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- Dr Sylvain Trahan

23- Côté N, Mahmut A, Fournier D, Boulanger MC, Couture C, Després JP, Trahan S, Bossé Y, Pagé S, Pibarot P, Mathieu P. Angiotensin receptor blockers are associated with reduced fibrosis and interleukin-6 expression in calcific aortic valve disease.. Pathobiology 2014; 81(1):15-24.
- Berthelot-Richer M, O'Connor K, Bernier M, Trahan S, Couture C, Dubois M, Sénéchal M. When Should We Consider the Diagnosis of Giant Cell Myocarditis? Revisiting "Classic" Echocardiographic and Clinical Features of This Rare Pathology.. Exp Clin Transplant 2014; 12(6):565-8.
- Clavel MA, Côté N, Mathieu P, Dumesnil JG, Audet A, Pépin A, Couture C, Fournier D, Trahan S, Pagé S, Pibarot P. Paradoxical low-flow, low-gradient aortic stenosis despite preserved left ventricular ejection fraction: new insights from weights of operatively excised aortic valves.. Eur Heart J 2014; 35(38):2655-62.
- Bouchareb R, Mahmut A, Nsaibia MJ, Boulanger MC, Dahou A, Lépine JL, Laflamme MH, Hadji F, Couture C, Trahan S, Pagé S, Bossé Y, Pibarot P, Scipione CA, Romagnuolo R, Koschinsky ML, Arsenault BJ, Marette A, Mathieu P. Autotaxin Derived From Lipoprotein(a) and Valve Interstitial Cells Promotes Inflammation and Mineralization of the Aortic Valve.. Circulation 2015; 132(8):677-90.
- Bossé Y, Sazonova O, Gaudreault N, Bastien N, Conti M, Pagé S, Trahan S, Couture C, Joubert P. Transcriptomic Microenvironment of Lung Adenocarcinoma.. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2017; 26(3):389-396.
- Simard L, Côté N, Dagenais F, Mathieu P, Couture C, Trahan S, Bossé Y, Mohammadi S, Pagé S, Joubert P, Clavel MA. Sex-Related Discordance Between Aortic Valve Calcification and Hemodynamic Severity of Aortic Stenosis: Is Valvular Fibrosis the Explanation?. Circ Res 2017; 120(4):681-691.
- Gagné A, Racine É, Orain M, Meziou S, Simard S, Couture C, Pagé S, Trahan S, Ugalde Figueroa PA, Lacasse Y, Joubert D, Joubert P. Identification of Grossing Criteria for Intraoperative Evaluation by Frozen Section of Lung Cancer Resection Margins.. Am J Surg Pathol 2018; 42(11):1495-1502.
- Laflamme P, Vaucher J, Turmel-Roy J, Orain M, Sazonova O, Bertrand OF, Dagenais F, Couture C, Pagé S, Trahan S, Bilodeau S, Joubert P. Coronary artery fixation at iso-arterial pressure: impacts on histologic evaluation and clinical management.. Cardiovasc Pathol 2019; 43(0):107141.
- Gagné A, Wang E, Bastien N, Orain M, Desmeules P, Pagé S, Trahan S, Couture C, Joubert D, Joubert P. Impact of Specimen Characteristics on PD-L1 Testing in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Validation of the IASLC PD-L1 Testing Recommendations.. J Thorac Oncol 2019; 14(12):2062-2070.
- Laflamme P, Mansoori BK, Sazanova O, Orain M, Couture C, Simard S, Trahan S, Manem V, Joubert P. Phospho-histone-H3 immunostaining for pulmonary carcinoids: impact on clinical appraisal, interobserver correlation, and diagnostic processing efficiency.. Hum Pathol 2020; 106(0):74-81.
- Turgeon PY, Massot M, Beaupré F, Belzile D, Beaudoin J, Bernier M, Bourgault C, Germain V, Laliberté C, Morin J, Gervais P, Trahan S, Charbonneau É, Dagenais F, Sénéchal M. Effect of Acute Immunosuppression on Left Ventricular Recovery and Mortality in Fulminant Viral Myocarditis: A Case Series and Review of Literature.. CJC Open 2021; 3(3):292-302.
- Belzile D, Turgeon PY, Leblanc E, Massot M, Bourgault C, Morin J, Dupuis C, Bilodeau M, Laflamme M, Charbonneau E, Trahan S, Pagé S, Joubert P, Couture C, Sénéchal M. Non-invasive diagnostic imaging tests largely underdiagnose cardiac cirrhosis in patients undergoing advanced therapy evaluation: How can we identify the high-risk patient?. Clin Transplant 2021; 35(6):e14277.
- Laurin C, Claveau J, Trahan S, Gagnon LP, Kalavrouziotis D, Perron J. Asymptomatic Left Ventricular Malignant Psammomatous Melanotic Schwannoma.. CJC Open 2021; 3(7):976-980.
- Grenier-Larouche T, Coulter Kwee L, Deleye Y, Leon-Mimila P, Walejko JM, McGarrah RW, Marceau S, Trahan S, Racine C, Carpentier AC, Lusis AJ, Ilkayeva O, Vohl MC, Huertas-Vazquez A, Tchernof A, Shah SH, Newgard CB, White PJ. Altered branched-chain a-keto acid metabolism is a feature of NAFLD in individuals with severe obesity.. JCI Insight 2022; 7(15):e159204.
- Olmos CV, Trahan S, Rochon A, Ducharme A. Cas grave de myocardite après vaccination anti-SRAS-CoV-2 chez une femme de 49 ans.. CMAJ 2022; 194(27):E954-E957.
- Olmos CV, Trahan S, Rochon A, Ducharme A. Severe myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in a 49-year-old woman.. CMAJ 2022; 194(16):E581-E584.
- Mai V, Trahan S, Pagé S, Simon M, Labbé C.. Severe hyponatremia due to paraneoplastic syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion in non-small cell lung carcinoma transforming to small cell lung carcinoma during treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitor.. Curr Probl Cancer Case Rep 2021; 4(0):100125.
- Bossé Y, Gagné A, Althakfi WA, Orain M, Couture C, Trahan S, Pagé S, Joubert D, Fiset PO, Desmeules P, Joubert J.. A Simplified Version of the IASLC Grading System for Invasive Pulmonary Adenocarcinomas With Improved Prognosis Discrimination.. Am J Surg Pathol 2023; 47(6):686-693.
- Fortin M, Liberman M, Delage A, Dion G, Martel S, Rolland F, Soumagne T, Trahan S, Assayagh D, Albert E, Kelly MM, Johannson KA, Guenther Z, Leduc C, Manganas H, Prenovault J, Provencher S.. Transbronchial Lung Cryobiopsy and SurgicAl LuNg Biopsy: A Prospective MultI-CEntre Agreement Study (CAN-ICE).. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2023; 207(12):1612-1619.
- Rimac G, Poulakos N, Beaulieu-Shearer A, Dupuis C, Beaudoin J, Lemay S, Lalancette JS, Trahan S, Racine HP, Steinberg C, Sénéchal M, Turgeon PY. Clinical and echocardiographic evolution of patients with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy before heart transplantation.. Clin Transplant 2023; 37(2):e14869.
- Carter-Storch R, Le Nezet E, Ali M, Powers A, Haujir A, Demers K, Couture C, Dumont É, Trahan S, Pagé S, Dagenais F, Pibarot P, Dahl JS, Clavel MA. Angiotensin II receptor blockers are associated with reduced valvular fibrosis in females with aortic stenosis.. Can J Cardiol 2024; 40(9):1690-1699.
- Yu B, Poulakos N, Beaulieu-Shearer A, Turgeon PY, Trahan S, Belzile D, Sénéchal M. Young patient presenting with cardiogenic shock and refractory ventricular tachycardia: a case of unsuspected arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy leading to urgent heart transplantation.. Am J Cardiovasc Dis 2024; 14(2):121-127.
- Kordahi M, Gagné A, Abolfathi H, Orain M, Couture C, Desmeules P, Trahan S, Pagé S, Vaucher J, Nicodème F, Conti M, Ugalde Figueroa P, Laliberté AS, Lamaze FC, Bossé Y, Joubert P. Impact of Implementing a Grossing Tumor-margin Distance Threshold for Frozen Section in Oncologic Lung Surgery.. Am J Surg Pathol 2025; 49(2):169-175.