde I, Larivière R, Mauriège P, Kingma I, Lachance JG, Noël R, Després JP, Bergeron J. Endothelin-1 levels and cardiovascular risk factors in renal transplant patients.. Clin Biochem 2004; 37(12):1072-8.
- Côté M, Mauriège P, Bergeron J, Alméras N, Tremblay A, Lemieux I, Després JP. Adiponectinemia in visceral obesity: impact on glucose tolerance and plasma lipoprotein and lipid levels in men.. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2005; 90(3):1434-9.
- St-Pierre AC, Cantin B, Dagenais GR, Mauriège P, Bernard PM, Després JP, Lamarche B. Low-density lipoprotein subfractions and the long-term risk of ischemic heart disease in men: 13-year follow-up data from the Québec Cardiovascular Study.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2005; 25(3):553-9.
- Berthier MT, Houde A, Côté M, Paradis AM, Mauriège P, Bergeron J, Gaudet D, Després JP, Vohl MC. Impact of adiponectin gene polymorphisms on plasma lipoprotein and adiponectin concentrations of viscerally obese men.. J Lipid Res 2005; 46(2):237-44.
- St-Pierre A, Cantin B, Dagenais GR, Mauriège P, Després J-P, Lamarche B. The triglyceride/high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio, the small dense low density lipoprotein phenotype and ischemic heart disease risk.. Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders 2004; 2(0):57-64.
- St-Pierre AC, Cantin B, Mauriège P, Bergeron J, Dagenais GR, Després JP, Lamarche B. Insulin resistance syndrome, body mass index and the risk of ischemic heart disease.. CMAJ 2005; 172(10):1301-5.
- Poirier P, Lemieux I, Mauriège P, Dewailly E, Blanchet C, Bergeron J, Després JP. Impact of waist circumference on the relationship between blood pressure and insulin: the Quebec Health Survey.. Hypertension 2005; 45(3):363-7.
- Bouchard L, Mauriège P, Vohl MC, Bouchard C, Pérusse L. Plasminogen-activator inhibitor-1 polymorphisms are associated with obesity and fat distribution in the Quebec Family Study: evidence of interactions with menopause.. Menopause 2005; 12(2):136-43.
- Drapeau V, Lemieux I, Richard D, Bergeron J, Tremblay A, Biron S, Marceau P, Mauriège P. Metabolic profile in severely obese women is less deteriorated than expected when compared to moderately obese women.. Obes Surg 2006; 16(4):501-9.
- Lemieux I, Drapeau V, Richard D, Bergeron J, Marceau P, Biron S, Mauriège P. Waist girth does not predict metabolic complications in severely obese men.. Diabetes Care 2006; 29(6):1417-9.
- Lemoine S, Roggero JL, Gonzales E, Joffroy S, Garnier S, Mauriège P. Évolution de l'adiposité et de la condition physique chez des adolescent(e)s obèses soumis à un programme d'activité physique et de ré-éducation nutritionnelle.. Sciences & Sports 2005; 20(5):279-85.
- Fortier M, Soni K, Laurin N, Wang SP, Mauriège P, Jirik FR, Mitchell GA. Human hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL): expression in white fat corrects the white adipose phenotype of HSL-deficient mice.. J Lipid Res 2005; 46(9):1860-7.
- Lemoine S, Rossell N, Drapeau V, Poulain M, Garnier S, Sanguignol F, Mauriège P. Effect of weight reduction on quality of life and eating behaviors in obese women.. Menopause 2007; 14(0):1-9.
- Drapeau V, Lemieux I, Richard D, Bergeron J, Tremblay A, Biron S, Marceau P, Mauriège P. Waist circumference is useless to assess the prevalence of metabolic abnormalities in severly obese women.. Obes Surg 2007; 17(7):905-9.
- Riesco E, Gardes A, Rossel N, Garnier S, Mauriège P. Infuence du degré d'obésité et de l'âge sur la condition physique, les capacités fonctionnelles et les comportements alimentaires chez les femmes préménopausées.. Sci Sports 2007; 22(0):143-8.
- Riesco E, Roussel M, Lemoine S, Garnier S, Sanguignol F, Mauriège P. What is the influence of menopausal status on metabolic profile, eating behaviors, and perceived health of obese women after weight reduction?. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2008; 33(5):957-65.
- Roussel M, Garnier S, Lemoine S, Gaubert I, Charbonnier L, Auneau G, Mauriège P. Influence of a walking program on the metabolic risk profile of obese postmenopausal women.. Menopause 2009; 16(3):566-75.
- Atgié C, Hadj-Sassi A, Bukowiecki LJ, Mauriège P. High lipolytic activity and dyslipidemia in a spontaneous hypertensive/NIH corpulent (SHR/N-cp) rat: a genetic model of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.. J Physiol Biochem 2009; 65(1):33-41.
- Mauriège P, Gaubert I, Garnier S, Auneau G. Marche active et syndrome métabolique : étude d'impact chez la femme ménopausée.. Nutrition et endocrinologie 2009; 7(42):175-8.
- Riesco E, Garnier S, Auneau G, Mauriège P. La marche : un atout santé a quotidien.. Nutrition et endocrinologie 2009; 7(42):179.
- Riesco E, Vallée K, Tessier S, Mauriège P. Impact de l'activité physique seule ou associée à une diète sur le syndrome métabolique chez la femme ménopausée.. Obésité 2008; 3(0):177-83.
- Riesco E, Rossel N, Rusques C, Mirepoix M, Drapeau V, Sanguignol F, Mauriège P. Impact of Weight Reduction on Eating Behaviors and Quality of Life: Influence of the Obesity Degree.. Obes Facts 2009; 2(2):87-95.
- Bouchard L, Vohl MC, Lebel S, Hould FS, Marceau P, Bergeron J, Pérusse L, Mauriège P. Contribution of genetic and metabolic syndrome to omental adipose tissue PAI-1 gene mRNA and plasma levels in obesity.. Obes Surg 2010; 20(4):492-9.
- Riesco E, Tessier S, Pérusse F, Turgeon S, Tremblay A, Weisnagel J, Doré J, Mauriège P. Impact of walking on eating behaviors and quality of life of premenopausal and early postmenopausal obese women.. Menopause 2010; 17(3):529-38.
- Tessier S, Riesco E, Lacaille M, Pérusse F, Weisnagel J, Doré J, Mauriège P. Impact of walking on adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase activity and expression in pre- and postmenopausal women.. Obes Facts 2010; 3(3):191-9.
- Duarte Freitas P, Haida A, Bousquet M, Richard L, Mauriège P, Guiraud T. Short-term impact of a 4-week intensive cardiac rehabilitation program on quality of life and anxiety-depression.. Ann Phys Rehabil Med 2011; 54(3):132-43.
- Guauque-Olarte S, Gaudreault N, Piché ME, Fournier D, Mauriège P, Mathieu P, Bossé Y. The transcriptome of human epicardial, mediastinal and subcutaneous adipose tissues in men with coronary artery disease.. PLoS One 2011; 6(5):e19908.
- Caspar-Bauguil S, Fioroni A, Galinier A, Allenbach S, Pujol MC, Salvayre R, Cartier A, Lemieux I, Richard D, Biron S, Marceau P, Casteilla L, Pénicaud L, Mauriège P. Pro-inflammatory Phospholipid Arachidonic Acid/Eicosapentaenoic Acid Ratio of Dysmetabolic Severely Obese Women.. Obes Surg 2012; 22(6):935-44.
- Riesco E, Tessier S, Lacaille M, Pérusse F, Côté M, Després JP, Bergeron J, Weisnagel JS, Doré J, Mauriège P.. Impact of a moderate-intensity walking program on cardiometabolic risk markers in overweight to obese women: is there any influence of menopause?. Menopause 2013; 20(2):185-193.
- Garnier S, Gaubert I, Joffroy S, Auneau G, Mauriège P. Impact of brisk walking on perceived health evaluated by a novel short questionnaire in sedentary and moderately obese postmenopausal women.. Menopause 2013; 20(8):804-12.
- Mauriège P, Imbeault P, Doucet E, Lacaille M, Langin D, Alméras N, Després JP, Tremblay A. Weight loss and regain in obese individuals: a link with adipose tissue metabolism indices?. J Physiol Biochem 2013; 69(3):497-505.
- Dalzill C, Nigam A, Juneau M, Guilbeault V, Latour E, Mauriège P, Gayda M. Intensive lifestyle intervention improves cardiometabolic and exercise parameters in metabolically healthy obese and metabolically unhealthy obese individuals.. Can J Cardiol 2014; 30(4):434-40.
- Barbat-Artigas S, Garnier S, Joffroy S, Riesco E, Sanguignol F, Vellas B, Rolland Y, Andrieu S, Aubertin-Leheudre M, Mauriège P. Caloric restriction and aerobic exercise in sarcopenic and non sarcopenic obese women. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle 2015; 0(0):Epub.
- Garnier S, Joffroy S, Gaubert F, Sanguignol F, Auneau G, Guiraud T, Mauriège P. Is practice rate rather than exercise intensity more important in health benefits of moderately obese postmenopausal women?. Ann Phys Rehabil Med 2015; 58(3):119-25.
- Garnier S, Vallée K, Lemoine-Morel S, Joffroy S, Drapeau V, Tremblay A, Auneau G, Mauriège P. Food group preferences and energy balance in moderately obese postmenopausal women subjected to brisk walking program. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2015; 40(7):741-8.
- Huth C, Dubois MJ, Marette A, Tremblay A, Weisnagel SJ, Lacaille M, Mauriège P, Joanisse DR.. Irisin is more strongly predicted by muscle oxidative potential than adiposity in non-diabetic men.. J Physiol Biochem 2015; 71(3):559-68.
- Mauriège P, Joanisse DR, CasparBauguil S, Cartier A, Lemieux I, Bergeron J, Biron S, Marceau P, Richard D. Gene expression of different adipose tissues of severely obese women with or without a dysmetabolic profile.. J Physiol Biochem 2015; 71(4):719-32.
- Mauriège P, Joanisse DR, Cartier A, Lemieux I, Bergeron J, Biron S, Marceau P, Richard D.. Gene expression in a rarely studied intraabdominal adipose depot, the round ligament, in severely obese women: A pilot study.. Adipocyte 2015; 5(1):27-34.
- Huth C, Pigeon É, Riou MÈ, St-Onge J, Arguin H, Couillard E, Dubois MJ, Marette A, Tremblay A, Weisnagel SJ, Lacaille M, Mauriège P, Joanisse DR. Fitness, adiposopathy, and adiposity are independent predictors of insulin sensitivity in middle-aged men without diabetes.. J Physiol Biochem 2016; 72(3):435-44.
- Carpéné C, Les F, Hasnaoui M, Biron S, Marceau P, Richard D, Galitzky J, Joanisse DR, Mauriège P. Anatomical distribution of primary amine oxidase activity in four adipose depots and plasma of severely obese women with or without a dysmetabolic profile.. J Physiol Biochem 2016; 0(0):Epub.
- Les F, Deleruyelle S, Cassagnes LE, Boutin JA, Balogh B, Arbones-Mainar JM, Biron S, Marceau P, Richard D, Nepveu F, Mauriège P, Carpéné C. Piceatannol and resveratrol share inhibitory effects on hydrogen peroxide release, monoamine oxidase and lipogenic activities in adipose tissue, but differ in their antilipolytic properties.. Chem Biol Interact 2016; 258(0):115-25.
- Mauriège P, Joanisse DR, Cartier A, Lemieux I, Bergeron J, Biron S, Marceau P, Richard D. Gene expression in a rarely studied intraabdominal adipose depot, the round ligament, in severely obese women: A pilot study.. Adipocyte 2016; 5(1):27-34.
- Jabbour G, Mauriege P, Joanisse D, Iancu HD. Effect of supramaximal exercise training on metabolic outcomes in obese adults.. J Sports Sci 2016; 15(0):1-7.
- Barbat-Artigas S, Garnier S, Joffroy S, Riesco É, Sanguignol F, Vellas B, Rolland Y, Andrieu S, Aubertin-Leheudre M, Mauriège P. Caloric restriction and aerobic exercise in sarcopenic and non-sarcopenic obese women: an observational and retrospective study.. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle 2016; 7(3):284-9.
- Jabbour G, Iancu HD, Mauriège P, Joanisse DR, Martin LJ. High-intensity interval training improves performance in young and older individuals by increasing mechanical efficiency.. Physiol Rep 2017; 5(7):13232.
- Jabbour G, Mauriege P, Joanisse D, Iancu HD. Effect of supramaximal exercise training on metabolic outcomes in obese adults.. J Sports Sci 2017; 35(20):1975-1981.
- Jabbour G, Iancu HD, Zouhal H, Mauriège P, Joanisse DR, Martin LJ. High-intensity interval training improves acute plasma volume responses to exercise that is age dependent.. Physiol Rep 2018; 6(4):e13609.
- Clément AA, Riesco E, Tessier S, Lacaille M, Pérusse F, Coté M, Després JP, Weisnagel J, Doré J, Joanisse DR, Mauriège P.. The relationship between adiposopathy and glucose-insulin homeostasis is not affected by moderate-intensity aerobic training in healthy women with obesity.. J Physiol Biochem 2018; 74(4):591-601.
- Clément AA, Joanisse DR, Mauriège P. Le phénotype d'obésité sans anomalies métaboliques: un état transitoire?. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2018; 13(0):17-26.
- Desmarais F, Bergeron KF, Lacaille M, Lemieux I, Bergeron J, Biron S, Rassart E, Joanisse DR, Mauriege P, Mounier C. High ApoD protein level in the round ligament fat depot of severely obese women is associated with an improved inflammatory profile.. Endocrine 2018; 61(2):248-257.
- Garnier S, Joffroy S, Hérédia C, Joanisse DR, Mauriège P.. Comparison of health benefits between a high intensity interval training and a moderate intensity continuous training when performed in a non-laboratory setting, in moderately obese women.. Int J Phys Educ Fitness Sports 2018; 7(2):43-56.
- Carpéné C, Mauriège P, Boulet N, Biron S, Grolleau JL, Garcia-Barrado MJ, Iglesias-Osma MC. Methylamine Activates Glucose Uptake in Human Adipocytes Without Overpassing Action of Insulin or Stimulating its Secretion in Pancreatic Islets.. Medicines (Basel) 2019; 6(3):E89.
- Mauriège P, Karelis AD, Taleb N, Clément AA, Joanisse DR. Comparing an adiposopathy approach with four popular classifications schemes to categorize the metabolic profile of postmenopausal women.. J Physiol Biochem 2020; 76(4):609-622.
- Jargaud V, Bour S, Tercé F, Collet X, Valet P, Bouloumié A, Guillemot JC, Mauriège P, Jalkanen S, Stolen C, Salmi M, Smith DJ, Carpéné C. Obesity of mice lacking VAP-1/SSAO by Aoc3 gene deletion is reproduced in mice expressing a mutated vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) devoid of amine oxidase activity.. J Physiol Biochem 2021; 77(1):141-154.
- Paradis-Deschênes P, Joanisse DR, Mauriège P, Billaut F. Ischemic Preconditioning Enhances Aerobic Adaptations to Sprint-Interval Training in Athletes Without Altering Systemic Hypoxic Signaling and Immune Function.. Front Sports Act Living 2020; 2(0):41.
- Clément AA, Lacaille M, Lounis MA, Biertho LD, Richard D, Lemieux I, Bergeron J, Mounier C, Joanisse DR, Mauriège P. Intra-abdominal adipose depot variation in adipogenesis, lipogenesis, angiogenesis, and fibrosis gene expression and relationships with insulin resistance and inflammation in premenopausal women with severe obesity.. J Physiol Biochem 2022; 78(2):527-542.
- Marcangeli V, Youssef L, Dulac M, Carvalho LP, Hajj-Boutros G, Reynaud O, Guegan B, Buckinx F, Gaudreau P, Morais JA, Mauriège P, Noirez P, Aubertin-Leheudre M, Gouspillou G. Impact of high-intensity interval training with or without l-citrulline on physical performance, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue in obese older adults.. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle 2022; 13(3):1526-1540.
- Youssef L, Granet J, Marcangeli V, Dulac M, Hajj-Boutros G, Reynaud O, Buckinx F, Gaudreau P, Morais JA, Mauriège P, Gouspillou G, Noirez P, Aubertin-Leheudre M. Clinical and Biological Adaptations in Obese Older Adults Following 12-Weeks of High-Intensity Interval Training or Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training.. Healthcare (Basel) 2022; 10(7):1346.
- Tremblay EJ, Tchernof A, Pelletier M, Chabot N, Joanisse DR, Mauriège P. Contribution of markers of adiposopathy and adipose cell size in predicting insulin resistance in women of varying age and adiposity.. Adipocyte 2022; 11(1):175-189.
- Peyrel P, Mauriège P, Frenette J, Laflamme N, Greffard K, Huth C, Bergeron J, Joanisse DR.. Statin withdrawal and health-related quality of life in a primary cardiovascular prevention cohort.. Qual Life Res 2023; 32(7):1943-1954.
- Peyrel P, Mauriège P, Frenette J, Laflamme N, Greffard K, Dufresne SS, Huth C, Bergeron J, Joanisse DR. Impact of statin withdrawal on perceived and objective muscle function.. PLoS One 2023; 18(6):e0281178.
- Tremblay EJ, Tchernof A, Pelletier M, Joanisse DR, Mauriège P. Plasma adiponectin/leptin ratio associates with subcutaneous abdominal and omental adipose tissue characteristics in women.. BMC Endocr Disord 2024; 24(1):39.
- Tremblay EJ, Peyrel P, Karelis AD, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Tchernof A, Joanisse DR, Mauriège P. Resistance training and cardiometabolic risk in women with metabolically healthy and unhealthy obesity.. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab 2024; 49(8):1068-1082.
- Peyrel P, Mauriège P, Frenette J, Laflamme N, Greffard K, Dufresne SS, Huth C, Bergeron J, Joanisse DR. No benefit of vitamin D supplementation on muscle function and health-related quality of life in primary cardiovascular prevention patients with statin-associated muscle symptoms: A randomized controlled trial.. J Clin Lipidol 2024; 18(2):e269-e284.
- Peyrel P, Mauriège P, Frenette J, Bergeron J, Joanisse DR. [Statin-associated muscle symptoms : performance and quality of life].. Rev Med Suisse 2024; 20(889):1772-1778.